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1. 47 letters and papers from the Office of the Exchequer, 1554-1706
- Call Number:
- Osborn fa18
- Image Count:
- 160
- Resource Type:
- unspecified
- Abstract:
- 47 letters and documents, on paper (one document on parchment) in various cursive scripts, produced in England between 1554 and 1706. Mostly from the Elizabethan and Jacobean periods, they consist of claims for expenses, wages, and other benefits. They include an account of a banquet (15 November 1561), signed by the Marquis of Winchester and Sir Walter Mildmay; a Claim for Allowances (1563) by Sir Thomas Chaloner, Ambassador to Spain; L. S. (1578) by Lord Burgley about money to be sent to Ireland and mentioning Sir Philip Sidney; A. L. S. (1597) by George, Lord Hunsdon; A. K. S. (Chester, 11 Aug. 1601) by the antiquary and mathematician Edward Brerewood to the Privy Council. The documents also include signatures of other government officials and nobles and The documents derive from the papers of Robert Petre, Auditor for the Exchequer, and his colleague Vincent Skinner
- Description:
- In English. and Binding: Middle Hill boards, spine missing.
- Subject (Geographic):
- Great Britain. and Great Britain
- Subject (Name):
- Elizabeth I, Queen of England, 1533-1603., James I, King of England, 1566-1625., and Great Britain. Exchequer.
- Subject (Topic):
- Finance, Public and Politics and government
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > 47 letters and papers from the Office of the Exchequer, 1554-1706
2. A viewe of the present estate of Ireland discoursed by way of a dialogue betweene Eudorus and Irenis, 1597
- Creator:
- Spenser, Edmund, 1552?-1599
- Call Number:
- Osborn fa12
- Image Count:
- 76
- Resource Type:
- unspecified
- Abstract:
- Manuscript, on paper, in cursive scripts by six scribes, produced in England in 1597. A contemporary scribal copy of the work, not included among the fifteen recorded in the Variorum Edition of Spenser's Prose Works
- Description:
- In English.
- Subject (Geographic):
- Ireland
- Subject (Name):
- Spenser, Edmund, 1552?-1599.
- Subject (Topic):
- Politics and government
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > A viewe of the present estate of Ireland discoursed by way of a dialogue betweene Eudorus and Irenis, 1597
3. Acquittance for Edward Greville
- Creator:
- Lumley, John Lumley, Baron, 1534?-1609
- Published / Created:
- 1594 November 10.
- Call Number:
- Takamiya MS 126
- Container / Volume:
- Box
- Image Count:
- 2
- Resource Type:
- unspecified
- Abstract:
- Legal document, in a professional hand, signed by the first Baron Lumley, containing an acquittance for 2500 pounds received from Edward Greville for the manor of Mickleton in Gloucestershire
- Description:
- In English., Docketed in later hands., and Attached seal (worn).
- Subject (Geographic):
- England, Connecticut, New Haven., and Gloucestershire (England)
- Subject (Name):
- Greville, Edward, Sir, 1542-1616. and Lumley, John Lumley, Baron, 1534?-1609.
- Subject (Topic):
- Land tenure and Manuscripts, Renaissance
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Acquittance for Edward Greville
4. Benedictional (fragment)
- Published / Created:
- [between 920 and 940]
- Call Number:
- Takamiya MS 89
- Container / Volume:
- Box
- Image Count:
- 2
- Resource Type:
- unspecified
- Abstract:
- Manuscript fragment, on vellum, in a single hand, containing the conclusion of the blessing for Easter Day; the entire blessing for the following Monday and Tuesday; and the beginning of the blessing for the Wednesday after Easter
- Description:
- In Latin., Layout: single column of 18 lines., Script: Anglo-Saxon minuscule., and Decoration: Rubricated. Initials in red ink.
- Subject (Geographic):
- Connecticut and New Haven.
- Subject (Name):
- Catholic Church
- Subject (Topic):
- Liturgy, Benedictionals, and Manuscripts, Medieval
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Benedictional (fragment)
5. Collection of astronomical texts
- Published / Created:
- approximately 1470-1530.
- Call Number:
- Beinecke MS 1274
- Container / Volume:
- Box
- Image Count:
- 131
- Resource Type:
- text
- Abstract:
- Manuscript compendium of astronomical and astrological texts, including a version of the Kalendarium of Regiomontanus, with lunar eclipse tables for the years 1475-1530 and a solar calendar for 1475-1513. Other contents include a number of astronomical and astrological tables and texts. including a poem on auspicious and inauspicious days (first line: "Fortunata dies operum disponere causas"); the Canon de aspectibus planetarum; the Cognitiones naturarum secundum nativtates; and a variety of prognostic texts based on zodiac signs and the day of the week on which January 1 falls in a given year. The volume also contains several quadrant diagrams and a working volvelle
- Description:
- In Latin., Bookseller description available., Inscribed at the head of 2r: S[an]c[t]i Cristofori Taurini Ad usu[m] fr[atr]is Anto[ni]i de lanteo., Signature of Joseff Gregri da Bologna? on back cover., Bookplate of Samuel Verplanck Hoffman on front pastedown., Tipped in before f1: printed catalog description of this volume, undated., Layout: main text in single columns of approximately 35 lines; wide margins., Script: gothica textualis italiana., Decoration: rubricated. Initials in red and blue ink, some with penwork flourishing; many blank spaces for initials. Illustrations of lunar eclipses. Charts, diagrams, and volvelles in red, blue and brown ink., and Binding: contemporary boards, rebacked.
- Subject (Geographic):
- Italy, Connecticut, and New Haven.
- Subject (Name):
- Regiomontanus, Joannes, 1436-1476.
- Subject (Topic):
- Astrology, Astrology, Italian, Astronomy, Calendars, Lunar eclipses, Quadrants (Astronomical instruments), Solar eclipses, Manuscripts, Medieval, Manuscripts, Renaissance, and Zodiac
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Collection of astronomical texts
6. Collection of pedigrees
- Creator:
- Dale, Robert, -1722
- Published / Created:
- [circa 1700-1715]
- Call Number:
- Takamiya MS 49
- Image Count:
- 128
- Resource Type:
- unspecified
- Abstract:
- Autograph manuscript of a collection of pedigrees and genealogical charts, accompanied by many small illustrations of "arms in trick." Some of the pedigrees are taken from the Lincolnshire and Gloucestershire visitations of the early 1680s. An alphabetical index of the coats of arms represented preceeds the pedigrees
- Description:
- In English., Attributed to Robert Dale by Sir Thomas Phillipps in a pencil note on recto of front flyleaf. Several additional pages at the end of the Dale collection are attributed by Phillipps to Samuel Stebbing., Spine title: Stemmata. List of Crests., Bound with: An Alphabetical List of Crest's copied from a list in the handwriting of Mr. Ra: Thoresby, late of Leeds, Antiquarian, which Manuscript was bought at the sale of his Library in London on 7th May 1763. Manuscript on paper in copperplate script, corrections in a different hand in red ink, 36 p., undated. Phillipps MS 13396., and Binding: nineteenth-century quarter calf over marbled boards.
- Subject (Geographic):
- Great Britain. and Great Britain
- Subject (Name):
- Dale, Robert, -1722. and Thoresby, Ralph, 1658-1725.
- Subject (Topic):
- Antiquarians, Gentry, Heraldry, and Nobility
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Collection of pedigrees
7. Collection of works by Rufus of Ephesus
- Creator:
- Rufus, of Ephesus
- Published / Created:
- between 1500 and 1550.
- Call Number:
- Manuscript 32 vault
- Image Count:
- 144
- Resource Type:
- text
- Abstract:
- Manuscript, in unidentified hand, on paper, containing a collection of works by Rufus of Ephesus: Περὶ πάντων φανερῶν τε καὶ ἀφανερῶν μορίων τοῦ ἀνθρώπου (De corporis humani partium appellationibus; ff. 3-7), Περὶ ὀνομασιῶν (De partibus corporis hominis; ff. 7-16), Περὶ ὀστῶν (De ossibus; ff. 17-18). Also includes extracts from Julius Pollux's Onomasticon Liber II (ff. 20-47). Contains a table of contents (f. 2).
- Alternative Title:
- Opera : in Greek
- Description:
- In Greek., Title devised by cataloger., Script: Italian 16th-century hand., Decoration: titles and one-line initials in red., Layout: single column of 17 lines., Binding: blind-tooled green sheepskin over paper boards., and Leaf 19 is blank.
- Subject (Topic):
- Manuscripts, Greek, Medicine, Greek and Roman, Medicine, and Manuscripts
- Found in:
- Medical Historical Library, Cushing/Whitney Medical Library > Collection of works by Rufus of Ephesus
8. Complaintes de la Foy
- Creator:
- Nachier
- Published / Created:
- between 1500 and 1550.
- Call Number:
- Beinecke MS 1346
- Container / Volume:
- box
- Image Count:
- 64
- Resource Type:
- text
- Abstract:
- Illuminated manuscript, in an unidentified hand, on parchment, of La Foy se complaignant and Complaincte de la Foy aux vertus, two poems by a certain Nachier summoning Catholics to embark on a crusade. Rubricated
- Alternative Title:
- Foy se complaignant, Complaincte de la Foy aux vertus, Complaincte de la Foy, Complainctes de la Foy, and Complaintes de la Foi
- Description:
- In Middle French., Layout: single columns of 22 lines., Script: lettre bâtarde., Decoration: single large miniature (f.1r) shows Faith dressed in black, kneeling before a vision of God in heaven, accompanied by a white dog. The King of France (decorated with golden fleurs-de-lys) and other mounted courtiers advance from the right. The miniature is attributed to the Master of the Entry of François I. Initials in gold on a red or blue background. Rubricated., Binding: 18th-century brown calf, blind stamped with marbled paper flyleaves. Contained in brown box., Secundo Folio: A qui., Bookseller description available., Title assigned by cataloger., Both poems are unedited as of April 2023., and Title on spine: La foy se complaignant ms. sur velin.
- Subject (Geographic):
- Connecticut and New Haven.
- Subject (Name):
- Nachier.
- Subject (Topic):
- Manuscripts, Medieval, Church History, Crusades, and Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Complaintes de la Foy
9. De decem praeceptis
- Creator:
- Grosseteste, Robert, 1175?-1253
- Published / Created:
- [approximately 1250]
- Call Number:
- Beinecke MS 1197
- Container / Volume:
- Box
- Image Count:
- 76
- Resource Type:
- unspecified
- Abstract:
- Manuscript, on parchment, in a single book hand, of a complete text of this commentary on the Ten Commandments
- Description:
- In Latin., Tipped in: printed catalog description of manuscript from Henry Young & Sons., Stencilled crest of Sir Thomas Phillipps stamped on recto of first flyleaf., Bookplate: George Dunn of Woolley Hall, pasted on front pastedown., Bookplate: Allan Heywood Bright, pasted on front pastedown., Layout: double columns of 47 lines each., Script: gothic textura., Decoration: marginal notes in red ink with blue penwork. One historiated initial, in full color, depicting a horned Moses holding the tablets of the Law., and Binding: nineteenth-century brown leather; marbled endpapers.
- Subject (Geographic):
- Connecticut and New Haven.
- Subject (Name):
- Grosseteste, Robert, 1175?-1253.
- Subject (Topic):
- Manuscripts, Medieval and Ten commandments
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > De decem praeceptis
10. Epistolae : no. 106, sec. 59-67.
- Creator:
- Jerome, Saint, -419 or 420
- Published / Created:
- [before 830]
- Call Number:
- Takamiya MS 58
- Image Count:
- 16
- Resource Type:
- unspecified
- Abstract:
- Manuscript fragments, recovered from a binding, of this text from Saint Jerome's Epistolae
- Description:
- In Latin and Greek., Front flyleaf contains provenance annotation in pencil in the hand of Sir Thomas Phillipps., Layout: double columns, originally of 30 lines (now 28)., Script: Caroline minuscule (Turonian script)., Binding: Middle Hill boards., and Bound with: 5 leaves of a 13th-century manuscript of Averroes' commentary on Aristotle's Ethics.
- Subject (Geographic):
- France, Tours., Connecticut, and New Haven.
- Subject (Name):
- Jerome, Saint, -419 or 420.
- Subject (Topic):
- Latin literature, Medieval and modern, Manuscripts, and Manuscripts, Medieval
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Epistolae : no. 106, sec. 59-67.
11. Extractions from Dioscorides' De materia medica
- Creator:
- Dioscorides Pedanius, of Anazarbos
- Published / Created:
- between 1539 and 1542.
- Call Number:
- Manuscript 31 vault
- Image Count:
- 230
- Resource Type:
- text
- Abstract:
- Manuscript, in unidentified hand, on paper, containing an extract of Dioscorides' De materia medica, a medico-botanical dictionary arranged alphabetically
- Alternative Title:
- Medico-botanical dictionary / extracted from Dioscorides ; manuscript written in Greek during the 15th Century
- Description:
- In Greek., Title devised by cataloger., Script: Italian 16th-century hand., Layout: single column of 30 lines., Binding: vellum, over paper boards. Spinal title: Dioscorides De plantis Graece Manuscrip., and Volume was likely produced in Venice between 1539 and 1542 or Guillaume Pellicier, bishop of Montpellier and ambassador to Venice.
- Subject (Topic):
- Botany, Medical, Manuscripts, Greek, Medicine, Greek and Roman, Medicine, and Manuscripts
- Found in:
- Medical Historical Library, Cushing/Whitney Medical Library > Extractions from Dioscorides' De materia medica
12. Indenture of receipt, 1540 Feb 27.
- Call Number:
- Osborn fa37
- Image Count:
- 2
- Resource Type:
- unspecified
- Abstract:
- Manuscript inventory, on parchment, in a secretary hand, of ceremonial plate and jewels collected from religious houses in Hampshire, Wiltshire, Glocestershire, Wiltshire, and Hertfordshire by several of the King's Commissioners for the suppression of the monasteries and turned over to the Master of the King's Jewels. The commissioners named include Robert Southwell, Edward Carne, John Ap Rice, and William Barnes. The sources of the plate were some of the larger houses targeted in the 1539 Act for the Dissolution of the Greater Monasteries and include St. Swithun's Winchester, Amesbury, Malmesbury, Cirencester, Hailes, Pershore, and Tewksbury. The plate listed comprises chalices; crosses; monstrances; cups; a pyx; gold mitres, and "thirteen other Myters garnisshd with perles." and Composed of one sheet of parchment; head indented
- Description:
- In English., Signed, "by me John Williams" (Master of the King's Jewels)., Binding: modern quarter morocco case., and Bookplate: Mark Lansburgh Collection.
- Subject (Geographic):
- England. and Great Britain.
- Subject (Name):
- Henry VIII, King of England, 1491-1547.
- Subject (Topic):
- Church plate, Convents, Church and state, Monasteries, Monasticism and religious orders, and Secularization
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Indenture of receipt, 1540 Feb 27.
13. John Stow copy of the opening section of John Leslie's History of Scotland
- Creator:
- Stow, John, 1525?-1605
- Published / Created:
- [between 1570 and 1579]
- Call Number:
- Takamiya MS 37
- Image Count:
- 48
- Resource Type:
- unspecified
- Abstract:
- Manuscript, on paper, in the hand of John Stow, of the opening section of John Leslie's Historie of Scotland. This copy ends in the middle of the account of the year 1512
- Description:
- In English., Layout: single column of 46-48 lines., and Script: mixed cursive.
- Subject (Geographic):
- Great Britain., Connecticut, New Haven., and Scotland
- Subject (Name):
- Stow, John, 1525?-1605.
- Subject (Topic):
- Antiquarians, Manuscripts, Renaissance, and History
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > John Stow copy of the opening section of John Leslie's History of Scotland
14. Lancelot du Lac : Part I, sections A and B.
- Published / Created:
- [14th century]
- Call Number:
- Takamiya MS 42
- Image Count:
- 723
- Resource Type:
- unspecified
- Abstract:
- Manuscript, on parchment, in multiple scribal hands, of sections A and B of Part I of the Lancelot series of Arthurian romances. These sections cover Lancelot's birth, upbringing, adventures as a Knight of the Round Table, and passion for Queen Guenevere
- Description:
- In Middle French., Layout: double columns of 50-53 lines., Script: gothic (multiple scribes)., Decoration: large historiated initial at the opening of each section; smaller initials in red and blue penwork., and Binding: early nineteenth-century? red silk velvet binding; gilt decoration on spine. Gilt leather spine tag: Lancelot du Lac. M S.
- Subject (Geographic):
- Connecticut and New Haven.
- Subject (Name):
- Lancelot (Legendary character)
- Subject (Topic):
- Arthurian romances, French literature, Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval, and Manuscripts, Medieval
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Lancelot du Lac : Part I, sections A and B.
15. Letters to Sir Philip Sidney from various places on the continent, 1573-1581
- Call Number:
- Osborn fa14
- Image Count:
- 241
- Resource Type:
- unspecified
- Abstract:
- A collection of 65 letters written during the last two of Sidney's three years on the Continent and the first year after his return to England (June 1573-June 1576), plus another dated 10 October 1581. Authors include Jean Lobbetius (19 letters), Wolfgang Zindilini (12 letters), Andreas Paulus, Jean Vulcob, Matthew Wacker, Francis Perrot, Theophile de Banos, Zacharius Ursinus, Otto Count Solms, Fabian, Burgrave, Dr. Purkircher, Baron Slavata, and others and Written on paper in various sixteenth-century Continental cursive and italic scripts
- Description:
- In Latin, French, and Italian. and Bound for Phillipps in 1848 by Bretherton in morocco.
- Subject (Name):
- Sidney, Philip, Sir, 1554-1586.
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Letters to Sir Philip Sidney from various places on the continent, 1573-1581
16. Libro delle pistole, 1393 May 20.
- Creator:
- Ovid, 43 B.C.-17 or 18 A.D.
- Call Number:
- Osborn fa33
- Image Count:
- 70
- Resource Type:
- unspecified
- Abstract:
- Manuscript on parchment in a semi-gothic cursive bookhand of an Italian translation of the Heroides
- Description:
- In Italian., Large historiated initial "A" depicting Ovid writing at his desk, set within illuminated border on f. 1., Rubricated., With catchwords and contemporary foliation. Some catchwords embellished with line drawings in ink., List of contents in a contemporary hand on verso of front flyleaf., Scribal annotation on rear flyleaf: "Questo libro ascripto belloncio gherardi finito ogi questo di xx di maggio a ore xxi 1/2. 1393.", Partially effaced ownership inscription on rear flyleaf: "1487....[Nicholas de Bernardo?]", Phillipps MS 11865. (Number and ownership stamp on rear flyleaf.), and Binding: Middle Hill paper boards, grey.
- Subject (Name):
- Ovid, 43 B.C.-17 or 18 A.D.
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Libro delle pistole, 1393 May 20.
17. Life of Alexander the great : and the Romance of Troas
- Published / Created:
- [1400-1499]
- Call Number:
- Takamiya MS 50
- Container / Volume:
- Box
- Image Count:
- 310
- Resource Type:
- unspecified
- Abstract:
- Manuscript volume, on paper, containing two secular vernacular romances attributed in the dedication to a single unidentified author. The first, I Nobili Fatti di Alessandro Magno, is an Italian translation of the Latin version of the life of Alexander the Great by Pseudo-Callisthenes. The second text is The Romance of Troas. Troas, a descendant of Hector, is the king of Thessaly; his son Troiano journeys to Britain and joins the army of King Arthur's father, Uther Pendragon, who is leading an army of Britons, Trojans and Romans against the Greeks
- Description:
- In Italian., Ownership inscription and drawing of arms of "Alessandro dale Carte" on rear flyleaf., Bookplate of Sir Thomas Phillipps on front pastedown; Phillipps MS number inscribed on recto of f1., Layout: single columns of variable length., Script: Italian cursive bookhand., Decoration: Rubricated (ff. 1-91 only)., and Binding: nineteenth-century half-calf, rebacked.
- Subject (Geographic):
- Connecticut, New Haven., and Troy (Extinct city)
- Subject (Name):
- Alexander, the Great, 356-323 B.C. and Pseudo-Callisthenes.
- Subject (Topic):
- Arthurian romances, Italian prose literature, Manuscripts, Medieval, and Uther Pendragon (Legendary character)
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Life of Alexander the great : and the Romance of Troas
18. Logos prōtos peri geneseōs trichōn kai alōpekias and Λόγος πρῶτος περὶ γενέσεως τριχῶν καὶ ἀλωπεκίας
- Creator:
- Ibn al-Jazzār.
- Published / Created:
- between 1542 and 1599.
- Call Number:
- Manuscript 36 vault
- Image Count:
- 306
- Resource Type:
- text
- Abstract:
- Manuscript, in five unidentified hands, on paper, containing books I, II (incomplete), V (incomplete), VI (incomplete), and VII of Ibn al-Jazzār's Viaticum peregrinantium, a translation from Arabic into Greek supposedly done by Constantinus Rheginos. Ends with an incomplete table of contents
- Alternative Title:
- [Viaticum peregrinantium / written in Greek, with incomplete translation attributed to Constantinos Rheginos].
- Description:
- In Ancient Greek., Title from heading., Script: five different Italian 16th-century hands., Decoration: rubrication throughout., Layout: single column of 35-36 lines., Binding: bound in 19th-century brown polished calf. Spinal labels: Liber de morbis curandis / Codex MS. Chartaceus, saeculi XV., Of the 148 leaves in the manuscript, 72 are blank (interleaved)., Watermarks identified as Chapeau 51 (Hilfinger vol.1) from Venice in 1542; suggests that the manuscript was copied in Venice later than 1542., and Also available on microfilm.
- Subject (Topic):
- Manuscripts, Greek, Medicine, Arab, Medicine, Greek and Roman, Medicine, and Manuscripts
- Found in:
- Medical Historical Library, Cushing/Whitney Medical Library > Logos prōtos peri geneseōs trichōn kai alōpekias, Λόγος πρῶτος περὶ γενέσεως τριχῶν καὶ ἀλωπεκίας
19. Magnou sofistou exētēsis eis to periourōn kai allōn polōn palaiōn sofōn te kai didaskalōn syntetheisa para tou filosofotatou, stefanou tou alexandreōs. and Μάγνου σοφιστοῦ ἐξήτησις εἰς τὸ περιούρων καὶ ἄλλων πολῶν παλαιῶν τε καὶ διδασκάλων συντεθεῖσα παρὰ τοῦ φιλοσοφοτάτου, στεφάνου ἀλεξανδρέωσ
- Creator:
- Stephanus, of Athens
- Published / Created:
- between 1539 and 1542.
- Call Number:
- Manuscript 34 vault
- Image Count:
- 104
- Resource Type:
- text
- Abstract:
- Manuscript, in unidentified hand, on paper, containing Stephanus of Athens' On urines or Expositio in librum magni Sophistae de urinis (ff. 1-27) and Olymnios of Alexandria's Critical days or De diebus criticis liber (ff. 29-41).
- Alternative Title:
- On urines / Stephanus of Athens ; and Critical days / Olymnios of Alexandria : manuscripts written in Greek around 1540
- Description:
- In Ancient Greek., Title from heading., Script: Italian 16th-century hand., Decoration: rubrication throughout., Layout: single column of 21 lines., Binding: vellum, over paper boards. Spinal title: Stephani et Olymnii Varia medica, Graece manuscript., Volume was likely produced in Venice between 1539 and 1542 or Guillaume Pellicier, bishop of Montpellier and ambassador to Venice., and Also available on microfilm.
- Subject (Topic):
- Manuscripts, Greek, Medicine, Greek and Roman, Medicine, Manuscripts, and Urine
- Found in:
- Medical Historical Library, Cushing/Whitney Medical Library > Magnou sofistou exētēsis eis to periourōn kai allōn polōn palaiōn sofōn te kai didaskalōn syntetheisa para tou filosofotatou, stefanou tou alexandreōs., Μάγνου σοφιστοῦ ἐξήτησις εἰς τὸ περιούρων καὶ ἄλλων πολῶν παλαιῶν τε καὶ διδασκάλων συντεθεῖσα παρὰ τοῦ φιλοσοφοτάτου, στεφάνου ἀλεξανδρέωσ
20. Meletiou monachiou peri fyseōs kai tou anthrōpou kataskeuēs. and Μελετίου μοναχίου περὶ φύσεως καὶ του ἄνθρωπου κατασκευής
- Creator:
- Meletius, 8th cent
- Published / Created:
- between 1539 and 1542.
- Call Number:
- Manuscript 33 vault
- Image Count:
- 232
- Resource Type:
- text
- Abstract:
- Manuscript, in unidentified hand, on paper, containing pseudo-Meletius' De natura hominis eiusque compositione, also known as Constitution of man's body
- Alternative Title:
- Meletii monachii de natura et hominia structura, Meletiou monachou peri fyseōs kai tēs tou anthrōpou kataskeuēs, Meletii monachi de natura hominis eiusque compositione, Constitution of man's body : in Greek, and Μελετίου μοναχοῦ περὶ φύσεως καὶ τῆς τοῦ ἀνθρώπου κατασκευῆς
- Description:
- In Ancient Greek., Title from titlepage., Script: Italian 16th-century hand., Decoration: rubrication throughout., Layout: single column of 21 lines., Binding: vellum, over paper boards. Spinal title: Meletius, De natura et structura hominis, Graece manuscripta., Author also known as Meletius the monk or Meletius of Tiberopolis (Tiberiopoli, Phrygia)., Volume was likely produced in Venice between 1539 and 1542 or Guillaume Pellicier, bishop of Montpellier and ambassador to Venice., and Also available on microfilm.
- Subject (Topic):
- Manuscripts, Greek, Medicine, Greek and Roman, Medicine, and Manuscripts
- Found in:
- Medical Historical Library, Cushing/Whitney Medical Library > Meletiou monachiou peri fyseōs kai tou anthrōpou kataskeuēs., Μελετίου μοναχίου περὶ φύσεως καὶ του ἄνθρωπου κατασκευής
21. Mirrour of the blessed lyf of Jesu Christ
- Creator:
- Love, Nicholas, active 1410
- Published / Created:
- [ca. 1450]
- Call Number:
- Takamiya MS 4
- Image Count:
- 210
- Resource Type:
- unspecified
- Abstract:
- Manuscript, on vellum, in a single hand, of the complete text of Love's translation of the Meditationes vitae Christi, a text often attributed to Pseudo-Bonaventure or Johannes de Caulibus. The manuscript also contains John Lydgate's Fifteen joys of Our Lady and the anonymous poems, The fifteen ooes of Christ and The charter of Our Lord Jesus Christ
- Description:
- In Middle English., Layout: single columns of 45 lines., Script: English bookhand., Decoration: illuminated initial and three-quarter border on first page of text; three other illuminated initials with gold., Verse ownership inscriptions of Erkynwald Gyttyns on three back flyleaves, accompanied by pen trials and sketches., Ownership inscription of Francis Layton on verso of third front flyleaf., and Binding: eighteenth-century half calf over marbled boards.
- Subject (Geographic):
- Connecticut and New Haven.
- Subject (Name):
- Love, Nicholas, active 1410. and Lydgate, John, 1370?-1451?
- Subject (Topic):
- Devotional literature, English (Middle), English literature, English poetry, and Manuscripts, Medieval
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Mirrour of the blessed lyf of Jesu Christ
22. Office of Holy Communion
- Creator:
- Orthodoxos Ekklēsia tēs Hellados
- Published / Created:
- [ca. 1325]
- Call Number:
- Beinecke MS 1155
- Container / Volume:
- Box
- Image Count:
- 21
- Resource Type:
- unspecified
- Abstract:
- Manuscript scroll, on parchment, in a single hand, containing the Greek Orthodox Office of Holy Communion, a series of prayers, hymns and verses intended for private recitation before, during and after taking communion. Text includes prayers attributed to Saint John Chrysostom and Saint Basil the Great
- Description:
- In Greek., Script: archaizing scribal hand., Scroll composed of seven vellum sheets, written on both sides in single columns., Titles are written in gold. Each prayer begins with an illuminated initial, also outlined in gold. There is a gilded ornamented tailpiece., Note, in Greek, in a sixteenth-century hand, at the end of the text, attributing the manuscript to the Royal Monastery of Docheiariou., and Schøyen MS 662.
- Subject (Geographic):
- Connecticut and New Haven.
- Subject (Name):
- Monē Docheiariou (Athos, Greece) and Orthodoxos Ekklēsia tēs Hellados.
- Subject (Topic):
- Orthodox Eastern monasticism and religious orders, Lord's Supper (Liturgy), and Manuscripts, Medieval
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Office of Holy Communion
23. Petition by Joan, widow of William Rykyll to Baron Bergavenny
- Published / Created:
- [ca. 1500]
- Call Number:
- Takamiya MS 75
- Container / Volume:
- File
- Image Count:
- 2
- Resource Type:
- unspecified
- Abstract:
- Manuscript document, on parchment, in a single hand, containing the petition of Joan, widow of William Rykyll to Baron Bergavenny for the restoration of her rights in land held of Robert Lindsey, in Kent, from which she has been disseized by Edward Lindsey and Rose, his wife and the daughter of William Rykyll
- Description:
- In Middle English., Docketed in a contemporary hand., Layout: single column of 14 lines., and Script: Anglicana.
- Subject (Geographic):
- Connecticut, New Haven., England., England, and Great Britain.
- Subject (Name):
- Bergavenny, George Neville, Baron.
- Subject (Topic):
- Manuscripts, Medieval, Feudal law, Land tenure, and Women
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Petition by Joan, widow of William Rykyll to Baron Bergavenny
24. Precedents and several other things contained in this booke : some pattents, funeralls, some coates
- Published / Created:
- [ca. 1600-1649]
- Call Number:
- Takamiya MS 48
- Image Count:
- 410
- Resource Type:
- unspecified
- Abstract:
- Manuscript, in several different hands, of a compilation of grants of arms, pedigrees registered by the College of Arms, rules of precedence and orders of ceremonies, and related documents. Thought to have been largely compiled by John Philipot, Somerset Herald of Arms (1589?-1645), the volume contains copies of documents originally created between 1563 and 1688
- Description:
- In English, with a small amount of Latin., Contents preceded by "A Table of the Graunts of Armes contained in this booke" and "A Callender of what is contained in this Booke.", Title transcribed from front cover., Printed bookseller's description pasted on inside front cover., and Binding: contemporary limp parchment; remains of ties.
- Subject (Geographic):
- Great Britain, Connecticut, and New Haven.
- Subject (Name):
- Philipot, John, 1589?-1645. and College of Arms (Great Britain)
- Subject (Topic):
- Gentry, Heraldry, Manuscripts, Renaissance, Nobility, Precedence, and Kings and rulers
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Precedents and several other things contained in this booke : some pattents, funeralls, some coates
25. Summa theologica (fragment).
- Creator:
- Thomas, Aquinas, Saint, 1225?-1274
- Published / Created:
- [ca. 1300-1325]
- Call Number:
- Takamiya MS 109
- Container / Volume:
- (File) (Oversize)
- Image Count:
- 4
- Resource Type:
- unspecified
- Abstract:
- Manuscript fragment of a bifolium, containing part of the text the Summa theologica, II. ii, Quaestiones 20-21 and 24, v-ix.
- Description:
- In Latin., Fragment recovered from a binding; damaged and incomplete., Layout: double columns of 54 lines each., Script: gothic bookhand., and Decoration: initials in red or blue with contrasting penwork.
- Subject (Geographic):
- Connecticut and New Haven.
- Subject (Name):
- Thomas, Aquinas, Saint, 1225?-1274.
- Subject (Topic):
- Manuscripts, Medieval
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Summa theologica (fragment).
26. The pricke of conscience, [circa 1450].
- Call Number:
- Osborn a13
- Image Count:
- 308
- Resource Type:
- unspecified
- Abstract:
- Manuscript, on parchment, in Anglicana formata script, produced in southern England around 1450
- Description:
- In English., Decorations include initials with gold, blue, and red at chapter beginnings., The text begins at line 32, "And no quyk creature bot thay." Lines 3672-3742 are missing at blank f. 55. Lines 9479-9614 are missing between ff. 138 and 139., and Binding: leather over boards, seventeenth century.
- Subject (Name):
- Rolle, Richard, of Hampole, 1290?-1349.
- Subject (Topic):
- Religious poetry, English (Middle).
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > The pricke of conscience, [circa 1450].
27. [King Arthur and the knights of the round table].
- Creator:
- Grinken, John
- Published / Created:
- [between 1553 and 1603]
- Call Number:
- Takamiya MS 34
- Image Count:
- 124
- Resource Type:
- text
- Abstract:
- Autograph manuscript, signed, on paper, of a list of many of the Knights of the Round Table and summaries of their histories as given in Thomas Malory's Morte d'Arthur. Some entries are accompanied by pen-and-ink drawings of coats of arms. The work may have been modeled on Les devise des armes de chevaliers de la table ronde, published by Antoine Verard. Grinken's preface notes that he has not included "many faned and vaine taylles" and connects his interest in the Round Table with Prince Arthur's Knights, the archery fellowship founded by "Kynge Henry of fames memory." The preface concludes with "vivat Regina."
- Description:
- In English., Title devised by cataloger., Book stamp of a lion rampant with autograph annotation by Sir Thomas Phillipps., Layout: single columns of 26 lines each., Script: secretary., Decoration: 33 armorial devices in ink; many blank shields in pencil., and Binding: eighteenth-century full calf; arms of John Lewis Goldsmid on front cover in gilt.
- Subject (Geographic):
- Connecticut and New Haven.
- Subject (Name):
- Arthur, King and Grinken, John.
- Subject (Topic):
- Manuscripts, Renaissance, Arthurian romances, and English prose literature
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > [King Arthur and the knights of the round table].
28. [Will], 1539 Oct 23.
- Creator:
- Fitzjames, John, Sir, 1470?-1542?.
- Call Number:
- Osborn a35
- Image Count:
- 8
- Resource Type:
- unspecified
- Abstract:
- Manuscript, on parchment, in a single secretary hand, of a copy of the will of Sir John Fitzjames. The will opens with an appeal to "the most blessed Mother and virgyn Marie St. Anthony and St. Chr[ist]ofer" for their intercession for his soul; arrangements for funeral and intercessory Masses and for a Month's Mind service and The extremely detailed lists of personal and estate bequests that follow comprise a virtual household inventory of the manor house at Redlynch in Somerset. His widow, Eleanor Draycott, receives liferent of Redlynch and Knoll as well as use of the household furnishings, including the beds, hangings, "carpettes, cusshyons, dysshes, potts, and pannes," as well as tablecloths, jewelry, and various articles of plate. Fitzjames also leaves "my greate book of Statutes in vellum or parchment" to his cousin Nicholas Fitzjames, the nearest male heir and successor to Redlynch; silver cups to various other relatives; and ten shillings for "every mayden of good and honest conversation" in his household
- Description:
- In English and Latin., With: 3 documents on parchment concerning James Fitzjames. (1) Indenture transferring revenues and fees inherited from Sir John Fitzjames in the county of Somerset, signed and dated 26 June 1568. (2) Indenture concerning the same, signed and dated 26 June 1570. (3) Attestation of probate of a will for a member of the Fitzjames family in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, signed by the Clerk Thomas Argall and issued in the name of Archbishop Cranmer, n.d. (damaged)., and With: volume of manuscript transcripts of three of the documents made for Sir Thomas Phillipps, with genealogical notes on the Fitzjames family.
- Subject (Geographic):
- England.
- Subject (Name):
- Draycott, Eleanor., Fitzjames, John, Sir, 1470?-1542?., and Fitzjames family.
- Subject (Topic):
- Catholics, Decedents' estates, Inheritance and succession, Manors, Material culture, Prayers for the dead, Saints, Cult, and Wills
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > [Will], 1539 Oct 23.