Title, date, and place of publication from item., In lower margin: U. S. Government Printing Office : 1942-O-485813 ; WH 3., One of a series of WWII posters produced for the U.S. Public Health Service showing the "big lunk" doing all the right healthy things to keep on the job for the war effort., and This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing.
Federal Security Agency, U.S. Public Health Service and U.S. Government Printing Office
Subject (Topic):
World War, 1939-1945, Recreation, Sailors, and Bowling
"Two elderly men, in old-fashioned dress, play chess, seated at a small table, lit by two guttering candles. One moves, the other watches with intense concern. Each has a deeply interested spectator leaning on the back of his chair, the one on the right with a quizzing glass. All four are caricatured. A small dog lies on the ground. A large fire burns in the grate (right). Over the chimney-piece is the lower part of a whole length portrait. On the wall behind the players are three pictures: one of a man playing ninepins outside a rustic inn, with a donkey looking over a paling, is flanked by a picture of a horse and by a landscape."--British Museum online catalogue
Title from caption below image., Artist from British Museum catalogue., Publication from another dated state published by McLean: "Augt 1st. 1835.", and See no. 12392 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 9, for a related version of this print.
Pubd. by Thos. McLean 26 Haymarket
Subject (Topic):
Bowling, Chess, Dogs, Fireplaces, Hand lenses, and Pictures
A copy of a print (British Museum satires no. 12392) published by Humphrey in 6 March 1814. The players are the same, but one (right) has become gouty and sits in a winged arm-chair. The spectators are altered, but are perhaps intended to be the same persons, transformed by dress and pose. One (right) is a dandy who leans against the chimney-piece warming his coat-tails, and watching with a contemptuous smile. There is a picture of skittle-players, as in no. 12392; in place of the horse (left) a left-handed cricketer is depicted
Title from caption below image.
Pubd. August 1st, 1819 by G. Humphrey, 27 St. James's Street
"Two elderly men, in old-fashioned dress, play chess, seated at a small table, lit by two guttering candles. One moves, the other watches with intense concern. Each has a deeply interested spectator leaning on the back of his chair. All four are caricatured. A small dog lies on the ground. A large fire burns in the grate (right). Over the chimney-piece is the lower part of a whole length portrait. On the wall behind the players are three pictures: one of a man playing ninepins outside a rustic inn, with a donkey looking over a paling, is flanked by a picture of a horse and by a landscape."--British Museum online catalogue
Title from caption below image., Artist from British Museum catalogue., Publication from another dated state published by McLean: "Augt 1st. 1835.", See no. 12392 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 9, for a related version of this print., and Manuscript "Aug 1835" added after imprint.
Pubd. by Thos. McLean 26 Haymarket
Subject (Topic):
Bowling, Chess, Dogs, Fireplaces, Floor coverings, Hand lenses, and Pictures