Manuscript on parchment (thick, poor quality; trimmed) of 1) Guillaume de Deguilleville, Le Pelerinage de vie humaine. 2) Guillaume de Deguilleville, three poems in Latin. 3) Poem added in a 15th-century hand, contrasting the life of a servant and a rich man. 4) Willem van Ruysbroeck, Itinerarium. 5) Summary of Aethicus Ister, Cosmographia III.31-39, on the land of Gog and Magog. 6) Jean Chapuis, Les sept articles de la fois; often attributed, as it is here, to Jean de Meun
In Latin and French., Script: Composed of two distinct parts. Written by multiple scribes in cursive, with or without loops., Part I (ff. 1r-92v): illustrated with 79 column miniatures; two others on ff. 83v and 85r have been cut out. The miniatures are simple pen drawings, tinted pink, red, tan, purple, and blue, in pen-ruled frames, tinted in yellow; on ff. 18r and 22r with ivy leaves on hair-line stems at corners and centers. On f. 16v an unframed drawing of the carpenter's pax. 2-line initials throughout, red or blue with black or red penwork. First letter of each verse stroked in yellow. Proper names in red., Part II (ff. 93r-129r, 129v-141v) has two distinct formats. Between ff. 93r and 135r (art. 5), two 2-line initials, red, with simple brown penwork. Some capitals stroked in red or yellow. Between ff. 135v and 141r (art. 6), three crude tinted drawings, red, green and brown, in initials, either divided red and brown with red flourishes and dots, or red, with a scroll and a fish incorporated. Three drawings cut out from ff. 135v, 136v and 137r. Space left for one drawing on f. 139r and for two on f. 140v. 2-line initials in red, some with red penwork., Folio 1r-v damaged, with loss of text and parts of miniatures., and Binding: Eighteenth century. Brown, mottled calf with a gold-tooled spine and a red label. Edges spattered red.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Guillaume, de Deguileville, active 14th century. and Franciscans
Subject (Topic):
Manuscripts, Cosmography, Devotional literature, Devotional literature, French, French literature, Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval, Latin poetry, Medieval and modern, Manuscripts, Medieval, and Theology
Hugo, Argentinensis, approximately 1210-approximately 1270
Published / Created:
Call Number:
Beinecke MS 393
Image Count:
Resource Type:
Manuscript on paper (coarse) composed of two distinct parts. Part I (ff. 1-84): 1) Long extracts from Hugh of Strasbourg. 2) Speculum humane saluacionis. 3) Statutes of Prague. 4) Commentary of Joannes Andreae on the second Clementine decree Ad nostrum qui desideranter promulgated against Beghards and Beguines in November 1311. 5) Theological notes. 6) Albert of Diessen, Speculum vel lavacrum sacerdotum. Part II (ff. 85-234): 7) Conrad of Brundelsheim, Sermones de sanctis
In Latin., Watermarks: Part I similar to Piccard Kreuz III.805; unidentified mountain and unidentified bull's head. Part II has two similar to Briquet Tete de boeuf 15229 and to Piccard Ochsenkopf XII.288; unidentified horn and elongated bell., Script: Part I: Written by three scribes in a running hybrida script: 1 (ff. 1r-75r; arts. 1-3); 2 (ff. 75r-79v, 84v; arts. 4, 5); 3 (ff. 80r-84r; art. 6). Part II: Written by several scribes, all in various styles of running hybrida; ff. 133r-145v, 234r-v is the same hand as Scribe 2 of Part I., Part I: Plain initials, 6- to 2-line, in red; headings in red or black in gothic textura, those in black often enclosed by red rectangles; initial strokes in red. Guide-letters for rubricator in margins. Part II: Plain initials, 5- to 2-line, in red; headings and final colophon enclosed in red rectangles; initial strokes in red. Guide-letters for rubricator., Pattern of stains on ff. 84v-85r suggests parts were originally separate books., and Binding: Fifteenth century. Original sewing on tawed slit straps laced through a tunnel in edge to outside channels in flush wooden boards, pegged with rectangular pegs and the channels filled in. Plain, wound endbands sewn through the spine lining onto tawed cores laced into the back cornering of the boards. The spine is rounded with a parchment lining (unidentified liturgical text: Germany, 12th century) that extends on the inside of the boards between sewing supports; parchment reinforcement strips from same manuscript and from others. Remains of parchment bifolios of a liturgical manuscript (Germany, 13th century) glued inside both covers. Length of page and written space: 121 (88) mm.; 6 mm. between rulings for text. Covered in cream colored, tawed skin. Five hat-shaped bosses and two strap-and-pin fastenings, the pins on the upper board. The lower board is cut in to accomodate the straps. Parchment label glued to upper board: "de sacramentis Speculum humanae saluationis/ Questiones bone Sermones de sanctis;" added below in another hand: "de Sacra questione [?] bo. S. de. S." Lettering on tail: "de sacra question: bo. S. de." Straps wanting.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut, New Haven., and Prague (Czech Republic)
Subject (Topic):
Beguines, Church year sermons, Devotional literature, Latin (Medieval and modern), Didactic literature, Latin (Medieval and modern), Manuscripts, Medieval, and Theology
Manuscript on parchment of Nonius Marcellus, De compendiosa doctrina
In Latin., Script: Written in a small upright humanistic cursive script by a single scribe who began copying the text with a single line of majuscules; written below top line., Folio 1r with partial border in upper and inner margins; white vine-stem ornament on blue, green and pink ground with grey and pale yellow dots, terminating in penwork with gold balls. At the left upper corner vine-stem ornament is inhabited by a red-winged putto being attacked by a bird. Historiated initial, 9-line, gold, against a blue, green and pink ground with white vine-stem ornament, and a medallion with the profile of a man, dressed in a red and green cap and red robes against blue ground. Numerous small initials, 4-line, gold on blue, pink and green or blue and pink rectangular grounds with white and pale yellow filigree., and Binding: Twentieth century, after 1926, England. Dark green pigskin, gold-tooled with the arms of C. H. St. John Hornby on the upper side; title on spine. Edges gilt.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Nonius Marcellus, active 4th century.
Subject (Topic):
Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval, Manuscripts, Medieval, and Theology
Manuscript on parchment of Albertano da Brescia, 1) Liber de doctrina dicendi et tacendi. 2) Liber consolationis et consilii. 3) De amore et dilectione Dei. 4-8) Sermones. 9) De omnibus ordinibus omnium hominum. 10-13) Unidentified moralistic passages. 14) Ps.-Seneca, Proverbia. 15) Seneca, De beneficiis (extracts).
In Latin., Script: Written by a single scribe in an informal gothic bookhand, below top line., Initials for major text divisions in red with designs on parchment ground, 18- to 4-line, and some (e.g., f. 28r) with modest penwork designs in red and/or black. Small plain initials, 3- to 1-line, rubrics, and paragraph marks, in red., and Binding: Nineteenth century, Italy. Quarter bound in tan paper with semi-limp paper sides. Written, in ink, on spine: "De Scientia/ Loquendi/ Tacendi/ Manos" and "Albertani/ Pergomena". On parchment leaves at front and rear: rust stains from five bosses and 2 fore-edge fastenings of an earlier binding.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Albertano, da Brescia, 13th cent.
Subject (Topic):
Consolation, Devotional literature, Latin (Medieval and modern), Didactic literature, Latin, Manuscripts, Medieval, Sermons, Sermons, Latin, and Theology
Manuscript on paper, with parchment for outer and inner conjugate leaves of each quire, composed of four "booklets" or units of similar format. Part I: 1) William of St. Thierry, Epistola ad fratres de monte Dei, formerly attributed to Guigo and Bernard of Clairvaux. Part II: 2) Bernard of Clairvaux, Sermo in festo annuntiationis B. V. Mariae. 3) Bernard of Cluny [?], Sermo de villico iniquitatis, formerly attributed to Bernard of Clairvaux. 4) Bernard of Cluny, Preface to art. 3. Part III: 5) Bernard of Clairvaux, De gradibus humilitatis et superbiae. 6) Jean, l'Homme de Dieu, Tractatus de ordine vitae et morum institutione, formerly attributed to Bernard of Clairvaux. Part IV: 7) Bernard of Clairvaux, Sermo I pro Dom. VI post Pentecosten. 8) Bernard of Clairvaux, Sermo II pro Dom. VI post Pentecosten. 9) Bernard of Clairvaux, Sermo II pro Dom. VI post Pentecosten. 10) Anonymous sermon on the Virgin Mary. 11) Nicholas of Clairvaux, Sermo in natali S. Benedicti de euangelio. 12) Bernard of Clairvaux, Sermo in obitu Domini Humberti
In Latin., Watermarks: Part I: unidentified P in gutter. Parts II-IV: similar in design to Briquet Lettre Y 9182-84., Script: Part I (ff. 1-34): Written by a single scribe in well formed upright gothic script exhibiting batarde influence in the long descenders. Part II (ff. 35-46): Written in a script similar to that of Part I, but with less batarde shading. Part III (ff. 47-82): Written possibly by the same scribe as Part II. Part IV (ff. 83-99): Written in small cramped gothic script similar to those in I-III., Part I: Carefully executed red and blue divided initial, 8-line, on f. 1r; infilled and surrounded by delicate foliage designs in red and purple ink, on a green ground, with flourishes extending down inner border. Similar initial, f. 1v, without green ground and with blue scroll design for crossbar. Headings, paragraph marks, initial strokes, underlining, and Nota marks in red. Part II: Fine initial, 8-line, on f. 35r, divided red and blue, infilled and surrounded by six foliage designs in red penwork on green ground, with a central flower of six petals touched with yellow. Plain blue initial, 3-line, on f. 39v, with some floral designs in body in natural color of paper; red initials, 2-line, ff. 40r and 45v. Headings, initial strokes, underlining and corrections, in red. Paragraph marks in red or blue. Guide-letters for rubricator. Part III: Divided initial I, red and blue, 10-line, on f. 47r, with red and purple foliage designs on green ground surrounding initial, and with flourishes extending down inner margin. Blue initial, 4-line, on f. 68v, infilled and surrounded by penwork designs in red. Plain initials, 2-line, headings, initial strokes, paragraph marks, corrections, and some marginal notes, in red. Guide-letters and instructions for rubricator. Part IV: Blue initial, 5-line, on f. 83v, with interior floral designs in natural color of parchment; body infilled and surrounded by red penwork designs extending down inner margin. Initials, 5- to 2-line, headings, paragraph marks, in red., and Binding: 16th-17th centuries (?). Original sewing on four tawed, slit straps, the spine rounded and the supports prominent and defined. Plain, wound endbands on vegetable fiber cores, the covering leather saddle-stitched around them. Covered in dark brown calf with round and lozenge-shaped tools in diamonds and triangles formed by intersecting fillets in a central panel in a double outer frame. One fastening, the catch on the upper board and the strap wanting. Turk's head knot placemarks on the fore edge. Rectangular label removed from upper edge of front cover; two modern brown labels, stamped in gold, on spine: "Bernardi Varia" and "M. S." Original front pastedown: lower portion of a parchment bifolium (Germany, 15th century) of the Doctrinale of Alexander of Villa Dei with lines 1056-79 visible on verso and 1520-44 on recto. Ca. 5 mm. between lines of text. Binding restored.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Bernard, of Clairvaux, Saint, 1090 or 1091-1153., Catholic Church, and Cistercians.
Subject (Topic):
Didactic literature, Latin (Medieval and modern), Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval, Manuscripts, Medieval, Monasticism and religious orders, Sermons, and Theology
The first and last pages and page 15 are blank., Includes, in Latin, his Divinae institutiones, liber 7; De ira Dei; and De creatione hominis., and Med: Later Italian binding. Described by Scott Husby, 2010.
Ulrich Han (Udalricus Gallus) and Simon Nicolai Chardella
Subject (Topic):
Medicine, Greek and Roman, Philosophy, and Theology
Manuscript on paper of 1) Table of Contents. 2) Praefatio in Gregorii Nazianzeni orationes, translated into Latin by Rufinus of Aquileia (Rufinus Aquileiensis, c. 345-411). 3) Gregory of Nazianzus (Gregorius Nazianzenus, d. c. 390), Apologeticus, Latin translation by Rufinus of Aquileia. 4) Gregory of Nazianzus, De epiphaniis sive de natali Domini. 5) Gregory of Nazianzus, De luminibus, quod est de secundis epiphaniis. 6) Gregory of Nazianzus, In semetipsum de agro regressum. 7) Gregory of Nazianzus, Ad cives Nazianzenos gravi timore perculsos et praefectum irascentem. 8) Gregory of Nazianzus, De Pentecoste et de Spiritu Sancto. 9) Gregory of Nazianzus, De reconciliatione et unitate monachorum. 10) Gregory of Nazianzus, De grandinis vastatione. Ends incomplete. 11) Gregory of Elvira (Gregorius Illiberitanus, d. after 392), De fide orthodoxa. Missing beginning. Often ascribed to Gregory of Nazianzus and erroneously considered a Latin translation by Rufinus of Aquileia
In Latin., Watermark: var. Briquet 2482., Script: Copied by one hand in small Humanistica Cursiva Libraria., Pale red headings. Plain initials (Capitals) in pale red ink, 2-3 lines., The paper is at places slightly damaged by the acid ink., and Binding: Nineteenth century. English brown polished calf over pasteboard, both covers and turn-ins framed with gold-tooled fillets. Back repaired. Gold-tooled title on spine "GREGORI NAZIANZENIS OPUSCULA LATINA INTERPRETE RUFFINO. M.S. CART 1494". Grey paper endleaves.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Gregory, of Nazianzus, Saint.
Subject (Topic):
Doctors of the Church, Manuscripts, Medieval, Sermons, and Theology
Minorica elucidativa racionabilis separationis fratrum minoru[m] de observantia ab aliis fratribus eiusdem ordinis
BEIN Marston MS 277: Bound with manuscripts relating to the Franciscan Order., BEIN Marston MS 277: Provenance: contemporary manuscript note on verso F6: Mors tua mors [Christi] trans mu[n]di gaudia celi et dolor inferm. sint meditenda tibi. Armorial Bookplate of Marston. Gift of the Library Associates., BEIN Marston MS 277: Binding: sixteenth century, Netherlands. Bound in tan goatskin over paste boards. Very faint blind tooling and four fastenings, two of them ribbon. Catches on the lower board. Front pastedown (and possibly back pastedown?): portion of a document dated 1491., Authorship also attributed to Alexander de Ariostis., and Signature: A⁸ B⁴ C⁸ D⁶ E⁴ F⁶ (F6 blank).
Manuscript on paper (polished, except for ff. 129-136) of Passages on Asceticism by various authors, including John Chrysostom, Basil, Isidore, Theodoretus, Maximus, Nilus. With other theological texts, especially concerning monasticism
In Greek., Unidentified watermarks: anchor in circle., Script: Written by a single scribe who signed himself "Callistus the holy deacon"., Simple headpieces on ff. 1r, 34r, 58r, 60v, 74r. Initials and headings, in red, for each new passage. Crudely drawn angel hovers over top of initial, f. 34r; birds perch on others. Folios 129-136 are not rubricated., and Binding: Date? Pastedowns sewn with bookblock. Three chain-stitched supports. Endbands attached to the square-edged, flush wooden boards. Loops of thread around the edges of the quires at head and tail. The spine is square and lined all along with vellum extending onto the inside of the boards and there seem to be lining strips extending on the outside of the boards also. Two pin holes with stubs of iron pins in them in the edges of the upper board and two holes for each strap on the lower. Rebacked. Covered with 13th-century Greek manuscript fragment containing musical notation, with front flyleaf from the same manuscript, and back flyleaf from a 12th century Greek liturgical text (all badly rubbed).
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Anastasius, Sinaita, Saint, active 640-700.
Subject (Topic):
Asceticism, Fathers of the church, Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval, Manuscripts, Medieval, Monastic and religious life, and Theology