"This engraving represents a circular building, with conical roof of tiles, shown in two sections, and partly in perspective. Within the building is a large wheel turned by a horse and giving motion to a considerable number of spindles, to which are attached disks; on each of the disks are several razors, which are thus set in action on the faces of the men who apply their cheeks to openings in the inner wall of the building. Exterior to this inner wall is a gallery where stand the men who are thus expeditiously shaved; their hats hang on pegs, each over the hole to which the owner has applied himself. In the gallery several men are finishing or preparing for their toilettes. The operation of dressing a wig is shown below the wheel, on our right, where many combs are placed on a drum which revolves like a water-wheel before a man's wig, placed on a block near it."--British Museum catalogue, description of an earlier state
Title engraved below image., Text following title: See the explanation., "Price 6d."--Bottom of plate, centered., For an earlier state published in 1745, see no. 2687 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 3, and English short title catalogue no. T42881., and With watermark of fleur-de-lis. Ms. note on verso in black in ink: Mr. Freeman, Arlington Street.
Publish'd according to act of Parliament Novr. [the] 2, 1749, and sold by J. Dubois at [the] Golden Head [the] corner of Burleigh Street near Exeter Chanc[...]
Subject (Topic):
Horses, Shaving, Razor blades, Machinery, and Wigs
A sleeping man on his back in a bed, is attached to a machine that is undressing him, pulling his pants off and his arms out of his sleeves, as other parts of the machine prepare to pull his nightcap and sleeping shirt over his head
Alternative Title:
Apparatus to undress and cover up when sleepy
Ttitle etched below image., Series title etched above image., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., and Watermark: J Whatman Turkey Mill.
Pubd. by T. McLean, 26 Haymarket and Printed by J. Netherclift
Subject (Topic):
Automation, Beds, Machinery, Sleepwear, and Undressing
Title, publisher, and date from item. and In lower margin: U.S. Government Printing Office: 1943-O-544266 ; U.S. Department of Agriculture--War Food Administration ; 8.
U. S. Department of Agriculture -- War Food Administration and U. S. Government Printing Office
Subject (Topic):
Accidents, Prevention, Industrial safety, World War, 1939-1945, Nutrition, Sleeping, Machinery, and Laborers
A stout man reclines on a chaise-longue, a bolster pillow supporting his knees as a small cup meets his lips. Above this, a small tube descends from a bowl labeled 'Barcelonie'. On the wall are two wheels and the mechanism that pours and decants the wine and cracks the nuts
Alternative Title:
Body fanner, nut-cracker and wine helper, for the heats of summer
Title from text below image., Series title etched above image., Later edition attributes these plates to Robert Seymour: Living made easy : dedicated to the Utilitarian Society : twelve humorous subjects / designed by R. Seymour. New-York : Published by E.S. Mesier, 28 Wall Street, 1832., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., and Watermark: J. Whatman Turkey Mill 1829.
Pubd. by T. McLean, 26 Haymarket and Printed by J. Netherclift
Subject (Topic):
Automation, Couches, Eating & drinking, Machinery, Nuts, and Wine
New way of mounting your horse in spite of the gout!!
Title etched below image., Date derived from George IV's date of death., Place of publication derived from street address., Below title: Dedicated to all fashionable Equestrians afflicted with that Malady!, and This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing.
Pubd. by Sidebotham 96 Strand
Subject (Name):
George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830 and Royal Pavilion (Brighton, England)
Title from item., Date supplied by curator., Place of publication derived from language of text., In lower margin: Schéma du Docteur Brunerye., Product claims to clean the liver and blood, and free the intestine., and This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing.
publisher not identified
Subject (Topic):
Constipation, Laxatives, Digestive organs, Body parts, Machinery, and Diagrams
A human's anatomical functions depicted as a well-run factory
Alternative Title:
Man as industrial palace
Title from item., Date supplied by curator., In lower margin: Aus Kahn, Das Leben des Menschen/Franckh'sche Verlagshandlung, Stuttgart/ ; Offsetdruckerei Fricke & Co. Stuttgart ; Kosmoswandbild Nr. 4/5 (1089)., From Kahn, F., Das Leben des Menschen : eine volkstümliche Anatomie, Biologie, Physiologie und Entwicklungsgeschichte des Menschen, Stuttgart, 1923-1931., and This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing.
Franckh'sche Verlagshandlung, Stuttgart
Subject (Topic):
Human anatomy, Models, Brain, Electromechanical analogies, Factories, Machinery, Control rooms, Body parts, and Diagrams
A human's anatomical functions depicted as a well-run factory
Alternative Title:
Man as industrial palace
Title from item., Date supplied by curator., In lower margin: Aus Kahn, Das Leben des Menschen/Franckh'sche Verlagshandlung, Stuttgart/ ; Offsetdruckerei Fricke & Co. Stuttgart ; Kosmoswandbild Nr. 4/5 (1089)., From Kahn, F., Das Leben des Menschen : eine volkstümliche Anatomie, Biologie, Physiologie und Entwicklungsgeschichte des Menschen, Stuttgart, 1923-1931., and This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing.
Franckh'sche Verlagshandlung, Stuttgart
Subject (Topic):
Human anatomy, Models, Brain, Electromechanical analogies, Factories, Machinery, Control rooms, Body parts, and Diagrams
All the functions that encompass a human's breathing depicted as a well-run factory
Alternative Title:
Human breath
Title from item., Artist and date supplied by curator., In upper margin right: Aus Kahn, Das Leben des Menschen., In lower margin: Franckh'sche Verlagshandlung, Stuttgart., From Kahn, F., Das Leben des Menschen : eine volkstümliche Anatomie, Biologie, Physiologie und Entwicklungsgeschichte des Menschen, Stuttgart, 1923-1931., and This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing.
Franckh'sche Verlagshandlung, Stuttgart
Subject (Topic):
Human anatomy, Models, Brain, Electromechanical analogies, Respiration, Factories, Machinery, Control rooms, Body parts, and Diagrams
BEIN Ujb22 +588r Copy 2: Bookplate: The James Walker Horological Library of Seth Thomas Clock Company, 1932. Stamp: Library of Amer. Clock & Watch Museum., Elizabethan Club +47: With extensive ms. annotations by Thomas Arundell, some in his hand and some apparently dictated to a secretary. Bookplate: Kenney Collection. Bookplate: Ex libris Robert B. & Marian S. Honeyman., Parallel text in Italian (italic letter) and French (roman letter)., Engravings by Léonard Gaultier., Text within ornamental borders; tail-pieces., and Signatures: engraved t.p., *⁶ chi1 2*⁸ a-s⁸ t⁶ u-z⁸ A-D⁸ E-K⁴/₂ L⁶ M-P⁴/₂ Q⁴ R-X⁸ Y⁴ Z-2A² 2B⁸ 2C-2F⁴/₂ 2G-2K⁶/₂ (o1 signed "n").
BEIN Ujb22 +588r Copy 2: Bookplate: The James Walker Horological Library of Seth Thomas Clock Company, 1932. Stamp: Library of Amer. Clock & Watch Museum., Elizabethan Club +47: With extensive ms. annotations by Thomas Arundell, some in his hand and some apparently dictated to a secretary. Bookplate: Kenney Collection. Bookplate: Ex libris Robert B. & Marian S. Honeyman., Parallel text in Italian (italic letter) and French (roman letter)., Engravings by Léonard Gaultier., Text within ornamental borders; tail-pieces., and Signatures: engraved t.p., *⁶ chi1 2*⁸ a-s⁸ t⁶ u-z⁸ A-D⁸ E-K⁴/₂ L⁶ M-P⁴/₂ Q⁴ R-X⁸ Y⁴ Z-2A² 2B⁸ 2C-2F⁴/₂ 2G-2K⁶/₂ (o1 signed "n").
An older gentleman is on horseback strapped into a contraption that limits the horses movement (as such, it won't move above a trot pace), limits any jolting movements and also provides shade and cover through the attachment of an umbrella. In the left background, a horseman struggles to control his horse as a panicked lady watches on and his top hat flies off behind him. To the right a male onlooker peers through his monocle in awe of the timid horsemen's contraption
Title from text below image., Series title etched above image., Later edition attributes these plates to Robert Seymour: Living made easy : dedicated to the Utilitarian Society : twelve humorous subjects / designed by R. Seymour. New-York : Published by E.S. Mesier, 28 Wall Street, 1832., and Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires.
Pubd. by T. McLean, 26 Haymarket and Printed by J. Netherclift
Subject (Topic):
Horseback riding, Horses, Umbrellas, Machinery, Dandies, and British
"Interior view of the mint in the Tower of London, shortly before it was removed to Tower Hill; men labouring with machinery of mint."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Plate numbered in upper right, above image: Plate 55., and Plate from: Microcosm of London. London : R. Ackermann's Repository of Arts, No. 101 Strand, [1808-1810?], v. 2, opposite page 203.
Pub. 1st Feby. 1809 at R. Ackermann's Repository of Arts, 101 Strand
Subject (Geographic):
London (England), England, and London.
Subject (Name):
Great Britain. Royal Mint. and Tower of London (London, England)
Satire against corruption with an image of a huge automaton representing the new London University (later University College, London) tramples over greedy clerics, doctors, lawyers and the crown. Five lines of text below image: "I saw a vision, a giant form appeard, it's eys where [sic] burning lights even of Gas, and on its learned head it bore A Crown of many towers, It's Body was an Engine yea of steam it's arms where [corn?] and the legs with which it stode like unto presses that men called printers use, from whence felt ever and anon small Books that fed the little people of the Earth, It rose and in it's hand it tool a Broom to sweep the rubish [sic] from the face of the land, the Special pleaders & thier [sic] wigs also & the Quack Doctors also and the ghosts & those tha twhear Horns & the Crowns of those kigns that set themselv's above the laws & the Delays in Chancery it utterly destroy'd, likewiase it sweept from the Clergy every Plurality, Nevertheless the Lawyers & the Parsons & divers others kick't up a great dust!!!"
Title from text above image., Shortshanks is the pseudonym of Robert Seymour., Date from online British Museum catalogue., and Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires.
Социалистическое строительство, повышение квалификации женского труда, ... устранят причины проституции
Title and date from item., From: Album - Exhibition Set, Venereal Diseases and the Fight Against Them. Published in Moscow by the People's Committee on Health, 1928., and This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing.