Plate 31. Queen Charlotte's collection of Hogarth works. Leaf 31. Album of William Hogarth prints.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
The scene is of the Southwark fairgrounds in London with attractions. A large sign "The Siege of Troy" hangs in front a church obscuring all but the steeple. A theatrical booth on the left collapses under the sign "The Stage of Mutiny ..."; a lantern sign reads "Ciber [sic] and Bullock's The Fall of Bajazet". There is a china shop, a rope dancer and rope-flyer, a quack doctor, a peepshow, a conjuror (Isaac Fawkes) and broadsword fighter on horseback; in the foreground a black boy plays a trumpet and a young woman a drum
Alternative Title:
Humours of a fair
Title and publisher from Paulson., Paulson cites an alternative title from Hogarth: Humours of a fair., and Lighter impression.
Wm. Hogarth
Subject (Geographic):
London (England)
Subject (Topic):
Social life and customs, Acrobats, Blacks, City & town life, Crowds, Entertainers, Fairs, Magicians, Peepshows, Puppet shows, Street musicians, and Theatrical productions
Plate 31. Queen Charlotte's collection of Hogarth works. Leaf 31. Album of William Hogarth prints.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
The scene is of the Southwark fairgrounds in London with attractions. A large sign "The Siege of Troy" hangs in front a church obscuring all but the steeple. A theatrical booth on the left collapses under the sign "The Stage of Mutiny ..."; a lantern sign reads "Ciber [sic] and Bullock's The Fall of Bajazet". There is a china shop, a rope dancer and rope-flyer, a quack doctor, a peepshow, a conjuror (Isaac Fawkes) and broadsword fighter on horseback; in the foreground a black boy plays a trumpet and a young woman a drum
Alternative Title:
Humours of a fair
Title and publisher from Paulson., Paulson cites an alternative title from Hogarth: Humours of a fair., and Found loose in Kinnaird
Wm. Hogarth
Subject (Geographic):
London (England)
Subject (Topic):
Social life and customs, Acrobats, Blacks, City & town life, Crowds, Entertainers, Fairs, Magicians, Peepshows, Puppet shows, Street musicians, and Theatrical productions
Plate 31. Queen Charlotte's collection of Hogarth works. Leaf 31. Album of William Hogarth prints.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
The scene is of the Southwark fairgrounds in London with attractions. A large sign "The Siege of Troy" hangs in front a church obscuring all but the steeple. A theatrical booth on the left collapses under the sign "The Stage of Mutiny ..."; a lantern sign reads "Ciber [sic] and Bullock's The Fall of Bajazet". There is a china shop, a rope dancer and rope-flyer, a quack doctor, a peepshow, a conjuror (Isaac Fawkes) and broadsword fighter on horseback; in the foreground a black boy plays a trumpet and a young woman a drum
Alternative Title:
Humours of a fair
Title and publisher from Paulson. and Paulson cites an alternative title from Hogarth: Humours of a fair.
Wm. Hogarth
Subject (Geographic):
London (England)
Subject (Topic):
Social life and customs, Acrobats, Blacks, City & town life, Crowds, Entertainers, Fairs, Magicians, Peepshows, Puppet shows, Street musicians, and Theatrical productions
Plate 31. Queen Charlotte's collection of Hogarth works. Leaf 31. Album of William Hogarth prints.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
The scene is of the Southwark fairgrounds in London with attractions. A large sign "The Siege of Troy" hangs in front a church obscuring all but the steeple. A theatrical booth on the left collapses under the sign "The Stage of Mutiny ..."; a lantern sign reads "Ciber [sic] and Bullock's The Fall of Bajazet". There is a china shop, a rope dancer and rope-flyer, a quack doctor, a peepshow, a conjuror (Isaac Fawkes) and broadsword fighter on horseback; in the foreground a black boy plays a trumpet and a young woman a drum
Alternative Title:
Humours of a fair
Title and publisher from Paulson., Paulson cites an alternative title from Hogarth: Humours of a fair., Ms. note in pencil in Steevens hand at top of print: [illegible loss] d. Impression (“56 b” added to loss area)., Ms.note in pencil in Steevens hand below print: See Mr Nichol's Book, 3d edit. p. 180., and On page 56 in volume 1. Trimmed to: 360 x 465 mm.
Wm. Hogarth
Subject (Geographic):
London (England)
Subject (Topic):
Social life and customs, Acrobats, Blacks, City & town life, Crowds, Entertainers, Fairs, Magicians, Peepshows, Puppet shows, Street musicians, and Theatrical productions
Plate 31. Queen Charlotte's collection of Hogarth works. Leaf 31. Album of William Hogarth prints.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
The scene is of the Southwark fairgrounds in London with attractions. A large sign "The Siege of Troy" hangs in front a church obscuring all but the steeple. A theatrical booth on the left collapses under the sign "The Stage of Mutiny ..."; a lantern sign reads "Ciber [sic] and Bullock's The Fall of Bajazet". There is a china shop, a rope dancer and rope-flyer, a quack doctor, a peepshow, a conjuror (Isaac Fawkes) and broadsword fighter on horseback; in the foreground a black boy plays a trumpet and a young woman a drum
Alternative Title:
Humours of a fair
Title and publisher from Paulson., Paulson cites an alternative title from Hogarth: Humours of a fair., Ms. pencil note in Steevens hand above print: Southwark Fair /1st Impression., and On page 56 in volume 1. Trimmed to: 359 x 464 mm.
Wm. Hogarth
Subject (Geographic):
London (England)
Subject (Topic):
Social life and customs, Acrobats, Blacks, City & town life, Crowds, Entertainers, Fairs, Magicians, Peepshows, Puppet shows, Street musicians, and Theatrical productions
Plate 31. Queen Charlotte's collection of Hogarth works. Leaf 31. Album of William Hogarth prints.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
The scene is of the Southwark fairgrounds in London with attractions. A large sign "The Siege of Troy" hangs in front a church obscuring all but the steeple. A theatrical booth on the left collapses under the sign "The Stage of Mutiny ..."; a lantern sign reads "Ciber [sic] and Bullock's The Fall of Bajazet". There is a china shop, a rope dancer and rope-flyer, a quack doctor, a peepshow, a conjuror (Isaac Fawkes) and broadsword fighter on horseback; in the foreground a black boy plays a trumpet and a young woman a drum
Alternative Title:
Humours of a fair
Title and publisher from Paulson., Paulson cites an alternative title from Hogarth: Humours of a fair., 1 print : etching with engraving on laid paper ; plate mark 36.1 x 47.1 cm, on sheet 46 x 59 cm., and Plate 31 in the album: Queen Charlotte's collection of Hogarth works.
Wm. Hogarth
Subject (Geographic):
London (England)
Subject (Topic):
Social life and customs, Acrobats, Blacks, City & town life, Crowds, Entertainers, Fairs, Magicians, Peepshows, Puppet shows, Street musicians, and Theatrical productions
Plate 31. Queen Charlotte's collection of Hogarth works. Leaf 31. Album of William Hogarth prints.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
The scene is of the Southwark fairgrounds in London with attractions. A large sign "The Siege of Troy" hangs in front a church obscuring all but the steeple. A theatrical booth on the left collapses under the sign "The Stage of Mutiny ..."; a lantern sign reads "Ciber [sic] and Bullock's The Fall of Bajazet". There is a china shop, a rope dancer and rope-flyer, a quack doctor, a peepshow, a conjuror (Isaac Fawkes) and broadsword fighter on horseback; in the foreground a black boy plays a trumpet and a young woman a drum
Alternative Title:
Humours of a fair
Title and publisher from Paulson., Paulson cites an alternative title from Hogarth: Humours of a fair., 1 print : etching with engraving on laid paper ; plate mark 36.1 x 47.1 cm, on sheet 46 x 59 cm., and Plate 31 in the album: Queen Charlotte's collection of Hogarth works.
Wm. Hogarth
Subject (Geographic):
London (England)
Subject (Topic):
Social life and customs, Acrobats, Blacks, City & town life, Crowds, Entertainers, Fairs, Magicians, Peepshows, Puppet shows, Street musicians, and Theatrical productions
Plate 31. Queen Charlotte's collection of Hogarth works. Leaf 31. Album of William Hogarth prints.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
The scene is of the Southwark fairgrounds in London with attractions. A large sign "The Siege of Troy" hangs in front a church obscuring all but the steeple. A theatrical booth on the left collapses under the sign "The Stage of Mutiny ..."; a lantern sign reads "Ciber [sic] and Bullock's The Fall of Bajazet". There is a china shop, a rope dancer and rope-flyer, a quack doctor, a peepshow, a conjuror (Isaac Fawkes) and broadsword fighter on horseback; in the foreground a black boy plays a trumpet and a young woman a drum
Alternative Title:
Humours of a fair
Title and publisher from Paulson., Paulson cites an alternative title from Hogarth: Humours of a fair., 1 print : etching with engraving on laid paper ; plate mark 36 x 46.9 cm, on sheet 45 x 56 cm., and Leaf 31 in: Album of William Hogarth prints.
Wm. Hogarth
Subject (Geographic):
London (England)
Subject (Topic):
Social life and customs, Acrobats, Blacks, City & town life, Crowds, Entertainers, Fairs, Magicians, Peepshows, Puppet shows, Street musicians, and Theatrical productions
"A broadside on Duncan Macdonald, a Scottish acrobat; with an etching after a drawing by Louis Philippe Boitard showing Macdonald balancing on a wire, at his feet jack-boots, balancing on his right foot a wheel, a dish, a tray with 15 glasses, and a glass sphere, with his left index finger holding up a chair and a dog, balancing with his nose a sword, a pipe and two eggs, with his right hand playing a French horn and a trumpet, underneath the wire sword blades pointing upwards; with engraved title and inscription, and with letterpress text in two columns, and with a vertical segment of type ornament."--British Museum online catalogue
Title engraved below image., With two columns of letterpress below plate mark., and "Price 6d."
Opposite page 88. Memoires du comte de Grammont ...
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
Portrait of the rope dancer Jacob Hall; long half-length, standing to the left; wearing floppy cap, billowing white shirt with bow tie; a comb on table to the left, his right hand raised towards chest; after Jacob van Oost
Title written below image., Unsigned; artist unidentified., After a painting by Jakob (Jacques) van Oost the Younger., Date based on publication date of the work in which this drawing is bound., and Mounted opposite page 88 in Richard Bull's extra-illustrated, interleaved copy of: Hamilton, A. Memoires du comte de Grammont ... Strawberry Hill, 1772.