Manuscript on parchment (single leaf) of 1) Last article of an unrecorded Capitulary, probably from the beginning of the reign of emperor Louis the Pious (814-840). 2) Capitula adhuc conferenda, i.e. Memorandum for a Capitulary, ca. 819 (?).
In Latin., Script: copied by one hand writing Carolingian script., “Cap. XV” in art. 1 is written in Uncialis in red ink, and the opening letter V, in the same colour, is a 2-line initial. In art. 2 all the opening capitals (D, Q, S or U) are said to be likewise red, but their colour is hardly distinguishable from the colour of the text., and The fragment was perhaps the final leaf of a codex, which would explain the smudges and offsets visible on the verso.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Louis I, Emperor, 778-840.
Subject (Topic):
Franks, History, Legal documents, and Manuscripts, Medieval
Manuscript on paper (various watermarks) and parchment, composed of two distinct sections bound together in the 18th (?) century, but with additional folios inserted. Part I (parchment): Carta ejecutoria, or letter of nobility, granted to Don Alfonso Rodriguez (Tinagero Rodriguez de la Escalera) by the authority of King Ferdinand and Queen Isabel of Castile. Issued in Salamanca, 1487. Seal missing. Part II (paper): Numerous documents (all dated 1686) concerning a law suit involving Don Diego Tinagero Rodriguez de la Escalera of Seville, a descendent of Alfonso Rodriguez
In Spanish., Script: Part I (ff. 3-13): Round gothic script by a single scribe. Part II (ff. 19-74): Written in various cursive hands., Folios 1v and 2r have crudely illuminated full-page miniatures, 17th century. Folio 1v: members of the Rodriguez family offering prayers to the Madonna and Child. Folio 2r: arms of the Tinagero Rodriguez de la Escalera family. Crude decorative border on f. 3v and REY (in gold, outlined in black) may be later additions., Many of the documents included appear to have once been folded. Some loss of text due to trimming., and Binding: Eighteenth century (?). Thin wooden boards covered with dark brown leather, flesh side out. Vermilion and green ribbon fastenings.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut, New Haven., Spain., Spain, Salamanca (Spain), and Seville (Spain)
Subject (Topic):
Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval, Legal documents, Manuscripts, Medieval, Nobility, and Politics and government
Manuscript on parchment of A collection of copies of grants and concessions made to Jacobo Probo, conte di Pianelle, from Francesco Gonzaga, Marquis of Mantua (1466-1519), and his son Federico II (1500-40). The three documents of Francesco are dated 1496 (ff. 8r-10r), 1514 (ff. 6v-7v), 1516 (ff. 1r-2r); the two of Federico are dated 1519 (ff. 2v-5r) and 1526 (ff. 5v-6r). On f. 10v there is a statement by the notary "Castantius [sic] Iottus" authenticating these copies (dated 18 Oct. 1541). Two documents of Ferdinand II of Aragon, King of Sicily (1452-1516) confirming title to the property in question (ff. 11r-14r) seem to have been added later by another writer
In Latin., Script: Written in inelegant italic for ff. 1-10; a sprawling running hand for ff. 11-14., and Binding: 15th-16th centuries. Levantine? A single gathering backstitched to the vellum lining of a semi-limp pasteboard folder covered with red-brown goatskin with corner tongues. Blind-tooled with a cross on a pedestal in a border on the upper board and an X on the lower. The design made up of fleurs-de-lis, diamonds with concave sides and flowers, the flowers bordering the turn-ins. Two ribbon fastenings, missing. Some mold and worm damage.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut, New Haven., and Mantua (Duchy)
Subject (Name):
Federico II Gonzaga, Duke of Mantua, 1500-1540. and Francesco II Gonzaga, Marquis of Mantua, 1466-1519.
Manuscript fragment on parchment of a nearly contemporary copy of an extract from a Coram Rege Roll, involving Iohannes de Burgh, his wife Sibilla, and Nicholas de Burgh; concerns property dispute in West Bagborough (Somerset).
In Latin., Script: Written in English secretary script., and Badly mutilated with loss of text; stains along left margin suggest it formerly served as a flyleaf.
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain., Connecticut, New Haven., and Somerset (England)
Subject (Topic):
Common law, Legal documents, and Manuscripts, Medieval
Manuscript fragments on paper of loose leaves of a judicial register. The lawsuit before the court of the Parliament of Dauphiné (“curia Dalphinalis parlamenti,” founded 1453) is about land, meadows (“prata”), a barn (“grangia”), and a house
In Latin., Watermark: letter P?., Script: copied by various scribes all writing a rapid documentary script (Gothica Cursiva Currens)., Badly deteriorated by glue, worm holes and the fading of the ink on many pages., and Detached from a binding. With the fragments a strip of parchment (goatskin), obviously coming from the same binding, is preserved. It is a fragment (c. 12 lines on both sides) of a Latin manuscript containing an unidentified text of Roman law (Italy, 14th century), written in two columns with a column of gloss at both sides of the text. The handwriting is Southern Textualis Libraria/Formata (Rotunda).
Manuscript fragment on parchment of a document related to Rovereto (?), diocese of Trent, transferring the debts that are owed to Nicolaus de Francinis
In Latin., Script: written in Humanistic notarial script., and Decoration: the document begins with a 7-line initial "I" in brown; 1-line initials within the text are in brown; punctuated with the punctus, the comma, and the punctus versus; hyphenation is in the same ink as the text.
Manuscript fragment on parchment of a settlement of a land dispute
In Latin., Script: written in Italian notarial script., and Decoration: the document begins with a 6-line initial "I" in brown; 1-line initials are written in brown; punctuated with the punctus and the colon; hyphenation is in the same ink as the text.
Manuscript fragment on parchment of a contract for sale of property by Bernardino a Buscho to the monastery of St. Mark in Trent
In Latin., Script: written in Italian notarial minuscule., and Decoration: the document begins with a 7-line initial "I" in brown; 1-line initials within the text are in brown; punctuated with the colon; hyphenation is in the same ink as the text.
Manuscript fragment on parchment of a contract concerning land near Bruneck, a description in Latin of the damage to Mohammed's tomb in Mecca by a storm in 1481, and an account of the coronation of Emperor Maximilian I at Aachen in 1486, written in southern German dialect
In German and Latin., Script: written in a cursive gothic script (littera cursiva) in a hand similar to that of the scribe who wrote the document in MS 482.144., and Decoration: the first word of the document ("Ich") is enlarged, with the initial "I" trailing down the margin of the entire text; there is no punctuation.
Manuscript fragment on parchment of a legal document containing a document concerning tenure of land; an account of the election of Maximilian, Archduke of Austria and Duke of Burgundy, as Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire in 1486; and a brief description of how one is to celebrate the feast of a newly canonized saint
In German and Latin., Script: written in cursive gothic script (littera cursiva), similar to that of the scribe who wrote the document in MS 482.143., and Decoration: the document begins with a flourished initial; there is no punctuation.
Manuscript on parchment roll consisting of 2 irregularly trimmed membranes stitched together, of Constitution for the dinghof or colonge of Ingersheim in Alsace, consisting of 16 articles
In Middle High German., Script: Written in neat gothic hand by a single scribe., Paragraph mark before each article., Roll shows considerable use., and Binding: Boxed.
Manuscript on parchment (thick, repaired) of a Collection of original documents, copies, translations (from Greek and Turkish) of other documents of the Venetian doges of Candia, dated between 1299 and 1472, mostly in Latin with some later documents in Venetian dialect
In Latin and Italian., Script: Written throughout by multiple scribes in mercantesca scripts., Many of the leaves are illegible due to severe water damage and damp rot throughout; the codex emits a foul odor., and Binding: Ca. 1800, Italy. Brown goatskin, blind-tooled with a gold-tooled red label on spine: "Monum. di Cand. Sotto il Dom. Ven. Cod. Memb".
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut, New Haven., Crete (Greece), Ērakleion (Greece), and Venice (Italy)
Subject (Topic):
Legal documents, Manuscripts, Medieval, and History
Manuscript on parchment of a collection of over 300 decrees issued by various Venetian governmental bodies: Maior Concilium (Maggior Consiglio), Concilium Sapientum (Consiglio dei Sapienti), Concilium X (Consiglio dei Dieci), Concilium Rogatorum (Consiglio dei Rogati), and others, and by several doges, between 1427 and 1540
In Latin and Italian., Script: copied by various hands in Humanistica Cursiva. No decoration., The manuscript also includes an oath formula for Jews, as well as a fragment of commentary on Psalm 96 from Pseudo-Jerome's Breviarium in Psalmos., and Binding: contemporary Venetian binding: blind-tooled calfskin over wooden boards, both covers decorated with two frames traced with quadruple fillets, one frame filled with a tulip roll stamp, the other one with various tools: a cherub's head, a ropework diamond, flowerets and a maple leaf. Five engraved brass bosses (four corner pieces and a center piece) on each cover (two are replacements). Four engraved brass clasps in the same style (two at the side edges and one each at the top and at the bottom edge).
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut, New Haven., and Venice (Italy)
Subject (Topic):
Legal documents, Manuscripts, Medieval, and Politics and government