"A circular globe floating in the air just above the heads of three standing spectators. A witch on a broom-stick (left) flies with her back to the balloon at which she directs a blast, labelled 'Inflammable Air', from her posteriors; she is suckling a cat which sits on the broom-stick. A man standing below (left) holds a torch in the 'Inflammable Air' saying "How blue it burns". On the right two men look up at the balloon. One, in profile to the left, wearing pigtail queue, looped hat, and ruffled shirt, says "We shall now have a Lunatick Journal". The letters 'F.R.S.' inscribed at his feet show that he is a Fellow of the Royal Society. Behind him is a more plainly dressed man wearing a bob-wig and no hat; he holds up a card saying "I've a card for ye Georgium Sidus"; he is A.S.S."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Trip to the moon
Title etched below image.
Publish'd 02th [sic] Novr. 1783 by W. Humphrey, No. 227 Strand
A bewildered group of French people watches in amazement the rising air balloon shown as a perfect globe attached to the handle of a basket in which travel a sheep, a cock, and a goose. The observers include members of all social classes, from the local landlord to a peasant woman with a child. An ape, accompanied by an owl and a scholar, watches the balloon through a telescope from a nearby tower
Title from item. and From the European magazine, October 1783, p. 272.
Published Novr. 1st, 1783, by I. Fielding, Pater Noster Row
Subject (Geographic):
Subject (Topic):
Balloons (Aircraft), Spectators, Animals, Telescopes, and Clothing & dress
Title etched below image., Page number in upper left corner burnished from plate., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Reissue of an illustration to v.2, p. 50 of Baron Munchausen, with page number removed and alterations within design., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., and Temporary local subject terms: Vehicles: wicker carriage.
Published for H.D. Symonds, Pater-noster Row, London
Subject (Topic):
Carriages & coaches, Donkeys, Houses, Lions, and Balloons (Aircraft)
Title from item., Page number in upper right corner burnished from plate., Reissue of an illustration to v. 2 of Baron Munchausen, with page number removed, imprint present and alterations within design., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., and Temporary local subject terms: Baron Munchausen - Flying ships.
Published for H.D. Symonds, Pater-noster Row, London
Title from item., Page number in upper left corner burnished from plate., Sheet trimmed on top and bottom within plate mark., Reissue of an illustration to v.2 of Baron Munchausen, with page number altered, imprint present and alterations within design., and Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires.
Published for H.D. Symonds, Pater-noster Row, London
An air balloon, shown as a globe, lands in front of a cottage causing panic among those who were watching its progress. A cleric, holding a crucifix and a bible, attempts to exorcise the evil while the sheep, the cock, and the goose that travelled in the balloon's basket escape unharmed. A monkey looks on from a nearby tree. Below the image is a brief description of Montgolfier's experiment
Title etched above image., Plate from: European magazine, October 1783, p. 272., and Sequel to no. 6334 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 5.
Publish'd Decr. 1st, 1783, by J. Fielding, Pater Noster Row
Subject (Geographic):
Subject (Name):
Montgolfier, Joseph-Michel, 1740-1810.
Subject (Topic):
Balloons (Aircraft), Spectators, Animals, and Clergy
"A sequel to British Museum satires no. 6438. George III, seated on a balloon, points downwards with his sceptre to an image of Pitt (right) as a naked child, on a column which is inscribed 'Family Presumption'. The king looks down at North, Fox, and Burke, saying, "I command you O Shadrach Mesech & Abednego!" The three stand (left) in attitudes expressing intense self-righteousness; they say: "Know O King we will not worship [the] Golden Image"; on each head rests a tongue of flame. They stand outside a dilapidated building on the extreme left inscribed 'St Stephens', shored up by a beam, whose base is at their feet, inscribed 'Resolutions Unrescinded'. From its coping-stone flies an ensign flag inscribed 'Firm S.P.Q.B.' The king's balloon is inscribed 'Prerogative'; its lower axis emits a blast inscribed 'Gracious Answer'. Behind the balloon and Pitt are clouds inscribed 'Breath of Popularity'. Pitt stands sucking his finger (cf. British Museum satires no. 6417); on his head is a sugar-loaf surmounted by a flag inscribed 'Feby 28', an emblem of the Grocers' Company which had entertained him on that day, see British Museum satires no. 6442. Kneeling figures do obeisance before the image of Pitt, those in the foreground representing the least reputable trades: a lamplighter (left), with his ladder and oil-can, kneels in profile to the right; a butcher prostrates himself; a chimney-sweep kneels with clasped hands; a ragged scavenger, his shovel and basket beside him, kneels in profile to the left, the basket stands on a paper inscribed '[Worshipfu]ll Company of Scavenger[s]'. In the foreground lie papers inscribed 'Garret Address' (an allusion to the mock elections of Garratt), 'Address', and 'The worshipfull Company of Chimney Sweepers'. A crowd of kneeling figures (left) is worshipping the idol; they hold standards, three of which are inscribed 'Bristol', 'Westminster', and 'London', representing the addresses to the king which had been compared by Fox to those made to Charles II, see British Museum Satires no. 6438, &c."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., "Annibal Scratch" is the pseudonym of Samuel Collings., Only tentative attribution to Samuel Collings in the British Museum catalogue., Eight lines of verse in two columns below image, one column on either side of title: A gilded image & before it, a mob on marrow-bones adore it ..., Sheet trimmed to plate mark on top edge., Traces of former blue mounting on verso., and British Museum duplicate (indicated by stamp on verso with initials JKR). With original 1[s] price in ink, with figures identified in ink in Hawkin's hand according to Andrew Edmunds.
Pub. by W. Wells, No. 132 Fleet Street
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain, England, and Surrey.
Subject (Name):
Pitt, William, 1759-1806, George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820, Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806, Burke, Edmund, 1729-1797, North, Frederick, Lord, 1732-1792, and Grocers' Company (London, England)
Subject (Topic):
Elections, Local elections, Adoration, Balloons (Aircraft), Butchers, Chimney sweeps, Crowds, Idols, Occuptations, and Scavenging
Satire against corruption with an image of a huge automaton representing the new London University (later University College, London) tramples over greedy clerics, doctors, lawyers and the crown. Five lines of text below image: "I saw a vision, a giant form appeard, it's eys where [sic] burning lights even of Gas, and on its learned head it bore A Crown of many towers, It's Body was an Engine yea of steam it's arms where [corn?] and the legs with which it stode like unto presses that men called printers use, from whence felt ever and anon small Books that fed the little people of the Earth, It rose and in it's hand it tool a Broom to sweep the rubish [sic] from the face of the land, the Special pleaders & thier [sic] wigs also & the Quack Doctors also and the ghosts & those tha twhear Horns & the Crowns of those kigns that set themselv's above the laws & the Delays in Chancery it utterly destroy'd, likewiase it sweept from the Clergy every Plurality, Nevertheless the Lawyers & the Parsons & divers others kick't up a great dust!!!"
Title from text above image., Shortshanks is the pseudonym of Robert Seymour., Date from online British Museum catalogue., and Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires.
"Fantastic scene at a London street corner which abuts on open country, the roadway deep in mud. A coach and pair advances left to right; the coachman has laid down reins and whip to read the Times through spectacles, the footman standing behind is deep in a book. A ragged but monocled street-sweeper on stilts sweeps towards a small child half-submerged in mud, and a lady in a monstrous hat who picks her way through the slough. On the foreground pavement a butcher and a dustman play chess, holding the board between them. One sits on a great joint of beef, the other on a bag; a dog runs off with a bullock's heart. A ragged ballad-singer plays a guitar, screeching operatically; her small child holds up a parasol. Two climbing boys with misshapen legs argue with each other, one uses a handkerchief. Two servants in livery walk arm-in-arm, one smoking a huge pipe (like the footman in BM Satires No. 15779). An apple-woman seated against a lamp-post reads Byron, while a boy sneaks an apple. The lamp-post is topped by a flaming sun, presumably of gas. A dust-cart is drawn by two asses tandem, with a postilion on the leader; the dustman, seated on his load (instead of walking with it) plays a 'cello. On the opposite pavement are three tiny street musicians: a fashionably dressed woman sings from a sheet of music to the accompaniment of a harpist and flautist with music-stand. In the background is steam-traffic: (1) a steam carriage for two with three wheels, a tall smoking funnel, and a pendent coal-scuttle, all but the last much as 'Mr D. Gordon's New Steam Coach, illustrated and described', Observer, 30 Dec, 1827. (2) A large steam lorry on which soldiers with bayoneted muskets sit in rows. A small carriage with a steersman and two passengers is drawn by a kite (a kite-drawn carriage was displayed in Regent's Park, Jan. 1828, described by Pückler-Muskau, Tour in England, 1948, p. 218). Behind is a narrow channel crossed by a suspension bridge linking Dover to Calais; another branch of the Channel is crossed by The . . . Tunnel (oddly drawn), the top of which collapses under the impact of a ship, so that water pours down. An aerial battleship supported by two balloons attacks three ships immediately below; they sink under a rain of flame and cannon-balls. There are also an ordinary balloon, a flying-machine drawn by wild geese, and an aerial vessel which collides with the moon. The foreground buildings are one vast shop-window and the adjacent house; over the window: Business of this Shop on a larger scale than any other house in London. The window is filled with draperies and ladies' huge hats (cf. BM Satires No. 15628). A lady, with a giant hat, pin-point waist, and vast sleeves, stares in. The adjoining house of the same height is three stories high, the principal floor with street-door, bow-windows, balconies, and awning is at the top; passengers are being hauled up to it by a man using a windlass to hoist chairs up a vertical chute from the street."--British Museum online catalogue
Title from caption below image., Print signed using William Heath's device: A man with an umbrella., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., and Watermark: J. Whatman.
Pub. Jany. 23 1828 by G. Humphrey St. James's Street
Subject (Topic):
Balloons (Aircraft), Carriages & coaches, City & town life, Steam, Storefronts, and Street vendors