A view of the first three levels of a silver mine in Sala. Images A and B show the elevator; 4 and 5 show the openings of the mine. 6 is a cross section of one level of the mine where miners are working
Alternative Title:
Fodina argentea sahlensis
Title, state, and imprint from Paulson., "T. II."--Upper left corner., "XXXII."--Upper right corner., One of fifteen plates engraved for: A. de La Motraye's travels through travels through Europe, Asia, and into part of Africa., Sheet trimmed to plate mark., and On page 18 in volume 1.
A map of iron forges and mines near Arboga, still in Sweden
Alternative Title:
Fodina ferrea Danmorensis
Title, publisher, state, and imprint from Paulson., Engraved title etched in image, upper left., "T. II."--Middle left, between two images., "XXXV."--Middle right, between two images., One of fifteen plates engraved for: A. de La Motraye's travels through travels through Europe, Asia, and into part of Africa., and On page 18 in volume 1.
A map of the Caspian Sea with figures below, keyed with the letters 'e' through 'i' and who are not Moscovites but a Circassian (g), Circassian maidens (f), which he is offering to sell to the Persian (h). The figure keyed 'i' is a Nogharian Tartar
Alternative Title:
Voresta Moscovitica ...
Title, publisher, state, and imprint from Paulson., One of five plates formerly (but no longer, see Paulson 3rd ed.) thought to have been partially the work of Hogarth and engraved for: A. de La Motraye's Travels through Europe, Asia, and into part of Africa., "C."--Upper left corner., "T. II."--Upper right corner., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., and On page 19 in volume 1.
A detail showing figures keyed with the letters 'e' through 'i' and who are not Moscovites but a Circassian (g), Circassian maidens (f), which he is offering to sell to the Persian (h). The figure keyed 'i' is a Nogharian Tartar. Original formerly thought to have been the work of William Hogarth
Alternative Title:
5 standing Muscovites
Title supplied by cataloger based on original as described in Paulson., A copy of a plate from: A. de La Motraye's travels through travels through Europe, Asia, and into part of Africa., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Cf. Paulson, R. Hogarth's graphic works (1st ed.), no. 268. Rejected as the work of Hogarth in 3rd ed., On page 19 in volume 1., and Ms. note at top in Steevens's hand: Copy.
Obelisk on plinth lettered 'Laponia', decorated with four coins or medals of the Swedish monarchs Gustav Adolf, Christina, Karl Gustav and Karl XI; on either side of the obelisk are two Sami with dead stags at their feet and various weapons and tools, including a canoe, skis and bow and arrow. At the top are the North star and constellations seen in the Northern sky illustrated as big and little bears (Ursa Major and Ursa Minor) and dragon (Draco). At the top left, hanging from the plinth, and below, six numbered details of medals. The monument is described as a Runnar or Runsteenar Stone, North of Hedwick Wall in Sweden in Voyages and travels of A. De La Motraye
Alternative Title:
Title devised by cataloger., Added title, publisher, state, and imprint from Paulson., One of five plates formerly (but no longer, see Paulson 3rd ed.) thought to have been partially the work of Hogarth and engraved for: A. de La Motraye's Travels through Europe, Asia, and into part of Africa., "T. II."--Upper left corner., "XXXVII."--Upper right corner., Sheet trimmed within plate mark; some loss of characters in volume numbering., and On page 19 in volume 1.
A scene with a traditional Sami home, clothing, and customs. Figures are numbered; the key is provided in the text (see v. 2, p. 282-98). The house (no. 1) is a tent with a door through which you can see a woman cooking over a fire. To left of the tent is a small house in a tree used for drying fish (no. 4); a woman carries a baby in a traditional carrier (no. 5); in the back ground on the right is a 'magic' drum (no. 9); other figures demonstrate sleds drawn by reindeer, skis, milking, etc
Alternative Title:
Lapland hut
Title devised by cataloger., Added title, publisher, state, and date from Paulson., One of fifteen plates engraved for: A. de La Motraye's Travels through Europe, Asia, and into part of Africa., "XXXVIII."--Upper left corner., "T. II."--Upper right corner., Sheet trimmed within plate mark; plate and volume erased from this impression., and On page 20 in volume 1.
A. de La Mottraye
Subject (Geographic):
Sápmi. and 12680778
Subject (Name):
La Mottraye, Aubry de, approximately 1674-1743.
Subject (Topic):
Sami (European people), Cookery, Dogs, Drums, Houses, Infants, Milking, Mothers, Reindeer, Skiing, and Sleds & sleighs
A map showing the layout of a mine with Roman numerals referencing successively lower levels of the mine
Alternative Title:
Fodina argentea sahlensis
Title engraved in image., Date, publisher, and state from Paulson., "T. II."--Upper left corner., "XXXVIII No. 2."--Upper right corner., One of fifteen plates engraved for: A. de La Motraye's travels through travels through Europe, Asia, and into part of Africa., Sheet trimmed to plate mark., and On page 20 in volume 1.
Satire on the Italian opera, apparently Handel's 'Flavio', act III, scene 4, with the three Italian opera singers of the title on the stage of the King's Theatre in the Haymarket; they sing the roles of Flavio, Emilia and Guido respectively. In a classical set, a tall ungainly man with a small head and knock-knees wearing theatrical Roman armour with a curved sword its hilt decorated with a parrot's head; a very short woman wearing a crown to which is attached a train held by a small boy; another man with a small head standing with hands on hips wearing theatrical Roman armour and a helmet with a very large crest. From the British Museum online catalogue
Title and date from Paulson and British Museum catalogue., Formerly attributed to William Hogarth. Design has been ascribed to the Countess of Burlington, and etching to Goupy. On the impression in the Pierpont Morgan Library this attribution has been written in pencil under print and is also mentioned in the British Museum catalogue., Sheet trimmed to plate mark., and On page 43 in volume 1. Plate trimmed to: 18.1 25.6 cm.
Scene in the Hippodrome in Constantinople with figures numbered; key provided in the text (see v. 1, p. 196-97, 249-50). In the foreground a procession for a Turkish bride who is carried by Janizaries; the group includes musicians who blow horns and beat drums. In the background are horsemen, 'Serpetine', and the ancient obelisks
Title, publisher, state, and date from Paulson., One of fifteen plates from: A. de La Motraye's travels through travels through Europe, Asia, and into part of Africa., "T. 1."--Upper left corner., "XV."--Upper right corner., Sheet trimmed to plate mark., and On page 14 in volume 1.
A. de La Mottraye
Subject (Geographic):
Turkey. and Turkish.
Subject (Name):
La Mottraye, Aubry de, approximately 1674-1743. and Hippodrome of Constantinople (Istanbul, Turkey)
Satire on the excesses of certain Freemasons: a procession of masons emerge from a public house headed by elaborately dressed men described as the emperor of China, Confucius and two mandarins; an old woman sits on a ladder balanced on the back of a donkey and a mason, identified as such by his apron and gloves, stretches between the rungs of the ladder to kiss her bare backside; Don Quixote, in full armour and wearing a masonic apron and gloves, holds up his shield behind the donkey; in the foreground, to left, a man playing the bladder and string, in the centre, a dancing monkey with apron and gloves, and, to right, a butcher laughing at the scene while Sancho Panza gasps in surprise
Title engraved below image., State, publisher, and date from Paulson. British Museum catalogue dates the print 1742., Below the image, far left of the title, mock key identifying the leading figures, followed by twelve lines of verse beginning, "From Eastern Climes, transplanted to our Coasts ..."., Below the image, far right of the title, mock description: "Done from [the] original painted at Pekin by Matachauter, grav'd by Ho-ge and sold by [the] printsellers of London, Paris & Rome.", and Sheet trimmed within plate mark.
An emerald carved in the shape of a dish, said to have been a present from the Queen of Sheba to Solomon, and/or used by Christ at the Last Supper (Travels, vol. I, page 60).
Alternative Title:
Vas mirabile ex integro Smaragdo, Genoae in sacrario ecclesiae cathedralis asservatum: prototypi accuratissima mensura ex Museo Iohannis Talman
Title, publisher, state, and date from Paulson., One of fifteen plates engraved for: A. de La Motraye's travels through travels through Europe, Asia, and into part of Africa., and Numbered "5" in upper left corner.
A. de La Mottraye
Subject (Name):
La Mottraye, Aubry de, approximately 1674-1743., San Lorenzo (Cathedral : Genoa, Italy), and Talman, John, 1677-1726
Subject (Topic):
Art collections, Chalices, Lapidary work, and Drinking vessels
"Satire on the "bad taste of the town" (as described by Hogarth, Daily Courant, 24.ii.1724); a composite street scene with a theatre on either side and an "Academy of Arts" (Lord Burlington's recently remodelled house in Piccadilly) beyond; on the left, a fool and a devil are leading a crowd of masqueraders into the Opera House in the Haymarket from which hang a banner advertising an opera (based on British Museum satire no. 1768 with the singers Cuzzoni, Senesino and Berenstadt) and a sign for "Dr. Faux's [Isaac Fawkes] Dexterity of Hand", the impressario John James Heidegger leans from an upper window; on the right, a crowd is flocking to see the pantomime "Dr Faustus"; in the centre, a woman pushes a wheelbarrow of waste paper including volumes of Congreve, Dryden, Ottway, Shakespeare, Addison, and Ben John[son]; the gate of the Academy beyond is topped with statues of Michelangelo, Raphael and William Kent, admired by three gentlemen."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Bad taste of the town
Titles, state, and date from Paulson., "Price 1 shilling"--Before date, centered on lower edge., Two columns of four lines of verse engraved below image: Could new dumb Faustus, to reform the age, Conjure up Shakespear's or Ben Johnson's ghost, they'd blush for shame, to see the English stage Debauch'd by fool'ries, at so great a cost. What would their Manes say? should they behold Monsters and masquerades, where usefull plays Adorn'd the fruitfull theatre of old, And rival wits contended for the bays., Sheet trimmed to plate mark., and Plate with text lacking; top plate with image only. Sheet 13.4 x 18.2 cm.
Wm. Hogarth
Subject (Name):
Heidegger, John James, 1659?-1748., Senesino, -1759?,, Kent, William, 1685-1748, Cuzzoni, Francesco, approximately 1680-1759, Fawkes, Isaac, -1731, Burlington, Richard Boyle, Earl of, 1694-1753, and Hercules (Roman mythological character),
Subject (Topic):
Britannia (Symbolic character), City & town life, Clergy, Costumes, Dogs, and Masquerades
Frontispiece to Charles Gildon's The new metamorphosis (London : Sam. Briscoe, 1724) shows Apuleius on the left and Lucian on the right each with an ass with the modern adaptor in the middle. Below the figures of Apuleius and Lucien are two satyrs; between them is a scene in front of church with couples embracing and kissing; a man and a woman stand on either side of a boy chastising him (?).On the base is etched "Credo pudicitiam Saturno rege moratam in terris", an allusion to the satire on women
Alternative Title:
Credo pudicitiam Saturno rege moratam in terris
Title, state, and imprint from Paulson., "Vol. 1. p.1"--Lower left corner, below image., One of seven illustrations engraved for a modernized edition of Apuleius's The Golden ass: Gildon, C. New metamorphosis. London : Printed for Sam. Briscoe at the Bell-Savage on Ludgate-Hill, 1724., and Sheet trimmed to plate mark.
Sam. Briscoe
Subject (Name):
Subject (Topic):
Illustrations, Satyrs (Greek mythology), Authors, Children, and Couples
Illustration to one of the episodes added by Gildon: Young Fantasio (Apuleius's Lucian) enters an Italian church where corrupt priests and gallants are celebrating the feast of St. Theresa
Title and imprint from Paulson., "Vol: I : P : 8"--Lower left, below image., A reversed copy of a print from the 1708 edition facing p. 5, with changes to the design by Hogarth: raised lectern and figures in foreground shifted., One of seven illustrations engraved for a modernized edition of Apuleius's The golden ass: Gildon, C. New metamorphosis. London : Printed for Sam. Briscoe at the Bell-Savage on Ludgate-Hill, 1724., and Sheet trimmed to plate mark.
"The parable of the two sons (Matthew, 21:28-32); a bearded man stands at left, commanding his son to attend to an extensive vineyard below a mountain, another boy sleeping with his elbow on a rock at foreground right."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Frontispiece to Horneck's Happy ascetick and Master of the vineyard
Title from text below image, Above title: St. Matthew Ch. 21. Verse 28., Frontispiece to Anthony Horneck's The Happy Ascetick, or, the Best Exercise ... 6th ed. (London : Printed for Samuel Chapman, 1724)., Alternative title suggested in Paulson: The master of the vineyard., Sheet trimmed to plate mark., Ms. note in Steevens's hand above image: Original., Ms. note in Steevens's hand below image: Master of the Vineyarde. Frontispiece to Horneck's Happy Ascetic, Ms. note below image: See Nichol's Book, 3d Edit, p. 444/ Sold for £2.2.0., and On page 6 in volume 1.
Samuel Chapman
Subject (Name):
Horneck, Anthony, 1641-1697.
Subject (Topic):
Agricultural equipment, Fathers, Grapes, Parables, and Sons
Satire on royalty, episcopacy and the law, after a print by Hogarth; a group of nine composite figures, the most prominent of which are a king, whose head is represented by a coin, a bishop whose head is a jew's harp, and a judge whose head is a gavel
Alternative Title:
Some of the principal inhabitants of [the] moon ...
Title, imprint, and printmaker from Paulson., Text continues: as they were perfectly discover'd by a telescope brought to [the] greatest perfection since [the] last eclipse; exactly engraved from the objects whereby [the] curious may guess at their religion, manners, &c., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Ms. notes in Steevens hand above: Original. Mss I Pencil below: Never offered for sale. There are only 2. Copies, this & the late Lord Orford's to be found., and On page 7 in volume 1. Sheet trimmed to: 261 x 204 mm.
Wm. Hogarth?
Subject (Topic):
Bishops, Law & legal affairs, Rulers, and Allegorical prints
Satire on the state lottery; emblematic representation of a draw at Guildhall with two lottery wheels and allegorical figures
Title engraved below image., State and date from Paulson. Price has been erased but traces remain., Sheet trimmed., Engraved on left side of title: "The explanation. 1. Upon the pedestal national credit leaning on a pillar supported by Justice. 2. Apollo shewing Britannia a picture representing the Earth receiving enriching showers drawn from her self (an emblem of State Lottery's). 3. Fortune drawing the blanks and prizes. 4. Wantonness drawing [the] numbrs. 5. Before the pedestal suspence turn'd to & fro by Hope & Fear.", Engraved on right side of title: "6. On one hand, Good Luck being elevated is seized by Pleasure & Folly; Fame persuading him to raise sinking Virtue, Arts, &c. 7. On [the] other hand Misfortune opprest by Grief, Minerva supporting him, points to the sweets of Industry. 8. Sloth hiding his head in [the] curtain. 9. On [the] other side, Avarice hugging his mony [sic]. 10. Fraud tempting Despair wth. mony at a trap-door in the pedestal.", On page 9 in volume 1., and Mss above in pencil: See Nichol's Biographical anecdotes &c 3rd edit. p. 124. Fourth first [scored through] impression.
Printed and sold by S. Sympson in Maiden-lane near Covent Garden
Subject (Topic):
Britannia (Symbolic character), Allegories, Deadly sins, Justice, Lotteries, and Gambling
Satire on the state lottery; emblematic representation of a draw at Guildhall with two lottery wheels and allegorical figures
Title engraved below image., State and date from Paulson., "Price one shilling.", Sheet trimmed., Engraved on left side of title: "The explanation. 1. Upon the pedestal national credit leaning on a pillar supported by Justice. 2. Apollo shewing Britannia a picture representing the Earth receiving enriching showers drawn from her self (an emblem of State Lottery's). 3. Fortune drawing the blanks and prizes. 4. Wantonness drawing [the] numbrs. 5. Before the pedestal suspence turn'd to & fro by Hope & Fear.", Engraved on right side of title: "6. On one hand, Good Luck being elevated is seized by Pleasure & Folly; Fame persuading him to raise sinking Virtue, Arts, &c. 7. On [the] other hand Misfortune opprest by Grief, Minerva supporting him, points to the sweets of Industry. 8. Sloth hiding his head in [the] curtain. 9. On [the] other side, Avarice hugging his mony [sic]. 10. Fraud tempting Despair wth. mony at a trap-door in the pedestal.", On page 9 in volume 1., and Ms. note in Steevens's hand above: 2d Impression.
Sold by Mrs. Chilcot in Westminster Hall and R. Caldwell printseller in Newgate Street
Subject (Topic):
Britannia (Symbolic character), Allegories, Deadly sins, Justice, Lotteries, and Gambling
Satire on the state lottery; emblematic representation of a draw at Guildhall with two lottery wheels and allegorical figures
Title engraved below image., "Price one shilling.", State and date from Paulson., Sheet trimmed., Engraved on left side of title: "The explanation. 1. Upon the pedestal national credit leaning on a pillar supported by Justice. 2. Apollo shewing Britannia a picture representing the Earth receiving enriching showers drawn from her self (an emblem of State Lottery's). 3. Fortune drawing the blanks and prizes. 4. Wantonness drawing [the] numbrs. 5. Before the pedestal suspence turn'd to & fro by Hope & Fear.", Engraved on right side of title: "6. On one hand, Good Luck being elevated is seized by Pleasure & Folly; Fame persuading him to raise sinking Virtue, Arts, &c. 7. On [the] other hand Misfortune opprest by Grief, Minerva supporting him, points to the sweets of Industry. 8. Sloth hiding his head in [the] curtain. 9. On [the] other side, Avarice hugging his mony [sic]. 10. Fraud tempting Despair wth. mony at a trap-door in the pedestal.", and On page 10 in volume 1.
Wm. Hogarth
Subject (Topic):
Britannia (Symbolic character), Allegories, Deadly sins, Justice, Lotteries, and Gambling
An emerald carved in the shape of a dish, said to have been a present from the Queen of Sheba to Solomon, and/or used by Christ at the Last Supper (Travels, vol. I, page 60).
Alternative Title:
Vas mirabile ex integro Smaragdo, Genoae in sacrario ecclesiae cathedralis asservatum: prototypi accuratissima mensura ex Museo Iohannis Talman
Title, publisher, state, and date from Paulson., One of fifteen plates engraved for: A. de La Motraye's travels through travels through Europe, Asia, and into part of Africa., Numbered "5" in upper left corner., and On page 13 in volume 1. Plate mark 12 x 39.1 cm, on sheet 14.7 x 40.5 cm.
A. de La Mottraye
Subject (Name):
La Mottraye, Aubry de, approximately 1674-1743., San Lorenzo (Cathedral : Genoa, Italy), and Talman, John, 1677-1726
Subject (Topic):
Art collections, Chalices, Lapidary work, and Drinking vessels