"A scene in the House of Commons, showing the Ministerial benches, with the Speaker's Chair and the Table partly cut off by the right margin. The Speaker (Manners Sutton) and one of the Clerks are just within the design. Castlereagh is speaking; he stands in profile to the right, hat in hand, with the Pope on his shoulders. The Pope holds crosier and keys, and wears an odd tiara. A demon crouches on his shoulders dressed as an acolyte, but displaying a cloven hoof; a mask with bland features (a device deriving from Gillray, cf. British Museum Satires No. 11384) is tied in front of his black horned head; he holds up a lighted candle, and clutches the Pope's hair. Castlereagh, with a blandly disingenuous smile: "I have the authority of the Head of the Catholic Church, for saying that there is no solidity in the objection taken on the other side: thus I am legislating with the Pope at my back!!!" The benches behind Castlereagh are crowded; the members listening intently; all wear hats, except Peel who sits immediately behind Castlereagh's empty seat, on the corner of which he has put a hat, inscribed 'Peel'. He looks up to say: "I hope that when the noble Lord observed that [he was legislating with the Pope at his back] he had no allusion to me, even if the noble Lord were willing to put the Popedom in Commission, I should not be willing to accept the office of one of the Commissioners." Men look down from the gallery. On the floor is a paper: 'St Steevens March 28 1821'."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Whatever is, is right. Pope! and Weighty argument in favour of the Catholic Emancipation
Title etched below image. and Watermark: J. Whatman 1820.
Pubd. April 1821 by G. Humphrey, 27 St. Jamess Street, London
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain.
Subject (Name):
Castlereagh, Robert Stewart, Viscount, 1769-1822, Canterbury, Charles Manners-Sutton, Viscount, 1780-1845, Pius VII, Pope, 1742-1823, Peel, Robert, 1788-1850, and Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons,
Subject (Topic):
Catholic emancipation, Legislative bodies, Politicians, Public speaking, Popes, Crosiers, Keys (Hardware), Demons, Masks, and Candles
"Scene in an English court of law. The judge, Blücher, wearing a legal wig with regimentals, stands up with left arm extended, addressing Napoleon, who crouches in the dock (right), handkerchief in hand, pleading for mercy. Beside the judge are the sovereigns of Europe, two on his right, three on his left, all gazing at the prisoner. In the well of the court aged and grotesque counsel, typical of Rowlandson's lawyers, surround the green-covered table. The jury (left) have stupid, morose, or astonished expressions. The usher, with a long rod, seated on a raised chair, faces the jury on the opposite side of the court. Corpulent constables with staves stand beside and in front of the dock. Freely sketched spectators look down from a crowded gallery above the dock. Almost all eyes are on the prisoner, behind whom stand the Devil, with folded arms, fiercely gloating over his victim. Behind the usher is a high white screen on which Napoleon's offences are inscribed: 'NAPOLEAN BONAPARTE The first and last by the Wrath of Heaven Ex Emperor of the Jacobins & head Runner of Runaways [see British Museum Satires No. 12192], Stands indicted 1ts [sic] for the Murder of Captain Wright in the Temple at Paris 2d for the murder of the Duke Dangulem [d'Enghien] Pichegrew & Georges 3 for the Murder of Palm Hoffer &c & 4th for the murder of the 12 inhabitants of Moscow 5th for inumerable Robberies committed on all Nations in Christendom & elsewhere, 6th for Bigamy & lastly for returning from Transportation, and setting the World in an uproar.' Blücher says fiercely: "You Nap Boneparte being found Guilty of all these Crimes it is fell to my lot to pronounce Sentence of Death on You--You are to be hung by the Neck for one hour till you are Dead, Dead, Dead, & your Body to be chained to a Mill Stone & sunk in the Sea at Torbay." Napoleon says: "Oh cruel Blucher, Oh! cruel Wellington it is you that have brought me to this End. Oh Magnanimous Emperors Kings & Princes intercede for me and spare my life; and give me time to attone for all my Sins, My Son Napoleon the Second will reward you for Mercy shewn me." The sovereigns are poorly characterized. On the extreme left is Alexander, next him and on Blücher's right is the Prince Regent. On Blücher's left is Louis XVIII. Next (?) the King of Prussia, then the Emperor of Austria; next, the Pope with clasped hands, wearing his tiara. On the extreme right is (?) Ferdinand of Spain looking through an eye-glass."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Europe's injuries revenged
Title etched below image., Printmaker from British Museum catalogue., Sheet trimmed within plate mark on bottom edge., Temporary local subject terms: Courtrooms -- Judges -- Military uniform: Regimentals --Lawyers -- Ushers -- Constables -- Constables' staves -- Devils -- Satan -- Popes -- Trials., and Manuscript "187" in upper center of plate.
Pubd. July 28th, 1815, by R. Ackermann, No. 101 Strand
Subject (Name):
Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821, Blücher, Gebhard Leberecht von, 1742-1819, George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830, Alexander I, Emperor of Russia, 1777-1825, Louis XVIII, King of France, 1755-1824, Frederick William III, King of Prussia, 1770-1840, Ferdinand I, Emperor of Austria, 1793-1875, Ferdinand VII, King of Spain, 1784-1833, and Pius VII, Pope, 1742-1823
"Scene in an English court of law. The judge, Blücher, wearing a legal wig with regimentals, stands up with left arm extended, addressing Napoleon, who crouches in the dock (right), handkerchief in hand, pleading for mercy. Beside the judge are the sovereigns of Europe, two on his right, three on his left, all gazing at the prisoner. In the well of the court aged and grotesque counsel, typical of Rowlandson's lawyers, surround the green-covered table. The jury (left) have stupid, morose, or astonished expressions. The usher, with a long rod, seated on a raised chair, faces the jury on the opposite side of the court. Corpulent constables with staves stand beside and in front of the dock. Freely sketched spectators look down from a crowded gallery above the dock. Almost all eyes are on the prisoner, behind whom stand the Devil, with folded arms, fiercely gloating over his victim. Behind the usher is a high white screen on which Napoleon's offences are inscribed: 'NAPOLEAN BONAPARTE The first and last by the Wrath of Heaven Ex Emperor of the Jacobins & head Runner of Runaways [see British Museum Satires No. 12192], Stands indicted 1ts [sic] for the Murder of Captain Wright in the Temple at Paris 2d for the murder of the Duke Dangulem [d'Enghien] Pichegrew & Georges 3 for the Murder of Palm Hoffer &c & 4th for the murder of the 12 inhabitants of Moscow 5th for inumerable Robberies committed on all Nations in Christendom & elsewhere, 6th for Bigamy & lastly for returning from Transportation, and setting the World in an uproar.' Blücher says fiercely: "You Nap Boneparte being found Guilty of all these Crimes it is fell to my lot to pronounce Sentence of Death on You--You are to be hung by the Neck for one hour till you are Dead, Dead, Dead, & your Body to be chained to a Mill Stone & sunk in the Sea at Torbay." Napoleon says: "Oh cruel Blucher, Oh! cruel Wellington it is you that have brought me to this End. Oh Magnanimous Emperors Kings & Princes intercede for me and spare my life; and give me time to attone for all my Sins, My Son Napoleon the Second will reward you for Mercy shewn me." The sovereigns are poorly characterized. On the extreme left is Alexander, next him and on Blücher's right is the Prince Regent. On Blücher's left is Louis XVIII. Next (?) the King of Prussia, then the Emperor of Austria; next, the Pope with clasped hands, wearing his tiara. On the extreme right is (?) Ferdinand of Spain looking through an eye-glass."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Europe's injuries revenged
Title etched below image., Printmaker from British Museum catalogue., Sheet trimmed within plate mark on bottom edge., Temporary local subject terms: Courtrooms -- Judges -- Military uniform: Regimentals --Lawyers -- Ushers -- Constables -- Constables' staves -- Devils -- Satan -- Popes -- Trials., 1 print : etching on wove paper, hand-colored ; sheet 24.3 x 34.7 cm., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., and Mounted on leaf 54 of volume 13 of 14 volumes.
Pubd. July 28th, 1815, by R. Ackermann, No. 101 Strand
Subject (Name):
Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821, Blücher, Gebhard Leberecht von, 1742-1819, George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830, Alexander I, Emperor of Russia, 1777-1825, Louis XVIII, King of France, 1755-1824, Frederick William III, King of Prussia, 1770-1840, Ferdinand I, Emperor of Austria, 1793-1875, Ferdinand VII, King of Spain, 1784-1833, and Pius VII, Pope, 1742-1823
The sudden entrance, through the window, of Napoleon Bonaparte startles tailors assembled in their shop, i.e., the European rulers at the Congress of Vienna, busy "cutting out" portions of Europe for themselves. With a blood-dripping sabre in his hand, Bonaparte declares his readiness to join them in this activity. To his left, a startled King of Holland moves toward the Austrian Emperor, shown with a pair of small scissors and an iron in his hands, who is Napoleon's father-in-law and whom the deposed French Emperor asks, "Where is my wife and son, father Francis?" Beside Francis I, the Russian Emperor stands on a large piece of cloth lined with "Polish fur," raising in his left hand a knot made out of the measuring tape. On the opposite side of the workbench, a fierce-looking Prussian general Blücher threatens Napoleon with huge shears. Behind him, the King of Prussia, sitting cross-legged, continues sewing a piece of cloth signed, "Pattern of an Emperors Robe." To his right stands Napoleon's former marshal, Bernadotte, now allied against him as the Crown Prince of Sweden. In the middle of the room, a frightened and helpless-looking King of France lies flat on the floor, consoled by John Bull, with a large club, who promises to sew up "that rascal Boney." Behind John Bull, a terrified Pope scrambles away for the safety, his tiara and cross fallen to the ground. On the other side of Louis XVIII, the French negotiator at the Congress, Talleyrand, attempts to hide under the tailors' bench
Alternative Title:
Devil among the tailors
Title from caption below image., Artist from British Museum catalogue., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., and Mounted to 29 x 44 cm.
Pubd April 21st, 1815 by H. Humphrey, St. James's Street
Subject (Name):
Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821., Louis XVIII, King of France, 1755-1824., Francis I, Emperor of Austria, 1768-1835., Alexander I, Emperor of Russia, 1777-1825., William I, King of the Netherlands, 1772-1843., Frederick William III, King of Prussia, 1770-1840., Pius VII, Pope, 1742-1823., Charles XIV John, King of Sweden and Norway, 1763-1844., Blücher, Gebhard Leberecht von, 1742-1819., and Talleyrand-Périgord, Charles Maurice de, prince de Bénévent, 1754-1838
Subject (Topic):
John Bull (Symbolic character), Congress of Vienna, Tailor shops, Clothing and dress, Scissors & shears, Hats, and Crowns
"An altered version (like British Museum Satires No. 12205) of British Museum Satires No. 11057, from the original plate. ... The shield, sinister supporter, crest and motto are the same, but the dexter supporter is altered, apparently by Rowlandson, from 'The French Devil' (Talleyrand, now a supporter of Louis XVIII) to Death, a skeleton holding up an hour-glass. This has necessitated the re-drawing of the Gallic cock at his feet, but it pecks at a crucifix as before. The (printed) text is as before (allusions to Jaffa, d'Enghien, &c.) except for the addition to the title and the descriptions of the supporters: '. . . The Gallic Cock, vainly pecking the crucifix, is symbolic of the Corsican's impiety.' The description of 'The Corsican Devil' is altered to 'Satan, wearing an Iron Crown,... cutting down the Cap of Liberty, and accompanied by the Serpent and Hyaena, the attributes of the Corsican Emperor's wily and sanguinary reign'. The inscriptions (now obsolete) hanging from the mouth of the hyena are altered to: 'Cambaceres', 'Davoust', 'Augereau', 'Sebastiani', 'Vandamme', 'Savory'."--British Museum online catalogue
Title from letterpress text below image., Six lines of letterpress text, followed by four additional columns of text, below title: ... the tyrant of France, who created himself Emperor of the French 18th May 1803 ..., Attributed to George Cruikshank in the British Museum online catalogue, registration no.: 1978,U.827., Date of publication from British Museum catalogue., Imperfect; sheet trimmed within plate mark with substantial loss of letterpress text, including publisher's and printer's statements, from bottom edge. Missing text supplied from impression in the British Museum., Watermark: J. Whatman., and Mounted on leaf 11 of volume 13 of 14 volumes.
Published by R. Ackermann at his Repository of Arts, 101 Strand, London and Harrison & Leigh, Printers, 373 Strand
Subject (Name):
Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821, Enghien, Louis-Antoine-Henri de Bourbon, duc d', 1772-1804, Pius VII, Pope, 1742-1823, Wright, John Wesley, 1769-1805, and Ferdinand VII, King of Spain, 1784-1833
"The Powers of Europe toss Napoleon in a blanket. He flies into the air, legs above his head, dropping crown and sceptre, his sword also falls. He exclaims with an agonized expression: "O Misericordé." Three figures hold the front of the sheet, in back view, but with upturned profiles: in the centre is John Bull, a fat 'cit', bald-headed, his hat and wig on the ground. On his left, their hands touching, is a Dutchman smoking, and with a big orange cockade in his hat. On his right is a Spanish don, in feathered hat, ruff, cloak, slashed tunic and breeches. At the extreme ends of the sheet are (left) a Cossack, next the Dutchman, and (right) the fat King of Würtemberg. Seven men hold the farther side of the blanket (left to right): the Pope, wearing his tiara, a man wearing a fur cap with a star, inscribed 'Polar Star', identified in a contemporary hand as Poland, despite the association with Sweden (see British Museum Satires No. 10997). His neighbour is identified as Bernadotte, but resembles Francis I. The next two are identified as Russia and Austria, one is perhaps Bavaria (Russia being represented by the Cossack as England is by John Bull). Next is the hussar who commonly stands for Prussia. A man wearing cocked hat and star is identified as Hanover, but does not resemble the Duke of Cambridge or of Cumberland and is not unlike Bernadotte."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Friends and foes, up he goes : sending the Corsican Munchausen to St. Cloud's
Title etched below image., Printmaker from British Museum catalogue., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., and Mounted on leaf 51 of volume 12 of 14 volumes.
Pubd. December 12th, 1813, by R. Ackermann, No. 101 Strand
Subject (Name):
Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821, Francis I, Emperor of Austria, 1768-1835., Pius VII, Pope, 1742-1823., Charles XIV John, King of Sweden and Norway, 1763-1844., and Frederick I, King of Württemberg, 1754-1816
"John Bull sits in a double pair of stocks, his ankles heavily shackled. His wrists are linked by a huge padlock inscribed Million £800 000 000 [National Debt]. He sits on bales of Taxes; to his back is tied a huge bundle of Last Wars Taxes. His clothes are tattered; three pockets hang inside out, inscribed To Let. At his side (left), and in profile to the right, kneels a noble Spaniard, in very theatrical dress, with trunk hose, cloak, and ruff. He has a spear from which hangs a pennant inscribed Libertas. He puts his hands together in a gesture of prayer: I come once again, and on my kneens [sic] to implore your Aid, we are indeed grateful for former Services, and beleive that you fought purely for Spain and not for yourselves--Save us from our pretended Friends they are worse then Enemies--Save us, and the World, from the destruction of Liberty--. John bites his thumbs despairingly; he answers: I pity you, but I can only give you advice, when you came to me before, I was a Strong Man, and free, but I am now exhausted in saving you, and destroying your great Enemy--See how I am fetter'd--! My Creditors enchain me--! look at my Debt and pity me!-- At his feet a heavy pair of leg-irons lies across many papers inscribed Debt and Taxes. He sits under an oak-tree; from a partly-withered bough hang his cartouche-box and bayonet-belt. In the middle distance (right) Louis XVIII sits astride a cannon (cf. British Museum Satires No. 12797), on a gun-carriage drawn rapidly up a slope by the Tsar and the Emperor of Austria. Both wear uniform and crowns, that of the latter topped by a fool's cap. Both cry: War! War!! War! and blood!! Alexander holds a sword in one hand, a bayoneted musket in the other; Francis holds a sword and a pistol, against his shoulder is the shaft of a flag inscribed Holy Alliance. Louis XVIII leans back, flannelled legs extended, two pistols in his belt, a sword in one hand, a musket in the other. Before him on the cannon is a bowl of soup, &c. The Pope walks at his right, holding a string attached to his nose. The King: By the Powers I shall fall, and lose my Balance Stop!! Stop! I say don't pull so hard you'll rupture [your scored through] Eu rope, this is not suited to my Taste [scored through] Gout I am already crippled and cannot bear it Stop!!!-- The Pope, who wears his tiara and holds his crosier against his shoulder, answers: Fear not, I'll let you into Heaven, through the back door my dear Son. Keys hang from his neck. Behind the cannon runs the Devil pushing at the King's posterior with a trident; he says: They cannot go on without me so I bring up the rear!! Beside the cannon run tiny frogs in uniform with muskets, &c. A slightly bigger one holding a sword may represent Angoulême. Cannon fire at them from a fort on a hill."--British Museum online catalogue, description of an earlier state
Alternative Title:
John Bull flourishing in a dignified attitude of strict neutrality
Title etched below image., Later state, with initials "A.J." added in lower right and the words "with Spain" added to speech bubble immediately to the right of the stocks in center of image. For an earlier state lacking these additions, see no. 14520 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum, v. 10., and Sheet trimmed within plate mark.
Pubd. May 1823 by G. Humphrey, 24 St. James's Street & 74 New Bond Street
Subject (Name):
Louis XVIII, King of France, 1755-1824, Francis I, Emperor of Austria, 1768-1835, Alexander I, Emperor of Russia, 1777-1825, and Pius VII, Pope, 1742-1823
Subject (Topic):
John Bull (Symbolic character), Public debt, Taxes, Trees, Rocks, Stocks (Punishment), Forts & fortifications, Cannons, Devil, and Frogs
"The Pope (left), on a small ass decked with trappings, faces John Bull, who stands as toll-keeper before a closed five-barred gate. From the other side of the gate a path leads to a country church on a hill, irradiated, and framed by the semicircular inscription: 'King - Church and Constitution'. The Pope, except that he wears a Papal crown instead of a mitre, resembles St. Patrick in caricature (where he often rides an ass). He is aquiline and bearded, holds a crosier, and wears a cope. His ass has blinkers, on which a satyr's mask is freely drawn. He leans towards John, saying, "Mr Bull, I have been to Paris - and seen all the fine sights there - I now want to have a peep at that little Church on the Hill - therefore let me pass the turnpike." John (right), a fat yokel, looks up at the Pope with a suspicious scowl, pointing over his shoulder at a large open book, 'Test Oath', which is on a book-rest attached to the gate-post. He says: "If you want to go through - pay the Toll, what the devil do you think I keep a turnpike gate for?" Behind the Pope stand four dissenting ministers anxiously watching the interview. Three say sanctimoniously : "Though I boast not gaudy trappings, - nor am I mounted on Ass back, - yet if he goeth through verily I should like to go through also!"; "Verily so should I."; "We should all like to go through".."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Attributed to Rowlandson by Grego., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., The Pope and John Bull written with black ink in contemporary hand., and Mounted on leaf 25 of volume 8 of 14 volumes.
Pubd. May 15, 1805, by T. Rowlandson, No. 1 James Street, Adelphi
Subject (Name):
George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820. and Pius VII, Pope, 1742-1823
Subject (Topic):
Dissenters, Quakers, John Bull (Symbolic character), Donkeys, Toll roads, and Tolls
"In a goblet-shaped glass vessel on the top of a cylindrical 'German Stove' a little Napoleon is being heated to dissolution point. Two retorts are connected with this vessel inscribed 'Intrigue and Villainy' and 'Ambition and Folly'; four others issue symmetrically from the stove: 'Gasconade and Lies', 'Fire and Sword', 'Arrogance and Atrocity', 'Murder and Plunder'. In the front of the stove is an opening for the fire; this is being stoked by John Bull (left), a fat 'cit' who leans forward, supporting 'Iohn Bulls Coal Tub', and holding out a lump of coal in a pair of tongs. His vis-à-vis is a fat Dutchman (right) who crouches on his knees plying a pair of 'Dutch Bellows'. He wears a cap and is smoking a pipe; beside him is a pot marked 'Gall'. Behind John stand five sovereigns or personifications of their countries: the King of Würtemberg, grotesquely obese, gazes up, pointing a finger as if giving directions; he holds an open book: 'Publishd Wirtemburgh'. Bernadotte, wearing several orders, triumphantly empties into the steaming vessel a bottle labelled 'Sulphat of Swedish Iron'. Behind him are the hussar who stands in these prints for Prussia or Frederick William III, and (?) Francis I. Between Bernadotte and the glass is an older face, perhaps the King of Saxony. All look up exultingly at the tortured Napoleon. Facing this group stands a German officer (right) stretching up to hold a lid which he is about to clap down on the vessel, though this reaches only to below the victim's waist. Napoleon, in profile to the left, puts one hand to his head with a despairing gesture, and flings out his left arm as if to ward off the extinguishing lid; he exclaims: "Oh Spare me till the King of Rome / Is ripe for mischief yet to come." On the extreme right a Spanish don pounds with a pestle in a large mortar inscribed 'Saragossa'. On the left are four men seated close together at a round table where one of them, a large Cossack, is mixing chemicals. He is directed to the left and holds a book while he mixes the contents of a small pot; a pair of scales lies on the table on which are also jars and an hour-glass. The other three watch intently; next him is a man wearing a fur cap inscribed 'Polar Star' (? Sweden or Poland) who also appears in British Museum Satires No. 12117. His neighbour resembles the Emperor of Austria, but he and the man on the extreme left may be the King of Bavaria and the Duke of Baden, princes of the Confederation of the Rhine. On the ground near the table three books are propped up. The largest is open; on the left page but scored through are the words 'Napoleon Protecter of the Rhenish Confederacy'; on the right page: 'Francis Emperor of Germany restored 1813'. The others are 'Liberty of Germany' and 'The Downfall of Boney'. Behind the Cossack, but directed to the right and watching Napoleon, stands the Pope, wearing his tiara and holding a bottle in each hand containing 'Fulminating Powder' and 'Vial of Wrath'. Chemical appliances are indicated in the background."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Dissolving the Rhenish Confederacy
Title etched below image., Printmaker from British Museum catalogue., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., and Mounted on leaf 52 of volume 12 of 14 volumes.
Pubd. December 14, 1813, by R. Ackermann, N. 101 Strand
Subject (Name):
Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821, Francis I, Emperor of Austria, 1768-1835., Charles XIV John, King of Sweden and Norway, 1763-1844., Pius VII, Pope, 1742-1823., and Frederick I, King of Württemberg, 1754-1816
"The scene is the throne-room in the Tuileries, indicated by a part of the throne on its dais on the extreme right, on which are the (discarded) throne and sceptre, and by a large whole length portrait of Louis XVIII, scowling and caricatured, inscribed 'Louis le Bien Aimé'. Napoleon as Harlequin (as in British Museum Satires Nos. 10060, 12515), in parti-coloured tights, a dagger in each hand, leaps through an opening cut in the canvas, hounded by the monarchs of Europe. The portrait (right) shows the fat king holding orb and sceptre, with eyes closed or downcast. The canvas from waist to knees of the portrait is cut neatly away, leaving the King's gouty feet resting squarely on a footstool. Just behind Harlequin is the fat King of Würtemberg on his knees (and paunch) firing a pair of pistols at the fugitive. Across his posterior is the word 'Clown'. Beside him Ferdinand of Spain falls backwards, overbalanced by an attempt to kick ; his crown falls off and he flourishes a sword. He is identified by his slashed doublet, cloak, and flapped boots. Behind (left) a fat powerful Cossack, representing Russia, prods Napoleon with his long spear. He wears a fur cap, trousers tucked into his boots, and has a pair of pistols in his belt. Farther back is the Emperor of Austria wearing a wallet inscribed 'Pantaloon'. He is bearded, slippered, spectacled, and lean, wearing a crown and a dressing-gown. He shuffles forward with clenched fists, holding a dagger. On the extreme left is the Pope, wearing a mitre and holding a headsman's axe against his shoulder. Other figures are nearer the wall which forms a background. Foremost of these is the King of Prussia, close behind Napoleon and firing a blunderbuss. Next is the grotesque Dutchman who stands for the new King of Holland, smoking a pipe, and firing a musket with a fiercely intent expression. Three unidentified crowned heads, and a sharp profile ( ? Bernadotte) with bayonets and spear, and an arm holding up a spiked club make up the crowd of attackers. One of the monarchs takes down from the wall (or hangs up) a three-quarter length portrait of 'Columbine', a young woman with a feathered hat and plump arms held akimbo. She is either Marie Louise (as in British Museum Satires No. 12515), or, according to Broadley, the Duchesse d'Angoulême, an identification supported by the position of her portrait in the same room as that of Louis XVIII."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Printmaker from British Museum catalogue., Two lines of text below title: With entire new music, dances, dresses, scenery, machinery &c &c. The principle [sic] characters to be supported by most of the great potentates in Europe, Harlequin by Mr. Napoleon, Clown by King Wirtemberg, Pantaloon Emperor of Austria. To conclude with a comic song to be sung by the Pope and a grand chorus by the crown'd heads. Vivant Rex et Regina., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., and Mounted on leaf 43 of volume 13 of 14 volumes.
Pubd. April 12th, 1815, by R. Ackermann, N. 101 Strand
Subject (Name):
Louis XVIII, King of France, 1755-1824, Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821, Frederick I, King of Württemberg, 1754-1816, Ferdinand VII, King of Spain, 1784-1833, Pius VII, Pope, 1742-1823, Francis I, Emperor of Austria, 1768-1835, Frederick William III, King of Prussia, 1770-1840, Charles XIV John, King of Sweden and Norway, 1763-1844, and Angoulême, Marie-Thérèse Charlotte, duchesse d', 1778-1851