"A scene in the House of Commons. Burke stands on the shoulders of two seated members: his right foot is on the left shoulder of Powys, his left on the right shoulder of Sawbridge. His arms are crossed on his breast, his right arm clutching his left shoulder; from his mouth float three scrolls inscribed, 'Invective against ye Minister', 'Short Observations on India Affairs' [a long scroll], and 'Tropes on the Irish Trade Bill'. Powys looks up at him with an angry expression; he holds in his hand a thick bundle of papers inscribed 'Memda of Important Observations Obvious Objections Perpetual Motions Doubts Facts Surmises Queries &ca &ca'. Sawbridge looks gloomily away from Burke, his left leg stretched along the seat; he holds a paper inscribed 'Mock Motion for Reform in the Representation &c.' Three members seated behind Burke hide their heads or turn aside from his spate of words. Beneath the title is etched: 'Sublimi feriam Sidera Vertice Hor.'"--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Burke on the sublime and beautiful and ***** on the sublime and beautiful
Title etched below image., Signed with the monogram of James Sayers., 1 print : etching with stipple on wove paper ; plate mark 32.8 x 23.2 cm, on sheet 34.9 x 24.5 cm., and Mounted on leaf 27 of James Sayers's Folio album of 144 caricatures.
Published 6th April 1785 by Thos. Cornell, Bruton S[tre]et
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain and Ireland
Subject (Name):
Burke, Edmund, 1729-1797, Powys, Thomas, 1737-1809, and Sawbridge, John, 1732?-1795
"A scene in the House of Commons. Burke stands on the shoulders of two seated members: his right foot is on the left shoulder of Powys, his left on the right shoulder of Sawbridge. His arms are crossed on his breast, his right arm clutching his left shoulder; from his mouth float three scrolls inscribed, 'Invective against ye Minister', 'Short Observations on India Affairs' [a long scroll], and 'Tropes on the Irish Trade Bill'. Powys looks up at him with an angry expression; he holds in his hand a thick bundle of papers inscribed 'Memda of Important Observations Obvious Objections Perpetual Motions Doubts Facts Surmises Queries &ca &ca'. Sawbridge looks gloomily away from Burke, his left leg stretched along the seat; he holds a paper inscribed 'Mock Motion for Reform in the Representation &c.' Three members seated behind Burke hide their heads or turn aside from his spate of words. Beneath the title is etched: 'Sublimi feriam Sidera Vertice Hor.'"--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Burke on the sublime and beautiful and ***** on the sublime and beautiful
Title etched below image., Signed with the monogram of James Sayers., and Mounted on page 43.
Published 6th April 1785 by Thos. Cornell, Bruton S[tre]et
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain and Ireland
Subject (Name):
Burke, Edmund, 1729-1797, Powys, Thomas, 1737-1809, and Sawbridge, John, 1732?-1795
"A scene in the House of Commons. Burke stands on the shoulders of two seated members: his right foot is on the left shoulder of Powys, his left on the right shoulder of Sawbridge. His arms are crossed on his breast, his right arm clutching his left shoulder; from his mouth float three scrolls inscribed, 'Invective against ye Minister', 'Short Observations on India Affairs' [a long scroll], and 'Tropes on the Irish Trade Bill'. Powys looks up at him with an angry expression; he holds in his hand a thick bundle of papers inscribed 'Memda of Important Observations Obvious Objections Perpetual Motions Doubts Facts Surmises Queries &ca &ca'. Sawbridge looks gloomily away from Burke, his left leg stretched along the seat; he holds a paper inscribed 'Mock Motion for Reform in the Representation &c.' Three members seated behind Burke hide their heads or turn aside from his spate of words. Beneath the title is etched: 'Sublimi feriam Sidera Vertice Hor.'"--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Burke on the sublime and beautiful and ***** on the sublime and beautiful
Title etched below image., Signed with the monogram of James Sayers., and Mounted to 47 x 33 cm.
Published 6th April 1785 by Thos. Cornell, Bruton S[tre]et
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain and Ireland
Subject (Name):
Burke, Edmund, 1729-1797, Powys, Thomas, 1737-1809, and Sawbridge, John, 1732?-1795
"A comet traverses the design diagonally and downwards from right to left across an aquatinted background; the head is that of the Prince Wales in a star, the tail contains the heads of his disappointed followers. This broadens as it recedes from the head; immediately after the Prince is the head of Sheridan, with a gloomy expression. Behind him are Fox, with a melancholy smile, and Portland, looking angry. After them comes the wig in back view of Lord Loughborough (see British Museum Satire No. 6796). Next come Stormont and (in 'profil perdu') North. They are followed by the Duke of Queensberry (one of the 'rats') holding up a quizzing-glass and Powys with his habitual melancholy scowl. Behind them are Lord Lothian (another 'rat'), Burke, with an angry frown, and the Duke of Norfolk. Between Norfolk and Queensberry is the 'profil perdu' of Derby. They are followed by Lord Sandwich, Bishop Watson of Llandaff, and Sir Grey Cooper. Next are two clerical wigs in back view identified by Miss Banks as Wilson, Bishop of Bristol, and Warren, Bishop of Bangor, while in the upper left corner of the print is the swarthy profile of Sawbridge. Beneath the title, and on the background which represents the sky, is etched: 'A Return of the Comet which appeared in 1761 [Above the final '1' of the date is a '2'.] is expected this Year and to be within our horizon from the month of Octr 1788 to Augt 1789 but is expected to be most -visible {if it forces itself upon our Notice) in the Winter months Febry & March ------ vide Dr Trusslers Almanack By some of the ancient Astronomers Comets were deemed Meteors kindled in the Air and designed as Presages or unlucky Omens of some disastrous Catastrophe------ The Peripateticks deemed them not permament Bodies but bodies newly produced and in a short Time to perish again, and affirmed that they were made up of Exhalations in the terrestrial Regions------ Sr Isaac Newton asserts That the Tail of a Comet is nothing else than a fine Vapour which the Head of the Comet emits by its heat that Heat the Comet receives from the Sun and the magnitude of the Tail is always proportional to the degree of heat which the Comet receives, and Comets which are nearest to the Sun have the longest Tails------'."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched in image., Signed with the monogram of James Sayers., Date precedes publisher's statement in imprint., 1 print : aquatint and etching on wove paper ; plate mark 23.3 x 29.8 cm, on sheet 25.7 x 31.9 cm., and Mounted on leaf 49 of James Sayers's Folio album of 144 caricatures.
Publd. by Thos. Cornell, Bruton Street
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain.
Subject (Name):
George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830, Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806, Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 1751-1816, Portland, William Henry Cavendish-Bentinck, Duke of, 1738-1809, Rosslyn, Alexander Wedderburn, Earl of, 1733-1805, Mansfield, David Murray, Earl of, 1727-1796, Sawbridge, John, 1732?-1795, North, Frederick, Lord, 1732-1792, Buccleuch, Henry Scott, Duke of, 1746-1812, Powys, Thomas, 1737-1809, Burke, Edmund, 1729-1797, Norfolk, Charles Howard, Duke of, 1746-1815, Smith-Stanley, Edward, 1752-1834, Sandwich, John Montagu, Earl of, 1718-1792, Watson, Richard, 1737-1816, Cooper, Grey, Sir, ca. 1726-1801, and Lothian, William John Ker, Marquis of, 1737-1815
"A comet traverses the design diagonally and downwards from right to left across an aquatinted background; the head is that of the Prince Wales in a star, the tail contains the heads of his disappointed followers. This broadens as it recedes from the head; immediately after the Prince is the head of Sheridan, with a gloomy expression. Behind him are Fox, with a melancholy smile, and Portland, looking angry. After them comes the wig in back view of Lord Loughborough (see British Museum Satire No. 6796). Next come Stormont and (in 'profil perdu') North. They are followed by the Duke of Queensberry (one of the 'rats') holding up a quizzing-glass and Powys with his habitual melancholy scowl. Behind them are Lord Lothian (another 'rat'), Burke, with an angry frown, and the Duke of Norfolk. Between Norfolk and Queensberry is the 'profil perdu' of Derby. They are followed by Lord Sandwich, Bishop Watson of Llandaff, and Sir Grey Cooper. Next are two clerical wigs in back view identified by Miss Banks as Wilson, Bishop of Bristol, and Warren, Bishop of Bangor, while in the upper left corner of the print is the swarthy profile of Sawbridge. Beneath the title, and on the background which represents the sky, is etched: 'A Return of the Comet which appeared in 1761 [Above the final '1' of the date is a '2'.] is expected this Year and to be within our horizon from the month of Octr 1788 to Augt 1789 but is expected to be most -visible {if it forces itself upon our Notice) in the Winter months Febry & March ------ vide Dr Trusslers Almanack By some of the ancient Astronomers Comets were deemed Meteors kindled in the Air and designed as Presages or unlucky Omens of some disastrous Catastrophe------ The Peripateticks deemed them not permament Bodies but bodies newly produced and in a short Time to perish again, and affirmed that they were made up of Exhalations in the terrestrial Regions------ Sr Isaac Newton asserts That the Tail of a Comet is nothing else than a fine Vapour which the Head of the Comet emits by its heat that Heat the Comet receives from the Sun and the magnitude of the Tail is always proportional to the degree of heat which the Comet receives, and Comets which are nearest to the Sun have the longest Tails------'."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched in image., Signed with the monogram of James Sayers., Date precedes publisher's statement in imprint., and Mounted on page 67 with one other print.
Publd. by Thos. Cornell, Bruton Street
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain.
Subject (Name):
George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830, Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806, Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 1751-1816, Portland, William Henry Cavendish-Bentinck, Duke of, 1738-1809, Rosslyn, Alexander Wedderburn, Earl of, 1733-1805, Mansfield, David Murray, Earl of, 1727-1796, Sawbridge, John, 1732?-1795, North, Frederick, Lord, 1732-1792, Buccleuch, Henry Scott, Duke of, 1746-1812, Powys, Thomas, 1737-1809, Burke, Edmund, 1729-1797, Norfolk, Charles Howard, Duke of, 1746-1815, Smith-Stanley, Edward, 1752-1834, Sandwich, John Montagu, Earl of, 1718-1792, Watson, Richard, 1737-1816, Cooper, Grey, Sir, ca. 1726-1801, and Lothian, William John Ker, Marquis of, 1737-1815
"A comet traverses the design diagonally and downwards from right to left across an aquatinted background; the head is that of the Prince Wales in a star, the tail contains the heads of his disappointed followers. This broadens as it recedes from the head; immediately after the Prince is the head of Sheridan, with a gloomy expression. Behind him are Fox, with a melancholy smile, and Portland, looking angry. After them comes the wig in back view of Lord Loughborough (see British Museum Satire No. 6796). Next come Stormont and (in 'profil perdu') North. They are followed by the Duke of Queensberry (one of the 'rats') holding up a quizzing-glass and Powys with his habitual melancholy scowl. Behind them are Lord Lothian (another 'rat'), Burke, with an angry frown, and the Duke of Norfolk. Between Norfolk and Queensberry is the 'profil perdu' of Derby. They are followed by Lord Sandwich, Bishop Watson of Llandaff, and Sir Grey Cooper. Next are two clerical wigs in back view identified by Miss Banks as Wilson, Bishop of Bristol, and Warren, Bishop of Bangor, while in the upper left corner of the print is the swarthy profile of Sawbridge. Beneath the title, and on the background which represents the sky, is etched: 'A Return of the Comet which appeared in 1761 [Above the final '1' of the date is a '2'.] is expected this Year and to be within our horizon from the month of Octr 1788 to Augt 1789 but is expected to be most -visible {if it forces itself upon our Notice) in the Winter months Febry & March ------ vide Dr Trusslers Almanack By some of the ancient Astronomers Comets were deemed Meteors kindled in the Air and designed as Presages or unlucky Omens of some disastrous Catastrophe------ The Peripateticks deemed them not permament Bodies but bodies newly produced and in a short Time to perish again, and affirmed that they were made up of Exhalations in the terrestrial Regions------ Sr Isaac Newton asserts That the Tail of a Comet is nothing else than a fine Vapour which the Head of the Comet emits by its heat that Heat the Comet receives from the Sun and the magnitude of the Tail is always proportional to the degree of heat which the Comet receives, and Comets which are nearest to the Sun have the longest Tails------'."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched in image., Signed with the monogram of James Sayers., Date precedes publisher's statement in imprint., Watermark: fleur-de-lis., and Mounted to 31 x 42 cm.
Publd. by Thos. Cornell, Bruton Street
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain.
Subject (Name):
George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830, Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806, Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 1751-1816, Portland, William Henry Cavendish-Bentinck, Duke of, 1738-1809, Rosslyn, Alexander Wedderburn, Earl of, 1733-1805, Mansfield, David Murray, Earl of, 1727-1796, Sawbridge, John, 1732?-1795, North, Frederick, Lord, 1732-1792, Buccleuch, Henry Scott, Duke of, 1746-1812, Powys, Thomas, 1737-1809, Burke, Edmund, 1729-1797, Norfolk, Charles Howard, Duke of, 1746-1815, Smith-Stanley, Edward, 1752-1834, Sandwich, John Montagu, Earl of, 1718-1792, Watson, Richard, 1737-1816, Cooper, Grey, Sir, ca. 1726-1801, and Lothian, William John Ker, Marquis of, 1737-1815
"A design in two compartments, one above the other, the title between them. In both a pack of hounds with human heads chases a crowned stag; in one the stag is George III, in the other (below) Louis XVI. [1] The stag (left) is beside a signpost pointing 'To Windsor', [written in ink] Windsor Castle appearing on the extreme left. The huntsman (right) is the Prince of Wales riding on the heels of the last hound, his whip outstretched. The foremost hound, who has almost reached the stag is Sheridan, next is (?) Lord Sandwich, or perhaps the Duke of Queensberry, next Fox. [The head has a feminine appearance, and has been identified by Grego as Mrs. Fitzherbert. But black eyebrows and traces of 'gunpowder jowl' indicate Fox, whose absence would be inexplicable.] The next pair are a judge (? Loughborough) and Powys. The last two are Burke and Lord Stormont. Beside the Prince, his back to the other dogs, and urinating as a sign of contempt, is Pitt, turning his head to scowl up at the Prince. [2] The names of the hounds have been written in a contemporary hand beneath the print. The stag (right) has been reached by the hounds, three of whom are biting him. He has passed a signpost 'A Versailles'. The foremost hound is 'M. de Limon'; close behind are 'Le Baron de Talleyrand' furiously biting the stag's shoulder, and 'Le Comte de Vauban'; the next two, 'Le Comte de La Touche' and 'le Marquis de Sillery'. The last two are women: 'la Comtesse de Blot' and 'la Comtesse de Buffon' who wears feathers in her hair, and turns her head to gaze at Orleans, the huntsman, whose mistress she was. Orleans rides a clumsy hack, blowing a horn, and is dressed in the French manner, with the boots and whip of a French postilion (in place of his accustomed English riding-dress). His long queue streams out behind him."--British Museum online catalogue
Title from text etched in center of design; letter "r" in "first" etched above line and inserted with a caret., Attributed to Rowlandson in British Museum catalogue., Publisher's advertisment follows publication information: ... where may be seen the completest collection of caricatures &c. in the Kingdom, also the head & hand of Count Struenzee. Admittce. 1s., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Imperfect; urination stream of dog in far right of upper compartment has been erased from sheet., and Mounted on leaf 7 of volume 4 of 14 volumes.
Pub. May 29, 1790, by S.W Fores N. 3 Piccadilly ...
Subject (Name):
George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820., Louis XVI, King of France, 1754-1793., George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830, Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 1751-1816, Sandwich, John Montagu, Earl of, 1718-1792, Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806, Latouche-Tréville, Louis-René de, 1745-1804, Vauban, Jacques Anne Joseph Le Prestre, comte de, 1754-1816, Genlis Sillery, Charles Alexis Pierre Brulart de, marquis de, 1737-1793, Orléans, Louis Philippe Joseph, duc d', 1747-1793, Limon, Geoffroi, marquis de, -1799, Mansfield, David Murray, Earl of, 1727-1796, Burke, Edmund, 1729-1797, Powys, Thomas, 1737-1809, and Pitt, William, 1759-1806
"Powys, M.P. for Northamptonshire, stands in profile to the left bending forward, both hands extended. The very melancholoy expression in this and other prints is consistent with this practice of prefacing his speeches 'on occasions of great interest, by a copious dicharge of tears which he seemed to command at will', Wraxall, Memoirs, 1884, iii. 280."--British Museum catalogue
Title from British Museum catalogue., Signed with the monogram of James Sayers., 1 print : etching with stipple on wove paper ; plate mark 17.7 x 11.2 cm, on sheet 19.3 x 13.3 cm., Mounted with three other prints on leaf 5 of James Sayers's Folio album of 144 caricatures., and The figure in the print is identified by a small strip of paper (approximately 5 x 35 mm) pasted in lower left corner of sheet with their name in letterpress: Mr. Powis.
"Powys, M.P. for Northamptonshire, stands in profile to the left bending forward, both hands extended. The very melancholoy expression in this and other prints is consistent with this practice of prefacing his speeches 'on occasions of great interest, by a copious dicharge of tears which he seemed to command at will', Wraxall, Memoirs, 1884, iii. 280."--British Museum catalogue
Title from British Museum catalogue., Signed with the monogram of James Sayers., and Mounted on page 7 with three other prints.
"Powys, M.P. for Northamptonshire, stands in profile to the left bending forward, both hands extended. The very melancholoy expression in this and other prints is consistent with this practice of prefacing his speeches 'on occasions of great interest, by a copious dicharge of tears which he seemed to command at will', Wraxall, Memoirs, 1884, iii. 280."--British Museum catalogue
Title from British Museum catalogue., Signed with the monogram of James Sayers., and Numbered '31' in contemporary hand in the upper right corner.