Darly, Matthias, approximately 1720-approximately 1778, printmaker
Published / Created:
[4 March 1757]
Call Number:
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
Alternative Title:
Three Damiens
Title from text engraved above image., Print attributed to Matthias Darly. See British Museum online catalogue., Plate numbered '60' in upper right corner., Eight lines of verse engraved below image: The volture, ape, and fox can do more wickedness than Damien knew ..., Plate from: A political and satyrical history of the years 1756 and 1757. London: Printed for E. Morris, [1757]., and Mounted to 25 x 26 cm.
Publish'd according to act March 4, 1757, to be had at the Acorn facing Hungerford
Subject (Name):
Hardwicke, Philip Yorke, Earl of, 1690-1764, Newcastle, Thomas Pelham-Holles, Duke of, 1693-1768, and Holland, Henry Fox, Baron, 1705-1774
Title from item., Three playing card size designs on one plate, arranged horizontally, separately titled., Title of the center design assigned by cataloger from its original. See Stephens 3342., Four lines of verse below title in left design: Aquilus can nurse his own, on other birds he'll prey ..., Six lines of verse below center desgin: Oh! Shame to nature, shame to common sense. must Britain for its own defence ..., Five lines of explanatory description below right design: 1.1. Two heads imperfect & of a black hew suppos'd to have been wood ..., Copies of, from left, nos. 3502, 3342, and 3417 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 3., and Temporary local subject terms: Personifications: Justice -- Personifications: Loyalty -- Pictures amplifying subject: images of Justice and Loyalty hung upside down -- Cap of Liberty -- Wigs: Lord Chancellor's wig -- Reference to French influence -- Emblems: fleur-de-lis -- Newcastle Administration --Birds: vulture -- Money: bags of money -- Bible: Revers'd Bible -- Literature: quotation from Horace's Ars poetica, 5 -- Military: chained English soldiers -- Monuments -- Military: Hanoverian Hessians -- Plinths -- Swords: broken swords -- Societies: reference to Society of Antiquarians.
publisher not identified
Subject (Name):
Hardwicke, Philip Yorke, Earl of, 1690-1764, Holland, Henry Fox, Baron, 1705-1774, Newcastle, Thomas Pelham-Holles, Duke of, 1693-1768, and Stone, Andrew, 1703-1773
Title from caption etched below image., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Four lines of text below image: These figures gem'men & ladies are the richest & largest in Europe ..., Plate prepared for: England's remembrancer, or, A humorous, sarcastical, and political collection of characters and caricaturas ... London, 1759., Reversed copy of No. 3394 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 3., and Temporary local subject terms: Personifications: Mr. Punch -- Personifications: Punch's wife, Joan -- Literature: reference to Bardolph in Shakespeare's Henry IV.
publisher not identified
Subject (Name):
Hardwicke, Philip Yorke, Earl of, 1690-1764, Holderness, Robert D'Arcy, Earl of, 1718-1778, Newcastle, Thomas Pelham-Holles, Duke of, 1693-1768, Holland, Henry Fox, Baron, 1705-1774, Lyttelton, George Lyttelton, Baron, 1709-1773, and Anson, George Anson, Baron, 1697-1762
Title from caption etched above image., Plate numbered '37' in upper right corner., Four lines of text below image: These figures gem'men & ladaes [sic] are the richest & largest in Europe ..., Plate from: A political and satyrical history of the years 1756 and 1757. In a series of ... prints. London: Printed for E. Morris, [1757]., Temporary local subject terms: Mr. Punch -- Punch's wife, Joan -- Literature: reference to Bardolph in Shakespeare's Henry IV., and Mounted to 16 x 26 cm.
Publish'd according to act Oct. 15, 1756, by Edwards & Darly at [the] Acorn, facing Hungerford, Strand
Subject (Name):
Newcastle, Thomas Pelham-Holles, Duke of, 1693-1768, Holland, Henry Fox, Baron, 1705-1774, Holderness, Robert D'Arcy, Earl of, 1718-1778, Hardwicke, Philip Yorke, Earl of, 1690-1764, Lyttelton, George Lyttelton, Baron, 1709-1773, and Anson, George Anson, Baron, 1697-1762
Title from caption below image., Plate numbered '26' in upper right corner., Plate from: A political and satyrical history of the years 1756 and 1757. In a series of ... prints. London: Printed for E. Morris, [1757]., Temporary local subject terms: Bills: the Marriage Act, 1756 -- Reference to France -- Reference to Lord Anson., and Mounted to 19 x 28 cm.
Title from first line of text. Series title and number etched in image., Plate numbered '53' in upper right corner., Six lines of verse in two columns below image: No more the snakes in sunshine bask, immerg'd the black insidious task ..., Plate from: A political and satyrical history of the years 1756 and 1757. London : Printed for E. Morris, [1757]., and Mounted to 20 x 28 cm.
Publish'd according to act Decr. 4, 1756, by Darly & Edwards at the Acorn facing Hungerford, Strand
Title from item., Plate numbered '30' in upper right corner., Two lines of verse below image: Aloft in air the loaded scale does mount ..., Plate from: A political and satyrical history of the years 1756 and 1757. In a series of ... prints. London: Printed for E. Morris, [1757]., and Mounted to 15 x 23 cm.
Publish'd according to act of Parliament by Edwards & Darly at the Acorn facing Hungerford, Strand
Subject (Name):
Newcastle, Thomas Pelham-Holles, Duke of, 1693-1768, Holland, Henry Fox, Baron, 1705-1774, Lyttelton, George Lyttelton, Baron, 1709-1773, Pitt, William, Earl of Chatham, 1708-1778, Hardwicke, Philip Yorke, Earl of, 1690-1764, and Anson, George Anson, Baron, 1697-1762
Title from item., Two columns of verse below image: A patient sick you see above, one that should claim the doctors love ..., Plate from: A political and satyrical history of the years 1756 and 1757. In a series of ... prints. London : Printed for E. Morris, [1757]., Plate numbered '28' in upper right corner., Temporary local subject terms: Diseases: cancer -- Medical procedures: operation -- Military: Hessian mercenaries -- Military: Hanoverian mercenaries -- Allusion to physicians., and Mounted to 19 x 25 cm.
Publish'd according to act Oct. 2, 1756, by Edwards & Darly at the Acorn facing Hungerford, Strand
Subject (Name):
Hardwicke, Philip Yorke, Earl of, 1690-1764, Holland, Henry Fox, Baron, 1705-1774, and Newcastle, Thomas Pelham-Holles, Duke of, 1693-1768
Subject (Topic):
Britannia (Symbolic character), Shields, Spears, and Wounds & injuries
Title from item., Sheet trimmed to and within plate mark., Plate prepared for: England's remembrancer, or, A humorous, sarcastical, and political collection of characters and caricaturas ... London, 1759., Two columns of verse below image: A patient sick you see above, one that should claim the doctors love ..., and Temporary local subject terms: Hessian and Hanoverian mercenaries.
publisher not identified
Subject (Name):
Hardwicke, Philip Yorke, Earl of, 1690-1764, Holland, Henry Fox, Baron, 1705-1774, and Newcastle, Thomas Pelham-Holles, Duke of, 1693-1768
Subject (Topic):
Britannia (Symbolic character) and Mercenaries (Soldiers)
Titles etched above images., Plate numbered '51' in upper right corner., Two images on one plate, each with a title above the image., Six lines of verse under design: No more thy gracious mind perplex / The vulture now no more shall vex ..., Plate from: A political and satyrical history of the years 1756 and 1757. In a series of ... prints. London: Printed for E. Morris, [1757]., and Mounted to 13 x 17 cm.
Publish'd according to act Novr. 24, 1756, by Darly and Edwards at the Acorn facing Hungerford, Strand
Subject (Name):
George II, King of Great Britain, 1683-1760, Newcastle, Thomas Pelham-Holles, Duke of, 1693-1768, Holland, Henry Fox, Baron, 1705-1774, Hardwicke, Philip Yorke, Earl of, 1690-1764, Holderness, Robert D'Arcy, Earl of, 1718-1778, Devonshire, William Cavendish, Duke of, 1720-1764, and Anson, George Anson, Baron, 1697-1762
"Satire on the affair of Admiral Byng, showing his ghost appearing to Newcastle, Anson and Hardwicke who are seen through a transparent screen."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Date of publication from British Museum catalogue., Eight lines of verse in two columns on either side of title: One night to indulge their vile thoughts tete a tete ..., Temporary local subject terms: Furnishings -- Pictures amplifying subject: French rooster carrying off a map of Minorca -- Furniture., and Mounted to 30 x 47 cm.
publisher not identified
Subject (Name):
Byng, John, 1704-1757, Newcastle, Thomas Pelham-Holles, Duke of, 1693-1768, Anson, George Anson, Baron, 1697-1762, and Hardwicke, Philip Yorke, Earl of, 1690-1764
"Satire on the ministerial changes and payments made to out-going ministers; Admiral Byng is shown in chains holding the dispatches referring to his withdrawal from action at Minorca; Earl Sandwich concerns himself only with opera and theatre."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Council of expedients and Byng returned
Title etched above image., Publication date from British Museum catalogue., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Six lines of verse below image: The quacks of government who sate at the unregarded helm of the state ..., Temporary local subject terms: Trials: court-martial of Admiral Byng -- Reference to the Battle of Minorca, 20 May 1756 -- Fetters -- Literature: quotation from Hudibras by Samuel Butler, 1612-1680., Watermark., and Mounted, for further information consult staff.
publisher not identified
Subject (Geographic):
Minorca (Spain)
Subject (Name):
William Augustus, Prince, Duke of Cumberland, 1721-1765, Byng, John, 1704-1757, Holland, Henry Fox, Baron, 1705-1774, Anson, George Anson, Baron, 1697-1762, Newcastle, Thomas Pelham-Holles, Duke of, 1693-1768, Hardwicke, Philip Yorke, Earl of, 1690-1764, and Sandwich, John Montagu, Earl of, 1718-1792
Title from item., Printmaker identified by Richard T. Godfrey, Dec. 13, 1979., Publication date from British Museum catalogue., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Temporary local subject terms: Personifications: Trade as a caryatide -- Personifications: Public credit as a caryatide -- Subsidies., and Mounted to 37 x 28 cm.
publisher not identified
Subject (Name):
Newcastle, Thomas Pelham-Holles, Duke of, 1693-1768, Holland, Henry Fox, Baron, 1705-1774, Hardwicke, Philip Yorke, Earl of, 1690-1764, Anson, George Anson, Baron, 1697-1762, and Pitt, William, Earl of Chatham, 1708-1778
"Satire on the corruption of Newcastle's government suggesting that it accepted French bribes; Byng, crushed by Hardwicke and Fox, is treated with some sympathy."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
French way of catching fools and Oh! How are the mighty fallen?
Title etched above image., Year of publication from British Museum catalogue., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Temporary local subject terms: Bribes -- Pictures amplifying subject: spider-web covered painting of Justice -- Emblems: French fleur-de-lis -- Gambling: EO table., Note by E. Truman filed with the print., and Mounted to 33 x 44 cm.
Sold at the Star on Holborn Hill
Subject (Name):
Newcastle, Thomas Pelham-Holles, Duke of, 1693-1768, Hardwicke, Philip Yorke, Earl of, 1690-1764, Holland, Henry Fox, Baron, 1705-1774, Byng, John, 1704-1757, and Anson, George Anson, Baron, 1697-1762
Titles from items., Three playing card size designs on one plate, arranged vertically., Two lines of verse below top design: The ass of Balaam through oppression spoke our Stone-Ase of oppression brings the yoke., Caption below center design: Absolute obedience my brethren ; murmering [sic] against your superiors is rebellion and consumate impudence., Caption below bottom design: Justice has leaden feet but iron claws., None of designs recorded in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., and Temporary local subject terms: Angels -- Asses -- Bible: nos. 22.21-35 -- Human body: mechanical human heart -- Money: bags of money -- Bellows -- British Lion -- Personifications: figure of Justice -- Balances -- Allusion to Gibraltar -- Treasury: Sinking Fund -- Battles: allusion to the Battle of Minorca, Port Mahon, 20 May 1756.
publisher not identified
Subject (Name):
Newcastle, Thomas Pelham-Holles, Duke of, 1693-1768, Pitt, William, Earl of Chatham, 1708-1778, Stone, Andrew, 1703-1773, Hardwicke, Philip Yorke, Earl of, 1690-1764, and Holland, Henry Fox, Baron, 1705-1774
Title from item., Imprint and price from British Museum catalogue., Description based on imperfect imprint; sheet trimmed within plate mark resulting in loss of imprint and price., "Price 6d. plain, 1s. coloured.", Two lines of verse below image: All coursers, the first heat with vigor run ..., Temporary local subject terms: Racing grounds., and Mounted to 30 x 39 cm. and mounted again to 35 x 48 cm.
Printed for Tom Collins near the Rubbing House, according to act of Parliament
Subject (Name):
Bedford, John Russell, Duke of, 1710-1771, Newcastle, Thomas Pelham-Holles, Duke of, 1693-1768, Pelham, Henry, 1695?-1754, Hardwicke, Philip Yorke, Earl of, 1690-1764, and Sandwich, John Montagu, Earl of, 1718-1792
Title from item., Publication date from British Museum catalogue., Eight lines of verse in two columns on either side of title: Behold a group with courage, strength & skill, / Broughton's New Amphitheater to fill ..., Temporary local subject terms: Reference to Treasury -- John Ellys., and With spine title: Caricatures anglaise 1740.
publisher not identified
Subject (Name):
Argyll, Archibald Campbell, Duke of, 1682-1761, Chetwynd, William Richard Chetwynd, Viscount, ?1683-1770, Chesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of, 1694-1773, Cotton, John Hynde, Sir, 1686-1752, Carteret, John, Earl Granville, 1690-1763, Hardwicke, Philip Yorke, Earl of, 1690-1764, Lyttelton, George Lyttelton, Baron, 1709-1773, Egmont, John Perceval, Earl of, 1711-1770, Pitt, William, Earl of Chatham, 1708-1778, Bath, William Pulteney, Earl of, 1684-1764, Walpole, Horatio Walpole, Baron, 1678-1757, and Broughton, Jack, 1704-1789.
Title from item., Publication date from British Museum catalogue., Eight lines of verse in two columns on either side of title: Behold a group with courage, strength & skill, / Broughton's New Amphitheater to fill ..., and Temporary local subject terms: Reference to Treasury -- John Ellys.
publisher not identified
Subject (Name):
Argyll, Archibald Campbell, Duke of, 1682-1761, Chetwynd, William Richard Chetwynd, Viscount, ?1683-1770, Chesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of, 1694-1773, Cotton, John Hynde, Sir, 1686-1752, Carteret, John, Earl Granville, 1690-1763, Hardwicke, Philip Yorke, Earl of, 1690-1764, Lyttelton, George Lyttelton, Baron, 1709-1773, Egmont, John Perceval, Earl of, 1711-1770, Pitt, William, Earl of Chatham, 1708-1778, Bath, William Pulteney, Earl of, 1684-1764, Walpole, Horatio Walpole, Baron, 1678-1757, and Broughton, Jack, 1704-1789.
"Satire on the duel between Horatio Walpole and William Richard Chetwynd showing the point where they are separated by a clerk. Walpole, on the right, accuses his opponent, "Would you not have hang'd my Brother at ye door of ye House", to which Chetwynd, falling back, his wig and hat slipping off, replies, "Yes by G[o]d & I had another Vote for You". On the left stands gowned gentleman in full-bottom wig, crying "Hold! Hold! I'll give you a dinner & make it up" (this man is identified by Stephens as Lord Hardwicke, but may well be intended for Speaker Onslow). On the right, two butchers encourage the duel, one saying, "Let 'um fight & be damnd" and the other, "No, No, he voted us Gin"."--British Museum online catalogue
Title from item., Publication advertised in London Daily Post, 14 March 1743. See British Museum catalogue., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Twelve lines of verse in two columns below image: Tow [i.e., two] worthy heroes of immortal fame, all in [the] passion to [the] combat came ..., Pipes's Ground, part of Westminster (London)., and With spine title: Caricatures anglaise 1740.
publisher not identified
Subject (Name):
Walpole, Horatio Walpole, Baron, 1678-1757, Chetwynd, William Richard Chetwynd, Viscount, ?1683-1770, Hardwicke, Philip Yorke, Earl of, 1690-1764, and Onslow, Arthur, 1691-1768
"Satire on the duel between Horatio Walpole and William Richard Chetwynd showing the point where they are separated by a clerk. Walpole, on the right, accuses his opponent, "Would you not have hang'd my Brother at ye door of ye House", to which Chetwynd, falling back, his wig and hat slipping off, replies, "Yes by G[o]d & I had another Vote for You". On the left stands gowned gentleman in full-bottom wig, crying "Hold! Hold! I'll give you a dinner & make it up" (this man is identified by Stephens as Lord Hardwicke, but may well be intended for Speaker Onslow). On the right, two butchers encourage the duel, one saying, "Let 'um fight & be damnd" and the other, "No, No, he voted us Gin"."--British Museum online catalogue
Title from item., Publication advertised in London Daily Post, 14 March 1743. See British Museum catalogue., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Twelve lines of verse in two columns below image: Tow [i.e., two] worthy heroes of immortal fame, all in [the] passion to [the] combat came ..., Pipes's Ground, part of Westminster (London)., and Watermark: countermark IV.
publisher not identified
Subject (Name):
Walpole, Horatio Walpole, Baron, 1678-1757, Chetwynd, William Richard Chetwynd, Viscount, ?1683-1770, Hardwicke, Philip Yorke, Earl of, 1690-1764, and Onslow, Arthur, 1691-1768