- Creator:
- Augustine, of Hippo, Saint, 354-430
- Published / Created:
- [between 1100 and 1200]
- Call Number:
- Beinecke MS 699
- Image Count:
- 289
- Resource Type:
- unspecified
- Abstract:
- Manuscript on parchment of 1) St. Augustine (Aurelius Augustinus), Enarrationes in Psalmos 134-150. 2) First half of Ps.-Iohannes Chrysostomus, Sermo de martyribus. 3) Antiphons for the feast of the Conception of the Virgin (8 Dec.), with neumatic notation
- Description:
- In Latin., Script: Copied in Praegothica by three hands., Headings in red. Art. 1 has plain initials (Capitalis, ca. 4 lines) in red, followed by a word in Capitalis/Uncialis. The book opens with an 8-line Romanesque decorated initial in red and black. Art. 2 opens with a black capital followed by two words in Capitalis. Art. 3 is decorated with 1-line initials in black with heightening in red and opens with a 4-line red plain initial., Holes, original repairs and sometimes irregular lower edges., and Binding: Early (probably original) binding in pigskin over heavy unbevelled wooden boards. The covers are blind-tooled with fillets. On the front cover the fillets make a St. Andrews cross, at a later time decorated with trees in Lederschnitt, countless small circular stamps and a few stars (?); the rear cover, with fillets in lozenge pattern, has only the circular stamps and the stars. Spine with three raised bands. On each cover marks of five brass and iron bosses. Two clasps attached to the rear cover. At the top of the front cover an original paper library label with the title (partly rewritten) "Expositio beati Augustini super Psalmo CXXXIIII et deinceps usque ad finem". The binding is strengthened by means of parchment strips placed around the first quire and taken from a 13th-century Latin manuscript.
- Subject (Geographic):
- Connecticut and New Haven.
- Subject (Name):
- Augustine, of Hippo, Saint, 354-430.
- Subject (Topic):
- Antiphons (Music), Manuscripts, Medieval, and Sermons
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Enarrationes in Psalmos