In a shabby room in Drury Lane; Moll Hackabout is shown having risen late (the watch shows 11:45), attended by a serving-woman who has lost part of her nose to syphilis; in the background, the magistrate, John Gonson, enters quietly with officers to arrest her; pinned to the window frame are prints of Captain Mackheath (the hero of "The Beggar's Opera") and Dr Sacheverell (the High Anglican clergyman impeached in 1710), the wig-box of James Dalton, highwayman, sits above the bed, and one of several beer tankards on the floor carries the name of a Drury Lane tavern. A kitten plays at Moll's feet. A copy of Bishop Gibson's "Pastoral Letter to ..." serves as a butter dish. Above the window on the left is a print after a Titian painting depicting the angel staying the hand of Abraham as he is about to slay Isaac. Medicine bottles on the window sill suggest that Molly is already ill with the disease that will later kill her
Title, state, and date from Paulson., State before black Latin cross added. See Paulson., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., and "Plate 3"--Lower left corner.
In a shabby room in Drury Lane; Moll Hackabout is shown having risen late (the watch shows 11:45), attended by a serving-woman who has lost part of her nose to syphilis; in the background, the magistrate, John Gonson, enters quietly with officers to arrest her; pinned to the window frame are prints of Captain Mackheath (the hero of "The Beggar's Opera") and Dr Sacheverell (the High Anglican clergyman impeached in 1710), the wig-box of James Dalton, highwayman, sits above the bed, and one of several beer tankards on the floor carries the name of a Drury Lane tavern. A kitten plays at Moll's feet. A copy of Bishop Gibson's "Pastoral Letter to ..." serves as a butter dish. Above the window on the left is a print after a Titian painting depicting the angel staying the hand of Abraham as he is about to slay Isaac. Medicine bottles on the window sill suggest that Molly is already ill with the disease that will later kill her
Title, state, and date from Paulson., State before black Latin cross added. See Paulson., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., "Plate 3"--Lower left corner., and On page 60 in volume 1. Plate trimmed to: 31.6 x 38.5 cm.
Title and date from item., From: Album - Exhibition Set, Venereal Diseases and the Fight Against Them. Published in Moscow by the People's Committee on Health, 1928., Poster includes graphs with relative rates of Syphilis among Buryat, Causus peoples, Kirgiz peoples, and Russian peasants., and This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing.
Narkomzdrav, RSFSR
Subject (Geographic):
Soviet Union.
Subject (Topic):
Sexually transmitted diseases, Syphilis, and Minorities
I︠A︡guzhinskiĭ, S. I. (Sergeĭ Ivanovich), 1862-1947, artist
Published / Created:
Call Number:
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
Title and date from item., From: Album - Exhibition Set, Venereal Diseases and the Fight Against Them. Published in Moscow by the People's Committee on Health, 1928., Poster also warns against transmission through breastfeeding., and This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing.
Title and date from item., In lower margin: A.O. ; 27., From: Album - Exhibition Set, Venereal Diseases and the Fight Against Them. Published in Moscow by the People's Committee on Health, 1928., Shows symptoms for an adult woman with congenital syphilis, and for a newborn., and This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing.
Narkomzdrav, RSFSR
Subject (Geographic):
Soviet Union.
Subject (Topic):
Sexually transmitted diseases, Syphilis, Syphilis, Congenital, hereditary, and infantile, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Faces, and Infants
Title and date from item., In lower margin: A.O. ; 27., From: Album - Exhibition Set, Venereal Diseases and the Fight Against Them. Published in Moscow by the People's Committee on Health, 1928., Shows symptoms for an adult woman with congenital syphilis, and for a newborn., and This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing.
Narkomzdrav, RSFSR
Subject (Geographic):
Soviet Union.
Subject (Topic):
Sexually transmitted diseases, Syphilis, Syphilis, Congenital, hereditary, and infantile, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Faces, and Infants
Title from item. Translated title supplied by curator., Date derived from printmaker's date of death., Place of publication from item., This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing., and Temporary local Medical Library subject terms: Children & childcare.
publisher not identified
Subject (Topic):
Death (Personification)., Poverty, Child care, Syphilis, Children, Vegetables, Cookery, Older people, Spinning apparatus, Hand tools, Families, Poor persons, and Fireplaces
Plate 5. Queen Charlotte's collection of Hogarth works.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
A scene in Bridewell prison with Moll Hackabout and the other inmates beating hemp under the supervision of a stern warder holding a cane. Moll is still dressed in her finery, but a one-eyed female attendant fingers the lace lappet hanging from her cap and her serving-woman sits before her on Moll's elegant shoes; next to her a fellow inmate picks vermin off her clothes. Next to Moll is a gambler, a torn playing card on the floor in front of him; behind her, a man stands with his hands in a pillory on which hangs a sign "Better to Work than Stand thus." Further down the wall is a whipping post with the words "The Wages of Idleness." On shudder against the back wall is an effigy of Sir John Gonson ("Sr. J G").
Alternative Title:
Moll Hackabout and her fellow inmates at work in Bridewell prison
Title, date, and state from Paulson. and State with black Latin cross added (in 2nd state) in the middle, below design and many changes to the design. See Paulson.
Plate 5. Queen Charlotte's collection of Hogarth works.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
A scene in Bridewell prison with Moll Hackabout and the other inmates beating hemp under the supervision of a stern warder holding a cane. Moll is still dressed in her finery, but a one-eyed female attendant fingers the lace lappet hanging from her cap and her serving-woman sits before her on Moll's elegant shoes; next to her a fellow inmate picks vermin off her clothes. Next to Moll is a gambler, a torn playing card on the floor in front of him; behind her, a man stands with his hands in a pillory on which hangs a sign "Better to Work than Stand thus." Further down the wall is a whipping post with the words "The Wages of Idleness." On shudder against the back wall is an effigy of Sir John Gonson ("Sr. J G").
Alternative Title:
Moll Hackabout and her fellow inmates at work in Bridewell prison
Title, date, and state from Paulson., State with black Latin cross added (in 2nd state) in the middle, below design and many changes to the design. See Paulson., 1 print : etching with engraving on laid paper ; plate mark 31.2 x 38.8 cm, on sheet 46 x 59 cm., and Plate 5 in the album: Queen Charlotte's collection of Hogarth works.
Plate 5. Queen Charlotte's collection of Hogarth works.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
A scene in Bridewell prison with Moll Hackabout and the other inmates beating hemp under the supervision of a stern warder holding a cane. Moll is still dressed in her finery, but a one-eyed female attendant fingers the lace lappet hanging from her cap and her serving-woman sits before her on Moll's elegant shoes; next to her a fellow inmate picks vermin off her clothes. Next to Moll is a gambler, a torn playing card on the floor in front of him; behind her, a man stands with his hands in a pillory on which hangs a sign "Better to Work than Stand thus." Further down the wall is a whipping post with the words "The Wages of Idleness." On shudder against the back wall is an effigy of Sir John Gonson ("Sr. J G").
Alternative Title:
Moll Hackabout and her fellow inmates at work in Bridewell prison
Title, date, and state from Paulson., State with black Latin cross added (in 2nd state) in the middle, below design and many changes to the design. See Paulson., and On page 61 in volume 1. Plate trimmed to: 31.2 x 38.5 cm.
A scene in Bridewell prison with Moll Hackabout and the other inmates beating hemp under the supervision of a stern warder holding a cane. Moll is still dressed in her finery, but a one-eyed female attendant fingers the lace lappet hanging from her cap and her serving-woman sits before her in Moll's elegant shoes; next to her a fellow inmate picks vermin off her clothes. Next to Moll is a gambler, a torn playing card on the floor in front of him; behind her, a man stands with his hands in a pillory on which hangs a sign "Better to Work than Stand thus." Further down the wall is a whipping post with the words "The Wages of Idleness." On a shudder against the back wall is an effigy of Sir John Gonson ("Sr. J G").
Alternative Title:
Moll Hackabout and her fellow inmates at work in Bridewell prison
Title, publisher, date, and state from Paulson., State before black Latin cross added in the middle, below design. See Paulson., "Plate 4"--Lower left corner., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., 1 print : etching with engraving on laid paper ; plate mark 31.3 x 38.7 cm, on sheet 45 x 56 cm., and Leaf 5 in: Album of William Hogarth prints.
A scene in Bridewell prison with Moll Hackabout and the other inmates beating hemp under the supervision of a stern warder holding a cane. Moll is still dressed in her finery, but a one-eyed female attendant fingers the lace lappet hanging from her cap and her serving-woman sits before her in Moll's elegant shoes; next to her a fellow inmate picks vermin off her clothes. Next to Moll is a gambler, a torn playing card on the floor in front of him; behind her, a man stands with his hands in a pillory on which hangs a sign "Better to Work than Stand thus." Further down the wall is a whipping post with the words "The Wages of Idleness." On a shudder against the back wall is an effigy of Sir John Gonson ("Sr. J G").
Alternative Title:
Moll Hackabout and her fellow inmates at work in Bridewell prison
Title, publisher, date, and state from Paulson., State before black Latin cross added in the middle, below design. See Paulson., "Plate 4"--Lower left corner., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., and On page 61 in volume 1. Plate trimmed to: 30.6 x 38.5 cm.
A scene in Bridewell prison with Moll Hackabout and the other inmates beating hemp under the supervision of a stern warder holding a cane. Moll is still dressed in her finery, but a one-eyed female attendant fingers the lace lappet hanging from her cap and her serving-woman sits before her in Moll's elegant shoes; next to her a fellow inmate picks vermin off her clothes. Next to Moll is a gambler, a torn playing card on the floor in front of him; behind her, a man stands with his hands in a pillory on which hangs a sign "Better to Work than Stand thus." Further down the wall is a whipping post with the words "The Wages of Idleness." On a shudder against the back wall is an effigy of Sir John Gonson ("Sr. J G").
Alternative Title:
Moll Hackabout and her fellow inmates at work in Bridewell prison
Title, publisher, date, and state from Paulson., State before black Latin cross added in the middle, below design. See Paulson., "Plate 4"--Lower left corner., and Sheet trimmed within plate mark.
Plate 6. Queen Charlotte's collection of Hogarth works.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
In a squalid room Moll Hackabout, wrapped in a sheet, is dying while two doctors (Richard Rock and Jean Misaubin) argue over their remedies. Her serving-woman reaches out to them in alarm to get their attention for the invalid, while another woman rifles through Moll's portmanteau (with her initials as in Plate 1). A small boy knelling next to Moll's chair scratches his head as he turns a joint of meat roasting in front of the fire while a pot overflows on the grate. An over-turned table with an advertisement "Practical scheme ... 'Anodyne" litters the floor in the foreground
Title, state, and date from Paulson., "Plate 5. "--Lower left corner., State with black Latin cross below design, "Dr. Rock" on the paper holding the teeth on the right, and various areas of the design darkened with diagonal lines and crosshatching. See Paulson., 1 print : etching and engraving on laid paper ; plate mark 32 x 39 cm, on sheet 46 x 59 cm., and Plate 6 in the album: Queen Charlotte's collection of Hogarth works.
Wm. Hogarth
Subject (Name):
Misaubin, Jean, 1673-1734. and Rock, Richard, 1690-1777.
Subject (Topic):
Quacks and quackery, Beds, Children, Death, Interiors, Quacks, Prostitutes, Servants, Syphilis, Rake's progress, and Sexually transmitted diseases
In a squalid room Moll Hackabout, wrapped in a sheet, is attended by her two physicians (Richard Rock and Jean Misaubin) argue over their remedies. Her serving-woman reaches out to them in alarm to get their attention for the invalid, while another woman rifles through Moll's portmanteau (with her initials as in Plate 1). A small boy knelling next to Moll's chair scratches his head as he turns a joint of meat roasting in front of the fire while a pot overflows on the grate. An over-turned table with an advertisement "Practical scheme ... 'Anodyne" litters the floor in the foreground
Title devised by cataloger., Publisher, date, and state from Paulson., State before addition of black Latin cross added to center below design. See Paulson., "Plate 5"--Lower left corner., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., 1 print : etching with engraving on laid paper ; plate mark 32.1 x 39 cm, on sheet 45 x 56 cm., and Leaf 6 in: Album of William Hogarth prints.
Wm. Hogarth
Subject (Name):
Misaubin, Jean, 1673-1734. and Rock, Richard, 1690-1777.
In a squalid room Moll Hackabout, wrapped in a sheet, is attended by her two physicians (Richard Rock and Jean Misaubin) argue over their remedies. Her serving-woman reaches out to them in alarm to get their attention for the invalid, while another woman rifles through Moll's portmanteau (with her initials as in Plate 1). A small boy knelling next to Moll's chair scratches his head as he turns a joint of meat roasting in front of the fire while a pot overflows on the grate. An over-turned table with an advertisement "Practical scheme ... 'Anodyne" litters the floor in the foreground
Title devised by cataloger., Publisher, date, and state from Paulson., State before addition of black Latin cross added to center below design. See Paulson., "Plate 5"--Lower left corner., and Sheet trimmed within plate mark.
Wm. Hogarth
Subject (Name):
Misaubin, Jean, 1673-1734. and Rock, Richard, 1690-1777.
Plate 6. Queen Charlotte's collection of Hogarth works.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
In a squalid room Moll Hackabout, wrapped in a sheet, is dying while two doctors (Richard Rock and Jean Misaubin) argue over their remedies. Her serving-woman reaches out to them in alarm to get their attention for the invalid, while another woman rifles through Moll's portmanteau (with her initials as in Plate 1). A small boy knelling next to Moll's chair scratches his head as he turns a joint of meat roasting in front of the fire while a pot overflows on the grate. An over-turned table with an advertisement "Practical scheme ... 'Anodyne" litters the floor in the foreground
Title, state, and date from Paulson., "Plate 5. "--Lower left corner., State with black Latin cross below design, "Dr. Rock" on the paper holding the teeth on the right, and various areas of the design darkened with diagonal lines and crosshatching. See Paulson., and 1 print : etching and engraving ; plate mark 323 x 392 mm.
Wm. Hogarth
Subject (Name):
Misaubin, Jean, 1673-1734. and Rock, Richard, 1690-1777.
Subject (Topic):
Quacks and quackery, Beds, Children, Death, Interiors, Quacks, Prostitutes, Servants, Syphilis, Rake's progress, and Sexually transmitted diseases
Plate 6. Queen Charlotte's collection of Hogarth works.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
In a squalid room Moll Hackabout, wrapped in a sheet, is dying while two doctors (Richard Rock and Jean Misaubin) argue over their remedies. Her serving-woman reaches out to them in alarm to get their attention for the invalid, while another woman rifles through Moll's portmanteau (with her initials as in Plate 1). A small boy knelling next to Moll's chair scratches his head as he turns a joint of meat roasting in front of the fire while a pot overflows on the grate. An over-turned table with an advertisement "Practical scheme ... 'Anodyne" litters the floor in the foreground
Title, state, and date from Paulson., "Plate 5. "--Lower left corner., and State with black Latin cross below design, "Dr. Rock" on the paper holding the teeth on the right, and various areas of the design darkened with diagonal lines and crosshatching. See Paulson.
Wm. Hogarth
Subject (Name):
Misaubin, Jean, 1673-1734. and Rock, Richard, 1690-1777.
Subject (Topic):
Quacks and quackery, Beds, Children, Death, Interiors, Quacks, Prostitutes, Servants, Syphilis, Rake's progress, and Sexually transmitted diseases
Plate 6. Queen Charlotte's collection of Hogarth works.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
In a squalid room Moll Hackabout, wrapped in a sheet, is dying while two doctors (Richard Rock and Jean Misaubin) argue over their remedies. Her serving-woman reaches out to them in alarm to get their attention for the invalid, while another woman rifles through Moll's portmanteau (with her initials as in Plate 1). A small boy knelling next to Moll's chair scratches his head as he turns a joint of meat roasting in front of the fire while a pot overflows on the grate. An over-turned table with an advertisement "Practical scheme ... 'Anodyne" litters the floor in the foreground
Title, state, and date from Paulson., "Plate 5. "--Lower left corner., State with black Latin cross below design, "Dr. Rock" on the paper holding the teeth on the right, and various areas of the design darkened with diagonal lines and crosshatching. See Paulson., and On page 62 in volume 1. Plate trimmed to: 31.6 x 38.7 cm.
Wm. Hogarth
Subject (Name):
Misaubin, Jean, 1673-1734. and Rock, Richard, 1690-1777.
Subject (Topic):
Quacks and quackery, Beds, Children, Death, Interiors, Quacks, Prostitutes, Servants, Syphilis, Rake's progress, and Sexually transmitted diseases
In a squalid room Moll Hackabout, wrapped in a sheet, is attended by her two physicians (Richard Rock and Jean Misaubin) argue over their remedies. Her serving-woman reaches out to them in alarm to get their attention for the invalid, while another woman rifles through Moll's portmanteau (with her initials as in Plate 1). A small boy knelling next to Moll's chair scratches his head as he turns a joint of meat roasting in front of the fire while a pot overflows on the grate. An over-turned table with an advertisement "Practical scheme ... 'Anodyne" litters the floor in the foreground
Title devised by cataloger., Publisher, date, and state from Paulson., State before addition of black Latin cross added to center below design. See Paulson., "Plate 5"--Lower left corner., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., and On page 62 in volume 1. Plate trimmed to: 31.2 x 38 cm.
Wm. Hogarth
Subject (Name):
Misaubin, Jean, 1673-1734. and Rock, Richard, 1690-1777.