Manuscript fragment on parchment of an antiphonary containing St. Paul (30 June).
In Latin., Script: written in gothic script (littera textualis)., and Decoration: initials of antiphons and responses are 1-line red capitals; 1-line initials for verses and Psalm incipits are in brown highlighted with red; rubrics written in red in the same script as the text; punctuated with the punctus; hyphenation in the same ink as the text; interlinear neumes in the St. Gall style, somewhat surprising in a manuscript of this date; differentiae in roman numerals with neumes in the St. Gall style are in the outer margins for antiphons with full text.
Manuscript fragment on parchment of an antiphonary containing: Common of the Martyrs; Common of a Confessor
In Latin., Script: written in two sizes of gothic script (littera textualis)., and Decoration: 1- and 2-line initials at the beginning of chants are in brown highlighted with red; rubrics are written in red in the same script as the text; square musical notation in block on four-line red staff; punctuated with the punctus; hyphenation in the same ink as the text.
Manuscript fragment on parchment of a biblical commentary on the Prologue to the Pentateuch through Exodus 30 and on the Song of Songs through Matthew 5.
In Latin and Middle High German., Script: written in a very small, heavily abbreviated gothic bookhand (littera textualis)., and Decoration: 1-line initials are written in brown; punctuated with the punctus.
Manuscript fragment on parchment of a portion of the biblical book of Leviticus, including chapters 18-20 and 22-25.
In Latin., Script: written in gothic script (littera textualis)., and Decoration: spaces are left within the text for 1-line initials but they have not been added; other 1-line initials are in brown; punctuated with the punctus, though it is extremely rare; hyphenation is in the same ink as the text.
Manuscript fragment on parchment of the biblical book of Matthew, containing portions of chapter 25 (Parable of the Talents).
In Latin., Decoration: initials in red., Script: written in an unidentified script., and Contained in Zi +237 (Dionysius de Burgo Sancti Sepulcri, Commentarii in Valerium Maximum), in which the fragment has been used as a spine support.
Manuscript fragment on parchment from the biblical books of the minor prophets, including Zacharias and Malachi
In Latin., Script: written in gothic script (littera textualis)., and Decoration: 2-line round "E" of Zach. 14.1 in red; the chapter also begins with the number "XIIII" in alternating blue and red; 1-line initials are in brown highlighted with red; rubrics written in red in a slightly larger and more formal littera textualis; punctuated with the punctus, punctus elevatus, punctus versus, and punctus interrogativus, many of which are added, altered, or highlighted in red; accents have been added in red ink; the rubricator has also made a number of corrections to the text, as has another contemporary hand in brown ink.
Manuscript fragment on parchment of a breviary containing: Common of a Martyr Bishop and Common of Martyrs
In Latin., Script: written in gothic script (littera textualis)., and Decoration: 2- and 3-line initials at the beginning of lessons are in red uncials; the initials for prayers are in red and are 3-line initials when they occur at the beginning of a line and 1-line initials when they occur within a line; 1-line initials within lessons are in black; rubrics are written in red in the same script as the text; punctuated with the punctus, punctus elevatus, and punctus interrogativus; hyphenation is in the same ink as the text.
Manuscript fragment on parchment of a breviary containing, among others, the following texts: Sts. Tiburtius and Valerian (14 April); Sts. Soter and Caius (22 April); St. George (23 April); St. Mark (25 April); St. Cletus (26 April); St. Vitalis (28 April); Pope Urban I (25 May); Pope John I (27 May); St. Barnabas (11 June); St. Paul (30 June); and Sts. Processus and Martinian (2 July).
In Latin., Script: written in two sizes of gothic script (littera textualis)., and Decoration: 1- to 5- line initials in red; other 1-line initials in black highlighted with red; rubrics written in red in the same script as the text; liturgical directions in brown minuscule, sometimes underlined with red; Psalm incipits underlined with red; punctuated with the punctus; hyphenation in the same ink as the text.
Manuscript fragment on parchment of a liturgical calendar containing portions of January and June
In Latin., Script: written in gothic script (littera textualis) in red and black ink., and Decoration: the first column consists of letters A through G, representing the days of the week, written in black capitals except for the letter A in red; the next two columns specify the day of the month and are written in red minuscule; the last column contains the names of saints in black minuscule, with some major saints in red minuscule.
Manuscript fragment on parchment of a calendar and computus, possibly made for a Cistercian monastery; includes a calendar for April and May and computus tables for determining the dates of Septuagesima, Quadragesima, Easter, Rogation, and Pentecost
In Latin., Script: written in gothic script (littera textualis)., and Decoration: on fol. 1 columns 3 and 4 are written in red, as is the slightly enlarged "A" indicating a Sunday on every seventh line in column 2; the enlarged abbreviations for the words "kalendae", "nonae", and "idus" are also red; the script in the columns of the computus tables alternates black and red; punctuated with the punctus.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Subject (Topic):
Manuscripts, Medieval, Calendar, and Church calendar
Manuscript fragment on parchment of the Canticles (Psalter) containing Te Deum and Canticle: Benedictus dominus deus
In Latin., Script: written in gothic script (littera textualis)., and Decoration: 3-line initial "B" in red with blue and red penwork; 1-line initials at the beginning of verses in red uncials; line dividers in red; punctuated with the punctus.
Manuscript fragment on parchment of canticles from a breviary
In Latin., Script: written in large gothic script (littera textualis)., and Decoration: 3-line lesson initials in red; 1-line verse initials in red; rubrics in red minuscule; punctuated with the punctus and punctus elevatus; hyphenation in the same ink as the text; line fillers following rubrics in red.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Catholic Church
Subject (Topic):
Liturgy, Manuscripts, Medieval, Canticles, and Breviaries
Manuscript fragment on parchment of Canticles from a Psalter, including readings from Exodus 15 and Habakkuk 3.
In Latin., Script: written in late Caroline minuscule., and Decoration: 3-line initial "D" is in red with blue flourishes; 1-line initials are in red square capitals; rubrics written in red rustic capitals; punctuated with the punctus and punctus versus; hyphenation is in the same ink as the text.
Manuscript fragment on parchment of capitula, possibly from a breviary containing among others: Capitula for sext of Pentecost; Capitula for an unidentified office; capitula for unidentified Feria II-VI; capitula for an unidentified Saturday; Capitula from Isaiah 33.2 and Romans 10.13.
In Latin., Script: written in late Caroline minuscule bordering on early gothic., and Decoration: 1- and 2-line initials at the beginning of lessons are in red; rubrics written in red minuscule; the rubrics on fol. 2r are in a fifteenth-century hand; punctuated with the punctus and punctus elevatus; accents are in the same ink as the text.
Manuscript fragment, on parchment, from a manuscript of the Digestum vetus, text and commentary, with an illumination representing the jurist Ulpian. Used as a binding for a seventeenth-century account book pertaining to the Brotherhood of Saint Martin, the dyer's guild
In Latin., Layout: double columns., Script: gothica textualis., and Decoration: Large rectangular historiated initial in blue and orange containing a three-quarter figure representing the jurist Ulpain. Rubricated. Two and three-line initials in blue and red; paraph marks in red.
Manuscript fragment on parchment of a document detailing the duties of the cellarer at the Church of St. Victor, Xanten
In Latin., Script: written in an early gothic script (littera textualis)., and Decoration: 1-line initials are in black, highlighted with red; rubrics are written in red in the same script as the text; punctuated with the punctus, some of which are in red.
Manuscript on parchment of 1) St. Augustine (Aurelius Augustinus), Enarrationes in Psalmos 134-150. 2) First half of Ps.-Iohannes Chrysostomus, Sermo de martyribus. 3) Antiphons for the feast of the Conception of the Virgin (8 Dec.), with neumatic notation
In Latin., Script: Copied in Praegothica by three hands., Headings in red. Art. 1 has plain initials (Capitalis, ca. 4 lines) in red, followed by a word in Capitalis/Uncialis. The book opens with an 8-line Romanesque decorated initial in red and black. Art. 2 opens with a black capital followed by two words in Capitalis. Art. 3 is decorated with 1-line initials in black with heightening in red and opens with a 4-line red plain initial., Holes, original repairs and sometimes irregular lower edges., and Binding: Early (probably original) binding in pigskin over heavy unbevelled wooden boards. The covers are blind-tooled with fillets. On the front cover the fillets make a St. Andrews cross, at a later time decorated with trees in Lederschnitt, countless small circular stamps and a few stars (?); the rear cover, with fillets in lozenge pattern, has only the circular stamps and the stars. Spine with three raised bands. On each cover marks of five brass and iron bosses. Two clasps attached to the rear cover. At the top of the front cover an original paper library label with the title (partly rewritten) "Expositio beati Augustini super Psalmo CXXXIIII et deinceps usque ad finem". The binding is strengthened by means of parchment strips placed around the first quire and taken from a 13th-century Latin manuscript.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Augustine, of Hippo, Saint, 354-430.
Subject (Topic):
Antiphons (Music), Manuscripts, Medieval, and Sermons
Manuscript on parchment containing 1) Gesta Silvestri papae (d. 335). 2) Excerpts from Liber Quare (11th century?) containing notes on the liturgy and church year. 3) Ps.-Augustinus Hipponensis (Pseudo-Augustine), Sermo. 4) Augustinus Hipponensis (St. Augustine, 354-430), Epistula 54. With Anonymous sermons
In Latin., Script: Copied by one hand in early Gothica Textualis Libraria., Space for headings not used. A red line-filler on f. 21v. Plain initials of 1-3 lines in red, located partially in the text, partially in the margin, at the beginning of all artt. (except artt. 4, 6 and 12); in art. 1 also at the beginning of the text itself. The words after an initial generally in majuscules; other words often in majuscules are “Maria”, “rex Salomon”, “Amen”., and Binding: ca. 1900. Pasteboard covered with large sections of two parchment leaves from a 15th-century antiphonary (?) from Germany, with Hufnagel notation on 4-line staves traced in black, brown and red. The handwriting is Gothica Textualis Formata. The leaf on the rear cover has the folio number “208”.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Sylvester I, Pope, d. 335. and Catholic Church
Subject (Topic):
Liturgy, Christian hagiography, Manuscripts, Medieval, and Sermons, Latin
Manuscript fragment on parchment of a gradual containing: Letania maior; Mass for the Dead; and Holy Saturday
In Latin., Script: written in late Caroline minuscule., and Decoration: 2-line initials are in red and green; 1-line initials of Kyries and of antiphons on fol. 1 are in red; 1-line initials of hymn verses and of chants on fol. 1v are in brown rustic capitals highlighted with red; rubrics written in red rustic capitals; punctuated with the punctus; hyphenation is in the same ink as the text; interlinear neumes are in the St. Gall style.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Catholic Church
Subject (Topic):
Liturgy, Manuscripts, Medieval, and Graduals (Chants).