Title from text below image., Date of publication from unverified data in local card catalog record., and Two lines of text below title: Particularly recommended to gentlemen intending to take an early standing place in the streets ...
William Spooner, 377, Strand
Subject (Topic):
Inventions, Nails & spikes, Umbrellas, Drinking vessels, and Pipes (Smoking)
A woman with a caricatured face looks up at a bell above the piano that she is playing; the shelf under the piano and above on the wall is filled with dishes, pots and pans, a grill, and a kettle; to the side is a pail with a mop. On the piano lid is a bottle, suggesting the reason for her red nose
Title from text below image., Date of publication from unverified data in local card catalog record., and Four lines of verse below title: Wake dearest, wake and again united we'll rove to yonder tree, Isabelle, Isabelle, tis the Belle. I wish it would stop till to morroooo, Cus the bell, cus the bell, cus the bell.
Title from text above image., A broadside., Date of publication from unverified data in local card catalog record., Lithographic image with accompanying text in letterpress below., Letterpress text below image begins: Frens, and fellow niggers, lend me your ears. Shakemsper ..., and Text in upper right corner of sheet: Nos. 1 to 8 now ready.
Follit's "City Repository of Arts," Sporting Gallery and Cheap Picture Frame Manufactory, 63, Fleet Street, corner of Bouverie Street
Title from text above image., Date of publication from unverified data in local card catalog record., Lithographic image with accompanying text in letterpress below, on a broadside., Letterpress text below image begins: "Fe, fi, fo, fum, me smell de blood ob de working man ...", and Text in upper right corner of sheet, following series statement: To be continued.
Published at Follitt's, City Repository of Arts, and Cheap Picture Frame Manufactory, 63, Fleet Street
Title from text above image., Date of publication from unverified data in local card catalog record., Lithographic image with accompanying text in letterpress below, on a broadside., Letterpress text below image begins: Niggars all dat got disarning, listen to de woice ob larning ..., and Text in upper right corner of sheet, following series statement: To be continued.
Published at Follit's, City Repository of Arts, and Cheap Picture Frame Manufactory, 63, Fleet Street
Title from text above image., Publisher from other prints in the series., Date of publication from unverified data in local card catalog record., Description based on imperfect impression; sheet trimmed on lower edge with loss of imprint., Lithographic image with accompanying text in letterpress below, on a broadside., Letterpress text below image begins: Belobed blacks, me 'tend to gib you good dressing dis night, on de' portent subject ob currency ..., and Text in upper right corner of sheet, following series statement: To be continued.
Follit's and L'Enfant Bros. lith., 12 Rathbone Pl.
Title from text above image., Date of publication from unverified data in local card catalog record., Lithographic image with accompanying text in letterpress below, on a broadside., Letterpress text below image begins: "Broder blacks an lubbers ob science," as me always like to begin wid de beginin ..., and Text in upper right corner of sheet, following series statement: To be continued.
Published at Wm. Follit's Old Established Economic Carving and Gilding Establishment, 63, Fleet Street
Racist image showing a Black man delivering a lecture, standing in front of a large image, with a bust of a Black man with a label "Julius Caesar". With text using dialect
Title from text above image., Date of publication from unverified data in local card catalog record., Lithographic image with accompanying text in letterpress below, on a broadside., Letterpress text below image begins: Genelem ob colour, on gibbin' some account ob de Roman inwasion ..., and Text in upper right corner of sheet, following series statement: To be continued.
Published at Wm. Follit's Old Established Economic Carving and Gilding Establishment, 63, Fleet Street
Title from text above image., Date of publication from unverified data in local card catalog record., Lithographic image with accompanying text in letterpress below, on a broadside., Letterpress text below image begins: Still so gently o'er me stealing, memory will bring back de feeling ..., and Text in upper right corner of sheet: To complete the series.
Published at Wm. Follit's Old Established Economic Carving and Gilding Establishment, 63, Fleet Street