V. 3. Caricature magazine, or, Hudibrastic mirror.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
A satire on Napoleon's Russian campaign. "Cossacks, led by Platoff, pursue, across a river, a fox with the head and huge bicorne of Napoleon. The Russians ride their horses through the water. The fox, larger in scale than the other figures, takes a flying leap to the shore (right). He says: "Hark, I hear the Cry of Cossacks. The [sic] have got Scent of me -I must take to my heels once more, the are close to my Brush." His tail is inscribed 'Corsican Fox'. Across the lower edge of the design runs a strip of land on which are frogs; one, inscribed 'French Frog', waddles off, while one on the extreme left is being speared. Of the other frogs a few turn to oppose the Cossacks with bayonets; these have a tricolour flag; the majority are escaping to the right, a row of heads and sloped bayonets, with one eagle. Platoff, whose high fur cap has a long plume inscribed 'Platoff', riding with levelled spear, shouts: "Hark forward my boys get along! he runs in view. Yoics. Yoics. There he goes, Tally-ho!" His daughter, in the middle distance, rides through the water, pointing with the hand that holds the reins, and raising a whip; she shouts: "Hi, ho, Tally, ho! For a husband." Cossacks gallop up from the background (left), leap from a low cliff into the river, and swim through it, one carrying a standard with the Russian eagle, behind the two Platoffs. In the background is a town flying a flag inscribed 'Leapsic'; tiny horsemen, evidently Cossacks, gallop out of the city gate."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Platoff hunt in full cry after French game
Title etched below image., Plate numbered '218' in upper right corner., and "Price one shilling coloured."--Following imprint statement.
Pubd. Novr. 9th 1813 by Thos. Tegg, No. 111 Cheapside
Subject (Geographic):
Russia. and England
Subject (Name):
Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821 and Platov, Matveĭ Ivanovich, graf, 1751-1818.
Subject (Topic):
Caricatures and cartoons, Campaigns of 1813-1814, Napoleonic Wars, 1800-1815, Campaigns, Cossacks, and Satires (Visual works)
V. 3. Caricature magazine, or, Hudibrastic mirror.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
A satire on Napoleon's Russian campaign. "Cossacks, led by Platoff, pursue, across a river, a fox with the head and huge bicorne of Napoleon. The Russians ride their horses through the water. The fox, larger in scale than the other figures, takes a flying leap to the shore (right). He says: "Hark, I hear the Cry of Cossacks. The [sic] have got Scent of me -I must take to my heels once more, the are close to my Brush." His tail is inscribed 'Corsican Fox'. Across the lower edge of the design runs a strip of land on which are frogs; one, inscribed 'French Frog', waddles off, while one on the extreme left is being speared. Of the other frogs a few turn to oppose the Cossacks with bayonets; these have a tricolour flag; the majority are escaping to the right, a row of heads and sloped bayonets, with one eagle. Platoff, whose high fur cap has a long plume inscribed 'Platoff', riding with levelled spear, shouts: "Hark forward my boys get along! he runs in view. Yoics. Yoics. There he goes, Tally-ho!" His daughter, in the middle distance, rides through the water, pointing with the hand that holds the reins, and raising a whip; she shouts: "Hi, ho, Tally, ho! For a husband." Cossacks gallop up from the background (left), leap from a low cliff into the river, and swim through it, one carrying a standard with the Russian eagle, behind the two Platoffs. In the background is a town flying a flag inscribed 'Leapsic'; tiny horsemen, evidently Cossacks, gallop out of the city gate."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Platoff hunt in full cry after French game
Title etched below image., Plate numbered '218' in upper right corner., "Price one shilling coloured."--Following imprint statement., 1 print : etching ; plate mark 24.9 x 34.9 cm, on sheet 25.6 x 41.8 cm., Leaf 77 in volume 3., and On wove paper, hand-colored.
Pubd. Novr. 9th 1813 by Thos. Tegg, No. 111 Cheapside
Subject (Geographic):
Russia. and England
Subject (Name):
Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821 and Platov, Matveĭ Ivanovich, graf, 1751-1818.
Subject (Topic):
Caricatures and cartoons, Campaigns of 1813-1814, Napoleonic Wars, 1800-1815, Campaigns, Cossacks, and Satires (Visual works)
Napoleon disguised as "Count Vicenza" sits in a sled that is pulled by a horse, running at full speed, with a large devil on its back. Another smaller devil sits at the Count's feet while another large devil leans over the seat of sled. In the distance is a battlefield. The speech bubble above the Count reads: "My gaurdian [i.e. guardian] angel so you do but protect me d-n the army." The devil on the horse's back replies: "Don't be alarmed Boney. I'll escort to Paris but can't save your army."
Title etched below image., Attributed to William Heath in the British Museum catalogue., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., No. 9 in an album of 10 prints., and Bound in half calf with marbled paper boards and spine title "Colored caricatures" in gold lettering.
publisher not identified
Subject (Name):
Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821
Subject (Topic):
Caricatures and cartoons, Battlefields, Demons, and Sleds & sleighs
Title etched below image., Date supplied by curator., Place of publication from item., "Rochus Pumpernickel" was a Viennese musical quodlibet premiering in 1809., This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing., and Temporary local Medical Library subject terms: Physicians caricatured; Consultations.
bei Friedr. Campe
Subject (Topic):
Medical consultation, Physicians, Caricatures and cartoons, Snuff, and Skull & crossbones
"design in two groups, one (left) representing the past, the other (right) the present. A Dutchman personifying the Dutch Republic, threatened by Spain (left) kneels, hat in hand, before a military officer representing England, imploring help. He says, "the poor distracted States of Holland". The Englishman answers, "I am your Friend Mynheer I'll help you up & beat your foes". A Spaniard stands (left) behind the Dutchman's back, his sword raised to strike, his left fist clenched, saying, "I am determined Mynheer you shall never rise more". On the right is another group of figures representing Holland, England, America, France, and Spain: A Dutchman on the extreme right, smoking a pipe, his hands in his breeches pocket, scowls at an English officer, saying, "I am now ye high & Mighty." (The States General of the United Provinces were addressed as Hogen Mogen, 'High Mightinesses'.) The Englishman, a drawn sword in his hand, says to him "Now is ye time to pay ye debt of Gratitude". America, an Indian holding a tomahawk, says to France, pointing to England, It shall never have my Colonies again. France, a French military officer with a drawn sword, wearing spurred jack-boots, points to England, saying, "begar me will have half his Possessions". Spain, in cloak and feathered hat, also with a drawn sword, stands behind France saying "Don Diego has vow'd the downfall of England." Beneath the design verses are engraved: "See Holland oppress'd by his old Spanish Foe, To England with cap in hand kneels very low, The Free-hearted Britton, dispels all its care, And raises it up from the brink of Dispair. But when three spitefull foes old England beset, The Dutchman refuses to pay a Just debt; With his hands in his pockets he says he'll stand Neuter, And England his Friend may be D------d for the Future.""--British Museum catalogue
Title from item.
publisher not identified
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain
Subject (Topic):
Foreign relations, Dutch, Caricatures and cartoons, French, Spaniards, Caricatures and cartons, Americans, Indians of North America, and Clothing & dress
Litchfield races transpos'd and Litchfield races transposed
Caption title., Place of publication and suggested date from English short title catalogue and British Museum catalogue., An etching at top of sheet satirising the Jacobite enthusiasms of Staffordshire sportsmen, is followed below by a song in letterpress., Six stanzas of an anonymous song that is a patriotic British plea for unity, in two columns below the image: Ye subjects of true British race, Whether old Whig or Tory ... which does not clearly relate to the engraving in its contents., Temporary local subject terms: Union: Great Britain and Scotland -- Scotland : Rebellion, denial of redress for grievances -- Emblems: Britannia as symbol of the Union -- Emblems: fleur-de-lis as France, tied to Britain -- Races: Litchfield -- Ballads -- Cannons: touchole -- Tents -- Emblems: anchor for the Duke of Bedford., Watermark: Fleur-de-lis., and Sheet trimmed on the right, within plate mark of the etching, resulting in some loss of image and in loss of 'd' in 'transpos'd'.
publisher not identified
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain
Subject (Name):
James, Prince of Wales, 1688-1766, William Augustus, Prince, Duke of Cumberland, 1721-1765, and Bedford, John Russell, Duke of, 1710-1771
Subject (Topic):
Jacobites, Caricatures and cartoons, Patriotism, Britannia (Symbolic character), National emblems, British, French, and Scottish
First title from image, second title devised by cataloger., Imprint from title page accompanying prints., Plate from: A book of caricaturas : on 59 copper-plates, with [the] principles of designing in that droll & pleasing manner, with sundry ancient & modern examples & several well known caricaturas / by M. Darly. Cornhill [England] : Printed for R. Wilkinson, No. 58 in Cornhill, [176-?]., Plate numbered: "9"., With: [Profiles of eight men, facing in both directions] / My. Darly invt. 1762. Numbered: '10'., Reissue., and Not bound; in box labeled "Darly 1763".
Title from item., Four columns of verse below image: Things are now at such a pass, that every fool must have his ass ..., Temporary local subject terms: Coalitions: France and Spain, 1762 -- Lawyers: barrister as an owl., and Mounted to 32 x 49 cm.
publisher not identified
Subject (Name):
Augusta, Princess of Wales, 1719-1772, George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820, Bute, John Stuart, Earl of, 1713-1792, Holland, Henry Fox, Baron, 1705-1774, Johnson, Samuel, 1709-1784, Temple, Richard Grenville-Temple, Earl, 1711-1779, and Pitt, William, Earl of Chatham, 1708-1778
Also contained in the letter are three pen drawings: one of Sir Robert Peel; another of the crowd at the Italian opera; and a caricature of his idea for an exhibit of the Whig Ministers at Madame Tussaud's wax museum. and Letter from Doyle to Lucie, Lady Duff Gordon, which primarily discusses politics and social news. The letter begins with a detailed description of his recent visits to the sessions of the House of Commons, including a summary of Sir James Graham's speeches and an unfavorable description of Sir Robert Peel. He also speculates about the marriage prospects and "wicked conspiracy" surrounding Miss Talbot; describes a night at a performance of the opera Lucia di Lammermoor; and mentions his social visits to other artists.
Binding: full red morocco folder; gilt decoration., For information on the source of acquisition, consult the appropriate curator., In gilt on cover: Richard Doyle 1824 1883. Autograph letter containing three drawings to Lady Gordon., Pasted inside cover: dealer's description of manuscript., and Richard Doyle (1824-1883) was an artist and caricaturist, who designed the cover of "Punch" and contributed to over a thousand "Punch" cartoons.
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain--Politics and government--1837-1901 and Great Britain--Social life and customs--19th century
Subject (Name):
Donizetti, Gaetano,--1797-1848.--Lucia di Lammermoor, Doyle, Richard,--1824-1883, Duff Gordon, Lucie,--Lady,--1821-1869, Graham, James,--Sir,--1792-1861, Great Britain.--House of Commons, Peel, Robert, Sir, 1822-1895--Caricatures and cartoons, and Tussaud, Marie,--1761-1850
Subject (Topic):
Caricatures and cartoons, Opera--Great Britain, and Wit and humor--Pictorial