"Entered according to act of Congress in the year 1890 by W.H. Whitney in the office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington.", Cadastral map., Inset: [Mouth of the Columbia River, Oregon and Washington], scale [ca. 1:202,000]., and Map carries the logo of the Union Pacific Railroad.
W.H. Whitney,
Subject (Geographic):
Astoria (Or.)--Maps and Warrenton (Or.)--Maps
Subject (Name):
Everts, L. H. (Louis H.) and Whitney, W. H
Subject (Topic):
Real property--Oregon--Astoria--Maps and Real property--Oregon--Warrenton--Maps
Map of Olympia and surroundings, Thurston Co., Washington, 1890
"Entered according to act of Congress in the year 1890 by Scammell & Conger in the office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington.", Includes inset of "Olympia & environs.", Library's copy annotated in red ink., and Shows numbered lots, additions, and railroads along Budd's Inlet.
Scammell & Conger?,
Subject (Geographic):
Olympia (Wash.)--Maps
Subject (Name):
Everts, L. H. (Louis H.), Scammell & Conger, and Whitman & Page
"Entered according to act of Congress in the year 1889 by G.W. Traver in the office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington.", Depths shown by soundings., Includes inset of "A portion of the county of Pierce, Washington.", and Shows lot numbers, railroads, land ownership, township & section lines, etc.
G.W. Traver?], and L.H. Everts, Lith.)
Subject (Geographic):
Tacoma (Wash.)--Maps
Subject (Name):
Everts, L. H. (Louis H.), Maynard & Maynard, and Traver, George W