Plate 29. Queen Charlotte's collection of Hogarth works. Leaf 29. Album of William Hogarth prints.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
In an alcove on the right in an untidy garret, a man in a dressing-gown scratches his head as he writes on a sheet with the title "Riches a Poem". In the center of the image his wife is seated as she mends a pair of breeches; at her feet a cat and her kittens are curled up on the man's coat. Under the sleeve of the coat on the floor is an issue of "Grubstreet Journall." She looks to the door on the left where she is confronted by a milkmaid who holds a lengthy tally; the daisies in her bonnet suggest Michaelmas day when bills are due; she also is shown with a yoke across her back. Just inside the doorway a dog snatches the single pork chop from a plate on a chair; the cupboard above the door stands open to show empty shelves. Behind the poet, a baby lies in a bed crying. Above the poet's head is a print 'A View of the Gold Mines of Peru." Above the mantel is a "dare for larks" -- a circular mirror surrounded by eight smaller circular mirrors
Alternative Title:
Distressed poet
Title engraved below image., State from Paulson., Originally published in 1736 as: The Distressed Poet., and "Price 3 shillings"--Following statement of responsibility.
Plate 29. Queen Charlotte's collection of Hogarth works. Leaf 29. Album of William Hogarth prints.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
In an alcove on the right in an untidy garret, a man in a dressing-gown scratches his head as he writes on a sheet with the title "Riches a Poem". In the center of the image his wife is seated as she mends a pair of breeches; at her feet a cat and her kittens are curled up on the man's coat. Under the sleeve of the coat on the floor is an issue of "Grubstreet Journall." She looks to the door on the left where she is confronted by a milkmaid who holds a lengthy tally; the daisies in her bonnet suggest Michaelmas day when bills are due; she also is shown with a yoke across her back. Just inside the doorway a dog snatches the single pork chop from a plate on a chair; the cupboard above the door stands open to show empty shelves. Behind the poet, a baby lies in a bed crying. Above the poet's head is a print 'A View of the Gold Mines of Peru." Above the mantel is a "dare for larks" -- a circular mirror surrounded by eight smaller circular mirrors
Alternative Title:
Distressed poet
Title engraved below image., State from Paulson., Originally published in 1736 as: The Distressed Poet., and "Price 3 shillings"--Following statement of responsibility.
A three-quarters length image of a pretty young seamstresses in the act of sewing. Text below title: Why hast thou lost the fresh blood in thy cheeks? King Henry IV, part 1.
Alternative Title:
Title from caption below image. and Date of publication from unverified data in local card catalog record.
Woodward, G. M. (George Moutard), approximately 1760-1809, printmaker
Published / Created:
[1 March 1792]
Call Number:
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
Design in a circle: An old woman and a little boy sit facing each other in a bare and dilapidated room. She sits in profile to the left, in an upholstered armchair, threading a needle to mend clothes; a shirt lies on her patched apron. He sits with hands folded on a ladderback chair. Between and behind them sits a cat
Title from time., Sheet trimmed on sides within plate mark., and Two lines of text below image: I wish from my heart - one of us three was hang'd - I don't mean you poor Puss - nor I don't mean myself.'
Published March 1st 1792 by S.W. Fores, No. 3 Piccadilly
Subject (Topic):
Boys, Cats, Chairs, Dwellings, Eyeglasses, Grandparents, Interiors, Poverty, and Sewing
"Poverty-stricken family in bare, attic interior; man seated at left beside table, skinny dog beside him, looking away from woman, standing in centre mending garment, watched by boy lying on floor and resting on stool at right, looking up from his reading; young woman sitting dejectedly with bellows beside fireplace, at right."--British Museum online catalogue, description of another print engraved after the same painting
Alternative Title:
Effects of youthful extravagance and idleness
Title from text below image., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Eight lines of verse beneath image, four on either side of title: What misery in a narrow scale confin'd! The mournful work of one degenerate mind ..., and Companion print to: The fruits of early industry & oeconemy [sic].
publisher not identified
Subject (Topic):
Bellows, Dogs, Families, Interiors, Poor persons, Povery, Sewing, and Fireplaces
"Poverty-stricken family in bare, attic interior; man seated at left beside table, skinny dog beside him, looking away from woman, standing in centre mending garment, watched by boy lying on floor and resting on stool at right, looking up from his reading; young woman sitting dejectedly with bellows beside fireplace, at right; published state."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Effects of youthful extravagance and idleness
Title from text below image., Eight lines of verse beneath image, four on either side of title: What misery in a narrow scale confined! The mournful work of one degenerate mind ..., and Companion print to: The fruits of early industry & oeconomy.
Publish'd July 1, 1789, by T. Simpson, St. Pauls Church Yard
Subject (Topic):
Bellows, Dogs, Interiors, Families, Poor persons, Poverty, Sewing, and Fireplaces
A young woman and a monk sit under two trees while a monk sews or embroiders a piece of fabric with floral motifs. They are being observed by a man hiding behind the trees. In the background on the left is a church
Title from item., Publication date inferred from publisher's address., Two lines of verse on either side of title: Alass! [sic] how vain religion's awful [sic] name. The drone monastic blots it o'er with shame ..., and Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires.
Printed for John Bowles & Son, at the Black Horse in Cornhill
With three wood engravings entitled "Destructive fire in the Tower of London", "Ruling the roast", and "One of the thimble-rig gentry", the last of which is signed with the initials of Charles Jameson Grant., "No. 51"., "One penny"., and For further information, consult library staff.
W. Vickers, Holywell Street, Strand
Subject (Geographic):
England and London.
Subject (Topic):
Tower of London (London, England), Fires and fire prevention, Cookery, Fires, and Sewing
A print after Romney's portrait of Amy Lyon, mistress of The Honorable Charles Greville who, wanting a portrait of her, introduced her to Romney. She later became Emma, Lady Hamilton and still later, the mistress of Admiral Lord Nelson. She is shown in profile, in a bonnet with a blue ribbon, seated on a chair outdoors under a tree, head bent over her sewing. On the left in the distance, two sheep rest peacefully on the hillside
Title from caption below image. and Date of publication from Horne.