"A section of the hustings extends across the design, bisected by one of the vertical posts supporting the (invisible) roof. On this are two placards: 'Loyal Parishes of St Paul's and St Giles's' and 'State of the Poll - . Paul - Hood - Sheridan'. The base of the design is formed by the heads and raised arms of the mob below. Hood and Sheridan, with their supporters, are on the left of the post, Paull and his supporters on the r. The supporters wear favours (buff and blue on the left) with the names of their candidates. On the extreme left. is a stout man holding a whip. Next, Hood in uniform, with his empty r. sleeve, turns in profile to the left., away from Sheridan, putting his hand to his mouth to cover a smile. Sheridan stares in bewildered an speechless anguish, horrified at the shouts of the mob and at Paull's words Whitbread, standing behind, puts his left hand reassuringly on his shoulder and offers him a foaming tankard inscribed 'Whitbread new Loyal Porter'. His is 'Hood & Sheridan'. On Sheridan's l. a dog, its collar inscribed 'Peter Moore', barks savagely at Paull, who stands hat in hand, r. arm extended towards Sheridan, addressing the crowd: " - the sunk, the lost, the degraded Treasurer" [Sheridan]. On Paull's l. is Burdett; next, and on the extreme right., is Bosville. Between and behind Paull and Burdett stands Cobbett, holding an issue of the 'Political Register' on which the word 'Cobbett' is legible. These three have tickets inscribed 'Paull' in their hats. Behind Paull on the left, and watching him with a sly grin, stands the Duke of Northumberland, Sheridan's enemy, see BMSat 10606. He holds a paper: 'To the Vestry of St Margaret'; in his hat is 'No Coalition' [i.e. between Hood and Sheridan]. Behind these first two rows on the hustings, heads recede until they merge in shadow. Three men behind Sheridan appear to be portraits; two have favours inscribed 'Sheridan' (one probably Lord William Russell, Sheridan's seconder); the third is a fat and grotesque man in uniform wearing a plumed death's head cap and a gorget. He is Downes, an undertaker, and a major in the St. James's Volunteers (of which Sheridan was Colonel): there were shouts of 'no major Downes the undertaker' (see BMSat 9750). See 'Pol. Reg.' x. 810, 836. The rank and file of Sheridan's supporters look anxious, those of Paull are grinning. ..."--British Museum online catalogue.
Plate from: History of the Westminster and Middlesex elections in the month of November, 1806. London: Printed for J. Budd, R. Bagshaw, and H. Humphrey, 1807., Text above image: Publish'd for the History of the Westminster & Middlesex elections, Novr. 1806., and Title etched below image.
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Bagshaw, Richard, publisher., Budd, John, active 1805-1812, publisher., Burdett, Francis,--1770-1844--Caricatures and cartoons., Cobbett, William,--1763-1835--Caricatures and cartoons., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., Hood, Samuel,--Sir,--1762-1814--Caricatures and cartoons., Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher., Northumberland, Hugh Percy,--Duke of,--1742-1817--Caricatures and cartoons., Paull, James,--1770-1808--Caricatures and cartoons., Sheridan, Richard Brinsley,--1751-1816--Caricatures and cartoons., and Whitbread, Samuel,--1764-1815--Caricatures and cartoons.
"Sir Francis Burdett declaims, holding up a bonnet rouge shaped like a fool's cap; he addresses those who are making a bonfire of statutes, &c., on the cobbles of Palace Yard (left). His raised left arm is flung back, pointing towards Westminster Hall, which is being stoned and demolished by a mob. He says: "It is only in the House of Commons / "that the People of England are spoken of / "with Contempt, & calumniated!!!-- / "--can things be remedied by Bills? No!-- / "it must be by an Honest House of "Commons!--what is the use of Magna-Charta, Habeas-Corpus, / "or the Bill of Rights?-- / See, my own Speech at Westminster--Vide, "Cobbett's Patriotic Register. He tramples on a sceptre beside which lies a crown, reversed and covered by a long scroll: Resolution[s] of the Whig-Club; Resolved--That it is the decided Opinion of this Club that no Substantial & permament [sic] Good can be derived by the Country, from any change of Ministry, unless accompanied by an entire change of Systemn--accomplish'd by an entire Reform of the Parliament. A great pile of documents with a Holy Bible in the centre, is ready for the flames; Horne Tooke, in bonnet rouge, dressing-gown, and slippers, kneels at Burdett's feet, holding a dark lantern (as in No. 10738), and applying a flaming brand, inscribed Sedition, to the pile. Three simian and negroid creatures holding papers like sub-human newsboys, as in Gillray's New Morality [No. 9240], apply torches to the pile. One, with a tartan cloth round its waist, holds the Edinburgh Review, another the Morning Chronicle; the third wears a wig inscribed Independ[ent] Wig. Under Tooke's firebrand are the Rights of the House of Brunswick to the Throne Brunswick Succession; Magna Charta; Bill of Rights; Habeas Corpus. Other documents are Act for Punishing Libelers of the State, and Act to Suppress Inflamatory Libels (attacked by the Independent Wig and Morning Chronicle respectively); Legal Authorities; Rights of the Establish'd Church; Rights of the House of Lords; Priviliges of the He of Commons; Act of Protestant Succession; Freedom of Election; Old-Bailey Trials. ..."--British Museum online catalogue.
Alternative Title:
Patriots lighting a revolutionary bonfire in New Palace Yard
Title etched below image.
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Buckingham, George Nugent Temple Grenville,--Marquess of,--1753-1813--Caricatures and cartoons., Burdett, Francis,--1770-1844--Caricatures and cartoons., Cobbett, William,--1763-1835--Caricatures and cartoons., Grattan, Henry,--1746-1820--Caricatures and cartoons., Grenville, William Wyndham Grenville,--Baron,--1759-1834--Caricatures and cartoons., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher., Radnor, William Pleydell-Bouverie,--Earl of,--1779-1869--Caricatures and cartoons., Tooke, John Horne,--1736-1812--Caricatures and cartoons., Wardle, Gwyllym Lloyd,--1762?-1833--Caricatures and cartoons., and Whitbread, Samuel,--1764-1815--Caricatures and cartoons.
"The procession trudges through the muddy channel (kennel) between cobblestones from 'Hudsons Hotel', whose pillared porch, with a placard, 'Paul & Indep[endence]', is partly visible on the extreme right., to the hustings, part of which is in the background (l.). The central figure is Paull, seated with crossed ankles on a big 'India Cabbage' on the back of a goose with the head of Sir Francis Burdett, the goose's beak projecting in front of Burdett's profile as in BMSat 10708, &c. Paull is an out-at-elbows tailor, in slovenly dress. In his right. hand he holds a huge pair of shears, between the blades of which is a vast 'True Perth Cucumber'. In his left hand is a yard-stick over his shoulders is a tape-measure; on the back of his goose are a roll of patterns of 'Superfine Cloth' inscribed 'Patterns for the New Parliament Dress', and a smoothing-iron inscribed 'Goose upon Goose'. Horne Tooke, full face and walking sideways, leads the goose by a noose of rope round its neck; he says: "Come along Goosee! come along! Paulee says he will go with you if its to the Scaffold! Goosee!!" Under his arm is a pamphlet: 'Hints for New Patriots'. In his hat is a favour: 'Paul & Public Good'. In front of Tooke, and leading the procession is Bosville, a shambling elderly man scattering coins from his hat; he says: "There's a Penny apiece, for you Lads! & now Hollo out - "Paul forever!" and then Ill give each of you a Ride, in my Coach & Four! - Hollo boys!!" In his pocket is a 'List of the London Correspo[nding] Society'. Behind the goose Cobbett marches aggressively, putting his top-boot to the bird's rump, and blowing a fiery blast from a trumpet: 'Glorious News! - Paul for ever! - damnation to the Whigs'. In his left hand he holds out a sheaf of 'Cobbett's Political Register'; from his pocket projects 'Speeches for Paul Goose &c &c &c'. In his hat is a favour inscribed 'Independence and Public Justice'. Behind him and on the extreme right. are hideous crones bawling from the ballads they hold: 'Paul & Plumpers'. They wear favours inscribed 'Paul'. In the background the mob faces the procession, cheering wildly, waving hats and bludgeons, and with the inevitable chimney-sweep. They shout "Paul for Ever" and "Paul & Plumpers". Some (l.) hold out their hats to catch Bosville's coins. Below the design are inscriptions describing the figures (l. to r.): '[1] Tom Paine [i.e. Bosville] distributing Halfpence among the Mob - (Vide, Election at Honiton - "Tom Paine for Ever" - [2] an Old Monk from Brentford - leading poor Goose in a string! (Vide - Paul's address to the Electors of Westminsr [3, the title.] [4] Porcupine [see BMSat 11049] dirtying his Boots, in attempting to give Poor Goosee a shove out of the Kennel. - [5] Ballad Singers at 5 shilling a day closing the Procession.' On the two posts of the hustings, at the end occupied by Paull's supporters, are the placards: 'St Giles in the Fields' and 'Tothil Fields'. (On the actual placards were the names of the Westminster parishes, indicating where voters were to poll: Gillray implies a rabble from the slums, outside and inside Westminster.)."--British Museum online catalogue.
Title etched below image.
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Burdett, Francis,--1770-1844--Caricatures and cartoons., Cobbett, William,--1763-1835--Caricatures and cartoons., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher., Paull, James,--1770-1808--Caricatures and cartoons., and Tooke, John Horne,--1736-1812--Caricatures and cartoons.
"Napoleon and Talleyrand plant the genealogical tree of Lord Moira, inscribed 'Royal Pippin'. On the r. Grenville, Howick, and Buckingham ply their axes on the trunk of a huge oak-tree: 'The Royal-Oak'. In the background are rows of other 'Royal Pippins', just grafted on old stocks. Talleyrand digs the hole, placing his deformed foot on his spade. Napoleon, in profile to the right., is about to plant the pippin, whose root is a coroneted apple inscribed 'William the Norman Robber'; on its branches are other coroneted or crowned pippins. The main stem culminates in the whiskered face of Moira, wearing a royal crown. This is reached through a 'Plantagenet beheaded in 1415', and 'Henry de la Pole beheaded in 1538'. Collateral branches are 'Duchess of Clarence put to death in 1453', 'Hungerford Beheaded 1406', 'Crookback Richard killd at Bosworth', 'Edmund 4th Son of Henry 3d Beheaded', 'Countess Salisbury Beheaded in 1505.' Napoleon wears his large plumed bicorne, the peak on his neck, jack-boots, and a gardeners apron over his uniform. His long sabre is inscribed 'Corsican Grafting Knife.' Talleyrand wears a laced coat and cocked hat of the ancien régime, with bag-wig, sword, clerical bands, and rosary. From his pocket hangs a paper: 'Projet pour Agrandisser les Jardins Imperial'. In the foreground (l.) are three grafts ready to be joined to stocks; they lie against a basket labelled 'Grafts of King-Pippins for Brentford, Wimbleton, & Botley'. The centre and longest has the head of Cobbett, the others have the heads of Burdett and Horne Tooke. All wear royal crowns; Tooke has clerical bands. The 'Royal-Oak' (r.), an aged but still magnificent tree, whose trunk is gashed by the axes of the late Ministers, has a large royal crown in the centre of its branches, flanked by four giant acorns: 'Protestant Faith' (near a withered branch), 'Integrity of the Lords', 'Independence of the Commons', 'Liberty of the Press'. All the wood-cutters are in their shirt-sleeves. Grenville is back-to-back with Talleyrand; a cross dangling from a rosary hangs against his massive posterior, his waistcoat is striped in tricolour, his axe is a 'Catholic Cleaver'. Behind him the spectacled Buckingham raises a 'Broad-Bottom Hatchet' [see BMSat 10530]. Howick (r.), very thin and aggressive, plies a 'Whig Cleaver'. Funguses grow round the tree and on the lower part of the trunk. In the background is the Imperial nursery garden: rows of newly joined grafts the point of junction with the stock being an egg-shaped lump of 'Corsican Clay'. Crowned heads sprout from green leaves; they are (l. to r.): 'Eutrurian [sic] Pippin', 'Wirtemburg Pippin' [the face that of a plump woman, nd probably intended for the Queen, see BMSat 10440], 'Saxon Pippin', 'Holland Pippin', 'Itaian [sic] Pippin'. Many others, less defined, recede in perspective."--British Museum online catalogue.
Alternative Title:
Little Corsican gardener planting a royal-pippin-tree and Little Corsican gardiner planting a royal-pippin-tree
Text below title: Vide, the Berlin Telegraph of May 21st, 1807, article: the Genealogy of the Royal Race of the King of Ballynahinch. See Morg. Post, June 17th. and Title etched below image.
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Buckingham, George Nugent Temple Grenville,--Marquess of,--1753-1813--Caricatures and cartoons., Burdett, Francis,--1770-1844--Caricatures and cartoons., Cobbett, William,--1763-1835--Caricatures and cartoons., Grenville, William Wyndham Grenville,--Baron,--1759-1834--Caricatures and cartoons., Grey, Charles Grey,--Earl,--1764-1845--Caricatures and cartoons., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., Hastings, Francis Rawdon-Hastings,--Marquess of,--1754-1826--Caricatures and cartoons., Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher., Napoleon--I,--Emperor of the French,--1769-1821--Caricatures and cartoons., Talleyrand-Périgord, Charles Maurice de,--prince de Bénévent,--1754-1838--Caricatures and cartoons., and Tooke, John Horne,--1736-1812--Caricatures and cartoons.
"Cobbett, driving four ringed hogs, leads (r. to left.) a procession cheered by an enormous crowd. He sits on a 'Political Hog Trough' which rests on a low platform mounted on four solid wheels. Behind him stands Windham, wearing (ironically) a bonnet rouge, and holding up a large scroll inscribed: 'Loyal-Petition of ye Noble and truely Independent-Hogs of Hampshire - Humbly shewing, that the Convention with Junot, was a cursed Humbug upon Old-England! - & that the Three damn'd Convention-Signers ought to be Hanged Drawn & Quarterd without Judge or Jury'. Issues of Cobbett's paper fall to the ground from his seat, all headed 'Cobbett's Political Register' or 'Cobbett's Register' and continuing 'Ignorance of the Ministry', 'Ignorance of the British Command', 'Ignorance of the Admiralty', 'Letter to Sir Rd Phillips', 'Letter to the Duke of York', and 'State of the Army & Navy'. Cobbett is not caricatured and has a complacent expression. Three members of the Opposition push behind at his 'Hog Trough'. They are Grenville, dressed as a butcher, Grey with a handkerchief round his neck, and Sidmouth. Behind them walk hogs on their hind legs, wearing court dress, with sword or cane, and carrying small tricorne hats with tricolour cockades. From the pocket of one hangs a paper: 'To the Free and Indepent Hogs of Hampshire'. On the left. is Bosville with a large bag of coins inscribed 'Pigs-Meat'; from this he feeds the two leading hogs of Cobbett's team. Beside him stands Burdett flogging the hogs with a long whip. The middle distance and background are filled with a dense crowd cheering the procession. Those in the two front rows are butchers, banging marrow-bones on cleavers, as at a Westminster election. Three of these are (l. to r.) Sheridan, Lauderdale, and Petty, all wearing bonnets rouges. Four banners are held up, the first two being tricolour: [1] 'The Botley Patriot & his Hogs for ever. - no chevaliers du bain'; [2] 'Given up to Junot. All the Plunder All the Horses. All the Arms. - O Diable! Diable'; [3] a pictorial banner: 'Due D'Abrantes Ratifying ye Convention'; he signs on a drum-head; kneeling British officers kiss his bared posteriors, and attendant French soldiers hold huge money-bags; [4] 'Triumph in Portugal - a new Catch to be Sung by the Hampshire Hogs - to the Tune of Three Jolly Boys all in a Row'. From the crowd on the r. three gibbets are held up each with a figure hanging in effigy. They are inscribed: 'Sir Hugh [Dalrymple]', 'Sir Arthur [Wellesley]', 'Sir Harry [Burrard]'. In the foreground (r.) a terrier barks furiously at the procession, its collar inscribed 'Evening Post'."--British Museum online catalogue.
Alternative Title:
Procession of the Hampshire-hogs from Botley to St. James's
Text following title: Vide Cobbett's Weekly Political Register, Octr. 4th, 1808. and Title etched below image.
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Burdett, Francis,--1770-1844--Caricatures and cartoons., Cobbett, William,--1763-1835--Caricatures and cartoons., Grenville, William Wyndham Grenville,--Baron,--1759-1834--Caricatures and cartoons., Grey, Charles Grey,--Earl,--1764-1845--Caricatures and cartoons., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher., Lansdowne, Henry Petty-Fitzmaurice,--Marquess of,--1780-1863--Caricatures and cartoons., Lauderdale, James Maitland,--Earl of,--1759-1839--Caricatures and cartoons., Sheridan, Richard Brinsley,--1751-1816--Caricatures and cartoons., Sidmouth, Henry Addington,--Viscount,--1757-1844--Caricatures and cartoons., and Windham, William,--1750-1810--Caricatures and cartoons.
"Cobbett, surrounded by flames and beset by ghosts, starts back in his chair, overturning his writing-table and dropping his pen. Behind him and on his right is a black replica of himself (his shadow). Over this shadow's shoulder leans the Devil, naked except for a bonnet rouge, bending menacingly towards Cobbett. In the foreground (right) the head and shoulders, in back view, of Sir Charles Gould emerge from clouds, holding up a long scroll: 'the Forfieted Pledge--"my Black Soul I pledge to the Devil for the Truth of my Accusation Wm Cobbett--Witness . . . Goold Judge' [Advocate]. On the opposite side, surrounded by clouds, are the ghosts of three officers, with blank eyes, standing stiffly behind the bar over which hangs a paper: 'Court Martial Chelsea' [see No. 11377]. The centre figure declaims: 'Remember Powel', the others add: 'Hall' and 'Seton'. Just behind and to the right of Cobbett the arms of a woman holding the equally balanced scales and the flaming sword of 'Justice' emerge from flames. Her head is covered by a large scroll: 'the Groans of Hampshire with the Cries of Little Jessey and the Screams of his blasted Brandy-Faced Bitch of a Mother'. Behind the Devil, and partly concealed by a festooned curtain, is the wall of a pawnshop as in No. 11376, with the sign of three balls; over the doorway: 'Beelzebub Pawnb[roker] Nota Bene. Damag'd Souls taken in Pawn'. Four bat-like creatures fly away, upwards and to the left. Three have human heads and are Wardle, nearest to Cobbett, Burdett, and (?) Horne Tooke. From Cobbett's tilting table ink, pens, candle-sticks, and lighted candles fall to the ground, the candles setting fire to the many papers which have fallen and are falling: two copies of 'Cobbett's Political Register' are already blazing. Three other copies are still on the table, one inscribed: 'Cobbetts Register--The Hell-Fire-War in Spain--Oh damn Wellesley'. Other copies have titles referring to the tenor of actual and imaginary articles in the Register: 'Plan for to Hang up all the Public Robbers without Judge or Jury'; 'Hints on ye Rights of Napoleone the Great to the Throne of Great Britain'; 'The Jubilee--a Damned Ministerial Humbug upon the country'; Cobbett's Political Register--. . . Navy . . .'; 'Stupidity of the Whigs'; 'Bank Notes our Rum'; 'New Parliamentary Reform'; 'Necessity of a new Party'; 'Blasted Ignorance of Ministry'."--British Museum online catalogue.
Below image is printed a second plate etched with text only: Plate 8th. But alas, in the midst of my towering prospects while I was yet hesitating between a radical-reform & a revolution ... Vide, my own memoir's in the Political Register, 1809., Eighth print of eight in a series entitled: The life of William-Cobbett, written by himself., and Title etched below image.
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Burdett, Francis,--1770-1844--Caricatures and cartoons., Cobbett, William,--1763-1835--Caricatures and cartoons., Gillray, James, 1756-1815, artist., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher., and Wardle, Gwyllym Lloyd,--1762?-1833--Caricatures and cartoons.
"Cobbett (right) stands facing six men grouped at a round table who applaud the toast he gives: 'Damnation to the House of Brunswick' [cf. No. 11234]. In his left hand is a bottle of 'True Napoleone Spirits'; the contents of his raised glass are exploding. On his right sits Horne Tooke, with a crutch, holding a jug of 'Botley Ale' and a glass, both frothing. He says with a sinister upturned glance: 'Huzza! Huzza'. On Cobbett's left, and in back view, stands a naval officer wearing a cocked hat and high fashionable boots. He holds high a steaming bowl of 'Botley Grog'; under his foot is a paper: 'Basque Roads- Court Martial', showing that he is Cochrane, see No. 11326, &c. Facing Cobbett sit Bosville and Clifford. Bosville, silent, decrepit, and senile, grasps a bottle of 'Botley Ale' and holds a foaming glass; in his pocket is a 'Plan for a new Convention'. Clifford, brandy-faced, and with his barrister's wig awry, holds a bottle of 'French Brandy' and a brimming glass, saying "Huzza". Behind these two stand Burdett and Folkestone. Each holds up a frothing glass; Burdett waves his bonnet rouge and shouts "Huzza!-Huzza!" Folkestone echoes "Huzza!" In the foreground with his back to the table lies Wardle, very sick, clasping a bottle of 'Botley Ale', and vomiting over papers: 'Charges against the Duke of York' and 'Reform', see No. 11328, &c. A cat (left), with a collar inscribed 'Mrs Clarke', miaows at him (see No. 11216, &c). On the right are a tankard inscribed 'Whitbread's Small Beer', and a wine-cooler containing five bottles of 'Napolean Wine' [cf. No. 11004]. The floor is boarded, but under Cobbett's chair is a fringed carpet. The room is lit by candles set in branches which decorate the oval frame of a half-length portrait of 'Napoleone Le Grand'; he is in profile to the right, looking down at Cobbett and holding out a 'Cordon d'Honor'. The portrait is flanked by busts on brackets: 'Despard' [see No. 9969] with a noose round his neck, and 'Robespiere' with two daggers. On the table by Clifford are two more bottles of 'French' [Brandy], by Cochrane a bottle labelled (?) 'Coitaris', an overturned bottle, and a plate of 'Diables'. [Diable = a name given to the Toad-fish, Frog-fish, or Sea-Devil.] Empty bottles and a broken glass lie under the table."--British Museum online catalogue.
Below image is printed a second plate etched with text only: Plate 7th. I did not look behind me 'till I got to St Omer's & thence fled to America; here I offer'd to become a spy for the English ... See my own Memoires in [the] Political Register, 1809., Series number etched above image, in upper left., Seventh print of eight in a series entitled: The life of William-Cobbett, written by himself., and Title etched below image.
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Burdett, Francis,--1770-1844--Caricatures and cartoons., Clifford, Henry,--1768-1813--Caricatures and cartoons., Cobbett, William,--1763-1835--Caricatures and cartoons., Dundonald, Thomas Cochrane,--Earl of,--1775-1860--Caricatures and cartoons., Gillray, James, 1756-1815, artist., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher., Napoleon--I,--Emperor of the French,--1769-1821--Caricatures and cartoons., Radnor, William Pleydell-Bouverie,--Earl of,--1779-1869--Caricatures and cartoons., Tooke, John Horne,--1736-1812--Caricatures and cartoons., and Wardle, Gwyllym Lloyd,--1762?-1833--Caricatures and cartoons.
"Three officers stand stiffly at the bar at one end of a high panelled hall; through the open door behind them are seen steps leading to the Thames and one pillar of the south portico of Chelsea Hospital. Only the end of the long table (right) at which officers are seated is within the design, with four officers, two on each side, one holding a paper headed 'Charges'. A long label floats into the design from the right: 'Call William-Cobbett into Court, to make good his Charges!' An usher standing close to the accused, and looking through the wide doorway calls: "William Cobbett! William Cobbett!" Soldiers stand by the door, hat in hand, others are on the steps hailing a small boat with two occupants sailing across the river. One shouts: "Ho! William Cobbett". Cobbett, in the boat, shouts back: "Call away & be Damn'd--I'm off". Spectators, men and women, crowd the court; some are many rows deep on the farther side, some in a gallery over the wide-open doors. The heads and shoulders of others in back view in the foreground form a base to the design. Six men turn their heads in profile and Burdett and Derby are unmistakable. A head next Burdett resembles Wilberforce."--British Museum online catalogue.
Below image is printed a second plate etched with text only: Plate 6th. The court-martial was assembled at Chelsea as I requested, and Captn. Powele and the other accused persons were placed at the bar ... Vide, my own memoir's in the Political Register, 1809., Series number etched above image, in upper left., Sixth print of eight in a series entitled: The life of William-Cobbett, written by himself., and Title etched below image.
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Burdett, Francis,--1770-1844--Caricatures and cartoons., Cobbett, William,--1763-1835--Caricatures and cartoons., Derby, Edward Smith Stanley,--Earl of,--1752-1834--Caricatures and cartoons., Gillray, James, 1756-1815, artist., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher.
"Cobbett, in civilian dress, stands full face, with his right hand on his breast; in his left he holds out a paper: 'Accusations agst Capn Powel & others'. On the carpet at his feet lie his regimental coat, bearskin, sword, belt, and (broken) cane. On the left and in back view Judge-Advocate Gould sits at a writing-table, pen in hand, averting his head from Cobbett, and putting out a protesting hand. Cobbett declaims: "--if my Accusation is without foundation the authors of cruelty have not yet devised the tortures I ought to endure; Hell itself, as painted by the most fiery bigot, is too mild a punishment for me!--See my own Letter to Sir Charles Gould--Judge Advocate General". Gould wears a legal wig and gown with military uniform. On his table are papers inscribed 'Court-Mart[ial] to be held. . . and Charges by W. Cobbett against Cap. Powel'. Behind Cobbett stands his shadow, a dark replica of himself standing out against flames and smoke which billow up before a brick wall with a rectangular aperture through which the Devil, wearing a bonnet rouge, thrusts his talons to seize Cobbett's shadow. Above this window into Hell are three balls and the words 'Beelzebub--Pawn-broker--The utmost Value for souls taken in Pawn'. Facing Gould are high shelves draped by a curtain and containing bundles of legal documents. Some are inscribed 'Trials for Ungentlemanly Conduct', 'Military L . . .', 'Court Martial upon . . .', 'Motion for a Court Martial', 'Trial of Cap . . .', 'Court Martial'."--British Museum online catalogue.
Below image is printed a second plate etched with text only: 5th plate. My next step was to procure a discharge from my ever lamented associate the Lord Edw. Fitzgerald. With this I returned to England and directly set about ... Vide, my own memoirs in the Political Register, 1809., Fifth print of eight in a series entitled: The life of William-Cobbett, written by himself., Series number etched above image, in upper left., and Title etched below image.
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Cobbett, William,--1763-1835--Caricatures and cartoons., Gillray, James, 1756-1815, artist., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher.
"Sergeant-Major Cobbett, helped by Corporal Bestland, furtively copies regimental documents in a room with a bolted door. Bestland, registering alarm, sits at the writing-table holding open a book, while Cobbett, facing him, stoops to write. The book is inscribed: 'Regimental Account of Provisions --Cloaths--Accoutrements. 51st Regt--Bread--Meat--Potatoes'. The room is lit by one candle. On the door is a placard: 'Regimental Orders. 51st Royal Regt--Ordered,--that none but trusty Persons shall have Access to the Regimental Books and Accounts--N.B. the Keys are left in the possession of Serjt Majr Cobbett'. Let into the wall above Cobbett's head is a cupboard or safe, the door open, the key in the lock. In it are books, five being inscribed 'Regimental Book', 'Army-Extraord[inaries]', '51st Regiment', 'Cash Account', 'Provision Acct'. Above this is an oval half-length portrait of 'Lord Edwd Fitzgerald', his head cut off by the upper margin (see No. 9227, &c). He holds a paper inscribed 'Rebellion', and the frame is fringed with daggers pointing outwards. Over the door is a trophy of crossed blunderbusses, with spear, firebrands, and a bonnet rouge supported on a dagger. Regimental muskets and pistols are ranged against the wall (right). Behind Cobbett is an open chest, 'Wm Cobbett's Private Box', filled with documents: 'Copies of the Regimental Accounts', 'Cuttings from the Regimental Books', 'Scraps for Court Martial', 'Stolen Documents for to make Grounds for Charges'. On the ground lies his tasselled cane. On a chair behind Bestland are books: 'Army Ac . . .', 'Pay-Office', 'Regimental Book--Cash account 51st Reg.--Wm Cobbett'. On the floor is a money-bag labelled 'for private use W. Cobbett', and inscribed '£200 Regimental Money 51st Regt'. Beside it are two large books: 'Extracts from the Regimental Accounts to be altered as Convenient--Willm Cobbett J Bestland', and, 'Robberies of the Mens Provisions-- Witness W. Cobbett J. Bestland'. On the table are ink-stand, seal, and sealing-wax."--British Museum online catalogue.
Below image is printed a second plate etched with text only: 4th plate. I was now made sarjeant major and clerk to the regiment, and there being only one man in it besides myself who could read or keep himself sober ... Vide, my own memoirs in the Political Register of 1809., Fourth print of eight in a series entitled: The life of William-Cobbett, written by himself., Series number etched above image, in upper left., and Title etched below image.
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Cobbett, William,--1763-1835--Caricatures and cartoons., Gillray, James, 1756-1815, artist., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher.