Atlas minor: or a set of sixty-two new and correct maps, of all parts of the world. All composed
Image Count:
Autograph of Gravely. Autograph of Baldock. Autograph of Aston. Autograph of W. Alington. and Teaching resource: Professor John Mack Faragher, History 141: The American West.
Signatures: [*]¹ (?)² (?)(?)¹ **² A-G² N² [+]¹ I-M² H² O-Z² Aa-Cc² a-g² h¹. Hand colored illustrations., Text on versos of most maps., and Title-page and maps hand-colored; inlaid.
Speculum geographicum totivs Germaniae repraesentans. and Speculum orbis terrarum
Foliation: 2 unnumbered bifolia, XXVII bifolia, 1 bifolium, XXXVIII bifolia, 1 unnumbered bifolium., Imperfect: wormed, with no loss of text; holes in map "Universi orbis seu terreni globi ..." Misbound: gatherings x-y bound after gathering z. No. 148 in H. C. Taylor coll., Imprint from colophon., Ninety maps on 65 sheets; text on verso of maps., Part 2 has title: Speculum geographicum totius Germaniae Imperium repraesentans., Signatures: pi² 2pi² a-c² [superscript chi]c² d-s² v-z² [superscript chi]Z² 2a-2c² [2d]², [superscript chi]A² A-2P² [2Q]² (2Q2 blank; signatures [superscript chi]A and A are signed 'A2')., and With dedication on verso of title page, dated 1578.
de Catelyne Vesten, ad intersigne Floreni aurati, in aedibus Gerardi de Iode, typis Gerardi Smits,
Blaeu, Joan, 1596-1673 Blaeu, Willem Janszoon, 1571-1638
Published / Created:
Call Number:
1988 Folio 13
Collection Title:
Theatrum orbis terrarum. French
Image Count:
Alternative Title:
Nouvel atlas. and Theatre du monde
Beinecke copy imperfect: map of "Valesium Ducatus" (signature RRR of v. 1) wanting; tp. and several leaves of v. 1 repaired with slight damage to text; map of "India" in v. 2 mutilated., Maps hand-colored., and Signatures of some of the gatherings of v. 2 of Beinecke copy marked differently than indicated in Koeman Bl 12.
Apud Guiljelmum et Iohannem Blaeu,
Subject (Geographic):
Oléron, Ile d' (France) --Maps --Early works to 1800 and Ré Island (France) --Maps --Early works to 1800
"Table generale de l'ordre des feuilles et figures des LXVI tomes": t.1, p. [7]-37. Each section has also special table., 100 copies printed., t. 1. Portugal. -- t. [2-3] Espagne. -- t. 4-9. France. -- t. [10-12] Grande Bretagne & Irlande. --t. [13-16] Les Païs-Bas catholiques. -- t. [17-24] Les VII. Provinces Unies du Païs-Bas. -- t. [25-26] Suisse. -- t. [27-38] Italie. -- t. [39-42] L'empire d'Allemagne. -- t. [43] Danemarc, Norvegue & Suede. -- t. [44] Pologne, Prusse, Courlande, & Moscovie. -- t. [45-47] Hongrie, Turquie en Europe, Gréce, Archipel, Morée &c. -- t. [48-59] Asie. -- t. [60-62] Afrique. -- t. [63-66] Amerique. The prelminary descriptive leaves have continuous signatures., and Title-page in red and black; title vignette.
par Pierre vander Aa
Subject (Topic):
Atlases--Early works to 1800 and Geography--Pictorial works