"Amateur musicians, the design based on 'Ars-Musica', BMSat 9586, altered, and much elaborated. Four ugly and elderly men grouped round a young woman who sits, full face, at a square piano lit by a guttering candle. She lifts her hands to thump, with grim determination. A 'cellist is on her right, a vast gouty leg thrust forward, a violinist on her left. Behind her are two flautists. Behind (left), a young officer and a girl flirt, hand in hand. In the background (right) are visitors: two military officers shake hands, one bowing so that his sword lifts up the petticoats of a fat lady walking off to the right. A dog howls with one paw on a music-book."--British Museum online catalogue.
Print signed using Brownlow North's device: A compass pointing north. and Title etched below image.
H. Humprey, No. 27 St. James's Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher., and North, Brownlow, 1778-1829, artist.
"A fat country-woman, threatened by a fierce dog, has fallen face downwards in front of a pair of horses, causing them to stop suddenly, and paw the ground. The terrified coachman loses his hat and wig, the footman is flung across the roof of the low carriage towards the box. An elderly lady looks out of the carriage window to call: "John!" He answers: "Coming Ma'm." All are broadly burlesqued. On the door is a coat of arms with an earl's coronet."--British Museum online catalogue.
Print signed using Brownlow North's device: A compass pointing north., Printmaker identified as Gillray in the British Museum catalogue., and Title etched below image.
H. Humprey, No. 27 St. James's Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher., and North, Brownlow, 1778-1829, artist.
"Three riders are being violently thrown off their horses, in grotesque attitudes, by the hounds who have caused two horses to fall and the third to rear."--British Museum online catalogue.
One of a set of four plates on huntsmens' skills., Signed by Brownlow North using an artist's device: compass pointing to the north., and Title etched below image.
H. Humprey, No. 27 St. James's Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher., and North, Brownlow, 1778-1829, artist.
"A rider leans back in the saddle tugging hard at his rein; he is riding over the hounds which are yelping and squealing. Behind (right) a huntsman gallops up, shouting at the man and the hounds."--British Museum online catalogue.
One of a set of four plates on huntmen's skills., Signed by Brownlow North using an artist's device: compass pointing to the north., and Title etched below image.
H. Humprey, No. 27 St. James's Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher., and North, Brownlow, 1778-1829, artist.
"One of a set of four hunting-scenes with punning titles, with the same signatures and imprint; they have pleasant landscape backgrounds, with clouds. A rider (left) has been flung over his horse's head and lies on his face screaming; the horse falls into a deep ditch edged by a fence (right). From one pocket spout the contents of a bottle of wine, from the other two hounds are tugging a cold chicken, other hounds are making with fierce intentness towards the chicken. A second rider just behind the fence pulls up his horse in alarm, a third in the background leaps over fence and ditch. See BMSats 9589-91; cf. BMSat 9592, &c."--British Museum online catalogue.
One of a set of four plates on huntsmens' skills., Signed by Brownlow North using an artist's device: compass pointing to the north., and Title etched below image.
H. Humprey, No. 27 St. James's Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher., and North, Brownlow, 1778-1829, artist.
"A violent disturbance in a luxuriously furnished breakfast parlour. The only lady present has risen from her chair to pull a bell-pull. The frantic efforts of five elderly men to stop her have produced a sequence of disasters. An urn overturns and pours boiling water on a fat man who puts a large lump of food speared on his fork into his eye. A man behind him, rushing to seize the bell-rope, spears the former's wig with his knife. Crockery cascades to the floor, the contents of a tea-pot falling on a dog, who bites the knee of a man in regimentals; he leans forward, planting his toe on the gouty foot of a man behind. The latter, about to fall, grasps the officer's pigtail, flourishing a knife, his mouth choked with food. A fifth man stands behind the table with raised hands and shrugged shoulders. The fare is boiled eggs, bread, and muffins. Over the chimney-piece is a picture of a fat Cupid firing his bow; his quiver is reversed, and one leg is transfixed with an arrow. The walls of the room are ornamented by gilt pilasters in the shape of palm-trees (as in BMSat 10472). Between them are empty candle-sconces decorated with palm-branches. The men appear to be the suitors of a rich widow. Cf. BMSat 9822."--British Museum online catalogue.
Print signed using Brownlow North's device: A compass pointing north., Printmaker from Wright., and Title etched below image.
H. Humprey, No. 27 St. James's Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher., and North, Brownlow, 1778-1829, artist.
"A rider flings his arms above his head in terror as his horse plunges head first into a deep pool, making a gigantic splash. A horse immediately behind him (left) rears, and its rider also throws up his arms terror-struck. On the farther side of the water (right), and in the background, a huntsman stands holding out the fox by the tail to the hounds."--British Museum online catalogue.
One of a set of four plates on huntmen's skills., Signed by Brownlow North using an artist's device: compass pointing to the north., and Title etched below image.
H. Humprey, No. 27 St. James's Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher., and North, Brownlow, 1778-1829, artist.
"A grinning woman sits full-face behind a square piano, playing with complacent vigour. At her feet is a dog. She accompanies an elderly violinist (left) and 'cellist (right), who both regard her with rage; the former has ceased playing. The 'cellist's contorted features are copied in BMSat 9605."--British Museum online catalogue.
Printmaker identified as Gillray in the British Museum catalogue., Signed by Brownlow North using an artist's device: compass pointing north., and Title etched below image.
H. Humprey, No. 27 St. James's Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher., and North, Brownlow, 1778-1829, artist.
"A procession from the open door of an inn (r.) towards the room destined for the traveller, a fat, ugly, elderly woman with a twisted, appraising profile, holding up a fan in her right. hand, from the little finger of which dangles a parasol; tucked under her left. arm is a lap-dog. She wears a riding habit; over her straw hat is a hood or scarf. After her shambles a lean elderly man, much caricatured, carrying an embroidery frame, bag, and box. Behind him is a man holding up a caged bird, to which he whistles grotesquely, while a cat ensconced in an alcove grabs at the cage. An immensely fat woman, holding a 'Bill of Fare', stands against the wall, watching the visitor. The fat host (l.), napkin in hand, ushers her towards the room, with pointing thumb; it is called 'the Ram', the adjacent door is placarded 'the Union'. Bell-wire meanders over the wall connected with bells belonging to the two rooms; both are jangling. Through the door is seen the sign of the inn: a cock on a pair of breeches."--British Museum online catalogue.
Print signed using Brownlow North's device: A compass pointing north., Printmaker identified as Gillray in the British Museum catalogue., and Title etched below image.
H. Humprey, No. 27 St. James's Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Banks, Sarah Sophia,--1744-1818--Caricatures and cartoons., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher., and North, Brownlow, 1778-1829, artist.
"A provincial Assembly Room, with dancers in violent action in the background, in country dance or cotillion. In the foreground is an ugly foppish and conceited fellow standing with raised coat-tails and his back to the fire. He holds cocked hat and cane, and grimaces and bows towards a pretty young woman, one foot on a fragment of her dress. She walks away from him to the left., taking her chair with her. Another pretty girl sits against the wall (r.) holding a closed fan. The dancers are bucolic and ugly. The walls are decorated with candle-sconces; a clock on the chimney-piece points to 1.25."--British Museum online catalogue.
Print signed using Brownlow North's device: A compass pointing north., Printmaker from Wright., Temporary local subject terms: Fireplace -- Clock -- Sconces -- Dancers -- Assembly Room., and Title etched below image.
H. Humprey, No. 27 St. James's Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher., and North, Brownlow, 1778-1829, artist.
"An ugly middle-aged woman, wearing a calash hood (cf. BMSat 5434) over a cap, picks up her petticoats to step over or through a bush shaped like a forest tree, but spotted with red fruit. She grins and clutches in her right hand a paper inscribed 'Wonderful Aeronauts'. She is walking towards a garden latrine (left). Two concentric circles of greenery surround the bush. There is a landscape background."--British Museum online catalogue.
Print signed using Brownlow North's device: A compass pointing north., Printmaker identified as Gillray in the British Museum catalogue., and Title etched above image.
H. Humprey, No. 27 St. James's Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher., and North, Brownlow, 1778-1829, artist.
"Two terrified riders meet face to face on Hounslow Heath; each takes the other for a highwayman. One (left) losing his stirrups holds out his purse, saying, "Here is my Money! Spare my Life". The other dropping his whip, puts his hand in his waistcoat pocket, saying: "Ah! - don't Fire! - I'll give all". Both have dropped their reins. A signpost (left) points 'To Hounslow'."--British Museum online catalogue.
Print signed using Brownlow North's device: A compass pointing north., Printmaker identified as Gillray in the British Museum catalogue., and Title etched below image.
H. Humprey, No. 27 St. James's Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher., and North, Brownlow, 1778-1829, artist.