Manuscript fragment, on parchment, decorated, from a book of hours, containing text possibly from the Hours of the Virgin Mary
Alternative Title:
Book of hours
In Latin., Script: gothica textura., Decoration: rubricated. Recto contains two two-line decorated initials and a spiky floral border. Verso contains one small decorated initial., and Contemporary annotation (textural addition?) in margin of verso, partially effaced.
Manuscript, on vellum, in a single hand, of a book of hours according to the Use of Sarum. The Latin text is followed by a brief treatise in Middle English on prayer, titled "Here begynneth in what man[ner] preyer sholde be vsed." The volume concludes with prayers in Latin and Middle English
Alternative Title:
Book of hours
In Latin and Middle English., Description of volume, in Latin, signed WA.1804 on recto of front flyleaf., Ownership inscription of Jone Ffyn on verso of front flyleaf., Calendar contains three notes concerning births and a marriage of Cheyne family members., Layout: single columns of 17 lines., Script: gothic bookhand., Decoration: three historiated initials with full-page borders; one smaller historiated initials and seven large foliate initials with borders. many smaller initals in gold with blue penwork or in blue with red penwork., and Binding: modern red velvet; red morocco box.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Catholic Church. and Catholic Church
Subject (Topic):
Books of hours, Devotional literature, English (Middle), English prose literature, Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval, and Manuscripts, Medieval
Manuscript leaves from a Sarum missal, containing text from Masses for the third and eighth Sundays after Pentecost and for the dedication of a church
In Latin., Layout: double columns of 39 lines., Script: gothic liturgical script., and Decoration: numerous initials in burnished gold or blue; extensive penwork.
Manuscript on parchment (goatskin) of 1) Masses for the main feasts of the Temporale from Christmas to Epiphany. 2) Full text (Ordinary and Sanctorale) of the mass for Candlemas. The rubrics prove that the manuscript is for the use of a bishop (Postea pontifex sollemniter cantet; Deinde pontifex dicat; Postea pontifex dicat hanc orationem, etc.).
In Latin., Script: Copied by one hand in very large Southern Gothica Textualis Formata (Rotunda). The following texts are in a smaller size of the same script: Introit, Gradual, Tract, Offertory and Communion., The space for music staves in Gloria (1 line), Preface, Lord's Prayer and Peace has remained blank. Rubrics in red. The high-quality decoration is unfinished and totally missing in ff. 61-71., and Binding: ca. 1700. Limp parchment, with marks of two pairs of ties. The endleaves, added by the dealer Laurence Witten, are two leaves placed transversally and taken from two different antiphonaries.
Manuscript, on parchment, in two scribal hands, of a processional according to the use of Sarum. The manuscript, which is apparently lacking two gatherings and includes fourteen later additions, features extensive musical notation on 4-line staves
Alternative Title:
In Latin; ownership inscription and anathema in Middle English., Ownership inscription for the parish church of St. Mary, Redgrave, Suffolk: "Iste liber constat de Redgrave" in a fifteenth-century hand., Anathema in Middle English verse on the verso of the second flyleaf: "This bok is on and goddys crus ys anodur/He that stel the ton mot haue the todyr" in a fifteenth-century hand., Numerous other early ownership inscriptions and pen trials on front flyleaves., Annotation on verso of nineteenth-century endpaper, in pencil, identifying the text as a "Sarum Processional," dated 1847., Layout: single columns, mostly of 23 lines., Script: gothic script., Decoration: musical notation on 4-line staves, red and blue penwork initials, rubrics, and blue paragraph marks. Numerous initials in brown ink, some decorated with faces and grotesques., and Binding: nineteenth-century black morocco, gilt; marbled endpapers. JHS monogram framing cross centered on both covers. Title in gilt on black leather tag on spine.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Catholic Church and Catholic Church.
Subject (Topic):
Liturgy, Manuscripts, Medieval, and Processionals (Liturgical books)
Manuscript, on parchment, in Gothic script, produced in Flanders during the fourth quarter of the thirteenth century
In Latin, French, and Middle English., Decorations include a half-page initial on f. 43r (six other half-page initials have been cut from the manuscript) and illustrations of the labors of the months in the calendar., The back flyleaf has, in two fourteenth century hands, a French song "Une bon chanson ay troue" and a Middle English carol "Mayde and moder, glade thou be.", On the calendar page for December, St. Thomas of Canterbury's name has been erased from its place, indicating English ownership at least in the sixteenth century., and Binding: dark brown calf skin over pasteboards (sixteenth or seventeenth century).
Illuminated manuscript on vellum, in a Gothic liturgical hand, of a Psalter, prefaced by a liturgical calendar and followed by the Office of the Dead
In Latin., Tipped in at front of manuscript: parchment leaf containing copy of a letter from Joseph Mallord William Turner to John Ruskin, Midsummer Day [June 24] 1848, in the hand of John Ruskin., Tipped in to front of manuscript: parchment leaf containing a description of the illuminations in the hand of John Ruskin., Presentation inscription on front flyleaf: Laurence Hilliard with John Ruskin's love, Brantwood, 25th January 1881., and Binding: modern full blue velvet.