- Published / Created:
- [18 March 1790]
- Call Number:
- Drawer 790.03.18.01
- Image Count:
- 1
- Resource Type:
- still image
- Abstract:
- "design in two strips, one headed the intention, the other (below), the fact. Each strip is divided into three compartments of unequal width. [1] Two councils sit, each round a circular table. On the left is 'An Infernal Council'. The Devil, irradiated, presides at a meeting of six demons. He says "Such is the Plan Now choose your Parts". The three on his right hand say (right to left): "Blasphemy Atheism & P-----st-----y [Priestley] are mine. I will assist B--r--g--n [? Barrington] F-----zh------t [Fitzherbert] & the Catholicks in their Bigotry & Ambition. And I Pr------e [Price] & such as are full of Disaffection & Treason". The three on the Devil's left say (right to left): "I will patronize L--ns--y [Lindsey] Speciousness Low Cunning. &c. I will help K-----p------s [Kippis] &c. to furnish the press with suitable Trash. And I will be at hand to assist whenever I am Wanted." The other conclave is 'A Nocturnal Council'. A monk and six ministers sit round a table. A minister resembling Price says, "A Republick is the best Form of Government". On his left is the monk, who says, "All religious Establishment is absurd, (aside) except Popery". On Price's right, and in profile to the left, is Priestley, saying, "And thus we will lay Gun Powder Grain by Grain till we blow up the Constitution". Lindsey, on the extreme right, says, "We must become Bad Citizens before they will grant us the Privileges of good Ones". The other three, who are in back view, say respectively: "We must propose a Test to the Candidates; Meanwhile we must send a Deputation to other Ministers"; and "We must promise Fox our Support at the next general Election". Priestley wrote that he was assisted by friends of the hierarchy in the 'disposition of grains of gunpowder' which would certainly blow it up. 'Letters to the rightev. Edward Burn'. This was quoted by Burke in the debate. 'Parl. Hist.', xxviii. 438. (Cf. BMSat 7632, &c.) But it appears that he quoted from a printed extract circulated with misleading omissions. See 'An Arranged Catalogue of the several Publications . . .' 1790, p. 30 n. (B.M.L. 126, i. g.). The dissenters had agreed to resolutions declaring that at the (pending) general election they would support only men 'Well affected to the cause of civil and religious liberty'. This Pitt denounced as the imposition of a test. 'Parl. Hist.', xxviii. 408-9; see also p. 444. See BMSat 7630. [2] The next design is 'The Deputation Rejected'. A man (left), hat in hand, approaches four ministers wearing bands and three-cornered hats, who turn away from him; their spokesman says: "We plainly perceive that Popery and Infidelity will be the Result of your Measures - therefore - we will not join you." They are probably Methodists. [3] The third design is 'A Future K-----g & Q------n at their Devotion'. A king and queen wearing crowns and royal robes kneel at a console table supported by a harpy, which serves as altar (right). On it is a crucifix, above it hangs a half length portrait of a Pope. Burke in monastic robes (cf. BMSat 6026) enters through a door (left), saying, "Lord now lettest thou thy Servant depart in peace . . for mine Eyes have seen thy Salvation." The king and queen do not appear to be portraits (though probably intended for the Prince of Wales and Mrs. Fitzherbert). Burke, who had absented himself from the House during the debates on repeal of 1787 and 1788, voted against the motion. [4] In the lower strip the first design is 'The Mortifying Report'. Fox (left) holds out to four men standing behind a circular table a large placard inscribed: 'For the Repeal 105 Against It 294 Majority 189' (they are the chief members of the 'Nocturnal Council' above): the monk says "It is our determination never to Rest until we enjoy Civil and Military Power". Stanhope says "I am now resolved to try it in our House". Price, raising his fist, says, "Nothing will be done for us 'till some great Calamity again Alarm our fears, or some great abuse of Power provoke our Resentment". Priestley says: "The Conversion of S--l--s D------n to Atheism was but an Introduction to what I intended to do on ye Repeal". For Silas Deane see BMSats 6288, 6303. He died suddenly, 23 Sept. 1789, 'having ruined himself and family, and deranged France and America with the charming words, Liberty, Constitution and Rights'. 'Gent. Mag.' 1789, p. 867. [5] 'The Death bed Avowal of S--l--s D------e*' A man lies in a large four-post bed; a parson wearing a surplice stands behind it, his hands raised in horror, saying, "No God! who taught you that Doctrine?" He answers "Dr P------s-----y. *The Particulars of this awful & interesting Conversion to Atheism may be seen in a Pamphlet entitled Theodosius, & sold with or without the Print" (marginal note). Deane died on board the Boston packet in the Downs, having intended to visit Canada. In 'Theodosius' is related a supposed conversation and dying confession of Silas Deane. This was quoted in the 'Gent. Mag.' 1790, p. 383 (May) with a contradiction by Priestley, ibid., pp. 384, 385, who stated that he had never had any conversation on religion with Deane. For Priestley and death cf. BMSats 5644, 7892. [6] The last scene is 'FINIS'. A swarm of flying demons with webbed wings drag, by threads attached to their noses, the seven members of the 'Nocturnal Council' towards the flames of Hell (right). One says to Price, the foremost, "Come along most learned Doctor I have always led you by the Nose - so dont mind it now". Another says, "I fear they will set H------l in an Uproar". Three others say respectively: "How the Dogs Quarrel, they'll get to fighting soon"; "Here comes the precious Set, & a fine parcel of Divinity it is"; and "They are such seditious Rascals, they will strive to overturn Our Government". On the extreme left a seventh demon kicks the rearmost (Priestley), saying, "Get along Joey 'tis too late to recant Now besides we love you too well to part with you". Priestley says "O! S-----s D------n! [Silas Deane] Oh Mercy! Pardon! I recant I recant". The next two turn round furiously towards Priestley, saying, "Dog! I'll ease my Tortures by tormenting You", and, "Blasphemous Villain! Your Curs'd Sophistry brought me here." The next two say "Oh Conscience! Horror! - Miserable Wretch!" and "Oh H-----l! H------l! hide me from myself". The monk says to Price, who is the leader of the group, "Curse your Republican Cant - you have ruined the Cause". Price answers, "No - tis admitting ye Whore of Babilon into ye Confediracy have undone us.""--British Museum online catalogue
- Description:
- Title from caption below images., Publisher's advertisement following imprint: Where may be seen the compleatest collection of comick & satirical prints in the kingdom. Admittance one shilling., Two lines of text below title: This print is humbly dedicated to the Church of England & to the great body of worthy dissenters who refused to join ..., Design consists of six captioned panels in two horizontal strips, the upper strip entitled "The intention" and the lower strip entitled "The fact.", Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Temporary local subject terms: Sedition -- Furniture: Bed -- Acts: Reference to the repeal of the Test and Corporation Acts, March 2, 1790 -- Clergy: Monk -- Popery -- Pictures amplifying subject -- Mythology: Harpies -- Altars -- Crucifixes -- Votes on the repeal of the Test and Corporation Acts -- Horace Walpole refers to subject., and Watermark: J. Whatman.
- Publisher:
- Pubd. March 18, 1790, by S.W. Fores, No. 3 Piccadilly
- Subject (Name):
- Priestly, Joseph 1733-1804, Fitzherbert, Maria Anne, 1756-1837, Price, Richard, 1723-1791, Lindsey, Theophilus, 1723-1808, Kippis, Andrew, 1725-1795, Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806, Burke, Edmund, 1729-1797, Deane, Silas, 1737-1789, and Rees, Abraham, 1743-1825
- Found in:
- Lewis Walpole Library > Sedition and atheism defeated [graphic].