Title from item., Date and publisher from item., In left margin: May 23, 1889; The Illustrated London News; 675., and This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing.
Illustrated London news
Subject (Name):
Beecham's Pills (Firm).
Subject (Topic):
Patent medicines, Sandwich boards, Politicians, Government officials, and Advertisements
Title from item., Date and publisher from item., In upper margin: April 28, 1887; The Illustrated London News; 469., Vignettes are titled: In the palace; In the cottage; In the study; At sea., and This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing.
Illustrated London news
Subject (Name):
Beecham's Pills (Firm).
Subject (Topic):
Patent medicines, Nurses, Children, Knitting, and Advertisements
Title from item., Text at poster bottom: G and P / Gould & Portmans Ltd Coverall Service for Advertisers., Date derived from establishment date of Gould & Portmans (an advertising agency) and the statement "Established over 100 years.", Place of publication derived from item., and Text from image: The World-known Medicine for coughs, colds influenza, catarrh stomach chills bronchitis & Kindred Ailments. Always ask for a "Dr. Collis Browne" of all chemists.
publisher not identified
Subject (Name):
Browne, J. Collis 1819-1884. (John Collis),
Subject (Topic):
Drugs, Narcotics, Patent medicines, Medicines, and Advertisements