"Dr. John Smith, portly and very round-shouldered, stands in profile to the right, wearing mortar-board, gown, and cassock, with bands. An eye-glass hangs from a ribbon. Smith (1744-1809), B.D. and D.D. 1796, was Rector of Fairford, Glos., 1768-1809, and Master of Pembroke College 1796-1809."--British Museum online catalogue
"Dr. John Smith, portly and very round-shouldered, stands in profile to the right, wearing mortar-board, gown, and cassock, with bands. An eye-glass hangs from a ribbon. Smith (1744-1809), B.D. and D.D. 1796, was Rector of Fairford, Glos., 1768-1809, and Master of Pembroke College 1796-1809."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Leaf 47 in an album with the spine title: Characatures by Dighton., and 1 print : etching on laid paper, hand-colored ; plate mark 27.3 x 20.5 cm, on sheet 31.1 x 25.5 cm.