"The patient sits on a stool, averting his head from the surgeon who supports his left arm, from which the blood spurts into a bowl. The operator wears spurred top-boots, and has a bucolic appearance suggesting a veterinary surgeon. The patient wears a nightcap and buttoned waistcoat over his shirt."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Printmaker identified as Gillray and artist questionably identified as Sneyd in the British Museum catalogue., One of a set of Gillray prints of medical conditions that were apparent studies in facial expression., Temporary local subject terms: Veterinary surgeons -- Bleeding -- Top boots., and 1 print : etching with engraving, hand-colored ; plate mark 261 x 200 mm.
Publish'd Jany. 28th, 1804, by H. Humphrey, St. James's Street, London
"The patient sits on a stool, averting his head from the surgeon who supports his left arm, from which the blood spurts into a bowl. The operator wears spurred top-boots, and has a bucolic appearance suggesting a veterinary surgeon. The patient wears a nightcap and buttoned waistcoat over his shirt."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Printmaker identified as Gillray and artist questionably identified as Sneyd in the British Museum catalogue., One of a set of Gillray prints of medical conditions that were apparent studies in facial expression., and Temporary local subject terms: Veterinary surgeons -- Bleeding -- Top boots.
Publish'd Jany. 28th, 1804, by H. Humphrey, St. James's Street, London
Title from item., Date of publication from unverified data in local card catalog record., Later version of the design by Peter Brueghel the Elder., and Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires.
publisher not identified
Subject (Topic):
South Sea Bubble, Great Britain, 1720 and Medical procedures & techniques
Title from item., Date supplied by curator., Place of publication from item., Below image is written, "Le secret, et les Tireurs de vers du nez." The phrase refers both to extracting parasites, and to extracting secrets., This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing., and Temporary local Medical Library subject terms: Medicine & morality.
Chez N. Guerard graveur rue St. Jacques à la Reine du Clergé C.P.R.
Subject (Topic):
Nose, Parasites, Questioning, Medical ethics, Sick persons, Medical procedures & techniques, Money, and Sculpture
V. 2. Caricature magazine, or, Hudibrastic mirror.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
An old hag sits in a carved chair with a gothic back by a vast open fire-place (right), with sticks blazing on the hearth. She uses a large knife to slice at one of her distorted toes. Beside her are a tub and scrubbing-brush and a large cat. She wears spectacles and a shawl around her head
Title etched below image., Close copy, with plate number on border, of a print with the same title by James Gillray published by Hannah Humphrey on February 6, 1800., Publication date based on that of the original print by Gillray from which this copy was made., Sheet trimmed to plate mark., and Plate numbered '134' in upper right corner.
publisher not identified
Subject (Topic):
Cats, Chairs, Eyeglasses, Feet, Fireplaces, Medical procedures & techniques, Older people, Slippers, and Wash tubs
V. 2. Caricature magazine, or, Hudibrastic mirror.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
An old hag sits in a carved chair with a gothic back by a vast open fire-place (right), with sticks blazing on the hearth. She uses a large knife to slice at one of her distorted toes. Beside her are a tub and scrubbing-brush and a large cat. She wears spectacles and a shawl around her head
Title etched below image., Close copy, with plate number on border, of a print with the same title by James Gillray published by Hannah Humphrey on February 6, 1800., Publication date based on that of the original print by Gillray from which this copy was made., Sheet trimmed to plate mark., Plate numbered '134' in upper right corner., 1 print : etching on wove paper, hand-colored ; plate mark 28.1 x 21.9 cm, on sheet 41.8 x 25.6 cm., and Leaf 95 in volume 2.
publisher not identified
Subject (Topic):
Cats, Chairs, Eyeglasses, Feet, Fireplaces, Medical procedures & techniques, Older people, Slippers, and Wash tubs
Title from text below image., Plate from: New readings of old authors : Shakespeare / designed and drawn on stone by the late Robert Seymour. London : Tilt and Bogue, 86, Fleet Street, [1841]., and Temporary local Medical Library subject terms: Theater.
Tilt and Bogue and Madeley, litho., 3 Wellington St., Strand
Subject (Name):
Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616.
Subject (Topic):
Phlebotomy, Cupping, and Medical procedures & techniques
"An adaptation of Gillray's 'Comfort to the Corns', British Museum Satires No. 9585. The old hag is altered to a rather younger woman, the wide hearth to a neat fireplace. The Gothic chair is replaced by a chair with a high cane back (of Charles II period). A cat watches the operation."--British Museum online catalogue, description of an etched version of the same design
Title from text below image., Probably a copy of an etching attributed to George Cruikshank and assigned a date of 1818. Cf. No. 13134 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 9., Temporary local Medical Library subject terms: Corns., and Mounted to 34.2 x 25.4 cm.
publisher not identified
Subject (Topic):
Knives, Feet, Medical procedures & techniques, Cats, and Fireplaces
Title from item., Reduced copy of a print by Isaac Cruikshank under the same title, published by S. W. Fores in 1795., Publication information extrapolated from the place and date of publication of the periodical for which the plate was etched., Plate from: London und Paris. Weimar: Im Verlage des Industrie-Comptoirs, 1800, v. 5., p. 346., Numbered 'No. XI' in upper right corner., Temporary local subject terms: Debates: budget debate, 23 February 1795 -- Artisans -- Money., and Mounted.
Im Verlage des Industrie-Comptoirs
Subject (Name):
Pitt, William, 1759-1806, Portland, William Henry Cavendish-Bentinck, Duke of, 1738-1809, and Windham, William, 1750-1810
Subject (Topic):
John Bull (Symbolic character), Fireplaces, Kettles, Wigs, and Medical procedures & techniques
Dr. Musgrave prescribing for Britannia who is in a deep consumption
Title from item., Publication place and date inferred from those of the periodical for which this plate was engraved., and Plate from: The Oxford magazine or, Universal museum ... London : Printed for the authors, v. 3 (1769), p. 95.
publisher not identified
Subject (Name):
Bedford, John Russell, Duke of, 1710-1771, Musgrave, Samuel, 1732-1780, Holland, Henry Fox, Baron, 1705-1774, Wilkes, John, 1725-1797, and Halifax, George Montagu-Dunk, Earl of, 1716-1771
Subject (Topic):
Britannia (Symbolic character), Medical equipment & supplies, and Medical procedures & techniques
Title etched above image., Date in British Museum catalogue: ca. 1700., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Placement instructions in lower left corner of plate: P. 163, Voll. 1., and Plate from: The works of Mr. Thomas Brown, serious and comical. 5th ed. London: Printed for Sam Briscoe ..., 1719, v. 1.
S. Briscoe
Subject (Topic):
Alligators, Astrology, Books, Experiments, Fish, Globes, Medical procedures & techniques, and Physicians
"An invalid sits, with contorted features, at a table (left) on which are basin, tea-pot, medicine-bottle, glass. His head is held by a compassionate friend, standing behind him. He wears night-cap, shirt, breeches, and unbuttoned waistcoat."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Printmaker identified as Gillray and artist questionably identified as Sneyd in the British Museum catalogue., One of a set of Gillray prints of medical conditions that were apparent studies in facial expression., and Temporary local subject terms: Glasses: Tumbler -- Medicine Bottles.
Publish'd Jany. 28th, 1804, by H. Humphrey, St. James's Steet
Subject (Topic):
Emetics, Medical procedures & techniques, Basins (Containers), Drinking vessels, Medicines, Bottles, and Teapots
"An invalid sits, with contorted features, at a table (left) on which are basin, tea-pot, medicine-bottle, glass. His head is held by a compassionate friend, standing behind him. He wears night-cap, shirt, breeches, and unbuttoned waistcoat."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Printmaker identified as Gillray and artist questionably identified as Sneyd in the British Museum catalogue., One of a set of Gillray prints of medical conditions that were apparent studies in facial expression., Temporary local subject terms: Glasses: Tumbler -- Medicine Bottles., 1 print : etching with engraving and stipple, hand-colored ; sheet 255 x 192 mm., and Sheet trimmed within plate mark.
Publish'd Jany. 28th, 1804, by H. Humphrey, St. James's Steet
Subject (Topic):
Emetics, Medical procedures & techniques, Basins (Containers), Drinking vessels, Medicines, Bottles, and Teapots
"A fat citizen (three-quarter length), seated in an armchair, endures an operation upon the carbuncles of his bloated nose. The operator (left), thin and high-shouldered, holds the patient's forehead and applies a small pointed instrument (a metallic tractor) causing flames to gush from nose and nostrils. On a small table (left) are a decanter of 'Brandy' with a jug and steaming glass, lemon, and sugar, the patient's pipe lying across a newspaper: 'The True Briton. Theatre Dead Alive. Grand Exhibition in Leicester Square, just arrived from America the Rod of Æsculapius. Perkinism in all its Glory - being a certain Cure for all Disorders, Red Noses, Gouty Toes, Windy Bowels, Broken Legs, Hump Backs. Just discover'd, the Grand Secret of the Philosopher's Stone with the True way of turning all Metals into Gold, pro bono publico.' On the wall (right) is a picture of an infant Bacchus, astride a cask, holding out a decanter and a glass."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Temporary local Medical Library subject terms: Metallic tractors -- Perkins, Elisha., 1 print : etching and aquatint with engraving, hand-colored ; sheet 24.4 x 31.5 cm., and Sheet trimmed within plate mark.
Publish'd Novr. 11, 1801, by H. Humphrey, 27 St. James's Street
Subject (Name):
Perkins, Benjamin Douglas, 1774-1810
Subject (Topic):
Pain, Quacks and quackery, Quacks, Medical procedures & techniques, Medical equipment & supplies, Pipes (Smoking), Newspapers, and Dogs
"A fat citizen (three-quarter length), seated in an armchair, endures an operation upon the carbuncles of his bloated nose. The operator (left), thin and high-shouldered, holds the patient's forehead and applies a small pointed instrument (a metallic tractor) causing flames to gush from nose and nostrils. On a small table (left) are a decanter of 'Brandy' with a jug and steaming glass, lemon, and sugar, the patient's pipe lying across a newspaper: 'The True Briton. Theatre Dead Alive. Grand Exhibition in Leicester Square, just arrived from America the Rod of Æsculapius. Perkinism in all its Glory - being a certain Cure for all Disorders, Red Noses, Gouty Toes, Windy Bowels, Broken Legs, Hump Backs. Just discover'd, the Grand Secret of the Philosopher's Stone with the True way of turning all Metals into Gold, pro bono publico.' On the wall (right) is a picture of an infant Bacchus, astride a cask, holding out a decanter and a glass."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., A reduced copy of a print by James Gillray, published 11 November 1801 by Hannah Humphrey. Cf. No. 9761 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum, v. 8., Publication information from that of the periodical in which the plate was issued., Plate from: London und Paris. Weimar: Im Verlage des Industrie-Comptoirs, 1802, Bd. 9., Numbered "No. VIII" in upper right corner of design., Cf. Wright, T. Works of James Gillray, the caricaturist, page 281., Cf. Wright, T. Historical and descriptive account of the caricatures by James Gillray, no. 506., and Temporary local Medical Library subject terms: Metallic tractors.
Im Verlage des Industrie-Comptoirs
Subject (Name):
Perkins, Benjamin Douglas, 1774-1810
Subject (Topic):
Pain, Quacks and quackery, Quacks, Medical procedures & techniques, Medical equipment & supplies, Pipes (Smoking), Newspapers, and Dogs
"John Bull, corpulent, bald-headed, and stripped to the loins, is beset by leeches with human heads. They climb up his legs and attack his body, arms, and head. He stamps angrily, with clenched fists, saying, "This is Bleeding with A Veangence If I do not Shake off Some of these Leaches I shall not have a drop of Blood Left, why they will never be full & this is the third Set I have had on with in this three years or so. enough to Destroy the best Constitution." The King's profile projects into the design from the left. margin; he holds his spy-glass to his eye (as in British Museum Satires No. 10019, &c), saying, "Hard Work Indeed for poor Johnny How Voraicous I begin to think they will be too many for him I must Order Some of them off I see." Four leeches lie on the ground all inscribed 'Defaulter', followed by various sums: '300-000', '200-000', '400,000', [?] '500,000'. With these is a roll of 'New P . . . [? Pensions]'. On the right are heaped John's hat, waistcoat, coat, shirt, and wig, with a club inscribed 'Oak'."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Bleeding John Bull
Title etched below image., Year of publication from British Museum catalogue., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Printseller's announcement within design: Folios of caricatures lent for the evening., and Watermark: John Hall.
Pub. 6th of Feb. by S.W. Fores, 50 Piccadilli [sic]
Subject (Name):
George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820
Subject (Topic):
John Bull (Symbolic character), Phlebotomy, Worms, Medical procedures & techniques, and Taxes
Heath, Henry, active 1824-1850, printmaker, artist
Published / Created:
[July 1827]
Call Number:
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
A doctor pumps the stomach of his obese seated patient while another couple wait, one who has already undergone reduction examines his deflated countenance in a mirror. A scrawny and an obese dog play next to the doctor's stool and bucket. On the wall are a picture of an obese man and a skeletal man and a picture entitled "Specimen of the reduction of a dog, performed by the stomach-pump - in 3 operations"
Title etched below image., One of a series of "Arithmetic" plates by Henry Heath. For other plates in the series, see British Museum online catalogue, registration nos.: 1985,0119.89; 1985,0119.312-313; 1985,0119.316-317; and 1985,0119.324., and Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires.
Pubd. July 1827 by William Cole, Newgate Street
Subject (Topic):
Physicians, Patients, Obesity, Therapeutics, Stomach-pump, Costume, History, Medical equipment & supplies, Medical procedures & techniques, Pails, Dogs, Mirrors, and Stools
"The invalid, unshaven, in a nightcap, and wearing a dressing-gown over unfastened waistcoat, breeches, and ungartered stockings, stands as in British Museum Satires No. 9584, grimacing with disgust at a cup of medicine, the bottle in his left hand. In place of the fireplace is a table on which are medicine bottles, pill-box, and a small case inscribed 'Tractors', see British Museum Satires No. 9761. Behind him is a commode. A strip of bed-curtain appears on the extreme right. A companion print to British Museum Satires No. 9805. Cf. British Museum Satires No. 10304, &c."--British Museum online catalogue
Title from item., Printmaker identified as Isaac Cruikshank in the British Museum catalogue., An imitation of Gillray's print of the same title; cf. No. 9584 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 7., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Temporary local subject terms: Physic -- Medicine bottles -- Pill boxes -- Close stools., and Temporary local Medical Library subject terms: Purgatives -- Toilet facilities.
Published by S.W. Fores, No. 50 Piccadilly
Subject (Topic):
Laxatives, Tractors, Metallic, Medicines, Medical procedures & techniques, and Sick persons
"The invalid, unshaven, in a nightcap, and wearing a dressing-gown over unfastened waistcoat, breeches, and ungartered stockings, stands as in British Museum Satires No. 9584, grimacing with disgust at a cup of medicine, the bottle in his left hand. In place of the fireplace is a table on which are medicine bottles, pill-box, and a small case inscribed 'Tractors', see British Museum Satires No. 9761. Behind him is a commode. A strip of bed-curtain appears on the extreme right. A companion print to British Museum Satires No. 9805. Cf. British Museum Satires No. 10304, &c."--British Museum online catalogue
Title from item., Printmaker identified as Isaac Cruikshank in the British Museum catalogue., An imitation of Gillray's print of the same title; cf. No. 9584 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 7., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Temporary local subject terms: Physic -- Medicine bottles -- Pill boxes -- Close stools., Temporary local Medical Library subject terms: Purgatives -- Toilet facilities., and 1 print : etching, hand-colored ; plate mark 31.5 x 22.0 cm.
Published by S.W. Fores, No. 50 Piccadilly
Subject (Topic):
Laxatives, Tractors, Metallic, Medicines, Medical procedures & techniques, and Sick persons