Manuscript on paper (rough, brown; trimmed; no watermarks) of the Life of Josephus, which was perhaps an appendage to his Antiquitates. This codex appears to be one of the earliest surviving authorities for the autobiography of Josephus
In Greek., Script: Written by a single scribe in well-spaced minuscule; a second scribe added four lines on f. 32v, partly damaged and undeciphered., Crude headpiece on f. 1r, with title and small initials in red., The upper and lower portions of the manuscript are waterstained. Most folios have been repaired; the final leaf is badly mutilated with much damage to the text., and Binding: 17th-18th centuries (?). Rebound in brick-red leather, blind-tooled with a rope interlace with small dots in the border and a floreate cross in the center.
Fragment of Antiquities of the Jews, by Flavius Josephus
In Latin., Script: copied by one hand in German Praecarolina. A marginal note on f. 1r in small script. Running headlines “Liber” and “Quartus” are written in Capitalis., Fragment of Antiquities of the Jews, by Flavius Josephus (37-ca. 95)., and Binding: the leaf has (s. XVIIin) been used as a limp parchment binding for an anti-Lutheran tract by Conradus Andreae (pseudonym of Conrad Vetter). F. 1v was the outer side and the six erased lines in its center, forming the spine, were used to write the abbreviated title of the printed tract.
Manuscript on parchment of Josephus, De bello iudaico, translated into Latin by Rufinus
Alternative Title:
De bello Judaico
In Latin., Written in bold and elegant early gothic bookhand; some looped flourishes in upper margins contain red dots., Seven initials, 17- to 10-line, in red, filled with red swirling foliage on orange and green grounds, with touches of blue, against irregular grounds of blue and/or orange panels. 6- to 2-line initials, green and/or red with red or green foliate flourishes, set both outside and into text column; initials sometimes incorporate simple facial features. 1-line red initials for rubrics. Rubrics throughout; remains of notes to rubricator., and Binding: Nineteenth century. Brown goatskin, blind-tooled.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Josephus, Flavius.
Subject (Topic):
Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval, Jews, History, Latin literature, Medieval and modern, and Manuscripts, Medieval
Manuscript on parchment (monastic, furry) of Josephus, De bello Judaico, translated into Latin by Hegesippus
In Latin., Script: Written by a single scribe in elegant French minuscule. Marginalia, including "Nota" marks, by several later hands., Good pen-drawn initial for Book 1 (f. 2v), 12-line, in brown, with vigorous foliage swirls, modelled with fine striations, against a bright, multicolored (green, blue, red, maroon) panelled ground; for the Prologue and Books 2-5 (ff. 2r, 37r, 52r, 67v, and 82v), 7- or 5-line initials, in red, blue, green, and light brown with delicate, stylized foliage (f. 2r: also with two stylized heads). On f. 77v, a marginal drawing in red ink of a man pointing to text with a note (13th century) in brown ink "Nota de iniquo Symone.". Rubrics throughout., and Binding: Eighteenth century. Edges gilt. Green goatskin gold-tooled, with a brick-red label.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Josephus, Flavius.
Subject (Topic):
Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval, Jews, History, and Manuscripts, Medieval