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1. A buz in a box, or, The poet in a pet with a chip of the block, mounted on Papa's Pegasus. [graphic]
- Creator:
- Williams, Charles, active 1797-1830, printmaker
- Published / Created:
- [21 October 1812]
- Call Number:
- 812.10.21.01+
- Image Count:
- 1
- Resource Type:
- still image
- Abstract:
- "A corner of the stage at Drury Lane slants diagonally from left to right, showing part of the orchestra and pit (right) with part of two stage-boxes on the extreme right. The stage manager, Raymond, stands addressing the clamorous audience, while on the left a young man with ass's ears sits on a donkey which flourishes its heels so that they strike the lowered stage-curtain. The donkey brays "Ih ho Ih ho Ih ho," its hind-quarter is branded 'My Pegasus Buz'. Its rider recites: "Nor ever here your smiles would be represt, "Knew you the rival flames that fires our breast, "Flame, Fire and Flame!--sad--woe Neddy! Ladies and Gentlemen, My Papa's Pegasus is so full of fire and spirit that very few are capable of mounting him. for my self I never spoke but once & that was-- Unce logos but if you will give me leave to get on with my Papas Monologue I am positive you will pronounce it the prettiest piece of poetry produced for the purpose." Raymond says: "Ladies and Gentlemen, it was never the intention of the Proprietors to introduce Assess [sic] on these boards but as you seem entertained with their braying if it [is] your wish, we will procure some trainers from the other House as we are really ignorant in the management of thes [sic] Animals." Greeted by derisive cheers from the audience, Dr. Busby, also with ass's ears, leans from the upper stage-box, saying, "Ladies and Gentlemen, only hear My Son speak my Monologue written by myself the only one fit to be heard the committee are as ignorant of good Poetry a[s] I am of true criticism. I am a great writer reviews my sons works very clever indeed--writes my own life--well worth reading--my Life of Lucius Otrigger will astonish you now pray hear my Son speak my Monologue!--." A man behind him shouts: "Bravo! Go on! Go, on," and one in the crowded lower box applauds: "Bravo Apollo go on Go . . ." In the foreground a man in the pit shouts pointing to the ass: "Why don't you come down and get up behind don't you see he wants ballast." Six others address the son: "When you have done there--set those Epigrams to Music young Apollo!"; "Off Off Off Off"; "he will be off presently if Neddy kicks so!"; "Go on Go on"; "Speak out you should have brought your Voice with you"; "hear him hear him." The orchestra is empty of performers, but the music scores are headed 'The Judgement of Midas' [O'Keefe's play]. Three large papers lie on the stage inscribed respectively: [1] 'A Lord [Byron] and a Doctor once started for Fame Which for the best Poet should pass The Lord was cried up on account of his name The Doctor cried down for an Ass--' [2] 'Doctor Buz he assures us on Drury new Stage No Horses or Elephants, there should engage But pray Doctor Buz, how comes it to pass, That you your own self should produce there an Ass' [3] 'Old Buz against Quadrupeds, war did wage, And swore on Drury's board's such Mum'ry ne'er should pass But forcing his own Pegasus on Drurys stage The Critic Audience christen'd Buz an Ass.' Behind Raymond is the lower part of the verd-antique pillar which flanked the curtain, and on the right the large ornate lamp, of quasi-Egyptian design in which three hawk-headed monsters support an inverted tripod, the base of a ring of lamp-jets."--British Museum online catalogue
- Alternative Title:
- Poet in a pet : with a chip of the block, mounted on Papa's Pegasus
- Description:
- Title etched below image., Attributed to Charles Williams in the British Museum catalogue., Sheet trimmed to plate mark., Text following title: vide opening of New Drury Lane Theatre., and Laid-in to a piece of later paper.
- Publisher:
- Pubd. Octr. 21, 1812, by S.W. Fores, 50 Piccadilly
- Subject (Geographic):
- England and London.
- Subject (Name):
- Raymond, James Grant, -1817, Busby, Thomas, 1754-1838, Busby, George Frederick, active 1812, Byron, George Gordon Byron, Baron, 1788-1824., and Theatre Royal, Drury Lane (London, England),
- Subject (Topic):
- Theaters, Interiors, Theater curtains, Theater audiences, and Donkeys
- Found in:
- Lewis Walpole Library > A buz in a box, or, The poet in a pet with a chip of the block, mounted on Papa's Pegasus. [graphic]
2. Acting magistrates committing themselves being their first appearance on this stage, as performed at the National Theatre Convent Garden, Sepr. 18, 1809 [graphic].
- Creator:
- Cruikshank, Isaac, 1764-1811, printmaker
- Published / Created:
- [approximately September 1809]
- Call Number:
- 809.09.00.06++
- Image Count:
- 1
- Resource Type:
- still image
- Abstract:
- "The stage of Covent Garden Theatre is seen from the right with a small part of the pit in the left foreground; the boxes and galleries adjoining the stage form the background on the left. The pittites are standing and blow trumpets, spring rattles, ring bells, and shout. Those in the crowded boxes behave in the same way; with one exception all are men. Two men occupy each of the two boxes over the stage-door; they watch passively. The musicians' seats are empty, but candles burn beside their open music-books, and one of the orchestra stands facing the audience, threatening them with fist and baton. On the stage three men stand together addressing the audience. The man in the centre holds out a paper: 'Riot Act'; he says: "We shall Read the riot act". Behind them stands Kemble wearing a tail-coat and white trousers, appealing to the audience with his hands meekly together as if in prayer. Large notices and placards hang from the galleries and boxes: 'Old Prices' [five times]; 'Harris will but Kemble won,t'; 'No Kembles No more insults'; 'Kemble remember the Dublin Tin Man'; 'No Foreign Sofas'; 'Iohn Bull against Iohn Kemble'; 'No Catalani'; 'Old Prices' [three times]; 'No Italian Private Boxes'; '£6000 for Caterwauling'; 'Catalani', below a print of a cat dressed as a woman, and singing 'Me Yo' from a music-book; 'No Catalani!! Mountain-- Billington, and Dickons for ever'; 'Ol Price for ever No caterwauling'; 'Old Prices No Catalani'; a gigantic placard: 'Statement-- £ Subscribed -- £80-000 Fire Office -- 50-000 Old Materials -- 25-000 155-000 New Theatre ---- 150-000 Managers of it ---- 5-000' Held up by a 'John Bull' in the pit who blows a trumpet: 'No Catalani No Pigeon Holes Old Prices No Private Boxes'. A man shouts from a box: "Off Off Off Off"; he springs a rattle."--British Museum online catalogue
- Description:
- Title etched below image., Attributed to Isaac and George Cruikshank in the British Museum catalogue., Date of publication from British Museum catalogue., and Matted to 47 x 54 cm, with a token for a box seat, Prince's side (BPS), New Theatre Covent Garden 1809.
- Publisher:
- publisher not identified
- Subject (Geographic):
- England and London.
- Subject (Name):
- Kemble, John Philip, 1757-1823., Nares, John, 1754-1816., Billington, Elizabeth, 1765-1818., Catalani, Angelica, 1780-1849., Dickons, Maria, approximately 1774-1833., Harris, Thomas, -1820., Reed, James, active 1808., Mountain, Rosoman, approximately 1768-1841., and Covent Garden Theatre,
- Subject (Topic):
- Interiors, Stages (Platforms), Actors, Orchestras, Theater audiences, Theaters, and 1809
- Found in:
- Lewis Walpole Library > Acting magistrates committing themselves being their first appearance on this stage, as performed at the National Theatre Convent Garden, Sepr. 18, 1809 [graphic].
3. Always a character [graphic]
- Creator:
- Ash, William, active 1823, printmaker, artist
- Published / Created:
- [25 November 1823]
- Call Number:
- 823.11.25.01
- Image Count:
- 1
- Resource Type:
- still image
- Abstract:
- A caricatured portrait of comedian John Liston, standing before the Theatre Royal. Leaning against a bollard is a placard advertising the play 'Fish out of Water' in which he was starring as 'Sam Savoury'.
- Description:
- Title etched below image. and Sheet trimmed within plate mark.
- Publisher:
- Pubd. Novr. 25th, 1823, by G. Humphrey, 24, St. James's Stt. & 74, New-Bond St., London
- Subject (Geographic):
- England and London.
- Subject (Name):
- Liston, John, 1776-1846 and Haymarket Theatre (London, England),
- Subject (Topic):
- Theaters, Comedians, and Signs (Notices)
- Found in:
- Lewis Walpole Library > Always a character [graphic]
4. At the Theatre Royal in Covent-Garden, this present Saturday, being the 7th of April, will be presented a tragedy, call'd The seige of Damascus ... : the part of Phocyas to be perform'd by Mr. Barry, Eumenes by Mr. Ryan ... and the part of Eudocia to be perform'd by Mrs. Cibber ...
- Creator:
- Covent Garden Theatre
- Published / Created:
- [1753]
- Call Number:
- File 767 P69B C838 1753
- Image Count:
- 1
- Resource Type:
- text
- Alternative Title:
- For the benefit of Mr. Smith
- Description:
- Caption title. and With ms. annotation of the date added in an unidentified hand: 1753. For further information, consult library staff.
- Publisher:
- The Theatre
- Subject (Geographic):
- England and London.
- Subject (Name):
- Covent Garden Theatre., Hughes, John, 1677-1720., Barry, Spranger, 1719-1777., Ryan, Lacy, 1694?-1760., and Cibber, Susannah Maria Arne, 1714-1766.
- Subject (Topic):
- Theaters
- Found in:
- Lewis Walpole Library > At the Theatre Royal in Covent-Garden, this present Saturday, being the 7th of April, will be presented a tragedy, call'd The seige of Damascus ... : the part of Phocyas to be perform'd by Mr. Barry, Eumenes by Mr. Ryan ... and the part of Eudocia to be perform'd by Mrs. Cibber ...
5. BPS. New Theatre Covent Garden 1809 [realia].
- Published / Created:
- [1809]
- Call Number:
- 809.09.00.06++
- Image Count:
- 1
- Resource Type:
- three-dimensional form
- Abstract:
- Obverse: In the center, letter B above PS below (Box Princes Side); "New Theatre Covent Garden 1809" stamped around the perimeter. Reverse is blank
- Description:
- Title from text on obverse side of token. and Matted to 47 x 54 cm, along with the Isaac Cruikshank print entitled: Acting magistrates committing themselves being their first appearance on this stage, as performed at the National Theatre Convent Garden, Sepr. 18, 1809.
- Publisher:
- New Theatre Covent Garden
- Subject (Geographic):
- Covent Garden (London, England), England, and London.
- Subject (Topic):
- Theaters
- Found in:
- Lewis Walpole Library > BPS. New Theatre Covent Garden 1809 [realia].
6. By permission of the Right Worshipful the Mayor. Mrs. Pinchott's third appearance, of the Theatres Royal Covent Garden and Drury-Lane. Finch returns his most hearty and sincere thanks to the public at large, for all the encouragement he has met with, and informs them, his benefit is fixed for Wednesday evening next, Nov. 4th ... The extraordinary alteration & improvement the hwole of the interior of The Pantheon has undergone ... The performance will commence with a new ballet dance, called the Merry millers. Principle characters Mr. Auld, Mr. Miller... the whole to conclude with a grand Indian spectacle ... written by Mr. Usher, called The savage chieftain, or, Sidney & his faithful dog ...
- Published / Created:
- [approximately 1815]
- Call Number:
- File 767 P69B P197 815++
- Image Count:
- 1
- Resource Type:
- text
- Description:
- Caption title., A playbill printed on silk., and For further information, consult library staff.
- Publisher:
- John Berry, printer
- Subject (Geographic):
- England and Norwich.
- Subject (Name):
- Pincott, Mrs. (Elizabeth)
- Subject (Topic):
- Pantomimes and Theaters
- Found in:
- Lewis Walpole Library > By permission of the Right Worshipful the Mayor. Mrs. Pinchott's third appearance, of the Theatres Royal Covent Garden and Drury-Lane. Finch returns his most hearty and sincere thanks to the public at large, for all the encouragement he has met with, and informs them, his benefit is fixed for Wednesday evening next, Nov. 4th ... The extraordinary alteration & improvement the hwole of the interior of The Pantheon has undergone ... The performance will commence with a new ballet dance, called the Merry millers. Principle characters Mr. Auld, Mr. Miller... the whole to conclude with a grand Indian spectacle ... written by Mr. Usher, called The savage chieftain, or, Sidney & his faithful dog ...
7. Committee of Taste, or, The punishment of a modern Midas dedicated (without permission) to the subscribers to the New Theatre Drury Lane. [graphic]
- Creator:
- Williams, Charles, active 1797-1830, printmaker
- Published / Created:
- [1812?]
- Call Number:
- 812.00.00.125+
- Image Count:
- 1
- Resource Type:
- still image
- Abstract:
- "A satire on the rebuilding of Drury Lane Theatre. Whitbread, Chairman of the Committee, bestrides a barrel, the head inscribed 'The Butt M, T' [empty]. He has long ass's ears and points to a table beside him on the extreme right where there is a model of a theatre with a pillared portico and pediment. This rests on a paper inscribed 'Whitbread Copeland Holland Rolls &ca clear gains 450000!!!!!' Next Whitbread a man sits behind a similar table littered with plans all inscribed 'Plan of Drury Lane'. He also has ass's ears, to which a second pair has been added in water-colour. He looks through an eye-glass, resting his right elbow on an anchor, while he holds at arm's length the model of a theatre whose portico is flanked by two large sphinxes. A carved sun, like the emblem of the Sun Fire-Office, decorates his chair; on the right is a broad post or terminal pillar supporting a man's head, also with ass's ears. This rests on a volume inscribed 'Commons', and on its face in large letters are the words 'Ex Nihilo Nihil Fil'; from its upper edge a signpost arm projects to the right inscribed 'To Coventry', showing that he is Peter Moore. Behind Whitbread (left) and partly screened by a heavy curtain is a table supporting a third model of a theatre, also with a portico. Whitbread, frowning slightly, says: "These Resolutions once carried good bye Friend Sherry Old Claimants and new Subscribers (aside) Hem! I think I have bullied the Committe [sic] properly." His neighbour (? Lord Holland) who smiles, has a round good-humoured face; he says: "La! Mr Chairman I think my Sphynxes look Monstrous Pretty.""--British Museum online catalogue
- Alternative Title:
- Punishment of a modern Midas
- Description:
- Title etched below image., Printmaker and date of publication from British Museum catalogue., Sheet trimmed to plate mark leaving thread margins., Watermark: J. Whatman., and Matted to 37 x 46 xm.
- Publisher:
- publisher not identified
- Subject (Geographic):
- England and London.
- Subject (Name):
- Theatre Royal, Drury Lane (London, England), Whitbread, Samuel, 1764-1815, Moore, Peter, 1753-1828, and Holland, Henry Richard Vassall, Baron, 1773-1840
- Subject (Topic):
- Theaters, Architectural models, Barrels, and Traffic signs & signals
- Found in:
- Lewis Walpole Library > Committee of Taste, or, The punishment of a modern Midas dedicated (without permission) to the subscribers to the New Theatre Drury Lane. [graphic]
8. Covent Garden Theatre [graphic]
- Creator:
- Rowlandson, Thomas, 1756-1827, printmaker
- Published / Created:
- [1 July 1808]
- Call Number:
- Quarto 646 808 M58 v.1
- Collection Title:
- V. 1 Microcosm of London.
- Image Count:
- 1
- Resource Type:
- still image
- Abstract:
- "Interior of theatre, seen from the back of the stalls, looking towards the stage; as it appeared before it burned down in September 1808; an orchestra assembled towards the back of the stage, behind a choir at the front; the theatre packed with spectators; candle chandeliers hanging around room from the different levels of the circles."--British Museum online catalogue
- Description:
- Title etched below image., Plate numbered in upper right, above image: Plate 27., and Plate from: Microcosm of London. London : R. Ackermann's Repository of Arts, No. 101 Strand, [1808-1810?], v. 1, opposite page 212.
- Publisher:
- Publish'd 1 July 1808 at R. Ackermann's Repository of Arts, 101 Strand
- Subject (Geographic):
- London (England), England, and London.
- Subject (Name):
- Covent Garden Theatre.
- Subject (Topic):
- Theaters, Interiors, Audiences, and Chandeliers
- Found in:
- Lewis Walpole Library > Covent Garden Theatre [graphic]
9. Drury Lane Theatre [graphic]
- Creator:
- Rowlandson, Thomas, 1756-1827, printmaker
- Published / Created:
- [1 August 1808]
- Call Number:
- Quarto 646 808 M58 v.1
- Collection Title:
- V. 1 Microcosm of London.
- Image Count:
- 1
- Resource Type:
- still image
- Abstract:
- "Interior view of the theatre, looking towards the stage; a performance taking place; the galleries, boxes, and pit filled with spectators."--British Museum online catalogue
- Description:
- Title etched below image., Plate numbered in upper right, above image: Plate 32., and Plate from: Microcosm of London. London : R. Ackermann's Repository of Arts, No. 101 Strand, [1808-1810?], v. 1, opposite page 228.
- Publisher:
- Pub. 1st Augt. 1808 at R. Ackermann's Repository of Arts, 101 Strand
- Subject (Geographic):
- London (England), England, and London.
- Subject (Name):
- Theatre Royal, Drury Lane (London, England)
- Subject (Topic):
- Theaters, Interiors, and Audiences
- Found in:
- Lewis Walpole Library > Drury Lane Theatre [graphic]