Manuscript, on vellum, in a single hand, of the complete text of Love's translation of the Meditationes vitae Christi, a text often attributed to Pseudo-Bonaventure or Johannes de Caulibus. The manuscript also contains John Lydgate's Fifteen joys of Our Lady and the anonymous poems, The fifteen ooes of Christ and The charter of Our Lord Jesus Christ
In Middle English., Layout: single columns of 45 lines., Script: English bookhand., Decoration: illuminated initial and three-quarter border on first page of text; three other illuminated initials with gold., Verse ownership inscriptions of Erkynwald Gyttyns on three back flyleaves, accompanied by pen trials and sketches., Ownership inscription of Francis Layton on verso of third front flyleaf., and Binding: eighteenth-century half calf over marbled boards.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Love, Nicholas, active 1410. and Lydgate, John, 1370?-1451?
Subject (Topic):
Devotional literature, English (Middle), English literature, English poetry, and Manuscripts, Medieval
Manuscript compendium of astronomical and astrological texts, including a version of the Kalendarium of Regiomontanus, with lunar eclipse tables for the years 1475-1530 and a solar calendar for 1475-1513. Other contents include a number of astronomical and astrological tables and texts. including a poem on auspicious and inauspicious days (first line: "Fortunata dies operum disponere causas"); the Canon de aspectibus planetarum; the Cognitiones naturarum secundum nativtates; and a variety of prognostic texts based on zodiac signs and the day of the week on which January 1 falls in a given year. The volume also contains several quadrant diagrams and a working volvelle
In Latin., Bookseller description available., Inscribed at the head of 2r: S[an]c[t]i Cristofori Taurini Ad usu[m] fr[atr]is Anto[ni]i de lanteo., Signature of Joseff Gregri da Bologna? on back cover., Bookplate of Samuel Verplanck Hoffman on front pastedown., Tipped in before f1: printed catalog description of this volume, undated., Layout: main text in single columns of approximately 35 lines; wide margins., Script: gothica textualis italiana., Decoration: rubricated. Initials in red and blue ink, some with penwork flourishing; many blank spaces for initials. Illustrations of lunar eclipses. Charts, diagrams, and volvelles in red, blue and brown ink., and Binding: contemporary boards, rebacked.
Subject (Geographic):
Italy, Connecticut, and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Regiomontanus, Joannes, 1436-1476.
Subject (Topic):
Astrology, Astrology, Italian, Astronomy, Calendars, Lunar eclipses, Quadrants (Astronomical instruments), Solar eclipses, Manuscripts, Medieval, Manuscripts, Renaissance, and Zodiac
Manuscript document, on parchment, in a single hand, containing the petition of Joan, widow of William Rykyll to Baron Bergavenny for the restoration of her rights in land held of Robert Lindsey, in Kent, from which she has been disseized by Edward Lindsey and Rose, his wife and the daughter of William Rykyll
In Middle English., Docketed in a contemporary hand., Layout: single column of 14 lines., and Script: Anglicana.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut, New Haven., England., England, and Great Britain.
Subject (Name):
Bergavenny, George Neville, Baron.
Subject (Topic):
Manuscripts, Medieval, Feudal law, Land tenure, and Women
Manuscript, in unidentified hand, on paper, containing a collection of works by Rufus of Ephesus: Περὶ πάντων φανερῶν τε καὶ ἀφανερῶν μορίων τοῦ ἀνθρώπου (De corporis humani partium appellationibus; ff. 3-7), Περὶ ὀνομασιῶν (De partibus corporis hominis; ff. 7-16), Περὶ ὀστῶν (De ossibus; ff. 17-18). Also includes extracts from Julius Pollux's Onomasticon Liber II (ff. 20-47). Contains a table of contents (f. 2).
Alternative Title:
Opera : in Greek
In Greek., Title devised by cataloger., Script: Italian 16th-century hand., Decoration: titles and one-line initials in red., Layout: single column of 17 lines., Binding: blind-tooled green sheepskin over paper boards., and Leaf 19 is blank.
Subject (Topic):
Manuscripts, Greek, Medicine, Greek and Roman, Medicine, and Manuscripts
Illuminated manuscript, in an unidentified hand, on parchment, of La Foy se complaignant and Complaincte de la Foy aux vertus, two poems by a certain Nachier summoning Catholics to embark on a crusade. Rubricated
Alternative Title:
Foy se complaignant, Complaincte de la Foy aux vertus, Complaincte de la Foy, Complainctes de la Foy, and Complaintes de la Foi
In Middle French., Layout: single columns of 22 lines., Script: lettre bâtarde., Decoration: single large miniature (f.1r) shows Faith dressed in black, kneeling before a vision of God in heaven, accompanied by a white dog. The King of France (decorated with golden fleurs-de-lys) and other mounted courtiers advance from the right. The miniature is attributed to the Master of the Entry of François I. Initials in gold on a red or blue background. Rubricated., Binding: 18th-century brown calf, blind stamped with marbled paper flyleaves. Contained in brown box., Secundo Folio: A qui., Bookseller description available., Title assigned by cataloger., Both poems are unedited as of April 2023., and Title on spine: La foy se complaignant ms. sur velin.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Subject (Topic):
Manuscripts, Medieval, Church History, Crusades, and Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval
Manuscript, on parchment, in a single secretary hand, of a copy of the will of Sir John Fitzjames. The will opens with an appeal to "the most blessed Mother and virgyn Marie St. Anthony and St. Chr[ist]ofer" for their intercession for his soul; arrangements for funeral and intercessory Masses and for a Month's Mind service and The extremely detailed lists of personal and estate bequests that follow comprise a virtual household inventory of the manor house at Redlynch in Somerset. His widow, Eleanor Draycott, receives liferent of Redlynch and Knoll as well as use of the household furnishings, including the beds, hangings, "carpettes, cusshyons, dysshes, potts, and pannes," as well as tablecloths, jewelry, and various articles of plate. Fitzjames also leaves "my greate book of Statutes in vellum or parchment" to his cousin Nicholas Fitzjames, the nearest male heir and successor to Redlynch; silver cups to various other relatives; and ten shillings for "every mayden of good and honest conversation" in his household
In English and Latin., With: 3 documents on parchment concerning James Fitzjames. (1) Indenture transferring revenues and fees inherited from Sir John Fitzjames in the county of Somerset, signed and dated 26 June 1568. (2) Indenture concerning the same, signed and dated 26 June 1570. (3) Attestation of probate of a will for a member of the Fitzjames family in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, signed by the Clerk Thomas Argall and issued in the name of Archbishop Cranmer, n.d. (damaged)., and With: volume of manuscript transcripts of three of the documents made for Sir Thomas Phillipps, with genealogical notes on the Fitzjames family.
Subject (Geographic):
Subject (Name):
Draycott, Eleanor., Fitzjames, John, Sir, 1470?-1542?., and Fitzjames family.
Subject (Topic):
Catholics, Decedents' estates, Inheritance and succession, Manors, Material culture, Prayers for the dead, Saints, Cult, and Wills
Manuscript, in unidentified hand, on paper, containing an extract of Dioscorides' De materia medica, a medico-botanical dictionary arranged alphabetically
Alternative Title:
Medico-botanical dictionary / extracted from Dioscorides ; manuscript written in Greek during the 15th Century
In Greek., Title devised by cataloger., Script: Italian 16th-century hand., Layout: single column of 30 lines., Binding: vellum, over paper boards. Spinal title: Dioscorides De plantis Graece Manuscrip., and Volume was likely produced in Venice between 1539 and 1542 or Guillaume Pellicier, bishop of Montpellier and ambassador to Venice.
Subject (Topic):
Botany, Medical, Manuscripts, Greek, Medicine, Greek and Roman, Medicine, and Manuscripts
Manuscript, in unidentified hand, on paper, containing pseudo-Meletius' De natura hominis eiusque compositione, also known as Constitution of man's body
Alternative Title:
Meletii monachii de natura et hominia structura, Meletiou monachou peri fyseōs kai tēs tou anthrōpou kataskeuēs, Meletii monachi de natura hominis eiusque compositione, Constitution of man's body : in Greek, and Μελετίου μοναχοῦ περὶ φύσεως καὶ τῆς τοῦ ἀνθρώπου κατασκευῆς
In Ancient Greek., Title from titlepage., Script: Italian 16th-century hand., Decoration: rubrication throughout., Layout: single column of 21 lines., Binding: vellum, over paper boards. Spinal title: Meletius, De natura et structura hominis, Graece manuscripta., Author also known as Meletius the monk or Meletius of Tiberopolis (Tiberiopoli, Phrygia)., Volume was likely produced in Venice between 1539 and 1542 or Guillaume Pellicier, bishop of Montpellier and ambassador to Venice., and Also available on microfilm.
Subject (Topic):
Manuscripts, Greek, Medicine, Greek and Roman, Medicine, and Manuscripts
Manuscript, in unidentified hand, on paper, containing Stephanus of Athens' On urines or Expositio in librum magni Sophistae de urinis (ff. 1-27) and Olymnios of Alexandria's Critical days or De diebus criticis liber (ff. 29-41).
Alternative Title:
On urines / Stephanus of Athens ; and Critical days / Olymnios of Alexandria : manuscripts written in Greek around 1540
In Ancient Greek., Title from heading., Script: Italian 16th-century hand., Decoration: rubrication throughout., Layout: single column of 21 lines., Binding: vellum, over paper boards. Spinal title: Stephani et Olymnii Varia medica, Graece manuscript., Volume was likely produced in Venice between 1539 and 1542 or Guillaume Pellicier, bishop of Montpellier and ambassador to Venice., and Also available on microfilm.
Subject (Topic):
Manuscripts, Greek, Medicine, Greek and Roman, Medicine, Manuscripts, and Urine