Plate lettered in the top center 'H': Reverse copies of details from figures from the lower right corner of Hogarth's "Beer Street". Numbered 1: Two fisherwomen, one with a large basket of fish on her head, read a sheet titled "A new ballad on the herring fishery by Mr. Lockman"; 2. A sign painter smiles as he dips his brush in the paint on his palette; the edge of the sign visible upper left
Title devised by cataloger., Printmaker and date from other prints in this series in the British Museum online catalogue., Plate from: Lichtenberg's Göttinger Taschen Kalender., and Not in Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires.
Plate lettered in the top center 'G': Reverse copies of details from figures from the lower left corner of Hogarth's "Beer Street". Numbered 1: A detail of man drinking from the lower right, above the hamper; 3. A paver with his ramer barely visible whispers in the ear of a servant-maid (2).
Title devised by cataloger., Printmaker and date from other prints in this series in the British Museum online catalogue., Plate from: Lichtenberg's Göttinger Taschen Kalender., and Not in Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires.
Plate lettered in the top center 'F': Reverse copies of details of three men and one woman, after characters on the left edge under the flag in Hogarth's first plate in Election entertainment. Each figure is numbered; 1. A man smoking a pipe (upside-down) as he pushes the head of a large woman (3) toward her companion, a young gentleman (2); 4. The Quaker Abel Squat reads a sheet of paper on which is written, "April 1 1754 I promise to pay to Abel Squat the sum of fifty pounds six months after date value re[cei]ved Rich[ard] Slim
Title devised by cataloger., Printmaker and date from other plates in this series in the British Museum catalogue., Plates from: Lichtenberg's Göttinger Taschen Kalender., and Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires.
publisher not identified
Subject (Name):
Hogarth, William, 1697-1764.
Subject (Topic):
Corruption, Couples, Kissing, Politicians, Smoking, and Taverns (Inns)
Plate lettered in the top center 'H': Reverse copies of details from Hogarth's "A midnight modern conversation". Each item is numbered; 1. The fat man with the linen cap on his head, who sits stolidly smoking; 2. The back of the head of the man behind the last; 3. The man who, seen in profile at the side of the picture, sits and sleeps soundly, with his arms folded; 4. The gentleman in the bag-wig, who is about to vomit; 5. The neighbor of the last, who is endeavoring to light his pipe
Title from British Museum catalogue., Date from other prints in this series in the British Museum online catalogue., and Plate prepared for: Manuel contentant diverses Connoissances curieuses et utile pour l'année 1786" in Göttingen.
Plate lettered in the top center 'G': Reverse copies of details from Hogarth's "A midnight modern conversation". Each item is numbered; 1. The man who, holding a tobacco-pipe, rises at the further side of the table; 2. The man without his wig who speaks aloud and, standing behind the cleryman, waves his drinking glass; 3. A man smiling and wearing a large wig; 4. The clergyman himself, with a pipe at his lips; 5. The drunken man who staggers in front of the table, emptying the bottle; 6. The bare-headed man who has fallen to the floor
Title from British Museum catalogue., Printmaker and date from other prints in this series in the British Museum online catalogue., and Plate prepared for: Manuel contentant diverses Connoissances curieuses et utile pour l'année 1786" in Göttingen.
publisher not identified
Subject (Name):
Hogarth, William, 1697-1764.
Subject (Topic):
Clergy, Eating & drinking, Intoxication, Men, Pipes (Smoking), and Wigs
The third print in the series "Four Times of the Day" is set at Sadler's Wells. "A dyer and his wife walking with their dog beside the New River; the wife holds a fan with a design of Aphrodite and Adonis, the husband carries a small child, a somewhat older boy stands behind them in tears because his sister is demanding the gingerbread figure he holds; behind them is a young woman holding a shoe and a cow being milked by another woman; to the right is a tavern with the sign of Sir Hugh Middleton's Head, two women and a man are in the tavern garden, other figures are visible through the window, and a grape vine is climbing up towards the roof."--British Museum online catalogue
Title, printmaker, state, imprint, and series from Paulson and finished states. Third print in a series: Four times a day and Strolling actresses dressing in a barn., "Price 5 shillings"--Following printmaker's name., Sheet trimmed to plate mark., Ms. note in Steevens's hand below print: See Mr Nichols's book, 3d edit p. 250. This 3rd Plate of the set, was engraved by Baron, the figure of the girl excepted, which being an afterthought, was added by Hogarth's coarser burin., and On page 93 in volume 1. Sheet 498 x 373 mm.
Plate [188] Plate in: Series of one hundred and ninety-six engravings, (in the line manner) by the
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
"Vignette to Bowyer's edition of Hume's 'History of England'; portrait medallions of Cooper, Sir Godfrey Kneller, Mrs Beale, Sir James Thornhill, Hogarth on a wall with Ephesian Artemis kneeling above, holding a veil over herself, watched by a painter kneeling in the left foreground with portfolio in hand."--British Museum online catalogue
Title from catalogue., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., and Plate [188] in a volume bound to 50 cm.
Published by R. Bowyer, Historic Gallery, Pall Mall
Subscription ticket for "Four Prints of an Election" with the royal crown as a sun casting its rays on coronets, mitres and other symbols of power, as well as on a copy of "Hogarth's" Act of 1735; this state the receipt has been masked and a second receipt printed below. Hogarth has filled in his own hand the four plates to be printed
Title and state from Paulson., Sheet trimmed., First lines of text: In humble & grateful Acknowledgment, of the Grace & Goodness of the Legislature, Manifested ... and the most in Esteem of may in Europe., Ms. note in Hogarth's hand where the receipt is blanked out: 1st The election entertainment 2nd Canvassing for votes. 3d Polling at the hustings. 4th Chairing the members., and Formerly on page 168 in volume 2. Removed in 2012 by LWL conservator.
Subscription ticket for "Four Prints of an Election" with the royal crown as a sun casting its rays on coronets, mitres and other symbols of power, as well as on a copy of "Hogarth's" Act of 1735; this state has the receipt on a separate plate
Title and state from Paulson., Description based on imperfect impression; sheet trimmed with loss of subscription information on lower plate, leaving traces of handwritten text., First lines of text: In humble & grateful Acknowledgment, of the Grace & Goodness of the Legislature, Manifested ... and the most in Esteem of may in Europe., Ms. note in pencil in Steevens's hand at top of page: See Mr. Nichols's book, 3d edit, p. 284., Subscription made out in Hogarth's hand: 31 May 1754. Mr. Jno King. Signed: Wm Hogarth., and On page 168 in volume 2. Sheet trimmed irregularly to: 24.7 x 20.4 cm.
Subscription ticket for "Four Prints of an Election" with the royal crown as a sun casting its rays on coronets, mitres and other symbols of power, as well as on a copy of "Hogarth's" Act of 1735; a third receipt is added
Title and state from Paulson., First lines of text: "In humble & grateful Acknowledgment, of the Grace & Goodness of the Legislature, Manifested ... and the most in Esteem of may in Europe.", Blank subscription ticket., and 1 print : etching and engraving ; plate mark 225 x 190 mm, on sheet 282 x 226 mm.
Subscription ticket for "Four Prints of an Election" with the royal crown as a sun casting its rays on coronets, mitres and other symbols of power, as well as on a copy of "Hogarth's" Act of 1735; a third receipt is added
Title and state from Paulson., First lines of text: "In humble & grateful Acknowledgment, of the Grace & Goodness of the Legislature, Manifested ... and the most in Esteem of may in Europe.", and Annotated with the name of the subscriber -- "Robt. Thompson Esqr." -- and the date ("25 Feby. 1755"). Also signed "Wm. Hogarth" in lower right corner in brown ink, followed by his seal in red wax, decorated with painter's palate.
Subscription ticket for "Four Prints of an Election" with the royal crown as a sun casting its rays on coronets, mitres and other symbols of power, as well as on a copy of "Hogarth's" Act of 1735; this state has the receipt on a separate plate
Title and state from Paulson., Description based on imperfect impression; sheet trimmed with loss of subscription information on lower plate, leaving traces of handwritten text., First lines of text: In humble & grateful Acknowledgment, of the Grace & Goodness of the Legislature, Manifested ... and the most in Esteem of may in Europe., and Imperfect; cropped below verses, loose of cursive text (receipt and note); sheet 201 x 193 mm.
Subscription ticket for "Four Prints of an Election" with the royal crown as a sun casting its rays on coronets, mitres and other symbols of power, as well as on a copy of "Hogarth's" Act of 1735; this state has the receipt on a separate plate
Title and state from Paulson., Description based on imperfect impression; sheet trimmed with loss of subscription information on lower plate, leaving traces of handwritten text., First lines of text: In humble & grateful Acknowledgment, of the Grace & Goodness of the Legislature, Manifested ... and the most in Esteem of may in Europe., and With William Hogarth's signature and blanks filled in with Horace Walpole's name and the date of receipt. Also with Hogarth's seal in red wax.
A subscription ticket for the "Analysis of Beauty", based on Leonardo's Last Supper, depicts Christopher Columbus demonstrating how to make an egg stand on its end. The five observers look at the cracked egg, upright on the table, in amusement at the evidence of an inventive mind at work. Two other eggs intertwined with two eels lie on a plate in the center of the table. A dog peeps over the edge of the table in the foreground; the cutlery is pushed off to one side
Title, publisher, and state from Paulson., Text engraved below image: "Rec'd [blank] of [blank] five shillings being the first payment for a short tract in quarto call'd the Analysis of Beauty; wherein forms are consider'd in a new light, to which will be added two explanatory prints serious and comical, engraved on large copper plates fit to frame for furniture." N.B. The price will be rais'd after the subscription is over.", A subscription ticket for Analysis of beauty., With the subscription ticket "Columbus breaking the egg", first state, trimmed to the image, mounted on the verso of the t.p., and Trimmed to the image; mounted on verso of title page in Horace Walpole's copy of Analysis of beauty.
A subscription ticket for the "Analysis of Beauty", based on Leonardo's Last Supper, depicts Christopher Columbus demonstrating how to make an egg stand on its end. The five observers look at the cracked egg, upright on the table, in amusement at the evidence of an inventive mind at work. Two other eggs intertwined with two eels lie on a plate in the center of the table. A dog peeps over the edge of the table in the foreground; the cutlery is pushed off to one side
Title, publisher, and state from Paulson., Text engraved below image: "Rec'd [blank] of [blank] five shillings being the first payment for a short tract in quarto call'd the Analysis of Beauty; wherein forms are consider'd in a new light, to which will be added two explanatory prints serious and comical, engraved on large copper plates fit to frame for furniture." N.B. The price will be rais'd after the subscription is over.", A subscription ticket for Analysis of beauty., Ms. note in pencil in Steevens's hand centered at top of page: Columbus., Ms. note in pencil in Steevens's hand between this print and another to the right: See Mr. Nichols's book, 3d. edit. p. 324., With Hogarth's signature in ink and wax seal. Also dated October 1, 1752 to Arlander Dobson Esqr., and On page 163 in volume 2. Sheet trimmed to plate at top: 22.3 x 19.6 cm.
A subscription ticket for the "Analysis of Beauty", based on Leonardo's Last Supper, depicts Christopher Columbus demonstrating how to make an egg stand on its end. The five observers look at the cracked egg, upright on the table, in amusement at the evidence of an inventive mind at work. Two other eggs intertwined with two eels lie on a plate in the center of the table. A dog peeps over the edge of the table in the foreground; the cutlery is pushed off to one side
Title, publisher, and state from Paulson., Text engraved below image: "Rec'd [blank] of [blank] five shillings being the first payment for a short tract in quarto call'd the Analysis of Beauty; wherein forms are consider'd in a new light, to which will be added two explanatory prints serious and comical, engraved on large copper plates fit to frame for furniture." N.B. The price will be rais'd after the subscription is over.", and A subscription ticket for Analysis of beauty.
The subscription ticket for "Marriage A-la-Mode". A group of heads drawn in a naturalistic style seen in profile; below, five compartments with heads after Raphael's Vatican tapestry cartoons (i.e."characters") and caricatures after Ghezzi, Raphael Urbin, Annibale Carracci, and Leonardo da Vinci
Alternative Title:
3 characters. 4 caricaturas, Three characters. Four caricaturas, and Characters and caricaturas
Title from Paulson: Characters and caricaturas., Title etched below image: 3 characters. 4 caricaturas : for a farthar explanation of the difference betwixt character & caricatura see [the] preface to Joh. Andrews., Second state, with receipt at bottom of plate masked. See Paulson., Date from Paulson., Sheet trimmed to plate mark on bottom edge., and Mounted on leaf 49 in: Album of William Hogarth prints.
Plate 66. Queen Charlotte's collection of Hogarth works.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
The subscription ticket for "Marriage A-la-Mode". A group of heads drawn in a naturalistic style seen in profile; below, five compartments with heads after Raphael's Vatican tapestry cartoons (i.e."characters") and caricatures after Ghezzi, Raphael Urbin, Annibale Carracci, and Leonardo da Vinci
Alternative Title:
3 characters. 4 caricaturas, Three characters. Four caricaturas, and Characters and caricaturas
Title from Paulson: Characters and caricaturas., Title etched below image: 3 characters. 4 caricaturas : for a farthar explanation of the difference betwixt character & caricatura see [the] preface to Joh. Andrews., Third state, with bottom of printing plate cut off to remove receipt. See Paulson., Date from Paulson., Sheet trimmed to plate mark on three sides, leaving thread margins., 1 print : etching on laid paper ; plate mark 22.9 x 20.5 cm, on sheet 28.8 x 25.1 cm., Mounted on leaf 59 x 46 cm., and Plate 66 in the album: Queen Charlotte's collection of Hogarth works.
Plate 66. Queen Charlotte's collection of Hogarth works.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
The subscription ticket for "Marriage A-la-Mode". A group of heads drawn in a naturalistic style seen in profile; below, five compartments with heads after Raphael's Vatican tapestry cartoons (i.e."characters") and caricatures after Ghezzi, Raphael Urbin, Annibale Carracci, and Leonardo da Vinci
Alternative Title:
3 characters. 4 caricaturas, Three characters. Four caricaturas, and Characters and caricaturas
Title from Paulson: Characters and caricaturas., Title etched below image: 3 characters. 4 caricaturas : for a farthar explanation of the difference betwixt character & caricatura see [the] preface to Joh. Andrews., Third state, with bottom of printing plate cut off to remove receipt. See Paulson., Date from Paulson., Sheet trimmed to plate mark on three sides, leaving thread margins., Ms. note in pencil in Steevens's hand to left of print: See Nichols's book, 3d. edit. p. 262., and On page 108 in volume 2. Sheet trimmed to: 23.3 x 20.7 cm.
The subscription ticket for "Marriage A-la-Mode". A group of heads drawn in a naturalistic style seen in profile; below, five compartments with heads after Raphael's Vatican tapestry cartoons (i.e."characters") and caricatures after Ghezzi, Raphael Urbin, Annibale Carracci, and Leonardo da Vinci
Alternative Title:
3 characters. 4 caricaturas and Three characters. Four caricaturas
Title from Paulson: Characters and caricaturas., Title etched below image: 3 characters. 4 caricaturas : for a farthar explanation of the difference betwixt character & caricatura see [the] preface to Joh. Andrews., Date and state from Paulson., The receipt is engraved below the caption: Rec'd [blankl] of [blank] Half a guinea being the first payment for six prints called Marriage a la mode which I promise to deliver when finish'd on receiving half a guinea more. N.B. The price will be one guinea and an half after the time of subscribing., Sheet trimmed to plate mark., Ms. note in pencil in Steevens's hand to right of print: See Nichols's bok, 3d. edit. p. 262., Blanks filled in ms. to show receipt from Mr. Stephen Abbort, dated 12 May 1743 and signed by Hogarth., and On page 108 in volume 2. Sheet trimmed to plate mark on three sides: 27.4 x 20.4.