Portrait of an unknown man, half-length directed to right, head turned slightly left, coat buttoned partway up to the last three holes, unbuttoned in a non-standard configuration. His shirt's bosom ruffles protrude near the neck. Crossed diagonal lines compose the background within a roughly oval frame
Title devised by cataloger., Date from unverified data from local record., Formerly thought to be a self-portrait of James Gillray. Note on verso indicates that Draper Hill determined in 1965 that it is not Gillray., and For further information, consult library staff.
Portrait of George Griffith after Robert White, half length in an oval, long hair, wearing bands and gown, holding a book; curtain in the background to left, bookshelf to right, with inscribed motto 'Most gladly would I Learne & gladly Teach'.
Title devised by cataloger., Date from unverified data from local record., Copy of 17th century engraving by Robert White. Cf. Catalogue of engraved British portraits, v. 2, p. 390., and For further information, consult library staff.
Pencil drawing of General John Burgoyne, British army officer, dramatist, and politician. Burgoyne is facing right framed by an oval decorated with a wreath design
Alternative Title:
General Burgoyne
Title from graphite pencil inscription in plaque design in image. and For further information, consult library staff.
Portrait of Owen Glendower, the fourteenth-century Welsh ruler. Glendower is depicted quarter-length, wearing a helmet and a full suit of plate mail armor emblazoned with a hearaldic symbol of a single lion, rampant and langued
Alternative Title:
Owain Glyndŵr.
Title from pencil caption below image., Unidentified artist., and For further information, consult library staff.
Ink and pencil copy of an eighteenth-century engraved portrait of John Watson, Church of England clergyman and antiquary. Watson is drawn half-length directed to the right, with his head almost in profile, right hand on hip, left holding a scroll in front of him with his elbow propped on an unseen ledge; wearing dark clerical robes with waistband, and white bell-bottomed wig. A numbered .5 cm grid is penciled over the ink drawing
Title devised by cataloger., A copy of a 1780 engraved portrait by James Basire after Daniel Stringer., and For further information, consult library staff.
Framed in an oval, the writer George Saville Carey is shown looking to his left while holding a mirror up in his extended right arm and holding a theater mask in his left arm, bent at the elbow
Title devised by cataloger. and For further information, consult library staff.
Quarter-length portrait of Henry Seymour Conway after Gainsborough, framed by oval design. Conway is in uniform, turned to the left with head facing and looking to the right
Title from caption inscribed within image., Date from unverified data from local record., Copy of painting by Thomas Gainsborough., and For further information, consult library staff.
Full-length portait depicting Moses Kean imitating actor John Henderson in the grave scene in Hamlet. A picture on the wall behind Moses contains a likeness of the original scene with Henderson in the same character and attitude. Kean is directed right, head facing left wearing a tricorn hat; he has a wooden leg and arms outstrected to right hold a handkerchief
Alternative Title:
Moses Kean as Hamlet
Title devised by cataloger., Date from unverified data from local card catalog record., Printed clipping pasted to mount and dated 'Nov. 4 [18]26' in contemporary ms. hand: The late Moses Kean was a tailor, a stout-built man, with black bushy hair, and a wooden leg ... He was a very extraordinary mimic, particularly in imitation of C.J. Fox, which he gave occassionally at the Little Theatre in the Haymarket. Mr. Edmund Kean, the celebrated actor, owes his education to the above person, wo was his uncle. -Nollekens and his Times., Copy of an 18th century etching titled Mr. Kean's imitation of Henderson's Hamlet., and For further information, consult library staff.
Subject (Name):
Kean, Moses, -1792,, Henderson, John, 1747-1785, and Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616.
Subject (Topic):
Performances, Portrait drawings, Actors, Imitation, Peg legs, and Handkerchiefs
Portrait of Sir Ralph Abercromby after John Hoppner. Abercromby is half-length directed slightly to right, looking away to left, right-gloved hand at his waist; he wears a military uniform with epaulettes, sash, star, and a white stock
Alternative Title:
Sir Ralph Abercrombie
Title devised by cataloger., Date based on execution of John Hoppner painting., Copy of oil painting by John Hoppner, ca. 1798., and For further information, consult library staff.