"A young woman plays the piano (right) with painful intentness, and sings, as does the man who holds open her music-book, inscribed 'On Rosy Bed by Tinckling Billy'. A middle-aged military officer stands full face playing the flute. A fat elderly 'cit' sleeps in an arm-chair (left); his wig has fallen off and his legs rest on another chair. Behind him a very obese man and an ugly and over-dressed woman with a grotesquely thin neck sing from the same piece of music: 'On Rosy Bed'. He warms his back at a blazing fire; the feathers in her hair are alight in one of the candles on the chimney-piece. A small boy blows a toy trumpet, a dog howls and a cat miaows, standing on an open music-book inscribed 'Water Part ....' Chinese figures on the chimney-piece and the lintel of the door represent comic musicians playing different instruments."--British Museum online catalogue, description of state with imprint.
Alternative Title:
Delights of harmony
Publication information based on that of state with imprint., Sheet trimmed within plate mark on two edges., Title etched below image., and Variant state, lacking publication line, of a print published with the imprint "London: Published May 20, 1810, by H. Humphrey, 27 St. James's Street." Cf. No. 11611 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 8.
H. Humprey, No. 27 St. James's Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher.
"A squarely built young man walks, with an unseeing stare, diagonally towards the spectator and to the left, on a pavement. He wears a round hat, high coat-collar over swathed neckcloth; his double-breasted 'Jean de Bry' coat, see BMSat 9425, is strained across a double-breasted waistcoat horizontally striped. He wears long breeches or pantaloons which drape his legs, and low pumps with cross gartering above his ankles. In his right hand he clutches a tasselled cane, held horizontally."--British Museum online catalogue.
Title etched above image.
H. Humprey, No. 27 St. James's Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Fife, James Duff,--Earl,--1776-1857--Caricatures and cartoons., Gillray, James, 1756-1815, artist., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher.
"Mrs. Schwellenberg, enormously fat and heavily laden, supported by small wings, floats or falls head foremost down a broad slanting ray, which extends from a sun with a crown in its centre in the upper right corner of the print and stretches across the sea to a castellated town flying a flag inscribed 'Hanover'. Half only of the crown and sun is visible. Her massive legs terminate in tiny feet. In her arms are two large money-bags, labelled 'Pr Ann.' and '£1000000'. Her bulging pocket hangs downwards, a rosary and cross hanging from it."--British Museum online catalogue.
Alternative Title:
Angel gliding on a sunbeam into Paradise
One line of quoted text below title: "Down thither, prone in flight, lo Schwelly speeds, & with her brings the gems and spoils of Heav'n.", Printmaker from British Museum catalogue., and Title etched below image.
H. Humphrey, No. 18 Old Bond Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher., and Schwellenberg, Elizabeth Juliana,--ca 1728-1797--Caricatures and cartoons.
"A young man (left) takes with his left hand the right hand of a young woman, who bows towards him, holding her limp skirt delicately between finger and thumb. Both wear burlesqued versions of the newest fashions. He wears a striped sleeveless vest or waistcoat made in one piece with a pair of pantaloons which reach below his calves where they are tied with bunches of ribbon. A voluminous swathed neckcloth conceals his chin. His powdered hair is frizzed on his head with a long queue. He holds a round hat and a bludgeon in his right hand. She wears in her hair three extravagantly long ostrich feathers, which rise from a small cap or turban and sweep across the design, with an erect brush-aigrette ; long tresses issue from the turban with the feathers and fall below her waist. Her limp high-waisted dress with short sleeves falls from below uncovered breasts, which are decked with a lattice-work of jewels caught together by an oval miniature (cf. BMSat 8521)."--British Museum online catalogue.
Printmaker identified as Gillray, working from a design by 'Miss Aynscombe.' See British Museum catalogue. and Title etched below image.
H. Humphrey, No. 18 Old Bond Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Aynscombe, Miss, artist., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher.
"A grotesquely hideous man, lean and elderly, sits in an armchair addressing a comely young woman who stands demurely (l.), her pose accentuating her pregnancy. Behind them is an empty fireplace; on the chimney-piece is a Venus pudica flanked by cupids, one with a bow and arrow, the other with a torch. On the wall are two pictures; (l.) a cock and hen facing each other like fighting-cocks, and (r.) a horse in the last stage of decrepitude, assailed by carrion birds."--British Museum online catalogue.
Title etched below image.
H. Humprey, No. 27 St. James's Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher.
In a woodland setting Shelburne and Pitt sit smiling behind a cloth-covered table on which are coins and bags of money. A glum-looking Fox stands several feet distant with hands in pockets. A reference to Fox's exclusion from office while Pitt was Chancellor of the Exchequer during the Shelburne ministry. The title is a quotation from Paradise Lost.
Alternative Title:
Aside he turned for envy, yet with jealous leer malign, eyed them askance
Printmaker from British Museum catalogue. and Title from text etched below image.
H. Humphrey, New Bond Street
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain--Politics and government--1760-1789.
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Fox, Charles James,--1749-1806--Caricatures and cartoons., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher., Lansdowne, William Petty,--Marquis of,--1737-1805--Caricatures and cartoons., and Pitt, William,--1759-1806--Caricatures and cartoons.
"Lord Wycombe, scarcely caricatured, walks to the left, his head in profile, left hand on hip, right on a club-like walking-stick. His coat is curiously cut, his (striped) waistcoat longer and breeches shorter than the contemporary fashion. He wears a neck-cloth and shoes. His gait is slouching and his dress rather slovenly. Clouds form a background."--British Museum online catalogue.
One line of quoted text below title: "Whenever I wish to form a proper estimate of a mans mind, I observe his manners & dress." Lord Chesterfield. and Title etched below image.
H. Humprey, 27 St. James's Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher., and Lansdowne, John Henry Petty,--Marquess of,--1765-1809--Caricatures and cartoons.
"Two terrified riders meet face to face on Hounslow Heath; each takes the other for a highwayman. One (left) losing his stirrups holds out his purse, saying, "Here is my Money! Spare my Life". The other dropping his whip, puts his hand in his waistcoat pocket, saying: "Ah! - don't Fire! - I'll give all". Both have dropped their reins. A signpost (left) points 'To Hounslow'."--British Museum online catalogue.
Print signed using Brownlow North's device: A compass pointing north., Printmaker identified as Gillray in the British Museum catalogue., and Title etched below image.
H. Humprey, No. 27 St. James's Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher., and North, Brownlow, 1778-1829, artist.
"General Manners walks in profile to the left, with knees flexed, bending forward, his hands clasped behind his back, a cane under his arm. He wears a round hat, small pigtail, and plain, old-fashioned dress."--British Museum online catalogue.
Printmaker from British Museum catalogue. and Title etched below image.
H. Humprey, St. James's Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher., and Manners, Robert,--1758-1832--Caricatures and cartoons.
"An ugly middle-aged woman, wearing a calash hood (cf. BMSat 5434) over a cap, picks up her petticoats to step over or through a bush shaped like a forest tree, but spotted with red fruit. She grins and clutches in her right hand a paper inscribed 'Wonderful Aeronauts'. She is walking towards a garden latrine (left). Two concentric circles of greenery surround the bush. There is a landscape background."--British Museum online catalogue.
Print signed using Brownlow North's device: A compass pointing north., Printmaker identified as Gillray in the British Museum catalogue., and Title etched above image.
H. Humprey, No. 27 St. James's Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher., and North, Brownlow, 1778-1829, artist.
"An elderly woman sits on a stool playing a small harpsichord (right) seen in profile, a music-book upon it. She sings with her head turned towards the spectator, her features twisted, eyes closed. Her hair hangs upon her round shoulders; the curves of her figure and a small waist indicate an attempt to conceal the ravages of time. The line is shaky throughout, to give an impression (especially in the music-book) of an aged, quavering voice."--British Museum online catalogue.
Alternative Title:
Here's songs of love and maids forsaken
Possibly by Gillray. See British Museum catalogue. and Title etched below image.
H. Humphrey, Old Bond Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher.
"Sinclair, tall and thin, stands full-face, holding up in his right hand a balance (steelyard, or stilliard) inscribed 'Vive le Egalité'. A large British flag at the right end of the beam much outweighs a bunch of objects at the other; three documents: [1] 'Navy of England to be retaind viz: 50000 Seamen & half a Dozen Ships of War - 500000 Sailors to be sent to plant Potatoes.' [2] '10 000 heavy reasons for giving the Enemy a fair chance of getting out of their Ports.' [3] 'Advantages of cold oeconomy'. Below these are bunches of turnips, carrots, a cabbage, the whole terminating in a pendent bonnet-rouge. Sinclair is fashionably dressed, wearing a hat, half-boots, ill-fitting coat, and overcoat almost to the ankles. On a heavily draped writing-table (right) are three large volumes: 'Improvements in the Art of Political Dunging and Pursuits of Agriculture.' A paper: 'The Apostate Laird - a Parliamentary Romance - together with Loss of the Agricultural Arm' Chair. On the wall (right) is a picture of three pigs feeding at a trough of 'Democratic Verbosity'; this is 'Pigs Meat: or new method of feeding the Swinish Multitude' [see BMSat 8500, &c.]. Beside it is a placard: 'Table of Weights & Measures laid down upon the true democratic Principle of the Stilliards of Egalité'. A patterned carpet completes the design."--British Museum online catalogue.
Alternative Title:
"Improvement in weights and measures" and Sir John Seeclear discovering the ballance of the British flag
Title etched below image.
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher., and Sinclair, John,--Sir,--1754-1835--Caricatures and cartoons.
"Rows of French soldiers (left) do infantry drill with muskets seated on the backs of sorry asses (cf. BMSat 9361), with no harness but rope halters. The man in the foreground (the others being concealed by the closeness of the ranks), though smart, is ragged, his foot projecting through the boot. Their officer (right), with raised sword, gives the word of command seated on an ass which brays with outstretched neck at the other asses. He has a saddle and his ass is in slightly better condition. Clouds form a background. See BMSat 9355, &c."--British Museum online catalogue.
One of seven plates on the French Expedition to Egypt, purported to have been drawn by a fellow expedition member. and Title etched below image.
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher.
"Two Frenchmen, who have been attempting to domesticate the crocodile, are seized by the angry beasts. A monster seizes in its jaws the leg of the man who has attempted to ride it; the man clasps halter and whip, his saddle lies on the ground together with a large book, 'Sur l'Education du Crocodile', beside which are three plates: 'Planche 1st', a Frenchman rides a crocodile; 'Pl: 2de', a Frenchman drives a high phaeton drawn by a pair of crocodiles; 'Pl: 3me', a small boat is drawn through the water by a crocodile. In the middle distance (right) a crocodile seizes the coat of a terrified man, who drops a book: 'Les Droits du Crocodile' (cf. BMSat 9352). A third crocodile (left) with hungry jaws climbs from the reeds fringing the river."--British Museum online catalogue.
One of seven plates on the French Expedition to Egypt, purported to have been drawn by a fellow expedition member. and Title etched below image.
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher.
"A lady, ugly and elderly, sits at a piano in profile to the left, playing and singing. Her open music-book shows her 'Song: would you hurt a harm less maid maid I am young and sore afraid afraid'. Beside her in an arm-chair a fat man with short clumsy legs sits impassively. A patterned carpet completes the design."--British Museum online catalogue.
Alternative Title:
"Lullaby!" Soothe him with a lullaby!
Printmaker identified as Gillray in the British Museum catalogue. and Title etched below image.
H. Humprey, 27 St. James's Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Blunt, E., artist., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher.
"A French hussar on a sorry horse flees before a well-mounted Mameluke (cf. BMSat 9272), with a sabre in each hand, who rides him down. The Frenchman (left) turns in his saddle to hold out defensively a sabre whose blade is inscribed 'Vaincre ou Courir'; he spurs his horse viciously. His enemy rides in heel-less slippers, one rein in his teeth, the other on the horse's neck, two pistols on cords fly out behind him. The expressions of the horses reflect those of their masters: abject terror and fierce confidence."--British Museum online catalogue.
One of seven plates on the French Expedition to Egypt by Gillray, purported to have been drawn by a fellow expedition member. and Title etched below image.
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher.
"A mother and daughter face each other in profile. An elderly woman, heavily moustached and bearded, sits at a small rectangular table, her right forefinger accusingly pointed at a young woman (closely resembling her), apparently pregnant, who stands holding a fan with an expression of wary apprehension. Beneath the table is a large crow, one foot raised, turning its head towards the elder woman to say "Oh! too bad". A patterned carpet, plain wall, and door (right) form a background."--British Museum online catalogue.
Printmaker from British Museum catalogue. and Title etched below image.
H. Humphrey, No. 37 New Bond Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher.
"An old sow lies exhausted on a pile of straw outside a sty roofed with dilapidated thatch. She is beset by thirty-two voracious piglets with human heads. [The identifications are those of Miss Banks, confirmed by Lord Holland. The identifications of Wright and Evans are incomplete; Ellenborough is called the Speaker.] John Bull, a clumsy yokel in a smock, holding a pitchfork, looks over the low stone wall surrounding the sty. He exclaims: "O Lord - O Lord! - well! - I never had such a Litter of hungry Pigs in all my life before! - why, they's beyond all count! - where the devil do they think I shall find Wash & Grains for all their Guts? - zookers, why they a drain the poor old Sow to an Otomy! - 'e'cod She'll make but bad Bacon for Boney, when they's all done sucking o' her - !!!' In the centre of the struggling mass of pigs is Fox with Grenville on his left. and Grey on his right. He bestrides the Duke of Clarence, whose hind-quarters only (clad in blue and buff) are visible, and supports his right. hind-leg on the back of the Prince of Wales, who is in back view but wearing a ribbon and unmistakable. Grey also clambers over the Prince. On Grenville's l. is his fat nephew, Lord Temple. The head next Grenville is that of Sidmouth, across whose back Lord Henry Petty scrambles open-mouthed. Above Petty, Sheridan scrambles avidly over the sow; Erskine, in his Chancellor's wig scampers over the sow's hind leg. Lauderdale, whose body is chequered to indicate tartan, is behind Grenville, next him (l.) is Vansittart; on the left of the latter is a group of three plump pigs one with the head concealed, the others smiling with complacent anticipation; they are Sir Watkin Williams-Wynn and his two brothers, see BMSat 9760, &c. Behind them (l.) three pigs scamper towards the sow (l. to r.): Tierney, the Duke of Bedford, and Lord Derby. Behind again, and on the extreme left. are five rather smaller animals: George Walpole, Adair (half cut off by the margin), Burdett, Horne Tooke wearing clerical bands, and Lord Carlisle. On the r. of Grey and the Prince are Lord St. Vincent, with a foreleg on the Prince, Courteney, a foreleg on Grey, Lord Spencer who has secured a teat, and Windham who clambers downwards from the sow's shoulder. Between Courteney and Spencer is a pig whose head is concealed, 'not meant for any body'. Climbing up the farther side of the sow and on the r. are Lord Ellenborough in his wig, Lord Fitzwilliam, and Moira who scampers on the creature's back."--British Museum online catalogue.
Alternative Title:
New litter of hungry grunters sucking John-Bulls-old-sow to death
Title etched below image.
Subject (Name):
Adair, Robert,--Sir,--1763-1855--Caricatures and cartoons., Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Bedford, John Russell,--Duke of,--1766-1839--Caricatures and cartoons., Buckingham and Chandos, Richard Temple Nugent Brydges Chandos,--Duke of,--1776-1839--Caricatures and cartoons., Burdett, Francis,--1770-1844--Caricatures and cartoons., Carlisle, Frederick Howard,--Earl of,--1748-1825--Caricatures and cartoons., Courtenay, John,--1738-1816--Caricatures and cartoons., Derby, Edward Smith Stanley,--Earl of,--1752-1834--Caricatures and cartoons., Ellenborough, Edward Law,--Baron,--1750-1818--Caricatures and cartoons., Erskine, Thomas Erskine,--Baron,--1750-1823--Caricatures and cartoons., Fitzwilliam, William Wentworth Fitzwilliam,--Earl,--1748-1833--Caricatures and cartoons., Fox, Charles James,--1749-1806--Caricatures and cartoons., George--IV,--King of Great Britain,--1762-1830--Caricatures and cartoons., Grenville, William Wyndham Grenville,--Baron,--1759-1834--Caricatures and cartoons., Grey, Charles Grey,--Earl,--1764-1845--Caricatures and cartoons., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., Hastings, Francis Rawdon-Hastings,--Marquess of,--1754-1826--Caricatures and cartoons., Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher., Lansdowne, Henry Petty-Fitzmaurice,--Marquess of,--1780-1863--Caricatures and cartoons., Lauderdale, James Maitland,--Earl of,--1759-1839--Caricatures and cartoons., Sheridan, Richard Brinsley,--1751-1816--Caricatures and cartoons., Sidmouth, Henry Addington,--Viscount,--1757-1844--Caricatures and cartoons., Spencer, George John Spencer,--Earl,--1758-1834--Caricatures and cartoons., St. Vincent, John Jervis,--Viscount,--1735-1823--Caricatures and cartoons., Tierney, George,--1761-1830--Caricatures and cartoons., Tooke, John Horne,--1736-1812--Caricatures and cartoons., Vansittart, Nicholas,--1766-1851--Caricatures and cartoons., Walpole, George,--1761-1830--Caricatures and cartoons., William--IV,--King of Great Britain,--1765-1837--Caricatures and cartoons., Williams-Wynn, Watkin,--1772-1840--Caricatures and cartoons., Windham, William,--1750-1810--Caricatures and cartoons., Wynn, Charles Watkin Williams,--1775-1850--Caricatures and cartoons., and Wynn, Henry Watkin William,--1783-1856--Caricatures and cartoons.
Subject (Topic):
John Bull (Symbolic character)--Caricatures and cartoons.
"An opera-dancer, Mme Rose Didelot, is poised on her right toe, her head turned in (sharp-featured) profile to the left, holding up a long garland of roses. She wears a pseudo-classical costume, defining her person, the edge of the skirt bordered with roses, a wreath of roses in her hair which is almost short. The scenery is of trees with a landscape background."--British Museum online catalogue.
Printmaker from British Museum catalogue. and Title etched below image.
H. Humphrey, New Bond Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Didelot, Marie Rose Paul,---1803--Caricatures and cartoons., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher.
"An ugly man (left) kneels (on a spotted handkerchief) at the feet of a plain old maid seated on an upright chair; he holds her left hand, his right is on his breast. She holds up her fan in a way more encouraging than coy. Both grin broadly. A patterned carpet and plain wall complete the design."--British Museum online catalogue.
Printmaker from British Museum catalogue. and Title etched below image.
H. Humprey, No. 27 St. James's Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher.
"A very short and corpulent woman stands full face, her handkerchief is raised towards her face as if to mop it, her left arm is clasped by a man of similar proportions, who kneels in profile to the left, looking up at her with a pained expression."--British Museum online catalogue.
Printmaker from British Museum catalogue., Text in lower right corner below image: Design'd for the Shakespeare Gallery., and Title etched below image.
H. Humphrey, No. 18 Old Bond Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher.
"The design simulates a pyramidal monument in bas relief against a stone wall, supported on short Corinthian pilasters between which is an inscription. On the face of the pyramid Lady Cecilia Johnston, is seated in profile to the right on a round close-stool. She is thin and witch-like, her chin is support by her left hand, the elbow resting on her knee. In her right hand is a torn paper inscribed 'Tranquility'. Behind the stool stands a little cupid holding his nose; in his left hand is a torch, reversed. On the ground (right) are bones and two skulls which gaze at Lady Cecilia. Beneath is the inscription: "By Patience, minds an equal temper know, Nor swell too high, nor sink too low; Patience the fiercest grief can charm, And fate's severest rage disarm: Patience can soften pain to ease, And make despair and madness please, This the divine Cecilia found, And to her Husbands ears, confind the sound." Vide St Cecilias Day."--British Museum online catalogue. and The allusions are to St. Cecilia (died 177) and to Cecilla's husband General James Johnston. Also allusion to Shakespeare's Othello, iv.2.61-3 and Shakespeare's Twelfth Night, ii.4.111.
Printmaker from British Museum catalogue. and Title etched below image.
H. Humphrey, No. 18 Old Bond Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher., Johnston, Henrietta Cecilia,--Lady,--1727-1817--Caricatures and cartoons., and Johnston, James Lesslie,--1697 or 1698-1789.
Subject (Topic):
Defecation., Monuments & memorials., Putti., and Skull & crossbones.
"Burke (left) as a shambling beggar, holds out his hat towards the Duke of Bedford who looks between the folding gates of Bedford House, holding one side to keep them almost closed. Their words float upwards from their mouths: Burke says: ""Pity the Sorrows of a poor old Man, add a trifle to what has been bestowed by Ministry to stop my Complaints: - O give me opportunity of recanting once more! - Ah! remember me in your Golden Dreams! - great Leviathan of liberty, let me but play & frolick in the Ocean of your royal Bounty, & I will be for ever your Creature; - my Hands, - Brains, - my Soul & Body, - the very Pen through which I have spouted a torrent of Gall against my original Friends, and cover'd you all over with the Spray, every thing of me, & about me, shall be yours - dispence but a little of your Golden store to a desolate Old Man". Bedford says: "Hark'ee, old double Face, - its no use use [sic] for you to stand Jawing there, if you gull other people, you won't bother us out a single Shilling, with all your canting-rant, - no, no, it wo'nt do, old Humbug! - let them bribe you, who are afraid of you, or want your help, - your Gossip wont do here: -" Burke wears the red and blue of the Windsor uniform, his dress is tattered, one foot protrudes through his shoe. In his right hand is a sheaf of broadsides: 'Last Dying Speech of Old Honesty the Jesuit' [cf. BMSat 6026, &c.]. On his back is a sack inscribed '£4000 pr Annum' indicating his two pensions. From his back protrudes a book inscribed 'Reflections upon Political Apostacy'. The design is framed by the stone gateway of Bedford House, each side surmounted by a sphinx (cf. BMSat 8639)."--British Museum online catalogue.
Title etched below image.
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Bedford, Francis Russell,--Duke of,--1765-1802--Caricatures and cartoons., Burke, Edmund,--1729-1797--Caricatures and cartoons., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher.
"A grotesque, obese, and negroid Copt, holding a mace or staff, rides (right to left) an ass which, though led procession-ally by a Copt, proceeds on account of the bayonet with which a grinning French soldier stabs its hind quarters. The 'Mayor' wears a French military coat and breeches, with a tricolour scarf and cocked hat with large tricolour plumes. He is otherwise naked, and a heavy chain of beads hangs from his ear. The 'Procureur' is naked except for a cocked hat and tricolour scarf; he carries a (?) goad as a staff of office. Behind his ear is a pen."--British Museum online catalogue.
One of seven plates on the French Expedition to Egypt by Gillray, purported to have been drawn by a fellow expedition member. and Title etched below image.
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher.
"Skeffington skips forward (left to right); his sharp-featured profile emerges, grinning, from a sharp-pointed collar and swathed cravat. His hair is swept forward in careful disarray, which, with his heavy whisker, goes ill with the black bag which flies outwards. His dress is a curious hybrid of embroidered court dress and knee-breeches, with the recent fashions of gathered sleeves ('Jean de Bry', see BMSat 9425), bulky neck-cloth, and cut-away tails showing bunches of seals. Below the neck-cloth is a double lace shirt-frill. See BMSat 9440."--British Museum online catalogue.
Alternative Title:
So Skiffy skipped on with his wonted grace
Printmaker from British Museum catalogue., Text following title: Vide Birthday Ball. See Morning Herald, Jany. 20th, 1800., and Title etched below image.
H. Humprey, No. 27 St. James's Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher., and Skeffington, Lumley St. George,--Sir,--1771-1850--Caricatures and cartoons.
"Sir Charles Bunbury, a stout, elderly, plainly dressed man, walks in profile to the left, staring with fierce concentration, one hand on his heart, the other deep in his breeches pocket. He steps on a loose flag-stone from which a fountain of mud splashes over his stockings. The background is a stone wall; down it runs a pipe from which a muddy stream gushes on to the pavement. A sign-post points 'To Sthephens Chaple'."--British Museum online catalogue.
Printmaker from British Museum catalogue. and Title etched below image.
H. Humprey, No. 27 St. James's Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Bunbury, Thomas Charles,--Sir,--1740-1821--Caricatures and cartoons., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher.
"Courtenay (right), as the chairman of a tavern club, sits at the head of an oblong table, in profile to the left, smoking. He says to George Hanger, who faces him at the foot of the table: "I say, Georgey how do Things look now?" The words issue from his mouth in a cloud of smoke. Hanger answers: "Ax my Grandmother's Muff, pray do!" He holds a pipe, his wine-glass is overturned. His bludgeon is thrust in his top-boot. On Hanger's right sits Fox, leaning back in his chair, registering extravagant amusement and saying "O charming! - charming!" Opposite Fox sits Sheridan, clasping a decanter of 'Brandy' in one hand, a glass in the other. He says, with a sly smile, "Excellent! - damme Georgey, Excellent." Next him, and on Courtenay's right, sits M. A. Taylor, flourishing his pipe and saying, "Bravo! the best Thing I ever heard said, damme." On the table are decanters of 'Mum' and of 'Champaig[n]'. Above Courtenay's head is a picture of a simian creature in a cap of Liberty, squatting on the ground and smoking a pipe. The frame is inscribed 'Juvenal'. The floor is carpeted, the chairs are ornate."--British Museum online catalogue.
Alternative Title:
Feast of reason and the flow of soul and Wits of the age setting the table in a roar
Title etched below image.
H. Humphrey, New Bond Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Courtenay, John,--1738-1816--Caricatures and cartoons., Fox, Charles James,--1749-1806--Caricatures and cartoons., Hanger, George,--1751?-1824--Caricatures and cartoons., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher., Sheridan, Richard Brinsley,--1751-1816--Caricatures and cartoons., and Taylor, Michael Angelo,--1757-1834--Caricatures and cartoons.
"Fox and Lord Henry Petty stand at the door of a ramshackle tenement house; a distressed family look down at them from an open casement window over the door. Petty's hand is on the knocker; he holds a large open book and shouts "Taxes! Taxes! Taxes!" Behind his ear a pen. The book, on which Fox puts both hands, is inscribed: 'New Taxes, Property Tax 10 per Cent, Small Beer Tax, Tax on Servant Maids, Iron tax [scored through], new Malt Tax, new Window Tax, new Stamp Tax, Hats, Salt, Tobacco, Shoes, Shirts, stock[ings]'. Between door and window is a board: 'John-Bull, - late Dealer in the Shop-below; - Moved Upstairs: NB - Porter-age done; Shoes clean'd &c.' The angry John, much dishevelled, holds open the window to shout down: "Taxes? - Taxes? - Taxes? - why how am I to get Money to pay them all? - I shall very soon have neither a House, nor Hole to put my head in." Fox answers: " - a house to put your \ "head in? - why what \ "the Devil should you want \ "with a House? - hav'nt \ "you got a first-Floor-Room \ "to live in? - & if that is too \ "dear, can't you move into \ "the Garret or get into the \ "Cellar? - Taxes must \ "be had, Johnny! - come \ "down with your Cash \ "its all for the good \ "of your dear \ "Country!" In Fox's coat pocket is a large money-bag inscribed 'Poundage'. Behind John stands woman holding an infant in each arm, another child gnaws a bone; two others one with a skull-like head, look from the window. On the ground floor (l.) is a shuttered window placarded 'This Shop to Let Enquire of the Tax Gatherer'. The window above it has been bricked up to escape the tax; a lean cat looks from the casement under the eaves. From the window above John Bull (a corner only visible) hang a ragged shirt and stockings. A lamp projectine from the house (a corner one) is broken. Against the wall beside the door (r.) is a pump at which are three ragged children: a little boy pumps, another kneels to put his mouth to the gushing water, while a little girl with a raw turnip eagerly waits her turn. On the pump are two inscriptions: 'New Brewery for the Benefit of the Poor - C.J. F - in ye Chair - Resolved . . .' and 'Erected 1806 C.J Volpone [cf. BMSat 9892, &c.] - Overseer'. By the children lie a hoop-stick and a hoop from a barrel and inscribed 'Whitbreads Entire' [cf. BMSat 10421, &c.]. On the left. are barrels inscribed 'Home-Brew'd Small-Beer Ten Shillings a Barrel Duty'. Across the road (l.) is a pawnshop with the sign of the three balls: 'Broad-bottom Pop-Shop' [see BMSat 10530]. In the upper windows of the prosperous shop are piles of moneybags inscribed 'Pension' and 'Sinecure'."--British Museum online catalogue.
Alternative Title:
Friend of the people and his petty new tax gatherer paying John Bull a visit
Title etched below image.
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Fox, Charles James,--1749-1806--Caricatures and cartoons., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher., and Lansdowne, Henry Petty-Fitzmaurice,--Marquess of,--1780-1863--Caricatures and cartoons.
"The Marquis of Blandford walks in profile to the left. on a flagged pavement. He is stiffly erect, a cane held horizontally in his right. hand, his left. arm hanging vertically. He has sloping shoulders and long arms, and wears a double-breasted tail-coat with a high collar and modified Jean-de-Bry sleeve (see BMSat 9425) with Hessian boots."--British Museum online catalogue.
Title continues: ... "which appertains solely to men of high fashion." Vide Lord Chesterfields Letters. and Title from first line of quoted text below image.
H. Humprey, No. 27 St. James's Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher., and Marlborough, George Spencer Churchill,--Duke of,--1766-1840--Caricatures and cartoons.
A grotesquely caricatured, thin and ragged Tom Paine, dressed as a tailor with huge scissors hanging from his pants, kneels before a gigantic crown; he uses a tape measure to determine its dimensions. He wears a French-style hat with a cockade inscribed "vive la liberty". He ruminates on his task,a satire on the first part of his Rights of man.
Alternative Title:
Tommy Paine, the little American taylor, taking the measure of the crown for a new pair of revolution breeches
At top of design: Humbly dedicated to the Jacobine clubs of France and England by Common Sense. "These are your gods, O, Israel!", Plate shows signs of reworking; 'the' following 'Tommy Paine' in title etched twice, with the repeated word on the second line of title scored through and mostly burnished from plate., Printmaker from British Museum catalogue., and Title etched below image.
H. Humphrey, New Bond Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Burke, Edmund,--1729-1797.--Reflections on the Revolution in France., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher., Paine, Thomas,--1737-1809.--Rights of man., and Paine, Thomas,--1737-1809--Caricatures and cartoons.
"A fox (Fox) climbs up a signpost from which hangs the sign of the Crown. The gibbet-shaped post is wreathed with a vine with large bunches of grapes. Fox seizes a branch and gapes greedily for a bunch just within his reach. His left leg is supported on a pile of papers, one bundle of which is inscribed 'Libels'. The topmost paper is an open book: 'Review of the Charges against Warren Hasting[s] Publishd by Stockdale'. In the doorway of the Crown Inn (right) stands Pitt, grotesquely thin except for his head; he wears an apron over the legs of a skeleton. Alarmed at the fox, he drops a tankard of beer on which is a crown. Behind him appears Thurlow, in Chancellor's wig and gown, with an expression of gloomy apprehension."--British Museum online catalogue.
Printmaker from British Museum catalogue. and Title etched below image.
H. Humphrey, New Bond Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Fox, Charles James,--1749-1806--Caricatures and cartoons., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., Hastings, Warren,--1732-1818--Impeachment., Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher., Pitt, William,--1759-1806--Caricatures and cartoons., and Thurlow, Edward Thurlow,--Baron,--1731-1806--Caricatures and cartoons.
"A magnificently mounted Turk (right) raises his spear to transfix a ragged French soldier who is about to be thrown by the donkey (cf. BMSat 9357) whose ear he clutches. The Frenchman's musket is awkwardly held and goes off innocuously; defence is impossible."--British Museum online catalogue.
One of seven plates on the French expedition to Egypt by Gillray, purported to have been drawn by a fellow expedition member. and Title etched below image.
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher.
"Two ladies (left) walk arm-in-arm to the left; a good-looking man, extravagantly dressed, stands (right) legs apart, head turned to inspect them as if they were strange specimens. One, short and fat, wears a round straw cap over a shock of hair which covers her eyes, she holds up a small jointed parasol to shield her face. The other, taller, wears a shovel-shaped scoop of straw tied to her head and projecting far beyond her face. Both have bare arms with long gloves, and transparent draperies which define the figure. The man wears an exaggerated Jean de Bry coat with high inflated sleeves, cut above the waist in front, with tails which show between his legs. A high swathed neck-cloth covers his chin and sets off bushy whiskers. His boots have high tasselled fronts above the knee and elongated toes. There is a background of trees with three other figures similarly dressed, one wears striped trousers of nautical cut instead of boots and pantaloons."--British Museum online catalogue.
Explanation of title in lower left corner: *for the origin of the word consult the Johnnesonian dictionary, edition of 1799., Printmaker from British Museum catalogue., and Title etched below image.
H. Humprey, 27 St. James's Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher.
"An elderly courtier of the 'ancien régime' (left) bows low, in profile to the right, grimacing: 'Je suis voire tres humble Serviteur'. His features are aquiline; he wears a high toupet wig and a large black bag (which flies into the air as he bows) with a solitaire ribbon round the neck. His small tricorne hat is in his right hand, his left hand is on his breast; his fingers are extravagantly pointed. His successor (right) stands in back view, legs astride, hands thrust deep into his coat-pockets, a bludgeon projecting vertically from the left pocket. His head, with blunt, coarse features, is turned in profile to the left, to say: "Baiser mon Cu [sic]". He has shaggy hair with a long pigtail queue, and wears a large cocked hat, one peak on his neck, round which is a clumsy neck-cloth. His coat is loose with broad collar and projecting revers. His breeches are tied beneath the knee, showing striped stockings above very wrinkled boots with grotesquely pointed toes."--British Museum online catalogue.
Alternative Title:
French gentleman of the Court of Egalité, 1799
Title from text in image.
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher.
"Admiral Howe stands in a boat formed of a gold shell and drawn by two dolphins (as in BMSat 8469) towards the coast, where there is a stone with a hand pointing to Torbay. He covers his eyes with a hand to protect them from a shower of guineas which fill his boat and which he holds up the skirt of his coat to collect. The dolphins spout guineas. His large Union flag is attached to an upright trident; a blast of coins strikes the flag, tearing a large hole. The coins are blown from the mouths of winged cherubic heads wearing bonnets-rouges (right). They drive Howe's boat away from 'Brest', a fortress on the horizon towards which a French fleet is sailing unmolested. Howe says: "Zounds, these damn'd hail stones hinder one from doing ones duty! - I cannot see out of my Eyes for them! - Ah! it was just such another cursed peppering as this, that I fell inn with, on the coast of America in the last War; - what a deuce of a thing it is, that whenever I'm just going to play the Devil, I am hinder'd by these confounded French storms, or eke, loose my way in a Fog.""--British Museum online catalogue.
Alternative Title:
French hailstorm and Neptune loosing sight of the Brest fleet
Title etched below image.
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., Howe, Richard Howe,--Earl,--1726-1799--Caricatures and cartoons., and Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher.
"A young woman standing to left, gesturing outwards with her right hand, wearing a fitted dress with a dark fringed sash, a shawl around her shoulders, a sprig of flowers tucked into one side and a tall bell-shaped hat with thick plumes and flowers, her hair left loose; in a double frame."--British Museum online catalogue.
Printmaker identified as Gillray. See Briitsh Museum online catalogue, registration no.: 1851,0901.697., Temporary local subject terms: Greek female costume., and Title etched below image.
H. Humphrey, No. 37 New Bond Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher.
"The two members for Middlesex simultaneously address a meeting of freeholders from a hustings against a building (The Mermaid, at Hackney) which forms a background. Both lean forward in profile to the right. Byng (left), thin and elegant, gesticulates with clenched fist, right arm above his head. He frowns, while Mainwaring (right) grimaces insinuatingly, his hands held out deprecatingly. From Byng's pocket issues a paper: 'Treatise on the use of Cocoa'. On the extreme left, behind Byng, stands Fox, holding Byng's hat. The other men on the platform, all wearing hats, are freely sketched. On the wooden barrier of the hustings are two bills, the lower part of which is concealed by the heads of the spectators, which reach across the lower edge of the design: 'Mermaid Hackney Meeting of the Freeholders for obtaining a Repeal of the odious, detestable, obnoxious, unconstitutional oppressive treasonable . . .' and 'Address to his Majesty by the Freeholders.'"--British Museum online catalogue.
Title etched below image.
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Byng, George,--1764-1847--Caricatures and cartoons., Fox, Charles James,--1749-1806--Caricatures and cartoons., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher., and Mainwaring, William,--1735-1821--Caricatures and cartoons.
"Design in an irregular oval. A Frenchman (bust) glares to the right, showing his teeth fiercely. He has long unkempt hair, a bristly beard, and wears a bonnet rouge with a tricolour cockade, and an ear-ring; his sleeve is splashed with blood. Above the design: 'Vive la Republique! que tous les Tyrans mordent la poussière! - Point de Religion' (cf. BMSat 8350)."--British Museum online catalogue.
Attributed to Gillray in the British Museum catalogue., Companion print to: "A Paris belle.", and Title etched below image.
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher.
"Design in an irregular oval. A woman (bust) glares fiercely to the left, her mouth closed and drawn down. Her cap and fichu are decked with tricolour ribbons, and in her cap is a dagger, point upward and dripping blood. Above the design: 'Des Tetes! - du Sang! - la Mort! - à la Lanterne! - à la Guillotine. - point de Reine! - Je suis la Dèesse de la Libertè [cf. BMSat 8350] - l'egalité! - que Londres soit brulê! - que Paris soit Libre!! - Vive la Guillotine! - '."--British Museum online catalogue.
Attributed to Gillray in the British Museum catalogue., Companion print to: "A Paris beau.", and Title etched below image.
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher.
"Lord Galloway, short, bulky, and ugly, rides in profile to the left. He wears a wrinkled Jean-de-Bry coat (see BMSat 9425), with a star, round hat, and top-boots, and uses a gold-headed cane as a riding-switch."--British Museum online catalogue.
Alternative Title:
Scotch poney commonly called a Galloway and Scotch pony commonly call'd a Galloway
Printmaker from British Museum catalogue. and Title etched below image.
H. Humprey, No. 27 St. James's Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Galloway, John Stewart,--Earl of,--1736-1806--Caricatures and cartoons., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher.
"A woman standing to left, wearing a long gown with a decorated hem, right arm at her side, left on the edge of the gown and a shawl enveloping her head, leaving only her eyes visible."--British Museum online catalogue.
Printmaker identified as Gillray. See Briitsh Museum online catalogue, registration no.: 1851,0901.695. and Title etched below image.
H. Humphrey, No. 37 New Bond Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher.
"A woman standing to right, wearing a burka leaving only her eyes visible, her arms folded at her waist and covered by her shawl, the edge of her pantaloons glimpsed at the base of her gown."--British Museum online catalogue.
Printmaker identified as Gillray. See Briitsh Museum online catalogue, registration no.: 1851,0901.694. and Title etched below image.
H. Humphrey, No. 37 New Bond Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher.
"A fashionably dressed man stands in back view, a round hat in his hand, a bludgeon under his left arm. He wears a tail-coat with a large cape-like collar with revers. Above this appears the high stiff collar at the back of his waistcoat. His hair falls on his coat collar and his shoulders are frosted with hair-powder (a fashion of the day), cf. BMSats 7537, 8192. He wears half-boots and breeches tied below the knee with a bunch of strings."--British Museum online catalogue.
Companion print to: "Neck or nothing.", Printmaker identified as Gillray in the British Museum catalogue., and Title etched below image.
H. Humphrey, No. 18 Old Bond Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher., and Keate, Georgiana Jane, 1770-1850, artist.
"An elderly lady sits very upright in a glass-fronted coupé, the side window forming a frame. She has simply-dressed powdered hair on which is a turban-like drapery; a fichu covers her neck. Her dress, in front of which is a large bouquet of flowers, is shaped to the waist in a way very different from the fashion of the day. On the carriage door ls a baron's coronet above the initial 'D'. On the left is seen part of the coachman's back, and an elaborate hammer-cloth trimmed with gold fringe. Below the design: '-'t'was thus, heretofore, honest Dames shew'd their Faces, When Ball Nights & Birth Nights, call'd forth all their Graces! - But now, (-las-a-day!) what with Wigs and with Vails, Our Fair Ones, hide Faces, and all, - but their Tails! - '."--British Museum online catalogue.
Title etched at top of image.
H. Humprey, No. 27 St. James's Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher.
"Mrs. Billington, directed to the right, sings with head thrown back, right hand on her breast, left arm extended. She is stout and majestic, wears many jewels and quasi-contemporary dress, with four tall feathers and jewelled aigrette in her hair, from which hangs a long drapery."--British Museum online catalogue.
Alternative Title:
Title etched at top of image.
H. Humprey, No. 27 St. James's Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Billington, Elizabeth,--1765-1818--Caricatures and cartoons., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher.
"A provincial Assembly Room, with dancers in violent action in the background, in country dance or cotillion. In the foreground is an ugly foppish and conceited fellow standing with raised coat-tails and his back to the fire. He holds cocked hat and cane, and grimaces and bows towards a pretty young woman, one foot on a fragment of her dress. She walks away from him to the left., taking her chair with her. Another pretty girl sits against the wall (r.) holding a closed fan. The dancers are bucolic and ugly. The walls are decorated with candle-sconces; a clock on the chimney-piece points to 1.25."--British Museum online catalogue.
Print signed using Brownlow North's device: A compass pointing north., Printmaker from Wright., Temporary local subject terms: Fireplace -- Clock -- Sconces -- Dancers -- Assembly Room., and Title etched below image.
H. Humprey, No. 27 St. James's Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher., and North, Brownlow, 1778-1829, artist.
"A man walks on tiptoe away from the spectator. He is ungainly, the left shoulder lower than the right, with ill-dressed hair in a small tail. He wears a grotesque cocked hat poised on his head, an old-fashioned coat, and striped stockings. The stone wall of a house, showing part of a street-door and one window, forms a background."--British Museum online catalogue.
Title etched at bottom of image.
H. Humphrey, No. 37 New Bond Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher.
"A sea-side scene on a hot day. The centre figure is a tall young woman, in a muslin dress with bare arms and neck, holding an open parasol and a patterned scarf. A fat 'cit' trudges along, much distressed; he mops his bald head, holding his hat with his wig inside it. A family party, forbidding and censorious, is grouped on the left, with a panting dog. In the middle distance are the sands with pedestrians fashionably dressed, and a barefooted fisher-boy with a net. Bathing-machines are in the sea, with tiny figures in the water; another with a horse is about to enter the water."--British Museum online catalogue.
Companion print to: "A squall." and Title etched below image.
H. Humprey, No. 27 St. James's Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher.
"Lord Clermont (left) gallops (right to left) on a white pony, closely followed by a tall trooper with a drawn sword on a large horse. A little chimney-sweep has fallen on his back by the trooper's horse, dropping his brush and shovel. Behind are rails and a green slope."--British Museum online catalogue.
Alternative Title:
Clear the course and Virtue in danger
Reissue, with added imprint statement; original imprint scored through but visible: Publish'd by J. Harris, July 1, 1800, No. 29 Gerrard St., Soho. See British Museum catalogue. and Title etched below image.
H. Humprey, No. 27 St. James's Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher.
"The pair, seated in a gig, drive (r. to left.) along a country road, preceded by a mongrel dog carrying a large bone. The man drives the miserable hack with the air of an expert, flicking a heavy lash over the animal's neck. He is smartly dressed with side-whisker, swathed neck-cloth, high collar, and top-boots. His almost spherical wife takes his arm. She holds a little closed parasol, and wears gloves above we elbow. The feather and trimmings of her hat float behind her in the wind. On the side of the gig is a pestle and mortar, showing that the man is an apothecary. The emaciated and decrepit horse has broken knees and gaping wounds under the collar and harness; one pastern is swollen. Birds fly towards it, scenting carrion. A broken milestone (r.) is inscribed 'Miles from London'."--British Museum online catalogue.
Alternative Title:
Cockney and his wife going to Wycombe
Printmaker from British Museum catalogue., Title etched below image., and Two lines of quoted text emphasizing a lingual accent follow title: "Vednesday vas a week, my vife & I vent to Vest Vycombe, & vhether it vas the vind, or vhether it vas ...
H. Humprey, No. 27 St. James's Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher.
"Sir William Hamilton, old and bent, inspects his antiques. He stands in profile to left, looking through spectacles held in his right hand and reversed. He wears a round hat, a spencer over his coat and spurred top-boots, a stick in his (gloved) left hand; an expressive glove issues from his coat pocket. The objects at which he gazes are on a cloth-covered table. In the centre is a bust of 'Lais', the head that of Lady Hamilton, with fashionably dressed hair, but with nose, mouth, and chin broken away. Next it is a nude and headless Bacchante holding up a bunch of grapes (this was one of his wife's famous attitudes). Behind is a term with the head of a bull inscribed 'APIS'. Other objects are a weeping Cupid with a broken arrow, a grotesque goblet, a cracked chamber-pot on which nude figures dance. Against the wall (right) stands a mummy-like figure of 'MIDAS', with ass's ears. Other grotesque and broken objects stand on the carpet. On the wall are four pictures (left to right): 'Cleopatra', Lady Hamilton, three-quarter length, indecently décolletée and holding a bottle of 'Gin'; 'Mark Antony', Nelson, three-quarter length, a sea-fight in the background; a volcano in eruption; 'Claudius', a profile half length of Hamilton turning his back on the other pictures, the frame decorated with a stag's head."--British Museum online catalogue.
Alternative Title:
Cognocenti contemplating the beauties of the antique and Cognoscenti contemplating the beauties of the antique
Title etched below image.
H. Humprey, No. 27 St. James's Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Hamilton, Emma,--Lady,--1761?-1815--Caricatures and cartoons., Hamilton, William,--Sir,--1730-1803--Caricatures and cartoons., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher., and Nelson, Horatio Nelson,--Viscount,--1758-1805--Caricatures and cartoons.
"A bald man with a thick beard and moustache, in profile to right, hands joined in front of him, wearing a long ermine-trimmed gown and a hat with a full plume providing a broad canopy and a small flag; in a double frame."--British Museum online catalogue.
Alternative Title:
Colonel of the Janissaries
Printmaker identified as Gillray. See Briitsh Museum online catalogue, registration no.: 1851,0901.699. and Title etched below image.
H. Humphrey, No. 37 New Bond Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher.
"A man with a long moustache, standing to right, wearing a long coat with long sleeves, a suit of sprigged silk and pantaloons, with a knife tucked into his broad waist-band and a turban with a tall, striped crown."--British Museum online catalogue.
Printmaker identified as Gillray. See Briitsh Museum online catalogue, registration no.: 1851,0901.702. and Title etched below image.
H. Humphrey, No. 37 New Bond Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher.
"A man with a long moustache, wearing a coat, full trousers looped up and fastened with a thick sash around the waist, a blanket with a small emblem tucked into it and hanging down the sides, a tall crescent hat with a veil hanging from it and a decorative plume; in a double frame."--British Museum online catalogue.
Alternative Title:
Common soldier of the Janissaries
Printmaker identified as Gillray. See Briitsh Museum online catalogue, registration no.: 1851,0901.698. and Title etched below image.
H. Humphrey, No. 37 New Bond Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher.
"George III (three-quarter length) stands in profile to the left, nearsightedly examining an oval miniature of Oliver Cromwell by the light of a candle held in his left hand. The half length, looking to the right, in armour, probably derives from the pl. after Cooper in Mechell's ed. of Rapin's 'History', 1733. The candlestick is of massive plate holding a candle-end supported on a save-all (cf. BMSat 8091). The King is only slightly caricatured, but his receding forehead and chin and open mouth are exaggerated."--British Museum online catalogue.
Title from text below image.
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Cromwell, Oliver,--1599-1658--Caricatures and cartoons., George--III,--King of Great Britain,--1738-1820--Caricatures and cartoons., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher.
"An elderly man, bent to deformity, thin and shambling, in profile to the left, follows two flamboyant prostitutes who walk arm-in-arm, looking behind them. He supports himself on a walking-stick; from his pocket protrudes a book: 'Modest Prints'. The women's dresses trail on the pavement, but one lifts her skirt to display her legs. The background is formed of the massive stones at the corner of a high building."--British Museum online catalogue.
Alternative Title:
Example for fathers
Title etched below image.
H. Humprey, No. 27 St. James's Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher.
"A lady (left) sits at a piano, in back view, playing and singing. Beside her is a man playing the cello. Both sing: "Beviamo tutti tie" [sic]. Two men sit side by side, in profile to the left, one playing the violin, the other the flute. A little girl lying on the floor tilts dangerously the chair of the violinist, who watches intently the couple at the piano. A loutish youth in top-boots (right) plays with a dog whose collar is inscribed 'Anne Jon'."--British Museum online catalogue.
Alternative Title:
Evenings entertainment in Sussex
Printmaker from British Museum catalogue. and Title etched below image.
H. Humprey, 27 St. James's Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Augustus Frederick,--Prince, Duke of Sussex,--1773-1843., Billington, Elizabeth,--1765-1818--Caricatures and cartoons., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher.
"An officer walks, on a broad pavement, away from the spectator, his head slightly turned to the left, showing his profile. He wears Light Horse uniform, a plumed helmet, short tunic, sash, and long sabre. The toes of his tasselled boots terminate in spikes. He uses a walking-stick."--British Museum online catalogue.
Title etched at bottom of image.
H. Humprey, 27 St. James's Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher.
"A stout man (right), seated at a round table, tells a story to a parson on his left, who grins broadly. Two women fix the raconteur with expressions of absorbed amusement, while an officer is more frankly amused at watching the lady on his right. All are elderly. On the table are a decanter of 'Port' and glasses. A patterned carpet completes the design. From a sketch by an amateur."--British Museum online catalogue.
Printmaker from British Museum catalogue. and Title etched below image.
H. Humphrey, No. 37 New Bond Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher.
Subject (Topic):
Chairs., Clergy., Floor coverings. , Military uniforms--British., and Storytelling.
"Fox, a ragged sansculotte with bloodstained hands and a dagger dripping blood thrust in his belt, sings "Ca ira!" He capers, right hand on his hip, left hand held up; expression and attitude suggest quasi-intoxication, a blast issues from his posteriors. On his forehead is a patch of sticking-plaster. He is unshaven and his body has a subhuman hairiness. He wears the ill-fitting wig of an artisan, with a tricolour cockade."--British Museum online catalogue.
Alternative Title:
Reason & philosophy
Printmaker from British Museum catalogue. and Title etched below image.
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Fox, Charles James,--1749-1806--Caricatures and cartoons., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher.
"A short fat man (left) dressed as a military officer, clasps the inflated petticoats of a thin woman who walks away from him, looking over her left shoulder, her hand raised in a negative gesture. She is much taller than her admirer, and shows a hideous profile, her mouth wide open; her attitude is theatrical. She wears a high cap and the extended petticoats which had recently been fashionable (see BMSat 7099, &c). He looks up at her with a yearning smile. Both are grotesquely caricatured."--British Museum online catalogue.
Alternative Title:
"Turn fair Clora, turn, ah cruel, turn again."
Printmaker from British Museum catalogue. and Title etched above image.
H. Humphrey, No. 18 Old Bond Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher.
"One man falls violently, arms and legs in the air; he brings the ferrule of his stick heavily down on the eye of a neighbour who has just landed on his posterior, his legs and arms extended. In the background three other skaters have fallen, and lie or sit, legs in the air."--British Museum online catalogue.
Alternative Title:
Elements of skateing, Elements of skateing :, Elements of skating :, and Fundamental error in the art of skating
One of four prints in a series entitled: Elements of skateing., Printmaker identified as Gillray and artist questionably identified as Sneyd in the British Museum catalogue., and Title etched below image, following series title.
H. Humprey, No. 27 St. James's Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher.
"The Duke of Bedford [Identified in the House of Lords Gillray Collection as Mr Norton.] stands directed to the right., his head in profile, on a mound watching a race. He wears riding-dress with spurred top-boots and holds a riding-switch. Three horses race in the background; the contours of the ground, and the horizon, are fringed with crowds of tiny cheering figures; some follow the race on foot or horseback. Clouds complete the design."--British Museum online catalogue.
Alternative Title:
Sir Solomon in all his glory
Title etched below image.
H. Humprey, No. 27 St. James's Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Bedford, John Russell,--Duke of,--1766-1839--Caricatures and cartoons., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher.
"On the r. a rustic fountain gushes from the mouth of Lord Henry Petty, whose head and shoulders emerge from a stone wall or rock surrounded by trees. The water expands and falls by billowing stages into a sea, the horizon (l.) inscribed 'Unfathomable Sea of Taxation'. In this sea 'cormorants', with human heads and huge beaks (projecting from their profiles) and pelican-like pouches, are greedily fishing, while a rowing boat founders, throwing into the water John Bull, who drops an oar inscribed 'William Pitt'; only his head (submerged up to the mouth) and arms emerge. The water from Petty's mouth is inscribed (thrice) 'New Taxes'; the upper level of the fountain: 'New Salt Tax', 'new Coffee Tax', 'new Tea Tax', 'new Hop- Tax', 'new Malt-Tax', 'new Assessed Taxes', 'New Tax on Sugar', 'New Spirit Tax', 'New Tobacco Tax', 'New Candle Tax', 'New Glass Tax'. The lower level: 'new Cyder Tax', 'New Soap Tax', 'New Auction Tax', 'New Table Beer Tax', 'New Snuff Tax', 'new Horse Tax', 'new Servants Tax', 'new Leather Tax', 'new Dog Tax', 'New Hair Powder [Tax]', 'new Soap Tax', 'new House Tax', 'new Land-Tax', 'New Stamp-Tax', 'new Window Tax', 'New Hat Tax'. The sea is inscribed 'New-Property-Tax' [in whose waves John Bull drowns], 'New Legacy Tax', 'New Iron-Tax', 'New Excise-Duties', 'New Game Tax'. The most prominent bird is Grenville, on a rock by the water's edge; he stands on a pile of large fish, and throws up his head to swallow two monster fish: 'Treasury' and 'Exchequer'. Behind his back stand Sidmouth and Sheridan, greedily taking fish from Grenville's pile. Beside Grenville stands Fox, equally large, stooping over the water, to receive a dense mass of fish which leap as if by suction into his mouth; other fish swim and leap towards him. Beside Fox is the head and elongated neck of Moira, with a large lobster in his beak. On the extreme left. Windham skims the water, flying towards a number of crabs. Grey (Lord Howick) swims, holding in his beak two eels. A bird in judge's wig has dived head first; its solid shape suggests Ellenborough rather than Erskine. On the r. three birds skim downwards over the rocks towards Sidmouth; they are Bedford followed by Horne Tooke (wearing bands, cf. BMSat 9716, &c.) and Burdett. On the water's edge in the middle distance stands Buckingham, wearing a ribbon and swallowing three large fish. Little Lord Derby beside him stoops for one small fish. In the sky a flight of countless birds makes for the fish. Only the three leaders have human heads; the first has the features of Lauderdale, the one behind him resembles Adair."--British Museum online catalogue.
Alternative Title:
John Bull swamped in the flood of new-taxes
Title etched below image.
Subject (Name):
Adair, Robert,--Sir,--1763-1855--Caricatures and cartoons., Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Bedford, John Russell,--Duke of,--1766-1839--Caricatures and cartoons., Buckingham, George Nugent Temple Grenville,--Marquess of,--1753-1813--Caricatures and cartoons., Burdett, Francis,--1770-1844--Caricatures and cartoons., Derby, Edward Smith Stanley,--Earl of,--1752-1834--Caricatures and cartoons., Ellenborough, Edward Law,--Baron,--1750-1818--Caricatures and cartoons., Fox, Charles James,--1749-1806--Caricatures and cartoons., Grenville, William Wyndham Grenville,--Baron,--1759-1834--Caricatures and cartoons., Grey, Charles Grey,--Earl,--1764-1845--Caricatures and cartoons., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., Hastings, Francis Rawdon-Hastings,--Marquess of,--1754-1826--Caricatures and cartoons., Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher., Lansdowne, Henry Petty-Fitzmaurice,--Marquess of,--1780-1863--Caricatures and cartoons., Lauderdale, James Maitland,--Earl of,--1759-1839--Caricatures and cartoons., Sheridan, Richard Brinsley,--1751-1816--Caricatures and cartoons., Sidmouth, Henry Addington,--Viscount,--1757-1844--Caricatures and cartoons., Tooke, John Horne,--1736-1812--Caricatures and cartoons., and Windham, William,--1750-1810--Caricatures and cartoons.
Subject (Topic):
John Bull (Symbolic character)--Caricatures and cartoons.
"Lord Moira, a candle in each hand, stands in the doorway of his house. He wears a dressing-gown in place of a coat He has opened the door to a young officer, who steps forward unsteadily raising his cocked hat. An ugly watchman (l.) in Highland dress trudges to the left. holding his staff and lantern; he is the only figure who is caricatured. The architrave is surmounted by an earl's coronet. The dignified doorway is set in a wall of heavy stones and flanked by two windows high above the cobbled street."--British Museum online catalogue.
Fifteen lines of verse in two columns below title: When loud the watchman cry'd the hour and call'd 'till he was hoarse ... Parody upon [the] Red Cross Knight., Printmaker from British Museum catalogue., and Title etched below image.
H. Humprey, No. 27 St. James's Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., Hastings, Francis Rawdon-Hastings,--Marquess of,--1754-1826--Caricatures and cartoons., and Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher.
Charles Fox, sitting in a 'pass-cart' reserved for paupers forced to return to the place of their origin, is transported to Malmsbury, the borough he represented until his election for Westminster in 1780. Lord North, standing under a tree, expresses his regret over this situation. A reference to Fox's expected defeat in the 1784 Westminster election.
Questionable attribution to J. Barrow from British Museum catalogue. and Title from text above image.
H. Humphrey, New Bond Street
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain--Politics and government--1760-1789.
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Fox, Charles James,--1749-1806--Caricatures and cartoons., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher., and North, Frederick,--Lord,--1732-1792--Caricatures and cartoons.
Subject (Topic):
Carts & wagons. and Clothing & dress--England--1780-1790.
"A companion print to BMSat 8659. Grenville seated in an ornate armchair peers near-sightedly at a map of 'The Globe' in two hemispheres which he holds up to his face. The eastern hemisphere, at which he is not looking, shows an exaggeratedly large tract of 'French Conquests'. His posteriors and legs, very solid in BMSat 8659, are thin. He sits before a light rectangular table on which are ink-stand and pens and two books, 'Court Calender' and 'Locke on Human Understanding' (as in BMSat 8659). On the wall are two pictures, the subjects merely indicated: 'The Treasury' (left) shows the arched gate and stone wall of many satires; 'Brittania Triumphant': Britannia seated with spear and shield. A patterned carpet completes the design. Grenville fixes his attention on scarcely visible successes in the W. Indies, ignoring the French conquests in Europe. The 'Court Calender' and 'The Treasury' indicate eagerness for the perquisites of office, cf. BMSat 8061 (1792)."--British Museum online catalogue.
Title etched below image.
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Grenville, William Wyndham Grenville,--Baron,--1759-1834--Caricatures and cartoons., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher.
"A companion print to BMSat 8656. Grenville stands on a hearth-rug, his back to a blazing fire (right), holding up to his face an open book inscribed: 'Fundamental Principles of Government for 1795', at which he looks sideways and near-sightedly. He raises his coat-tails to warm his bulky posteriors, his left hand in his breeches pocket. On the chimney-piece lie two books: 'Court Cookery' and 'Locke on Human Understanding'. Hanging above it is a 'Map of British Victories on the Continent' on which confused scrawls are depicted. On the back wall (left) is a bracket supporting a bowl of gold-fish, above which is a picture of the 'Treasury Bench': three Ministers seated as if in Parliament, in back view with their coats drawn aside to show their bulky posteriors; the wall of the Treasury forms a background. ...."--British Museum online catalogue.
Nine lines of verse in two columns below title: "Lord-Pogy boasts no common share of head ..." and Title etched below image.
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Grenville, William Wyndham Grenville,--Baron,--1759-1834--Caricatures and cartoons., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher.
"George III (l.), just risen from the throne, kicks Grenville from the presence, holding him by the pigtail, and raising the sceptre to smite. Other members of the Ministry flee in confusion, their gestures showing that they also have been kicked. The Kings head, as a sign of respect, is hidden by a pillar in heavy shadow which supports the voluminous canopy over the throne, itself in full light. A large label floats from the King: " - what! - what! - bring in the Papists! - O you cunning Jesuits, you! - what you thought I was like little-Boney & would turn Turk, or any thing? - but if You have no Faith or Conscience - I have!! - ay, & a little Old Protestant Spunk too! - So Out with you all!! - out! - with all your Broad-bottom'd- Popish Plots!!! - Out with you - out! - out! - out!" Grenville wears peer's robes, which fly back, exposing his heavy posteriors (cf. BMSat 10530) to the King's toe. He drops a long scroll: 'Catholic Bill - for bringing the Papists into Power & supporting the Broad bottom Jesuits in their Places for securing the Papists in commanding of the Army & Navy & all the Public offices - .' This tears as it floats over the shoulder of Howick, the mover of the Bill. Grenville is propelled against the massive Ellenborough, who hurries forward with a savage backward glare. The spectacled Buckingham looks up at his brother in dismay. Temple, huge and globular, waddles off, feeling his damaged back. In front of him, Sheridan, as Harlequin (cf. BMSat 9916), slinks off stooping low. In the foreground Petty and Erskine lie on their backs, legs in the air, both in their gowns, Erskine having dropped the Purse of the Great Seal. Behind the nearer figures are (l. to r.): Windham, Moira with both arms raised, and Lauderdale, looking to the left.; next, Sidmouth in full flight, and on the extreme right. a head identified by Miss Banks as Fitzpatrick, but resembling Gillray's Adair. On the back of the throne within a wreath: 'G 3d/ R.' On its r., and on the extreme left., is a stool which supports a cushion on which rest a large 'Bible' and a crown. Behind the throne are the Royal Arms."--British Museum online catalogue.
Alternative Title:
Emancipation of "all the talents, &c."
Text following title: Vide, the fate of [the] Catholic bill. and Title etched below image.
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Buckingham and Chandos, Richard Temple Nugent Brydges Chandos,--Duke of,--1776-1839--Caricatures and cartoons., Buckingham, George Nugent Temple Grenville,--Marquess of,--1753-1813--Caricatures and cartoons., Ellenborough, Edward Law,--Baron,--1750-1818--Caricatures and cartoons., Erskine, James Francis,--1743-1806--Caricatures and cartoons., George--III,--King of Great Britain,--1738-1820--Caricatures and cartoons., Grenville, William Wyndham Grenville,--Baron,--1759-1834--Caricatures and cartoons., Grey, Charles Grey,--Earl,--1764-1845--Caricatures and cartoons., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., Hastings, Francis Rawdon-Hastings,--Marquess of,--1754-1826--Caricatures and cartoons., Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher., Lansdowne, Henry Petty-Fitzmaurice,--Marquess of,--1780-1863--Caricatures and cartoons., Lauderdale, James Maitland,--Earl of,--1759-1839--Caricatures and cartoons., Sheridan, Richard Brinsley,--1751-1816--Caricatures and cartoons., Sidmouth, Henry Addington,--Viscount,--1757-1844--Caricatures and cartoons., and Windham, William,--1750-1810--Caricatures and cartoons.
"The head of a lady in profile to the right, yawning violently. A mob-cap perched on her hair has long lappets which fall on her shoulders."--British Museum online catalogue.
Attributed to Gillray by Wright., Temporary local subject terms: Yawns -- Female hats: mob cap., and Title etched below image.
H. Humphrey, No. 51 New Bond Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher.
"A lady sits in back view before a tall pier-glass, twisting a piece of drapery round her head. Two young women (right) hold up festoons of the immensely long drapery, the end of which trails across the floor and is worried by a small dog, shaved in the French manner. The glass is surmounted by an earl's coronet and decorated by triple ostrich plumes, suggesting that the lady, who wears a loose wrapper, may be Lady Jersey. The mirror is lit by two candles. Through a window (right) is a crescent moon, sinking into clouds. The second attendant wears a hat, suggesting that she is a milliner. Both are dressed in the short-waisted fashion of the day (cf. BMSat 8571). An elaborate bowl of flowers stands on a pedestal or small ornate table. A patterned carpet covers the floor."--British Museum online catalogue.
Printmaker from British Museum catalogue. and Title etched below image.
H. Humphrey, No. 37 New Bond Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher., and Jersey, Frances Villiers,--Countess of,--1753-1821--Caricatures and cartoons.
"A man with a long moustache, standing to right, wearing a suit of sprigged silk with a fluted skirt and long, broad sleeves falling over the sleeves, a tall hat with a plume, knives tucked into a belt at his waist and another slung across his body, holding a halberd in his right hand; in a double frame."--British Museum online catalogue.
Printmaker identified as Gillray. See Briitsh Museum online catalogue, registration no.: 1851,0901.703. and Title etched below image.
H. Humphrey, No. 37 New Bond Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher.
"Lord Moira, rigid and impassive, stands in profile to the left, right hand on his tasselled stick, left hand on hip, wearing quasi-military dress with looped cocked hat and high boots. Clouds, so coloured as to suggest a distant conflagration, and a low horizon, curved as if to indicate the edge of the globe, form a background. ..."--British Museum online catalogue.
Seven lines of quoted verse below image in two columns, one on either side of title: "Ne'er may his whiskers loose their hue, "chang'd (like Moll Coggin's tail) to blue! ... vide Anti-Jacobin. and Title etched below image.
H. Humprey, 27 St. James's Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., Hastings, Francis Rawdon-Hastings,--Marquess of,--1754-1826--Caricatures and cartoons., and Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher.
"A middle-aged man in gold-laced coat and waistcoat, with powdered hair and pigtail, bows stiffly in profile to the left. with a grimace of pleased surprise. He puts his right. hand across his breast, holds a tricorne hat at arm's length, and extends a pointed r. toe. A boarded floor and a wall form a background."--British Museum online catalogue.
Printmaker from British Museum catalogue. and Title etched below image.
H. Humprey, No. 27 St. James's Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher.
"Major-General Lord Cathcart stands stiffly in profile to the left. His features are blunt and ugly. He wears court dress with a military cast, heavily gold laced, and a long pigtail. His right hand rests on the head of a gold-headed cane. A figured carpet and bare wall complete the design."--British Museum online catalogue.
Printmaker from British Museum catalogue. and Title etched above image.
H. Humprey, No. 27 St. James's Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Cathcart, William Schaw Cathcart,--Earl,--1755-1843--Caricatures and cartoons., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher.
An obese old lady is shown seated at a card table, wearing a flowered dress, her hair piled high and topped by a cap from which a spider dangles behind her.
Possibly etched by Gillray. See British Museum catalogue. and Title etched below image.
H. Humphrey, No. 51 New Bond Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Gillray, James, 1756-1815, printmaker., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher.
"Two chairmen carry (left to right) a lady in a sedan chair. The roof is raised and through it projects an enormous ostrich feather, rising from an aigrette and curls, which also extend above the roof. To the second chairman's back is strapped the base of a long curving rod which supports an umbrella to protect the feather. Through the window of the chair appears the lady's profile. She holds a half-closed fan before her face. Behind (left) is a plain town house of three stories behind its area-railings; it is next a high curving wall (right). Probably from a design by an amateur."--British Museum online catalogue.
Printmaker from British Museum catalogue. and Title etched below image.
H. Humphrey, New Bond Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher.
"The head and shoulders of a woman, caricatured, in profile to the right, singing with upturned eyes, holding up a paper in both hands. A wing, foreshortened, and very freely sketched, extends diagonally across her shoulder, and has some resemblance to a part of her dress; her hair is loosely arranged, but its contour is fashionable; her face is blotched with drink. Clouds and a ray of light are indicated in the background."--British Museum online catalogue.
Printmaker from British Museum catalogue. and Title etched below image.
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher.
"The Prince of Wales and McMahon ride side by side (r. to left.) past Carlton House, followed by a groom. The Prince, stout and dignified, sits very upright on a high-stepping horse. McMahon s much smaller mount canters; he rides (on the Prince's l.) with leg thrust forward like Bunbury's examples of mounted vulgarians, see BMSats 7233, 7235, 7242. Behind them runs a ragged little boy in top-hat and tattered tail-coat, apparently assuming the part of a running footman. A detailed representation of part of the screen and façade of Carlton House forms the background; half the gate appears on the extreme left.; beside it is a sentry-bos with a sentry at attention. ..."--British Museum online catalogue.
Nine lines of quoted verse in two columns below image: "Yet aft a ragged Cowte's been know "to make a noble Aiver ... and Title etched at top of image.
H. Humprey, No. 27 St. James's Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., George--IV,--King of Great Britain,--1762-1830--Caricatures and cartoons., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher.
"A whole length satirical portrait of the Duke of Norfolk, directed to the right; in his left hand is the baton of Earl Marshal; his right hand is in his waistcoat pocket. He wears top-boots, a slouched hat, and his hair is closely cropped. Earlier caricatures show the Duke wearing his own hair without powder, hanging on his neck."--British Museum online catalogue.
Alternative Title:
Norfolk dumpling
Printmaker from British Museum catalogue. and Title etched below image.
H. Humphrey, No. 18 Old Bond Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher., and Norfolk, Charles Howard,--Duke of,--1746-1815--Caricatures and cartoons.
"Two heads emerge from the highly-polished boots of their respective owners, which face each other. They are finished portraits of Skeffington and Montagu Mathew, inseparables, see BMSat 9699. Skeffington's boot (left) is a tasselled Hessian; its pointed toe rests on the foot of Mathew's spurred top-boot. Both wear round hats of slightly differing shapes. Skeffington's dark hair is short, falling over his forehead; he has a large whisker. Mathew's fair hair is long and powdered, and tied by a ribbon at the tips; he has a small whisker. Round the two boots are grouped blacking materials. A large open book (left) is 'Essay on Blacking'; by it are bottles labelled 'Mr Broomhills Recipe' and 'The Princes Recipe', and a mixing-pot. Two volumes (right) are 'Chemistry'; on them are bottles labelled 'Pine Apple' and 'Spirit of Salt'. There are also two brushes, a polishing pad, a cake of 'Holdsworth's' blacking, and a broken bottle of 'Royal Blacking'."--British Museum online catalogue.
Printmaker from British Museum catalogue. and Title etched below image.
H. Humprey, No. 27 St. James's Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher., Mathew, Montague James, 1773-1819--Caricatures and cartoons., and Skeffington, Lumley St. George,--Sir,--1771-1850--Caricatures and cartoons.
"Miss Farren and Lord Derby, both in profile to the right, walk together inspecting pictures. She, very thin and tall, looks over his head through a glass at a picture in the second row of 'Zenocrates & Phryne'. He looks at the picture immediately below, 'The Death', a huntsman holding up a fox to the hounds. The frame is decorated by an earl's coronet with horses, cf. BMSat 9074, &c. Lord Derby, much caricatured, very short and obese, wears riding-dress with spurred boots and holds a whip. Miss Farren wears no hat, a dress hanging from the shoulders and trailing behind her, short sleeves and gloves. Both hold an open 'Catalogue'. Behind, a man (left) and two ladies in back view and arm-in-arm inspect a picture of 'Susan[nah and the] Elders'. The lady in the centre wears a high, twisted turban (cf. BMSat 8755) with an enormous feather, the other wears a round hat."--British Museum online catalogue.
Alternative Title:
Tally-ho & his Nimeney-pimmeney taking the morning lounge and Tally-ho and his Nimeney-pimmeney taking the morning lounge
Title etched below image.
H. Humphrey, New Bond Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Derby, Edward Smith Stanley,--Earl of,--1752-1834--Caricatures and cartoons., Derby, Elizabeth Farren Stanley,--Countess of,--1759 or 62-1829--Caricatures and cartoons., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher.
"William Smyth, slim, and fashionably dressed under his gown, delivers a lecture. He stands in profile to the left, his hands resting on the cloth-covered table on which his reading-desk stands, its slope covered with the sheets of the lecture. Heavy clouds surround him, and conceal his feet. His audience face him on seats rising steeply; they are either asleep or yawning. In the front row and on the extreme left is a young man wearing a gold-embroidered nobleman's gown, and holding a cap with a gold tassel; he sleeps, holding his watch. Behind the undergraduates are elderly fellows wearing wigs; other fat, bewigged Fellows are in the background, on the lecturer's right. On the table lies an open book: 'Lectures on Modern History Dedicated to Tom Sheridan'; beside this is a MS. inscribed 'Lectures for information and Instruction of the Cantab-- Patronised by the Marq. of Lansdowne'. The scene is illuminated by rays striking downwards from an inscription: '- et versate diu, quid ferré recusent, Quid valeant humeri!' [Horace, 'Art of Poetry', ll. 39-40. Ponder long what your shoulders refuse, and what they are able to bear.] ..."--British Museum online catalogue.
Printmaker identified as Gillray in the British Museum catalogue., Six lines of verse below title : All Granta's nobs, by sundry jobs, were brought to hear a lecture; but set at naught, their lesson taught, and yawn'd beyond conjecture!', and Title etched below image.
H. Humprey, No. 27 St. James's Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher., Lansdowne, Henry Petty-Fitzmaurice,--Marquess of,--1780-1863., and Smyth, William,--1765-1849--Caricatures and cartoons.
"An elderly man displays scientific experiments. He stoops forward, in profile to the left, holding a rod horizontally between his fingers, in the left hand is a glass. A small still, phials, &c, and an elaborate appliance (right) are on the long table behind which he stands. On the wall are two medallion profile-portraits, one (left) being that of Priestley. A serpent, a scroll with cabalistic signs, a terrestrial globe on a bracket, are also on the wall, which is lit by a single candle with a curiously shaped reflector."--British Museum online catalogue, description of an alternate version of similar composition.
Another version, apparently published the following day, of a print published with the imprint: Pubd. March 28th, 1796, by H. Humphrey, No. 37 New Bond Street. Cf. No. 8887 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 7., Printmaker from description of alternate version in the British Museum catalogue., and Title etched below image.
H. Humphrey, No. 37 New Bond Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher., Priestley, Joseph,--1733-1804--Caricatures and cartoons., and Walker, A.--(Adam),--1730 or 1731-1821--Caricatures and cartoons.
"An elderly man displays scientific experiments. He stoops forward, in profile to the left, holding a rod horizontally between his fingers, in the left hand is a glass. A small still, phials, &c, and an elaborate appliance (right) are on the long table behind which he stands. On the wall are two medallion profile-portraits, one (left) being that of Priestley. A serpent, a scroll with cabalistic signs, a terrestrial globe on a bracket, are also on the wall, which is lit by a single candle with a curiously shaped reflector."--British Museum online catalogue.
Printmaker identified as Gillray in the British Museum catalogue. and Title etched below image.
H. Humphrey, No. 37 New Bond Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher., Priestley, Joseph,--1733-1804--Caricatures and cartoons., and Walker, A.--(Adam),--1730 or 1731-1821--Caricatures and cartoons.
"A scene in the House of Commons. In the foreground is the space outside the bar, filled with burlesqued supporters of Paull's petition against Sheridan's return for Westminster (see BMSat 10619, &c). These are struck by darts of fire, lightning, and smoke from the Speaker (Abbot), a diminutive figure, almost entirely composed of a huge wig. There are two main blasts, the larger (l.) directed against Paull, the other (r.) against Bosville, Horne Tooke, and Cobbett. In the former is the fiery face of Sheridan, glaring at his enemy, with flames from mouth and nostril. Paull has been thrown violently on to his back, having slipped from the back of a goose with the head of Burdett, on which he has ridden into the House. The goose waddles off to the right., with outstretched neck, following Tooke, the toe of one of Paull's boots still in a stirrup. From Burdett's profile projects the beak of a goose; his long neck is labelled 'Green-Goose from Brentford'. Burdett and his friends seem anxious to slink off without association with the calamity that has befallen Paull. The latter has dropped a long document, which is blazing; this is headed: 'Petition - Humble Petition against Rd Brin[sley] Sheridan for Bribery Corruption . . .' Other papers on which he has fallen are headed 'Scr[utiny]' and 'Impeachment Marquiss Wellesley' [see BMSat 10561, &c.]. A bonnet rouge falls from his head; he has dropped his yard-stick, shears, a cabbage, cucumbers (cf. BMSat 10608, &c). Behind him (l.) is his Counsel, Henry Clifford, in wig and gown, with a drink-blotched face, dropping a sheaf of papers: 'Brief - Paul versus Sheridan.' He heads a crowd of disreputable witnesses, characteristic of Gillray's denizens of the underworld (cf. BMSat 9202); some wear favours in their hats inscribed 'Paul'. All fall backwards under the impact of the Speaker's blast. One man, the palm of his hand branded 'R T' (signifying that he has returned from transportation), grasps a paper inscribed 'Perjury'; a noseless old woman holds a 'Forged Letter of Richd Br Sherridan.' One man holds up a marrow-bone, another a cleaver inscribed 'No Bastille, to show that they belonged to Burdett's election mob, see BMSat 9878, &c. (though he dropped that cry in 1804). Other papers on the ground are: 'Bribery'; 'List of False Votes - J. Powell'; 'Witnesses - Conkey Bean, Bill Soanes, Drake, Hart ye Informer - .' ..."--British Museum online catalogue.
Alternative Title:
Little tailor done over and Little taylor done over
Text following title: Vide, the terrible effects of provoking a red-hot-shot from the broad-bottom'd-Whig-battery. and Title etched below image.
Subject (Name):
Abbot, Charles,--Baron Colchester,--1757-1829--Caricatures and cartoons., Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Buckingham and Chandos, Richard Temple Nugent Brydges Chandos,--Duke of,--1776-1839--Caricatures and cartoons., Burdett, Francis,--1770-1844--Caricatures and cartoons., Clifford, Henry,--1768-1813--Caricatures and cartoons., Cobbett, William,--1763-1835--Caricatures and cartoons., Grey, Charles Grey,--Earl,--1764-1845--Caricatures and cartoons., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher., Paull, James,--1770-1808--Caricatures and cartoons., Sheridan, Richard Brinsley,--1751-1816--Caricatures and cartoons., Tooke, John Horne,--1736-1812--Caricatures and cartoons., and Windham, William,--1750-1810--Caricatures and cartoons.
"A half length portrait in an oval of the Duke of Cumberland in profile to the left, scarcely caricatured, but with a half-closed eye which gives an expression of arrogance. He wears a hat whose curving brim shades his eyes and rests on his high coat-collar. His chin is swathed in a stock, and an eye-glass hangs from a ribbon."--British Museum online catalogue.
Title etched below image.
H. Humprey, No. 27 St. James's Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Ernest Augustus,--King of Hanover,--1771-1851--Caricatures and cartoons., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher.
"Sir David Dundas on horseback, in profile to the left, drills a line of cavalry at some distance. He holds a gold-headed cane in place of a whip and sits his horse in the manner of a bad rider. His foot is thrust forward so that his boot projects beyond the animal's chest (cf. Nos. 7233, 7242); he holds the curb rein only, and this is merely placed between his hand and the cane; the snaffle lies on the horse's neck. The animal is clumsy, with shaggy fetlocks. Under the saddle is a leopard-skin. Dundas is on rising ground above the level of the soldiers who are drawn up facing some tents."--British Museum online catalogue, description of a later state of the same composition.
Earlier state of No. 11256 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 8., Thomas Adams is one of the pseudonyms used by Gillray. See British Museum catalogue., and Title etched below image.
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Dundas, David,--Sir,--1735-1820--Caricatures and cartoons., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher.
"A portrait of George, 3rd Earl of Pomfret (see British Museum Satires No. 9923), standing in profile to the left, with his left hand in his breeches pocket. He is obese, with powdered hair in a small tail, and a dark whisker. He wears an open double-breasted coat, long breeches with short Hessian boots."--British Museum online catalogue.
Printmaker from British Museum catalogue. and Title etched below image.
H. Humphrey, No. 27 St. James's Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher., and Pomfret, George Fermor,--Earl of,--1768-1830--Caricatures and cartoons.
"The Duke of Cumberland walks in profile to the left, putting his spy-glass to his right eye. He holds hat and cane, wears a high-collared coat with a star, blue with red facings (the Windsor uniform), leather breeches, and spurred top-boots. Behind is the pagoda in Kew Gardens, with a background of distant trees rising to a great height. A companion plate to British Museum Satires No. 11925 by Rowlandson, with the same imprint."--British Museum online catalogue.
Printmaker from British Museum catalogue. and Title etched below image.
H. Humphrey, No. 27 St. James's Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Ernest Augustus,--King of Hanover,--1771-1851--Caricatures and cartoons., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher.
"A companion plate to British Museum Satires No. 11924 by Rowlandson, with the same imprint. Lord Petersham stands full-face, as if on a flight of steps, the right foot advanced below the left, right hand on hip, holding a long cane, his hat in his left hand. He looks to the left, with a pleasing smile (for which he was noted). He has large whiskers, and wears a (brown) double-breasted tail-coat with high collar and sleeves gathered at the shoulders to form a peak, in the manner of a Jean de Bry coat, see British Museum Satires No. 9425, with long close-fitting breeches and spurred Hessian boots with large tassels."--British Museum online catalogue.
Printmaker from British Museum catalogue. and Title etched below image.
H. Humphrey, No. 27 St. James's Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harrington, Charles Stanhope,--Earl of,--1780-1851--Caricatures and cartoons., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher.
"An elderly man walks stiffly in profile to the right on a flagged pavement. Under his left arm he carries horizontally a large umbrella. In his (gloved) right hand is a glove. He wears a round hat, his straight coat is not of modern cut; his straight legs are engulfed in wide boots of Hessian pattern but not of fashionable shape. He wears whiskers with a small and neat side-curl and queue."--British Museum online catalogue.
Title engraved above image. and Two lines of quoted text below image: "There is an easiness of deportment and an elegance of indescribable debonair about the beaus of "the old school which would be ridiculous for the puppies of the day to think of imitating." Lord Chesterfield, Letters.
H. Humprey, No. 27 St. James's Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher.
The political and humourous works of Thomas Rowlandson, 1774-1825
Container / Volume:
Vol. 1 (Box 1 of 2) | Folder I-3
Image Count:
Resource Type:
Prints & Photographs
"A London justice of peace seated behind a table in his office, his hands clasped. On his right and left are three men holding their hats and canes, who may be either justices or visitors. At the end of the table (left), sits the justice's clerk writing with his left hand. On the wall over the presiding justice's head is a placard, "Robbery, Murder ... Beware of Justice"."--British Museum online catalogue.
CtY-BR, Printmaker identified as Rowlandson in the British Museum catalogue., Sheet trimmed to plate mark., The initials "H.W." suggest the design is after Henry Wigstead. See British Museum catalogue., and Title etched below image.
H. Humphry, Bond Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher., Riviere & Son Binding., and Wigstead, Henry, artist.
"A whole length caricature-portrait of Prince William Frederick of Gloucester in profile to the right wearing military uniform. He is very thin, elongated, and knock-kneed, and stands with his right hand in his breeches pocket. His profile resembles that of his uncle, George III ..."--British Museum online catalogue.
Alternative Title:
Slice of Gloucester cheese
Title etched below image.
H. Humphrey, No. 37 New Bond Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher., and William Frederick,--Duke of Gloucester,--1776-1834--Caricatures and cartoons.
"Pitt and Dundas, Fox and Sheridan face each other across a long narrow table, smoking long pipes and puffing clouds of smoke in each other's faces. The gallery of the House of Commons is indicated in the background. At the head of the table (left) in a raised arm-chair (in the manner of the chairman at a tavern-club) sits a man in the hat, wig, and gown of the Speaker (Addington) [Identified by Wright and Evans as Loughborough, 'cogitating' between the parties; this is inconsistent with the House of Commons setting and with Loughborough's appointment (26 Jan. 1793) as Chancellor.] holding the mace, which has been transformed into a crutch-like stick. He puffs smoke at both Treasury and Opposition benches. Pitt, on the Speaker's right, holds a frothing tankard inscribed 'G.R' and directs a cloud of smoke at Fox, who puffs back. Before Fox is a tray of pipes and a paper of tobacco, implying that he excels in abuse. On the extreme right Dundas, a plaid across his coat, puffs at the scowling Sheridan seated close to Fox; he has a punch-bowl inscribed 'G.R' in which he dips a ladle. Small puffs of smoke issue from the pipes, great clouds from the smokers' mouths, as in BMSat 8220. The House of Commons is burlesqued as a smoking-club, a plebeian gathering in which quarrelsome members were wont to puff smoke at each other, see BMSat 8220."--British Museum online catalogue.
Originally issued with the imprint: Pubd. Feby. 13th, 1793, by J. Aitken, Castle Street, Leicester Fields., Printmaker from British Museum catalogue., Publication date based on publisher's street address. See British Museum catalogue., and Title from item.
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Fox, Charles James,--1749-1806--Caricatures and cartoons., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher., Melville, Henry Dundas,--Viscount,--1742-1811--Caricatures and cartoons., Pitt, William,--1759-1806--Caricatures and cartoons., Sheridan, Richard Brinsley,--1751-1816--Caricatures and cartoons., and Sidmouth, Henry Addington,--Viscount,--1757-1844--Caricatures and cartoons.
"Two men in back view walk arm-in-arm, one (left) is short and fat, the other tall and thin. The former wears a short coat or spencer over his tail-coat, with wrinkled top-boots and a round hat, and carries a riding-switch. His hair is in a short queue with projecting side-pieces. The other wears a cylindrical hat with brim curled up at the sides, a coat reaching almost to his ankles with five capes forming a point in the centre of the back, with shoes tied with strings. He carries a bludgeon. The shoulders of both men are frosted with powder, see BMSat 8190. There is a landscape background. The spencer was a short double-breasted overcoat without tails called after George John Spencer, 2nd Earl Spencer (1758-1834), who is probably here caricatured. Gillray anticipates the earliest use of the word (1796) in the 'O.E.D.' The name derives from Earl Spencer's bet in 1792 that he would invent a coat which should become the fashion. 'Social England', ed. Traill, 1904, v. 676. This garment was associated by Byron in 'English Bards and Scotch Reviewers' with Sir Lumley Skeffington (1771-1850) ..."--British Museum online catalogue.
Alternative Title:
Spencer & a threadpaper and Spencer and a thread-paper
Printmaker from British Museum catalogue. and Title etched below image.
H. Humphrey, No. 18 Old Bond Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher., and Spencer, George John Spencer,--Earl,--1758-1834--Caricatures and cartoons.
"Pitt, very thin, stands rigidly erect in profile to the right. Mrs. Hobart, immensely fat, completely fills a globe which stands on a rectangular platform on castors, and whose circumference rests against Pitt's post-like person. She looks up at him expectantly; he stares over her head with a pained expression. Beneath the title is etched: 'Definitions from Euclid. Def: Ist B: 4th. A Sphere, is a Figure bounded by a Convex surface; it is the most perfect of all forms; its Properties are generated from its Centre; and it possesses a larger Area than any other Figure. - Def: 2d B: Ist A Plane, is a perfectly even & regular Surface, it is the most Simple of all Figures ; it has neither the Properties of Length or of Breadth ; and when applied ever so closely to a Sphere, can only touch its Superficies, without being able to enter it - Vide. Euclid, illustrated; by the Honble Mrs Circumference.'"--British Museum online catalogue.
Printmaker from British Museum catalogue. and Title etched below image.
H. Humphrey, No. 18 Old Bond Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Buckinghamshire, Albinia Hobart,--Countess of,--1738-1816--Caricatures and cartoons., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher., and Pitt, William,--1759-1806--Caricatures and cartoons.
"A violent storm of wind and rain strikes prome-naders on the sea-shore. The dress or cloak of a fat woman blows over her head, and her umbrella is blown inside out. A dog stands facing her. A man tries to walk against the wind (right). In the middle distance one man trudges along the sand with his hat tied on, another chases his hat. A boat tosses in the surf, vessels on the horizon lean at a dangerous angle, waves dash against a cliff (right). The heavy clouds are patterned with flashes of lightning."--British Museum online catalogue.
Companion print to: "A calm." and Title etched below image.
H. Humprey, No. 27 St. James's Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher.
"A stout elderly man (three-quarter length) sits astride across a chair, his arms folded on its back; he wears a hat and holds a cane; his head is turned in profile to the left, and is seen through the wide-open sash of a window in Boodle's, St. James's Street. On the wall behind (left) is a portrait of a horse: 'Yellow Filly'."--British Museum online catalogue.
Printmaker from British Museum catalogue., Text below title and imprint statement: *Vide: a d---'d good coca-tree pun., and Title etched below image.
H. Humprey, No. 27 St. James's Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher.
The Duke of Clarence dressed as a rough sailor, stands full-face with folded arms (three-quarter length view only), looking to the right with a belligerent stare. He wears a shapeless hat, a naval coat, striped trousers, a handkerchief knotted round his neck. Etched below the image: "Damn all Bond St Sailors I say, a parcel of smell smocks! they'd sooner creep into a Jordan than face the French! dam me!"
Enlarged copy of Naval eloquence, by the same printmaker. and Title etched below image.
H. Humphrey, No. 37 New Bond Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher., Jordan, Dorothy,--1761-1816., and William--IV,--King of Great Britain,--1765-1837--Caricatures and cartoons.