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1. An hieroglyphic letter to a friend in London Mar[gate] Nov. 12th, 1792. [graphic]
- Published / Created:
- [12 April 1793]
- Call Number:
- 803.04.12.03
- Image Count:
- 1
- Resource Type:
- still image
- Description:
- Title from item., Temporary local subject terms: Expressions of Speech: 'Son of a gun'., Watermark: 1814., Date in subtitle altered in m.s. from 1802 to 1792., and Date in imprint altered in m.s. from 1803 to 1793.
- Publisher:
- Publish'd April 12th, 1793, by Whittle & Laurie, No. 53 Fleet Street
- Subject (Topic):
- Hieroglyphics
- Found in:
- Lewis Walpole Library > An hieroglyphic letter to a friend in London Mar[gate] Nov. 12th, 1792. [graphic]
2. An hieroglyphic answer [to] the [sailor]'s [letter] [graphic].
- Published / Created:
- [21 October 1776]
- Call Number:
- 799.10.21.07
- Image Count:
- 1
- Resource Type:
- still image
- Abstract:
- A rhymed rebus purporting to be a reply to a sailor's letter from his girl, describing her fears for him upon hearing of a storm at sea, her joy at getting his letter, and her promise to remain true to him despite having other suitors
- Description:
- Title from item., A letter in the form of rebus., The following words within title are represented by a rebus: 'to' by a toe, 'sailor' by a figure of a sailor, 'letter' by an envelope., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., Publication date partially erased from this impression and the last two digits, i.e., '76,' supplied in contemporary manuscript., and Watermark: 1814.
- Publisher:
- Printed 21st October 17[...], by Laurie & Whittle, No. 53 Fleet Street, London
- Subject (Topic):
- Hieroglyphics, Love letters, and Military uniforms
- Found in:
- Lewis Walpole Library > An hieroglyphic answer [to] the [sailor]'s [letter] [graphic].
3. An hieroglyphic epistle from a [sailor ] on board a [ship] [to] his sweet [heart] [graphic].
- Published / Created:
- [21 October 1799]
- Call Number:
- 799.10.21.06
- Image Count:
- 1
- Resource Type:
- still image
- Abstract:
- A rhymed rebus, purporting to be a letter from a sailor to his girl, describing his adventures in a terrible storm at sea
- Description:
- Title engraved above image., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., The following words in the title are represented by an image: sailor by an image of a sailor, ship by an image of a ship, to by a toe, 'heart' in 'sweetheart' by a heart., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., and Watermark: horn with monogram JM below.
- Publisher:
- Printed 21st October 1799, by Laurie & Whittle, No. 53 Fleet Street, London
- Subject (Topic):
- Correspondence, Hieroglyphics, and Military uniforms
- Found in:
- Lewis Walpole Library > An hieroglyphic epistle from a [sailor ] on board a [ship] [to] his sweet [heart] [graphic].
4. [America] [to] her [mis]taken [moth]er [graphic].
- Published / Created:
- [12 May 1794]
- Call Number:
- 794.05.12.54
- Image Count:
- 1
- Resource Type:
- text
- Abstract:
- "A 'hieroglyphic letter' or rebus in answer to the foregoing. America (l.), as a Red Indian woman, seated and leaning to the left.; she holds a flag with thirteen vertical stripes in her left hand, in her right. she holds out a fleur-de-lys. Beside her is an oval shield on which are thirteen stars."(America) (toe) her (Miss)taken (Moth)er. (Yew) s(eye)lly (old woman) t(hat) (yew) have sent a (lure) (toe) us is very (plane) (toe) draw our at(ten)-t(eye)on from our re(awl) (eye)ntrests (butt) we are determ(eye)n'd (toe) ab(eye)de by our own ways of th(eye)nk(eye)ng (Ewer) [your] 5 (child)ren (yew) have sent (toe) us sh(awl) (bee) treated as V(eye)s(eye)tors, & safely sent home aga(eye)n (yew) may [? carved bracket] t them & adm(eye)re them, (butt) (yew) must (knot) (X)pect I of (ewer) (puppet)s w(eye)ll (comb) [come] home (toe) (yew) as sweet as (yew) sent h(eye)m, twas cruel toe send so pretty a (man) so many 1000 miles & (toe) have the fat(eye)gue of re[t](urn)ing back after (spike?)(eye)ng h(eye)s (coat) & d(eye)rt(eye)ng [dirting] t[hose] red (heel) (shoes) (eye)f (yew) are w(eyes) follow (ewer) own ad(vice) (yew) gave (toe) me take home ewer (ships) sold(eye)(ears) [soldiers] guard (well) (ewer) own tr(eye)fl(eye)(ling ?) [a fish]. & leave me (toe) my self as (eye) am at age (toe) know my own (eye)ntrests. w(eye)thout (ewer) (fool)(eye)sh ad(vice) & know t(hat) (eye) sh(awl) (awl)ways regard (yew) & my Brothers as relat(eye)ons (butt) (knot) as fr(eye)nds. (Eye) (am) (ewer) (grate)fy (eye)njured Daughter Amer(eye)k.""--British Museum online catalogue
- Alternative Title:
- America to her mistaken mother
- Description:
- Title from first line of text., A letter in form of rebus. The following words within title are represented by a rebus: America by a figure of an American Indian ; to by a toe ; 'mis' in 'mistaken' by an image of a girl ; 'moth' in 'mother' by an image of a moth., Reissue of a print originally published on 11 May 1778 by M. Darly. Cf. No. 5475 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 5., Watermark: Strasburg bend with initials G R below., and '9' in publication year erased and changed in contemporary hand to '8'.
- Publisher:
- Published 12th May 1794 by Laurie & Whittle, No. 53 Fleet Street, London
- Subject (Topic):
- Indians of North America, Correspondence, and Hieroglyphics
- Found in:
- Lewis Walpole Library > [America] [to] her [mis]taken [moth]er [graphic].