A satire on both the work of Georges-Louis Leclerc, count de Buffon, and his famous Histoire naturelle, générale et particulière as well as the women's fashion of dressing their hair in a high pyramid shape topped with ornate feathers
Alternative Title:
Male and female of a particular biped species, accurately described by Buffon in his History of Naturals
Title etched below image., Signed in lower left corner with the monogram "IS"., and Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum.
publisher not identified
Subject (Name):
Buffon, Georges Louis Leclerc, comte de, 1707-1788.
Three caricatured women, with mountainous and feathered headdresses sit, feet in the air and hands clasped under their kness, floating down the Thames under the arches of a bridge, on their cork rumps. They are floating towards our right. At the extreme left three heads are blowing the wind that makes the ladies float. Five little ducks also appear in the lower left corner. This print may refer to the regatta at Richmond
Title from item., Initial letters of publisher's name in imprint form a monogram., Three lines of text below title: 1 Prize. an entire new WIG, completely furnished with curls, cushion, feathers && and free admittance to all public amusements. 2 prize. a new pair of CORKS..., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., and Temporary local subject terms: Headdress: female, 1776 -- Female costume: cork rump -- Birds: swans -- Regattas -- Arches of London bridge -- Winds.
A very fat woman on the left of the print faces her very thin counterpart on the right, in a room where long shadows indicate the morning hour. Both ladies wear the style of hat known as a calash (introduced in 1765), that on the left nearly round and the one on the right angular and ribbed. The woman on the left sits in an armchair with one foot on a stool as cats play in the bonnet dropped near her chair, while the woman on the right holds a fan and sits erect on a folding stool, her cork rump protruding behind her and a dog playing on her broad brimmed hat
Alternative Title:
Calash lady's and Calash ladies
Title from item., MD of publisher's name form a monogram., and Numbered in plate at top: 11, V.2.
Wearing a fanciful approximation of classical garb, Andromache and Hector embrace each other in a sad farewell. Standing behind Hector on the right, a tearful man in 18th century dress holds a pike and a basket containing bottles. Behind Andromache on the left, a grim faced and tearful woman holds a naked baby who reaches for Hector's hand. Above the woman is a signpost on which is printed "A single-horse chaise" and further inscribed "one bird in hand's worth two in the bush, Mary Security", a phrase also illustrated by a hand holding a fat bird and two birds on a twig
Title from item., Signed (by engraver?) in lower left of plate: H[en] Ibb., MD of publisher's name form a monogram., and Numbered in plate at top: 49 V.2
Two head-and-shoulder portraits in separate ornamental oval frames of Mrs. Catherine Macaulay numbered 37 and of Dr. Thomas Wilson numbered 38.
Title from item., Place of publication from Plomer's Dictionaries of printers and booksellers, page 316., From the "Histories of the téte-à-téte annexed" in the Town and country magazine, 1776 p. 681., and Subjects identified in the British Museum catalogue.
Published as the Act directs by A. Hamilton Junr. ...
Subject (Name):
Wilson, Thomas, 1703-1784. and Macaulay, Catharine, 1731-1791.
Leaf 8. Darly's comic-prints of characters, caricatures, macaronies, &c.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
A scene outside a racetrack or at Tattersall's horse market with an auctioneer on a platform at the right and some dozen other male figures, probably caricatures of real individuals, occupy the foreground, while a groom runs with a horse in front of the stables
Alternative Title:
Title etched below image., For a brief mention of this print, see description for no. 5369 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 5., On leaf 8., and With remnant of red wax seal on bottom edge of sheet.
Pubd. by Mary Darly
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain. and England
Subject (Name):
Tattersalls (Firm)
Subject (Topic):
Horse buyers, Horse trading, Clothing & dress, Auctioneers, and Horses
A scene outside a racetrack or at Tattersall's horse market with an auctioneer on a platform at the right and some dozen other male figures, probably caricatures of real individuals, occupy the foreground, while a groom runs with a horse in front of the stables
Alternative Title:
Title etched below image., Plate numbered "39" in upper left corner and "V. 1" in upper right corner., and For a brief mention of this print, see description for no. 5369 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 5.
Pubd. by Mary Darly
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain. and England
Subject (Name):
Tattersalls (Firm)
Subject (Topic):
Horse buyers, Horse trading, Clothing & dress, Auctioneers, and Horses
Darly, Matthias, approximately 1720-approximately 1778, printmaker
Published / Created:
April 11, 1777.
Call Number:
777.04.11.01+ Impression 1
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
In a landscape with trees in the rear, a young woman with extremely tall coiffure augmented at the top by 3 ostrich plumes, runs towards the right, pursued by 9 winged flying bottles evidently aimed at the "cork rump" which fills out the back of her skirts
Title from item., Signed in plate MD (i.e. Matthias Darly), and MD of publisher's name form a monogram.
An old woman in street attire and a hat is seated on a chair, her left hand raised in admonishment, her right on the hip of a young girl who stands before her weeping. The girl is flanked on either side by an angry man gesticulating with his walking stick and another woman, also weeping
Alternative Title:
Miss willing to be in the ton
Title from item., Sheet trimmed to plate mark., and Later variant of no. 4631 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 4.
Printed for Ino. Smith, No.35, Cheapside as the act directs
A fashionably dressed young woman stands before the mirror on her dressing table, a box of pins in her hand. Standing behind her on her huge bustle or "cork rump", her bespectacled hairdresser arranges her mountainous headdress, consisting of rows of curls on the sides and topped by rows of vegetables with ostrich plumes at the summit. A maid carrying a basket of feathers and vegetables approaches on the right
Title from item.
Publish'd the act directs June 9, 1777, by J. Lockington, Shug Lane, Golden Square
Subject (Geographic):
Subject (Topic):
Hairstyles, Hairdressing, Skirts, Dressing tables, Interiors, Women domestics, and Clothing & dress
Two head-and-shoulder portraits in separate ornamental oval frames of a woman identified as the widow of Lord A.H., (on the left and numbered 28), and her alleged lover on the right, a Colonel C. of the Guards, (numbered 29).
Alternative Title:
Complying Colonel
Title from item., Place of publication from Plomer's Dictionaries of printers and booksellers, page 316., From the "Histories of the téte-à-téte annexed" i ni the Town and Country Magazine, 1777 p. 513., and Subjects identified in the British Museum catalogue.
Published as the Act directs by A. Hamilton Junr. ...
A young boy with bow and arrow in his hands standing in front of a tree. There is a hat on the ground
Title etched below image., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., Date based on plate numbering. See volume 5 of Catalogue of Political and personal satires, p. 786., Numbered '350' lower left below image., and Imperfect impression. Date erased.
Printed for Carington Bowles, at his Map & Print Warehouse, No. 69 in St. Pauls Church Yard, London
An elderly lady with towering coiffure topped with feathers and ribbons holds tightly to the post of a canopy bed, as her equally old and ugly maid, bracing a foot on the lady's cork rump, tightens her stays
Title etched below image., "RS" is probably "Richard Sneer", i.e. Richard Brinsley Sheridan., Imprint continues: ... who has great variety of humorous prints., Sheet trimmed wtihin plate mark with partial loss of price statement from lower right. Missing text supplied from impression in the British Museum., "Price one shilling.", and Mounted to 24 x 31 cm.
Pubd. 5 Marh. 1777 by W. Humphrey, Gerrard Street, Soho ...
Darly, Matthias, approximately 1720-approximately 1778, printmaker
Published / Created:
March 1, 1777.
Call Number:
Image Count:
A small-waisted lady with towering coiffure topped by a beribboned hat stands in her boudoir holding onto post of canopy bed, as her footman, bracing his foot on her rump, tightens her stays. A decorative carpet is visible underfoot, and her dressing table may be seen to the left
Alternative Title:
Hold fast behind
Title from item., MD of publisher's name form a monogram., and Numbered in plate at top: 29, V. 2.
In a cobbler's workshop a shoemaker has seized his wife by the arm and is about to beat her with a leather strap. Her partly laced stays are being tightened by the weight of the cobblers hammer. She wears her hair in the monumental fashion, and her high heels are visible beneath the hem of a quilted skirt. To the left is a chair beneath a casement window, while a bird in a cage is suspended from the ceiling on the right
Alternative Title:
Cobler's wife in the fashion and Cobbler's wife in the fashion
Title from item. and Eight lines of verse in 2 columns below image beginning: "The hoity head & toity waist, As now they're all the ton ..."
Published Novr. 4th 1777 by Wm. Hitchcock No.5 Birchin Lane
Three men and two women in a lottery insurance office, one man with quill pen behind desk. The other individuals all hold bills reading "Mess. Gosling & Co. pay the bearer one hundred..." Sign on back wall reads "Tickets insured by Iohnson & Co." and coat of arms of George III is visible on wall to the right. One of the women is a barmaid and holds 2 tankards
Title from text below image., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., and Imprint from Lottery magazine.
Edward Johnson
Subject (Geographic):
Subject (Topic):
Lottery winners, Lotteries, Drinking vessels, Interiors, Coats of arms, and Clothing & dress
Middiman, Samuel, approximately 1750-1831, printmaker
Published / Created:
[1 February 1777]
Call Number:
Folio 33 30 Copy 11
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
"Three figures in a garden: a woman standing with a parasol, a man looking through a telescope, another woman seated; a large tree on the left; a house behind the figures; two women seated on a bench next to the house"--British Museum online catalogue, description of an earlier state
Title etched below image., Early (proof?) state of a plate published in Copper-plate magazine with the title "Twickenham Meadows, Middlesex." For the later state with additional details added to the building and figures and with re-etched title, publication line and statements of responsibility, see British Museum online catalogue, registration no.: 1862,0712.874., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Mounted on page 249 of Richard Bull's copiously extra-illustrated copy of: Walpole, H. A description of the villa of Mr. Horace Walpole. Strawberry Hill : Printed by Thomas Kirgate, 1784. See Hazen, A.T. Bibliography of the Strawberry Hill Press (1973 ed.), no. 30, copy 13., and For further information, consult library staff.
Published as the act directs Feb. 1, 77, by Harrison and Co., No. 18 Paternoster Row, London
Subject (Geographic):
Twickenham (London, England)
Subject (Name):
Beauclerk, Diana, Lady, 1734-1808
Subject (Topic):
Homes and haunts, Buildings, structures, etc, Houses, and Estates
Two head-and-shoulder portraits in separate ornamental oval frames of courtesan Agnes Townshend numbered 16, and the otherwise unidentified Lord C., numbered 17.
Alternative Title:
E- of C- and Vis à vis Townshend
Title from item., Place of publication from Plomer's Dictionaries of printers and booksellers, page 316., From the "Histories of the téte-à-téte annexed" in the Town and country magazine, 1777 page 289., and Subjects identified in the British Museum catalogue.
Published as the Act directs by A. Hamilton Junr. ...