Title from item., Publication date from that of the book in which this plate was published., Another state without plate number and with slight change in the text of the Speaker's balloon. Cf. No. 3987 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 4., Plate from: The Butiad, or, Political register. London : E. Sumpter, 1763., Temporary local subject terms: Racing: horse races -- Devil -- Lawyers: barrister as an owl -- Coalitions: France and Spain, 1762, and Mounted to 26 x 32 cm.
E. Sumpter
Subject (Name):
Augusta, Princess of Wales, 1719-1772, George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820, Bute, John Stuart, Earl of, 1713-1792, Holland, Henry Fox, Baron, 1705-1774, Johnson, Samuel, 1709-1784, Pitt, William, Earl of Chatham, 1708-1778, and Temple, Richard Grenville-Temple, Earl, 1711-1779
Title from item., Publication date from British Museum catalogue., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Verse below image attributed in the British Museum catalogue to Henry Howard., Sixteen lines of verse, preceded by a quotation from Bible, below title: Let each scribler that will ply his needle or quill in despite of the beadle or gallow's [sic] ..., Temporary local subject terms: Bribery -- Pensions -- Writers -- Printmakers -- Prints: reference to Sawney Discoverd (Stephens 3825) -- Bible: quotation from Proverbs 25.21., An excerpt from John Almon's Bibliographical, literary & political anecdotes, describing Lord Bute's employment of writers and printmakers, transcribed by Bowditch on mounting sheet., and Mounted to 31 x 39 cm.
publisher not identified
Subject (Name):
Bute, John Stuart, Earl of, 1713-1792, Johnson, Samuel, 1709-1784, Shebbeare, John, 1709-1788, Darly, Matthias, and Austin, William, 1721-1820
Title from item., Four columns of verse below image: Things are now at such a pass, that every fool must have his ass ..., Temporary local subject terms: Coalitions: France and Spain, 1762 -- Lawyers: barrister as an owl., and Mounted to 32 x 49 cm.
publisher not identified
Subject (Name):
Augusta, Princess of Wales, 1719-1772, George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820, Bute, John Stuart, Earl of, 1713-1792, Holland, Henry Fox, Baron, 1705-1774, Johnson, Samuel, 1709-1784, Temple, Richard Grenville-Temple, Earl, 1711-1779, and Pitt, William, Earl of Chatham, 1708-1778
Title from item., Title etched below image., Publication date from that of the book in which this plate was published., Plate from: The Butiad, or, Political register. London : Printed for E. Sumpter, 1763., Reduced copy of No. 4030 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 4., Temporary local subject terms: Buildings: Wilkes's house -- Personifications: Fame -- Busts: bust of Lord Bute -- Reference to excise -- Reference to William Hogarth's The times, Plate I -- British Lion -- Newspapers: Auditor ; North Briton -- Reference to Magna Charta -- King's Messengers., and Mounted to 31 x 44 cm.
E. Sumpter
Subject (Name):
George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820, Wilkes, John, 1725-1797, Bute, John Stuart, Earl of, 1713-1792, Murphy, Arthur, 1727-1805, Hogarth, William, 1697-1764, Johnson, Samuel, 1709-1784, and Tower of London (London, England)
Title from item., Title etched below image., Publication date from that of the book in which this plate was published., Plate from: The Butiad, or, Political register. London : Printed for E. Sumpter, 1763., Reduced copy of No. 4030 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 4., Temporary local subject terms: Buildings: Wilkes's house -- Personifications: Fame -- Busts: bust of Lord Bute -- Reference to excise -- Reference to William Hogarth's The times, Plate I -- British Lion -- Newspapers: Auditor ; North Briton -- Reference to Magna Charta -- King's Messengers., and On page 296 in volume 3. Sheet trimmed to: 11.3 x 15.4 cm.
E. Sumpter
Subject (Name):
George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820, Wilkes, John, 1725-1797, Bute, John Stuart, Earl of, 1713-1792, Murphy, Arthur, 1727-1805, Hogarth, William, 1697-1764, Johnson, Samuel, 1709-1784, and Tower of London (London, England)
"Design in an oval. Dr. Johnson, the head in profile to the right, with an owl's body and ass's ears, stands on two books, the lower his 'Dictionary', the upper his 'Lives of the Poets'. The busts of poets stand on brackets (right) above Johnson's head, each is irradiated with a star-shaped halo. They are "Pope", "Milton", a third head wearing a laurel wreath, the inscription concealed by Johnson's head; a fourth halo (left) is visible. These are "the stars" at which Johnson is blinking, but, though screwing up his eyes short-sightedly, he is not looking at them. The back wall, at right angles to the wall on which the busts are placed, is covered with bookshelves, in which folio volumes lean against one another. An open book lying beside the 'Dictionary' is 'Beauties of Johnson'."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Attributed to Gillray in the British Museum catalogue., Temporary local subject terms: Books amplifying subject: Lives of the poets, Johnson's Dictionary, Beauties of Johnson., and Matted to 49 x 36 cm.
Pubd. March 10th, 1782, by W. Rennie
Subject (Name):
Johnson, Samuel, 1709-1784, Pope, Alexander, 1688-1744, and Milton, John, 1608-1674
A half-undressed Dr. Johnson in a dunce's cap and with a rope around his neck walks from left to right, driven by Apollo, who holds the other end of the rope, and the Muses with uplifted scourges and birch rods. On his cap are the names of the poets Johnson criticized. He carries a placard describing his guilt as an unjust critic. In the background, on the summit of Parnassus, can be seen a temple highlighted by the sun behind it, with Pegasus flying nearby
Title etched below image., Printmaker from British Museum catalogue., Text following title: * Vide, the last sermon at St. Dunstans., and Sheet trimmed within plate mark.
Pubd. July 29th, 1783, by Holland, No. 66 Drury Lane
Subject (Name):
Johnson, Samuel, 1709-1784 and Apollo (Deity)
Subject (Topic):
Muses (Greek deities), Poetry, History and criticism, and Whips
785.06.28.01 Framed, shelved in Object Room Rack 1.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
"An evening scene in Vauxhall Gardens. On the extreme left is the orchestra with the organ behind and performers on the kettledrums, string and wind instruments. The vocalist, Mrs. Weichsel, sings, in profile to the right, from the adjacent (and slightly lower) balcony, just above the heads of the crowd. A violinist and another musician are seated behind her. In the supper box beneath the orchestra is Dr. Johnson seated full-face, between Boswell and Goldsmith (d. 1774), who face each other in profile, both caricatured; of two stout women one is reputed to be Mrs. Thrale. Many groups fill the foreground and middle distance. The two centre figures are the Duchess of Devonshire and Lady Duncannon arm in arm. A naval officer with a wooden leg and a patch over one eye is reputed to be Admiral Paisley (Admiral Pasley, 1734-1808?). Major Topham, an excellent portrait, stands (left) in profile to the right staring through an eyeglass. Between Topham and the supper-box are two men, one of whom is identified as Lord Camelford. [In the reproduction in Angelo's 'Reminiscences'; to whom the name refers is not clear.] An elderly parson, [he closely resembles the parson of BMSat 7059 who is probably William Jackson of the 'Morning Post'] reputed to be Bate Dudley but not resembling him, gazes at the Duchess from behind a tree. Next him a man dressed as an officer in a Highland regiment with kilt and broadsword is supposed to be James Perry, editor of the 'Morning Chronicle'. On the right the Prince of Wales, conspicuous by his star, whispers to Mrs. Robinson (Perdita), though their liaison was ended. Her right arm is linked with an ugly and elderly little man, probably Robinson. On the extreme left an elderly couple advance arm in arm in profile. Behind the Prince is a group standing on a small platform (or tables), showing half length above the crowd. In the foreground (right) is a supper-table under trees where two cits entertain two courtesans. Lamp-lit trees and the covered way form a background on the right."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Title from item. and Sheet trimmed within plate mark.
Publish'd June 28th 1785, by J.R. Smith, No. 83 Oxford Street
Subject (Geographic):
Vauxhall Gardens (London, England), London (England), England, and London.
Subject (Name):
Billington, Elizabeth, 1765-1818., Boswell, James, 1740-1795, Cavendish, Georgiana Spencer, Duchess of Devonshire, 1757-1806, Bessborough, Henrietta Frances Spencer Ponsonby, Countess of, 1761-1821, Pitt, Thomas, Baron Camelford, 1737-1793, George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830, Goldsmith, Oliver, 1730?-1774, Johnson, Samuel, 1709-1784, Pasley, Thomas, Sir, 1734-1808, Perry, James, 1756-1821, Piozzi, Hester Lynch, 1741-1821, Robinson, Mary, 1758-1800, and Topham, Edward, 1751-1820
Subject (Topic):
Social life and customs, Parks, Audiences, Concerts, Couples, Crowds, Musicians, Orchestras, Peg legs, and Singers
"Engraving, described in the advertisement as 'General Paoli, Dr Johnson, and the Journalist practising his celebrated Imitations'. Johnson and Paoli drag Boswell (right to left) in a roughly constructed child's go-cart. Boswell sits jauntily, kept in place by a stick across his seat; from his mouth issues a blast inscribed 'Moo o oh'. He wears ordinary English dress with a barrister's wig and bands and a Scots cap decorated by two bells; behind his ear is a pen, an ink-bottle is fastened to his coat, in his right hand is a rattle, in the left a book inscribed 'Ogden'. Round his neck is a portrait-medallion inscribed 'Bruce'. From each side of the cart projects a bulky book: 'Corsica' and 'Journal to the Hebri[des]', On the near side of the cart is the monogram 'JB' surmounted by a fool's cap."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
All hail Dalblair
Title etched below image., One in a series of twenty plates by Rowlandson after S. Collings. See British Museum catalogue, v. 6, page 345., Plate from: Picturesque beauties of Boswell, Part the First. [London] : [E. Jackson], [1786], Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Temporary local subject terms: Child's go-cart -- Corsica -- Fool's cap -- Barrister's wig -- Scottish cap., and In mss. in lower left corner: E-142.
Pubd. 15 May 1786 by E. Jackson No. 14, Mary[le]bone Street, Golden Square
"Johnson (right) and Boswell (left) embrace; Boswell, his face hidden behind that of Johnson, holds up his hat as if in triumph. Johnson, wearing hat and boots, holds his oak stick; his eyes are closed; a large book protrudes from his coat-pocket. The post-boy (left) stands warming his back at the fire watching the embrace. A bare-legged man (right), scratching his tousled head, holds out a bowl to Boswell."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., One in a series of twenty plates by Rowlandson after S. Collings. See British Museum catalogue v. 6, page 345., Plate from: Picturesque beauties of Boswell, Part the First. [London] : [E. Jackson], [1786], Two lines of verse below title: "On Saturday the 14th of August 1773 late in the evening I received a note from him that he was arrived at Boyd's Inn at the head of the Cannongate ..." Vide Journal p. 12., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Temporary local subject terms: Post-boy., and In mss. in lower left corner: E-144.
Publish'd May 15th 1786 by E. Jackson No. 14, Mary-le-bone Street Golden Square
Subject (Name):
Johnson, Samuel, 1709-1784, Boswell, James, 1740-1795, and Boswell, James, 1740-1795.
"Johnson and Boswell walk diagonally from the right towards the spectator. Boswell (right) walks jauntily, holding out a three-cornered hat and looking up at Johnson. Johnson holds his oak stick, and looks down at Boswell, putting his finger to his nose. Behind them a row of six-storied houses recedes in perspective."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., One in a series of twenty plates by Rowlandson after S. Collings. See British Museum catalogue v. 6, page 345., Plate from: Picturesque beauties of Boswell, Part the First. [London] : [E. Jackson], [1786], Three lines of verse below title: "Mr. Johnson and I walked arm in arm up the High Street to my house in James Court; it was a dusky night ..." Vide Journal p. 13., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., and In mss. in lower right corner: E-145.
Publish'd May 15th 1786 by E. Jackson No. 14, Mary-le-bone Street, Golden Square
Subject (Name):
Johnson, Samuel, 1709-1784, Boswell, James, 1740-1795, and Boswell, James, 1740-1795.
"Mrs. Boswell (left) and Johnson (right) sit on opposite sides of a small square tea-table; Boswell sits between them on the farther side of the table, with a complacent expression, his right hand on his breast, his left held towards Johnson, as if displaying his friend. Johnson, with an expression of reflective melancholy, takes sugar with a pair of tongs, his tea-cup in his left hand. Mrs. Boswell clasps her hands ecstatically and smiles admiringly at Johnson. A foot-boy stands behind Johnson and Boswell holding a salver; he yawns violently, scratching his tousled head. A wall-clock shows that it is 12.10. A single candle in a sconce (left) lights the room."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., One in a series of twenty plates by Rowlandson after S. Collings. See British Museum catalogue v. 6, page 345., Plate from: Picturesque beauties of Boswell, Part the First. [London] : [E. Jackson], [1786], Four lines of verse below title: "My wife had tea ready for him which it is well known he delighted to drink at all hours, particularly when sitting up late ..." Vide Journal p. 14., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., and In mss. in lower left corner: E-146.
Publish'd May 15th 1786, by E. Jackson No. 14, Mary-le-bone Street Golden Square
Subject (Name):
Johnson, Samuel, 1709-1784, Boswell, James, 1740-1795, Boswell, Margaret Montgomerie, -1789, and Boswell, James, 1740-1795.
"Boswell and his wife in the kitchen prepare a dinner for Johnson, who is seen in back view through an open street-door on the extreme left. They face each other smiling across a small, ramshackle table; Boswell is cutting off the neck of a grouse (which resembles a duck or goose). He wears the Scots cap and the pen behind the ear of BMSat 7031, &c., with an apron. From his pocket project 'Ogden' (see BMSat 7031) and the 'Journal'. Mrs. Boswell holds a rolling-pin. Behind (right) is a slatternly maidservant in back view looking to the left with a smile. On the ground are two piles of large birds intended for grouse, and an enormous lobster. Behind is a primitive kitchen fireplace; two large pots are suspended over the fire. The spit rests horizontally above the fireplace."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., One in a series of twenty plates by Rowlandson after S. Collings. See British Museum catalogue, v. 6, page 345., Plate from: Picturesque beauties of Boswell, Part the First. [London] : [E. Jackson], [1786], Three lines of verse below title: "We gave him as good a dinner as we could. Our Scotch muir-fowl, or growse, were then abundant ..." Vide Journal p. 123., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Temporary local subject terms: Scots cap -- Grouse -- Ogden -- Lobster -- Fireplace with hanging pots -- Servants., and In mss. in lower left corner: E -149.
Pubd. 15 May 1786, by E. Jackson, No. 14, Mary-bone Street. Golden Square
Subject (Name):
Johnson, Samuel, 1709-1784, Boswell, James, 1740-1795, Boswell, Margaret Montgomerie, -1789, and Boswell, James, 1740-1795.
"Boswell (left) and Johnson (right) talk across a small circular table on which is a candle. Boswell leans on the table, with raised fingers, talking vivaciously. Johnson leans back as if asleep, his stick between his outstretched legs. Through an open door (left) is seen the back of Mrs. Boswell hurrying from the room. A bracket-clock points to 1.55. A dog looks up at Boswell yawning. The floor is boarded."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., One in a series of twenty plates by Rowlandson after S. Collings. See British Museum catalogue v. 6, page 345., Plate from: Picturesque beauties of Boswell, Part the First. [London] : [E. Jackson], [1786], Four lines of verse below title: "We talked of murder -- and of the antient trial by duel -- We sat till near two in the morning having chatted a good while after my wife left us ..." Vide Journal p. 15., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Temporary local subject terms: Wall clock -- Dog., and In mss. in lower left corner: E-147.
Pubd. 30 May 1786, by E. Jackson No. 14, Mary-bone Street, Golden Square
Subject (Name):
Johnson, Samuel, 1709-1784, Boswell, James, 1740-1795, Boswell, Margaret Montgomerie, d. 1789, and Boswell, James, 1740-1795.
"Johnson is seated on the ground on the shore of the Firth of Forth; Boswell kneels upon him and playfully holds a fish to his open mouth, holding back the head of his unwilling friend. Behind Johnson stands Ritter, turning his back on the scene. Boswell, with Ogden under his arm, is dressed as in BMSat 7031, &c. In the middle distance (right) are three fishwives, grinning and pointing; they resemble Rowlandson's Billingsgate women. Two persons are in a boat or punt. On the horizon is the opposite shore."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., One in a series of twenty plates by Rowlandson after S. Collings. See British Museum catalogue, v. 6, page 345., Plate from: Picturesque beauties of Boswell, Part the First. [London] : [E. Jackson], [1786], Three lines of verse below title: "I bought some speldings fish salted and dried in a particular manner being dipped in the sea & dried in the sun ..." Vide Journal p. 50., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Temporary local subject terms: Fishwives -- Firth of Forth -- Fish -- Fish baskets -- Punt -- Ritter., and In mss. in lower left corner: E-151.
Pubd. 30 May 1786 by E. Jackson No. 14, Mary bone [sic] Street, Golden Square
Subject (Name):
Johnson, Samuel, 1709-1784, Boswell, James, 1740-1795, and Boswell, James, 1740-1795.
"Johnson and Boswell, attended by Ritter, depart from Boswell's house on foot; Mrs. Boswell stands in the doorway weeping and holding up a handkerchief. Johnson, his stick in his right hand, pulls Boswell by the right arm; Boswell, turning to look at his wife, weeps unrestrainedly. He holds his handkerchief to his eyes; 'Ogden' (see BMSat 7031) and the 'Journal' are under his right arm. He wears the feathered Scots cap, the pen, and barrister's wig as in BMSat 7031. His ink-bottle hangs from a buttonhole. Between Boswell and his wife stands the moustachioed Ritter wearing a wide cocked hat and holding a long stick in both hands; a large pack is on his back."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., One in a series of twenty plates by Rowlandson after S. Collings. See British Museum catalogue, v. 6, page 345., Plate from: Picturesque beauties of Boswell, Part the First. [London] : [E. Jackson], [1786], Four lines of verse below title: "Wednesday 18th August, on this day we set out from Edinburgh, attended by my man Joseph Ritter, a Bohemian, a fine stately fellow above 6 feet high ..." Vide Journal p. 47., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Temporary local subject terms: Ogden -- Joseph Ritter -- Man servant -- Bohemian., and In mss. in lower left corner: E-150.
Publish'd 30 May 1786, by E. Jackson Mary-le-bone Street Golden Square
Subject (Name):
Johnson, Samuel, 1709-1784, Boswell, James, 1740-1795, Boswell, Margaret Montgomerie, d. 1789, and Boswell, James, 1740-1795.
"Johnson (left) sits at a small rectangular breakfast-table with his back to the door. A nursemaid behind him holds the infant Veronica, who leans forward, pushing Johnson's wig from his head; he holds up his finger admonishingly and does not appear pleased, though all the others smile admiringly. These are: Mrs. Boswell, seated (right) opposite Johnson; Boswell standing beside Johnson and clasping his hands over 'Ogden' (cf. BMSat 7031); the two visitors, Mr. Scott and Sir William Forbes; the tousled foot-boy, who carries in a tray of tea-things which he is about to place beside the urn on the otherwise bare table. Three pictures decorate the wall: 'Sancta Veronica', kneeling in prayer before a reading-desk; a medallion inscribed 'Bruce' and a half length portrait of 'Alexander of Kincardin' dressed as a courtier."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., One in a series of twenty plates by Rowlandson after S. Collings. See British Museum catalogue v. 6, page 345., Plate from: Picturesque beauties of Boswell, Part the First. [London] : [E. Jackson], [1786], Three lines of verse below title: "Mr. Johnson was pleas'd with my daughter Veronica, then a child of about four-months old she had the appearance of listening to him ..." Vide Journal p. 17., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Temporary local subject terms: Ogden -- Nursemaid -- Tea tray -- Tea urn -- Mr. Scott -- Portrait on wall: Alexander of Kincardin -- Portrait on wall: Bruce., and In mss in lower left corner: E-148.
Pubd. May 30th 1786, by E Jackson, No. 14 Marylebone Street, Golden Square
Subject (Name):
Johnson, Samuel, 1709-1784, Boswell, James, 1740-1795, Boswell, Margaret Montgomerie, -1789, Boswell, James, 1740-1795., and Forbes, William, Sir, 1739-1806
"The three biographers of Johnson sit under his bust, which frowns down at them from a high rectangular pedestal. Mrs. Thrale (left) and Boswell (right) sit facing each other; she leans back, her head turned in 'profil perdu' towards Johnson (who looks at her); she holds a large open book, the pages headed 'Memoirs \ Life of Dr Johnson'; her pen is in her right hand. Boswell writes busily in an open book on whose left page is depicted a bear on its hind legs, holding a large stick, a chain attached to its muzzle. Between them is a small table at a corner of which Boswell writes. At its farther side, with his back to the bust, sits Courtenay scratching his forehead in perplexity, his elbow supported on a book inscribed 'Joe Miller'."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image, Signed with the monogram of James Sayers., Twelve lines of verse in two columns on either side of title: Three authors in three sister kingdoms born, the shrine of Johnson with their works adorn ..., Temporary local subject terms: Joe Miller's Jests., Subjects identified in pencil; Johnson above the plate mark and Mrs. Piozzi, Mr. Courtney and Mr. Boswell below., and Mounted to 43 x 33 cm.
"The three biographers of Johnson sit under his bust, which frowns down at them from a high rectangular pedestal. Mrs. Thrale (left) and Boswell (right) sit facing each other; she leans back, her head turned in 'profil perdu' towards Johnson (who looks at her); she holds a large open book, the pages headed 'Memoirs \ Life of Dr Johnson'; her pen is in her right hand. Boswell writes busily in an open book on whose left page is depicted a bear on its hind legs, holding a large stick, a chain attached to its muzzle. Between them is a small table at a corner of which Boswell writes. At its farther side, with his back to the bust, sits Courtenay scratching his forehead in perplexity, his elbow supported on a book inscribed 'Joe Miller'."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image, Signed with the monogram of James Sayers., Twelve lines of verse in two columns on either side of title: Three authors in three sister kingdoms born, the shrine of Johnson with their works adorn ..., Temporary local subject terms: Joe Miller's Jests., 1 print : etching on laid paper, hand-colored ; plate mark 27.5 x 19.6 cm, on sheet 30 x 20 cm., and Subjects identified in mss. by contemporary hand: Mrs. Thrale, Wm. Courtney, Mr. Boswell.
"The interior of a library, the walls lined with heavy folio volumes. Johnson attacks Lord Auchinleck (left) with three books inscribed 'Liturgy', held between his upraised hands which conceal his face. Auchinleck shrinks back in alarm; he has dropped two volumes, 'Calvin' and 'Whiggism', to the floor. Medals lie on the ground. Boswell (right) stands in the doorway behind Johnson, biting his thumbs and gazing upwards in consternation; his 'Journal' falls to the ground. He wears his Scots cap, and his ink-pot dangles from his buttonhole. Auchinleck is an elderly man wearing a judge's wig and bands."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., One in a series of twenty plates by Rowlandson after S. Collings. See British Museum catalogue, v. 6, page 345., Plate from: Picturesque beauties of Boswell, Part the First. [London] : [E. Jackson], [1786], Four lines of verse below title: "The context began whilst my father was shewing hima his collection of medals ..." Vide Journal p. 482., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Temporary local subject terms: Library -- Folio volumes -- Scots cap -- Calvin -- Liturgy., and In mss in lower left corner: E-160.
Pubd. June 10th, 1786, by E. Jackson, No.14 Marylebone Street, Golden Square
Subject (Name):
Johnson, Samuel, 1709-1784, Boswell, James, 1740-1795, and Boswell, James, 1740-1795.