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1. De man in 't hembd, of de gefnuikte hoogmoed [graphic].
- Published / Created:
- [1780?]
- Call Number:
- 780.
- Image Count:
- 1
- Resource Type:
- still image
- Abstract:
- "The figures are numbered, referring to a short printed explanation beneath the plate. A man (1), England, dressed only in a shirt, with an expression of horrified rage, is being held by two men, (4) and (5), representing Denmark and Sweden. France (7) stands behind him about to place a fool's cap on his head. Russia (right) (3), a stalwart man wearing a fur cap and long gown, is about to strike him with a large club. A plainly dressed man (2), America, runs off to the left with his clothes, looking back with a smile. Holland, as a Dutchman (6), kneels on the ground fixing shackles to the ankles of the Man in the Shirt. The scene is the sea-shore. Small vessels (left) (8) have boards on the top of their bare masts; behind them are ships in full sail (9). A man (10) clenches his fist at the sight of the vessels. In the foreground lie torn documents (11). The explanation, translated: (1), "A man in a shirt in a great rage; (2), an American, who carries away his money and clothes laughing; (3), a Russian threatening to strike him; (4) and (5) hold each an arm; (6), a Dutchman who puts chains on him; (8), some dismantled privateers; (9), a fleet of merchant ships sailing undisturbed; (10), a man who sees this, stamping his feet; (11), some torn-up treaties." 1780 Etching with letterpress explanation"--British Museum online catalogue
- Description:
- Title from item., Sheet trimmed., and One figure in print identified (in ms.?) as B. Franklin.
- Publisher:
- publisher not identified
- Subject (Geographic):
- United States and Great Britain
- Subject (Name):
- Franklin, Benjamin, 1706-1790.
- Subject (Topic):
- Neutrality, Armed, History, and Foreign relations
- Found in:
- Lewis Walpole Library > De man in 't hembd, of de gefnuikte hoogmoed [graphic].
2. Loon na werk 1780 [graphic].
- Published / Created:
- [1780]
- Call Number:
- 780.00.00.159
- Image Count:
- 1
- Resource Type:
- still image
- Abstract:
- A large, muzzled and chained dog representing England, is shown being attacked by several men who represent England's enemies, the countries of the armed neutrality league and its allies -- a Swede, a Dane, a Frenchman with an umbrella, a Spaniard with a cane, a Dutchman holding the dog by the tail, an American with a single feather in his hat, and one woman, Catherine of Russia, holding a caduceus and a sword. In the background, a woman, labeled "Queen of the Sea," stripped to the waist, wearing a crown, and hanging by her wrists from a gallows is being whipped by a man dressed as a naval officer and identified as J. Paul Jones. The print includes legend to numbered figures below title
- Description:
- Title from item. and "De piris is 8 stuijoen."
- Publisher:
- publisher not identified
- Subject (Topic):
- Assault and battery, Great Britain, Foreign relations, United States, and History
- Found in:
- Lewis Walpole Library > Loon na werk 1780 [graphic].
3. [De eerste oeconomische plaat. Een jongen ryken hollander] The first economic print. A rich young Dutchman. [graphic] =
- Published / Created:
- [1780]
- Call Number:
- 780.
- Image Count:
- 1
- Abstract:
- "A companion print to BMSat 5720. The "rich young Dutchman", who is the subject of the print, appears in it in two different situations. He sits (right) on his open money-chest, which is supported on four low wooden wheels, and filled with money-bags, holding a paper in his hand and pointing contemptuously to the right, where another Dutchman stands by a booth of Dutch wares. He pays no attention to an Englishman (right), "Meester John altyd op en te kort" (Master John always short of cash), who takes one of his money-bags and points with his left hand towards a temple falling to ruin in the distance. The Dutchman carelessly allows the money-chest to be dragged to the left by Folly in cap and bells, by a Frenchman, and by two richly dressed women, one of meretricious appearance with loose hair, the other with a haughty expression and hair dressed in an enormous pyramid. A third man, wearing a high toupet-wig, turns his back on the money-chest as he drinks from a large bottle. On the left of this group the "rich young Dutchman" appears again standing passively with a pleased expression while he is decked out in French garments: a little boy wearing a bag-wig hands him a high toupet-wig with a long queue, a man helps him to put on a coat, and on the left a Frenchman bows low before him holding a feathered hat. Another Frenchman standing behind holds out a sword. Behind this group is a booth of English goods with a placard: "Engelsche kraam", in front of it is a draped platform on which stand the English salesman (left) and his assistant (right), the latter dressed like the zany who accompanied mountebanks and quack-doctors. The salesman holds out a roll of figured material and points to the right; he appears to be addressing the spectators. His assistant hands a pile of crockery to a man (right) who holds out his hands to receive it. The shelves of the booth are stacked with crockery, &c, while textiles hang from projecting poles. On the extreme left is a solid and lofty stone gateway or triumphal arch. Over the arch is carved a fool's head, with cap and bells; festoons of bells from the cap decorate the façade. Four men, partly visible, blow trumpets and horns from the summit of the arch. In the foreground (left) a stall or booth of French wares is partly visible in front of the arch. Its penthouse roof has a placard inscribed "Modes de Paris". Elaborately trimmed hats and ribbons hang from a cord. Beneath it, beside a chest, stands a man dressed in the French manner holding out his hands persuasively towards the "rich young Dutchman" as if to recommend his wares. He appears from the explanation to be Charles III of Spain (allied to France by the Family Compact). At his feet is a pile of feathered hats, &c, and a monkey who holds out a feathered hat towards the Dutchman. Through the archway is seen a formal garden with clipped hedges and a fountain in the distance. In alcoves in the hedges two couples are making love. Two men are fighting with swords. At two tables parties of men and women dressed in the French fashion are feasting. A couple advance towards the tables through the archway. These figures are on a minute scale. In the foreground on the extreme right, a pendant to the "Modes de Paris", is a Dutch booth with a placard inscribed "Hollandsche Waaren". By it stands the plainly dressed Dutch salesman at whom the "rich young Dutchman" with the money-chest is pointing disdainfully. His wares are all solid and plain: corded bales, rolls of textiles, a pile of plain round hats. Under the roof of the booth stands an enormous chest; stockings, gloves, and garments hang from a line. In the distance (right) is the sea, two ships in full sail are fighting. On the shore is a circular temple (the temple of the state), its roof supported by tottering pillars which a crowd of men on a minute scale are pulling down (? or shoring up)."--British Museum online catalogue
- Alternative Title:
- Eerste oeconomische plaat, VI De eerste oeconomische plaat, Jongen ryken hollander, First economic print, and Rich young Dutchman
- Description:
- Titles and publication date from British Museum catalogue., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Number VI precedes title., and Second state, without letters on box.
- Publisher:
- publisher not identified
- Subject (Topic):
- Commerce
- Found in:
- Lewis Walpole Library > [De eerste oeconomische plaat. Een jongen ryken hollander] The first economic print. A rich young Dutchman. [graphic] =
4. [De tooneelspelers van Doctor Schasz] [graphic].
- Published / Created:
- [1780?]
- Call Number:
- 780. Impression 1
- Image Count:
- 1
- Resource Type:
- still image
- Description:
- Title from explanation accompanying print in the John Carter Brown Library., Date from similar print. Cf. No. 5724 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 5., Sheet trimmed., and Names added in ms. identifying figures in print.
- Publisher:
- publisher not identified
- Subject (Topic):
- Forts & fortifications and Clothing & dress
- Found in:
- Lewis Walpole Library > [De tooneelspelers van Doctor Schasz] [graphic].
5. [Echte uitlegging van eene Engelsche kunstprent] [True interpretation of an English print]. [graphic] =
- Published / Created:
- [not before October 1780]
- Call Number:
- 780.10.00.01+
- Image Count:
- 1
- Resource Type:
- still image
- Abstract:
- Two men in a large room, one seated, the other standing are seen gesturing towards a framed picture representing a naval battle, and showing the diplomatic papers thrown into the water by Henry Laurens. When retrieved by the British, these papers had revealed unauthorized Dutch negotiations with the American Congress, resulting in a British declaration of war on Holland on 20 December 1780
- Alternative Title:
- True interpretation of an English print
- Description:
- Titles and date of publication from British Museum catalogue.
- Publisher:
- publisher not identified
- Subject (Geographic):
- Great Britain, Netherlands., Netherlands, Great Britain., United States., and England
- Subject (Name):
- Laurens, Henry, 1724-1792.
- Subject (Topic):
- Foreign relations, Neutrality, Armed, Naval prints, Interiors, and Clothing & dress
- Found in:
- Lewis Walpole Library > [Echte uitlegging van eene Engelsche kunstprent] [True interpretation of an English print]. [graphic] =
6. [Het tegenwoordig verward Europa] [Europe in her present disordered state]. [graphic] =
- Published / Created:
- [1780?]
- Call Number:
- 780. Impression 1
- Image Count:
- 1
- Resource Type:
- still image
- Abstract:
- "A curiously carved chest, or seat, representing "The English Bank of Exchange" (Wisselbank) is suspended like a pair of scales by chains from the horn of a unicorn whose head emerges from clouds. It tilts down on the right, where a stout Englishman, "an English lord", sits precariously, exclaiming in alarm as a Frenchman (right), standing on the ground beneath, pulls him by the leg. The Frenchman's right hand is on the hilt of his sword. The balance is further depressed by America, a naked child crowned with feathers, who is seated on the "Bank" beside the Englishman and holding his arm, admonishing him with an upraised finger. A Spaniard holding a crutch crouches on the ground beside the Frenchman. A "Dutch skipper" (left) holds one leg of the "Bank" to prevent its being dragged down by France. He turns to speak to a "merchant of Amsterdam" seated on a chest and writing in a ledger. Round the chest are "sacks of gold", bales of goods, cheeses (one stamped with crossed keys), and rolls of textiles. In the background (centre) is a Dutch landscape; a group of six windmills flying a flag with three stripes, and four cows, two of which are being milked. Beneath the design, verses are engraved in two columns, English (left) and Dutch (right)."--British Museum catalogue
- Alternative Title:
- Europe in her present disordered state
- Description:
- Titles from British Museum catalogue., Publication date from British Museum catalogue., Verses beneath image in English and Dutch: "Bold Jack! pray, what's the business to-day? ..." and "Hoezee! tienduizendmaal! van dikhuot zaagt men deelen...", and Sheet trimmed within plate mark.
- Publisher:
- publisher not identified
- Subject (Topic):
- Headdresses, Windmills, and Commerce
- Found in:
- Lewis Walpole Library > [Het tegenwoordig verward Europa] [Europe in her present disordered state]. [graphic] =
7. [Het tegenwoordig verward Europa] [Europe in her present disordered state]. [graphic] =
- Published / Created:
- [1780?]
- Call Number:
- 780.
- Image Count:
- 1
- Resource Type:
- still image
- Abstract:
- "A curiously carved chest, or seat, representing "The English Bank of Exchange" (Wisselbank) is suspended like a pair of scales by chains from the horn of a unicorn whose head emerges from clouds. It tilts down on the right, where a stout Englishman, "an English lord", sits precariously, exclaiming in alarm as a Frenchman (right), standing on the ground beneath, pulls him by the leg. The Frenchman's right hand is on the hilt of his sword. The balance is further depressed by America, a naked child crowned with feathers, who is seated on the "Bank" beside the Englishman and holding his arm, admonishing him with an upraised finger. A Spaniard holding a crutch crouches on the ground beside the Frenchman. A "Dutch skipper" (left) holds one leg of the "Bank" to prevent its being dragged down by France. He turns to speak to a "merchant of Amsterdam" seated on a chest and writing in a ledger. Round the chest are "sacks of gold", bales of goods, cheeses (one stamped with crossed keys), and rolls of textiles. In the background (centre) is a Dutch landscape; a group of six windmills flying a flag with three stripes, and four cows, two of which are being milked. Beneath the design, verses are engraved in two columns, English (left) and Dutch (right)."--British Museum catalogue
- Alternative Title:
- Europe in her present disordered state
- Description:
- Titles from British Museum catalogue., Publication date from British Museum catalogue., Trimmed within plate line; damage with loss of design in lower right corner., and Verses beneath image in English and Dutch: "Bold Jack! pray, what's the business to-day? ..." and "Hoezee! tienduizendmaal! van dikhuot zaagt men deelen ..."
- Publisher:
- publisher not identified
- Subject (Topic):
- Headdresses, Windmills, and Commerce
- Found in:
- Lewis Walpole Library > [Het tegenwoordig verward Europa] [Europe in her present disordered state]. [graphic] =