"The lady, dressed for the evening, stands before the pier-glass, drawing on a long glove. She wears an apparently simple dress of sprigged muslin, high-waisted and décolletée, showing her ankles, with draped shoulder-strap. The tight curls of the wig have been loosened to simulate natural (short) hair. A miniature or pendant hangs from her neck, above the elbow is a massive bracelet. The maid stands behind her mistress holding a shawl and fan, and with a hand held up as if in admiration at the result of her long labours. The book-case is open but with a key in the lock, and contains two volumes of 'Delphine' and one of 'The Monk' [see No. 9812]. The picture on the wall is 'Evening': a lady in full toilette walks, holding a fan; below it hangs a large ornate bag or reticule. The dog stands on a chair (right), gazing at its mistress. On the floor is a book: 'Gallery of Fashion dedicated to the Beau Monde' open at a fashion-plate of two ladies walking."--British Museum online catalogue.
Alternative Title:
Progress of the toilet : and Progress of the toilet ; plate 3
Temporary local subject terms: Carpet -- Book shelves -- Miniature -- Pier glass., Third of three prints in a series entitled: Progress of the toilet., and Title etched below image, following series title and preceding plate number.
H. Humprey, No. 27 St. James's Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher.
"Sir Busick Harwood and his wife lie side by side in a magnificent bed whose curtains frame the design. Both smoke long pipes. He (left) is small, lean and aquiline, she is large and comely. On the bed lies a letter: 'Sir--be you Sick', and, by the lady, a small dog and a 'Ball Ticket £3. 3. 0 First, 2. 2. 0 second, after Gratis'."--British Museum online catalogue.
Alternative Title:
Matins at Downing College, Cambridge
Printmaker from British Museum catalogue. and Title etched below image.
H. Humprey, No. 27 St. James's Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., Harwood, Busick,--1745?-1814--Caricatures and cartoons., and Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher.
"William Smyth, slim, and fashionably dressed under his gown, delivers a lecture. He stands in profile to the left, his hands resting on the cloth-covered table on which his reading-desk stands, its slope covered with the sheets of the lecture. Heavy clouds surround him, and conceal his feet. His audience face him on seats rising steeply; they are either asleep or yawning. In the front row and on the extreme left is a young man wearing a gold-embroidered nobleman's gown, and holding a cap with a gold tassel; he sleeps, holding his watch. Behind the undergraduates are elderly fellows wearing wigs; other fat, bewigged Fellows are in the background, on the lecturer's right. On the table lies an open book: 'Lectures on Modern History Dedicated to Tom Sheridan'; beside this is a MS. inscribed 'Lectures for information and Instruction of the Cantab-- Patronised by the Marq. of Lansdowne'. The scene is illuminated by rays striking downwards from an inscription: '- et versate diu, quid ferré recusent, Quid valeant humeri!' [Horace, 'Art of Poetry', ll. 39-40. Ponder long what your shoulders refuse, and what they are able to bear.] ..."--British Museum online catalogue.
Printmaker identified as Gillray in the British Museum catalogue., Six lines of verse below title : All Granta's nobs, by sundry jobs, were brought to hear a lecture; but set at naught, their lesson taught, and yawn'd beyond conjecture!', and Title etched below image.
H. Humprey, No. 27 St. James's Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher., Lansdowne, Henry Petty-Fitzmaurice,--Marquess of,--1780-1863., and Smyth, William,--1765-1849--Caricatures and cartoons.
"A sea-side scene on a hot day. The centre figure is a tall young woman, in a muslin dress with bare arms and neck, holding an open parasol and a patterned scarf. A fat 'cit' trudges along, much distressed; he mops his bald head, holding his hat with his wig inside it. A family party, forbidding and censorious, is grouped on the left, with a panting dog. In the middle distance are the sands with pedestrians fashionably dressed, and a barefooted fisher-boy with a net. Bathing-machines are in the sea, with tiny figures in the water; another with a horse is about to enter the water."--British Museum online catalogue.
Companion print to: "A squall." and Title etched below image.
H. Humprey, No. 27 St. James's Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher.
"A violent storm of wind and rain strikes prome-naders on the sea-shore. The dress or cloak of a fat woman blows over her head, and her umbrella is blown inside out. A dog stands facing her. A man tries to walk against the wind (right). In the middle distance one man trudges along the sand with his hat tied on, another chases his hat. A boat tosses in the surf, vessels on the horizon lean at a dangerous angle, waves dash against a cliff (right). The heavy clouds are patterned with flashes of lightning."--British Museum online catalogue.
Companion print to: "A calm." and Title etched below image.
H. Humprey, No. 27 St. James's Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher.
"Three young women, dressed alike in clinging dresses and straw bonnets trimmed with ribbons, are distressed by a high wind. Their dresses are above the ankle, and differ from those in No. 11594 in having long tight sleeves, and longer waists. Two hold open ribbon-trimmed parasols, the third holds a handkerchief to her face. They have a small dog shaved in the French manner."--British Museum online catalogue.
Title etched below image. and Year of publication from British Museum catalogue.
H. Humprey, No. 27 St. James's Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher.
"A fashionably dressed man canters in profile to the left on a well-bred horse. He holds his single rein with both hands. He has a large whisker, and wears a small hat, swathed stock, and shirt-frill with tail-coat and top-boots. No background."--British Museum online catalogue.
Title etched below image.
H. Humprey, No. 27 St. James's Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher.
"Copy of a French print. Two fantastically dressed couples dance, but in different manners. One pair (left) dance side by side, the man's right arm on his partner's waist, her left arm on his shoulder. The other couple face each other, the lady leaning outwards, hands on her partner's shoulders, while his left hand touches the back of her shoulder."--British Museum online catalogue.
Alternative Title:
Bon genre, 1810
Printmaker from British Museum catalogue. and Title from text above and below image.
H. Humprey, No. 27 St. James's Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher.
Subject (Topic):
Clothing & dress--England--1810-1820., Couples. , and Dance.
"A companion plate to British Museum Satires No. 11924 by Rowlandson, with the same imprint. Lord Petersham stands full-face, as if on a flight of steps, the right foot advanced below the left, right hand on hip, holding a long cane, his hat in his left hand. He looks to the left, with a pleasing smile (for which he was noted). He has large whiskers, and wears a (brown) double-breasted tail-coat with high collar and sleeves gathered at the shoulders to form a peak, in the manner of a Jean de Bry coat, see British Museum Satires No. 9425, with long close-fitting breeches and spurred Hessian boots with large tassels."--British Museum online catalogue.
Printmaker from British Museum catalogue. and Title etched below image.
H. Humphrey, No. 27 St. James's Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harrington, Charles Stanhope,--Earl of,--1780-1851--Caricatures and cartoons., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher.
"The Duke of Cumberland walks in profile to the left, putting his spy-glass to his right eye. He holds hat and cane, wears a high-collared coat with a star, blue with red facings (the Windsor uniform), leather breeches, and spurred top-boots. Behind is the pagoda in Kew Gardens, with a background of distant trees rising to a great height. A companion plate to British Museum Satires No. 11925 by Rowlandson, with the same imprint."--British Museum online catalogue.
Printmaker from British Museum catalogue. and Title etched below image.
H. Humphrey, No. 27 St. James's Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Ernest Augustus,--King of Hanover,--1771-1851--Caricatures and cartoons., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher.
"A street scene at the corner of 'Petticoat Lane' (left) and 'Smock Alley' (right). An ugly and bedizened woman wearing pattens, holding an umbrella and kilting up her skirt, walks painfully over the cobbles, bending forward; her stockings heavily spattered with mud; her breast and arms are bare except for a scarf looped over her shoulders. Heavy slanting rain descends; it pours from the hat of an old woman (left), who stoops over a heavy basket she is carrying. Above her head a woman leans from a window, emptying a chamber-pot. Behind (right), two scavengers shovel mud into a cart. The houses are old and dilapidated, with casement windows. The lantern-sign of a penny-barber (cf. British Museum Satires No. 7605) hangs from a pent-house projection, inscribed 'Shave . . .' There is no pavement, but a solid post (left) protects a large grating let into the cobbles."--British museum online catalogue.
Printmaker from British Museum catalogue., Temporary local subject terms: Pattens -- Lantern -- Petticoat Lane., and Title etched below image.
H. Humphrey, No. 27 St. James's Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher.
"A portrait of George, 3rd Earl of Pomfret (see British Museum Satires No. 9923), standing in profile to the left, with his left hand in his breeches pocket. He is obese, with powdered hair in a small tail, and a dark whisker. He wears an open double-breasted coat, long breeches with short Hessian boots."--British Museum online catalogue.
Printmaker from British Museum catalogue. and Title etched below image.
H. Humphrey, No. 27 St. James's Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher., and Pomfret, George Fermor,--Earl of,--1768-1830--Caricatures and cartoons.
"Two men sit in a dilapidated room, the floor completely covered by water in which three pigs wade, ducks swim and dive, and geese run aggressively towards a dog. Their feet rest on boulders. One stout man in a broken chair sits with his elbows on a small round table, holding up a large watch, the hands showing that it is 9.40, and yawning deeply. On the table are a decanter containing a tiny 'blue devil', cf. British Museum Satires No. 8745, and a guttering candle stuck in a potato at which a rat is nibbling. Another rat runs up the table leg. The other man (right), with closed eyes, and hands on knees, sits on a stool, registering melancholy resignation. One pig (left) devours a 'Racing Calendar' which floats on the water. A fire of sticks burns smokily on a wide hearth; a large pot is overturning, the contents gushing over. Above the chimney-piece hangs a picture in a broken frame of a country house. There is one small casement window, half boarded up, the other half partly stuffed up with a pair of breeches. A ham and a hare hang from hooks in the ceiling. High up on the wall is a small shelf on which is broken china; a cat stands on it."--British Museum online catalogue.
Possibly etched after a design by Bunbury; see British Museum catalogue. and Title etched below image.
H. Humphrey, No. 27 St. James's Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Bunbury, Henry William, 1750-1811, attributed name., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher.
"An unidentified portrait. A very stout man with small neat features rides a well-bred horse in profile to the right; his obesity forces him to lean backwards. He wears a cylindrical hat, double-breasted coat, frilled shirt, Hessian boots, and holds a hunting-crop."--British Museum online catalogue.
Title etched below image.
H. Humphries, St. James's Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher.