Atlas minor: or a set of sixty-two new and correct maps, of all parts of the world. All composed
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Resource Type:
Maps, Atlases & Globes
Autograph of Gravely. Autograph of Baldock. Autograph of Aston. Autograph of W. Alington. and Teaching resource: Professor John Mack Faragher, History 141: The American West.
Subject (Geographic):
America--Maps, Europe, Northern--Maps--Early works to 1800, Great Britain--Maps--Early works to 1800, and Ireland--Maps--Early works to 1800
Atlas minor: or a set of sixty-two new and correct maps, of all parts of the world. All composed
Image Count:
Autograph of Gravely. Autograph of Baldock. Autograph of Aston. Autograph of W. Alington. and Teaching resource: Professor John Mack Faragher, History 141: The American West.
Subject (Geographic):
America--Maps--Early works to 1800 and Fundy, Bay of--Maps
Atlas minor: or a set of sixty-two new and correct maps, of all parts of the world. All composed
Image Count:
Autograph of Gravely. Autograph of Baldock. Autograph of Aston. Autograph of W. Alington. and Teaching resource: Professor John Mack Faragher, History 141: The American West.
Autograph of Gravely. Autograph of Baldock. Autograph of Aston. Autograph of W. Alington. and Teaching resource: Professor John Mack Faragher, History 141: The American West.
Printed for Thomas Bowles, next to the Chapter-house in St. Paul’s Church-yard, and John Bowles, at the Black Horse in Cornhill ...,
"Table generale de l'ordre des feuilles et figures des LXVI tomes": t.1, p. [7]-37. Each section has also special table., 100 copies printed., t. 1. Portugal. -- t. [2-3] Espagne. -- t. 4-9. France. -- t. [10-12] Grande Bretagne & Irlande. --t. [13-16] Les Païs-Bas catholiques. -- t. [17-24] Les VII. Provinces Unies du Païs-Bas. -- t. [25-26] Suisse. -- t. [27-38] Italie. -- t. [39-42] L'empire d'Allemagne. -- t. [43] Danemarc, Norvegue & Suede. -- t. [44] Pologne, Prusse, Courlande, & Moscovie. -- t. [45-47] Hongrie, Turquie en Europe, Gréce, Archipel, Morée &c. -- t. [48-59] Asie. -- t. [60-62] Afrique. -- t. [63-66] Amerique. The prelminary descriptive leaves have continuous signatures., and Title-page in red and black; title vignette.
par Pierre vander Aa
Subject (Topic):
Atlases--Early works to 1800 and Geography--Pictorial works
Colophon: Amstelodami, apud Theodorus Danckerts ..., Engraved t.-p., col., with imprint on mounted slip; imprint on verso of t.-p.: Amstelodami, apud Fredericum de Wit ..., and Maps signed by Justus, Cornelis, Theodore or Johann Danckerts, Frederick de Wit and others.
Bij Iustus Danckers in de Calverstraet in de Dancbaerheijt