Reproduction of 1852 painting by A.F. Tait that depicts two trappers, men of European descent, and four Native American men fighting on horseback on a plain with tall grass; one of the trappers in center foreground wears a buckskin fringed jacket, aims his rifle; the other trapper driving the pack animals away from the scene. The first trapper is shown with a percussion cap and ball rifle, steer powder horn, and an arrow lodged into his camp blanket. Native American men to right in middle ground are armed with bows and arrows. Top half of image is sky
Alternative Title:
Keep your distance
Below image: Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1853, by N. Currier, in the Clerk’s Office of the District-Court of the Southern District of N.Y. and Title from caption below image.
Print by John Cameron depicts, in the left foreground, two trappers with horses and pack animals waiting and watching on guard; in the middle ground, a trapper and a Native American ride toward each other to talk; in the background, more Native Americans on horseback in the distance; mountains and sky in the top half of the image
Title from caption below image. and Below image: Entered by act of Congress A.D. 1868 by Currier & Ives, in the clerk's office of the District Court of the United States, for the Southern District of N.Y.
Reproduction of a painting by Seth Eastman that depicts in the foreground two Native Americans on horseback, one with a long gun, the other with bow and arrow, hunting buffalo. In the background, the scene is of the riverine plains. The upper three-quarters of the image are of sky
Title from caption below image. and Below image, centered: Pl. 9.
Lippincott, Grambo & Company
Subject (Geographic):
West (U.S.)
Subject (Topic):
American bison hunting and Indians of North America
Reproduction of Charles Schreyvogel's oil painting "Fight to the finish." Depicts a scene of Native Americans on horseback. Two in close combat foregrounded. Others in background
BEIN WA Prints +216: Blind stamped in lower left corner: Copyright 1912 by Chs. Schreyvogel., Title from the oil painting on which the print is based., and In lower right corner of print, signed: Chas Schreyvogel copyright 1912.
Reproduction of a work by Seth Eastman from a sketch by J. H. Eaton. Depicts Fort Defiance as built in 1851-1852. In the foreground, Native Americans approach the fort in a line on horseback; within the fort, U.S. Army soldiers drill. The fort is at the foot of an escarpment. One-third of the image is of sky
Title from caption below image. and Below image, centered: Pl. 29.
Reproduction of Charles Schreyvogel's oil painting "Going for reinforcements." Depicts a scene of battle between Native Americans and U.S. Army troops in the west in which two soldiers are galloping on horses away from Native Americans who are in pursuit
BEIN WA Print +214: In lower left corner of print, blind stamped: Copyright 1901 by Chs. Schreyvogel., Title from the oil painting on which the print is based., and Imprint devised by cataloger from an advertisement in Publishers’ Weekly (No. 1817; Nov. 24, 1906) for prints by Charles Schreyvogel of western frontier life by Moffat, Yard, & Company of New York.
Print depicts a herd of bison on the Great Plains; several bison face the viewer in the foreground; grassland swells into low hills in middle-and back-ground; filled with bison; the top half of the image is sky
BEIN BrSides Zc10 862ha: State before title and imprint letters., Title and imprint from caption on another state of this print., Within image in lower left, signed: W.J. Hays, 1861., and Below image: Entered according to act of Congress in the year 1862, by W.J. Hays in the clerks office of the District Court of the Southern District of New York
Reproduction of Charles Schreyvogel's oil painting "How kola." Depicts a scene of battle between Native Americans and U.S. Army troops. Troupers riding directly at viewer with a fallen Native American and horse about to be trampled by trouper on horseback in the foreground
Title from the oil painting on which the print is based., Imprint devised by cataloger from an advertisement in Publishers’ Weekly (No. 1817; Nov. 24, 1906) for prints by Charles Schreyvogel of western frontier life by Moffat, Yard, & Company of New York., and In hand at bottom left corner of print: Copyright 1901 by Chas Schreyvogel.
Reproduction of a drawning by Seth Eastman that depicts in the foreground a European American on foot hunting buffalo with a long gun. The scene is of the rolling, grassy plains with bison in the distance. The upper two-thirds of the image are of sky