Print comments on the issue of the annexation of Texas by the United States in the 1844 U.S. Presidential election. President Tyler is depicted uncomfortably astride a Democratic "Tex-ass" with Democratic candidate James Polk who has annoyed Tyler by his adoption of annexation as his own cause in the election. Whig candidate Henry Clay, astride a white horse, argues against annexation as proposed by Tyler and supported by Polk. Former President Andrew Jackson (Democratic Party), stands by a tree with a noose, inviting Polk to turn over Tyler so Jackson can "annex" him by the noose to the tree
Title from caption below image. and Printed area measures 43.5 x 32.0 cm.
H.R. Robinson, 142 Nassau Street, E.W.C. (signed on stone, E. Clay)
Subject (Geographic):
United States, United States., Texas, and Texas.
Subject (Name):
Polk, James K. 1795-1849 (James Knox),, Clay, Henry, 1777-1852, Tyler, John, 1790-1862, Jackson, Andrew, 1767-1845, Equal Rights Party (N.Y.), Equal Rights Party (New York, N.Y.), Whig Party (U.S.), and Democratic Party (U.S.)
Subject (Topic):
Presidents, Election, Caricatures and cartoons, History, Animals, Symbolic aspects, Public buildings, and Annexation to the United States
Cover title., Etchings of faces and heads, mostly untitled, two images per sheet, first sheet with numbers 3 and 4; no. 59 alone on last sheet., Reissue., and Not bound; in box labeled "Darly 1763".
"The daughter of Count Platoff stands full face, erect, dashing, and alluring, on a snowy mound. Her right hand supports a spear from which floats a banner inscribed: 'I General Count Platoff. promise to give my Daughter in Marriage and 2000 Rubles - to any Cossack, Russian, Prusian, German, Sweede, Turk, John Bull, Sauny Bull Paddy Bull or any other Bull, who shall bring Me the Head of Little Bony dead or a live.' She wears fur-trimmed cap with a long hussar-bag, long high-waisted fur-bordered pelisse, with a cape, fur-trimmed boots, and large ear-rings. The words 'Hih "ho" for a Husband' issue from closed and smiling lips. With her left hand she points behind her to the right and to the little figure of Napoleon on skates, wearing a large plumed bicorne, and brandishing his sabre; he deserts his snow-bound army, saying, "O" ho" bygare I had best be Off." He strides past the heads of soldiers emerging from snow, together with bayonets, and a French flag; behind him the French army marches in close ranks, with one eagle and one flag. On the left is another column of tiny soldiers indicated by heads, bayonets, an eagle, and flags. In the clouds, airborne as in No. 11992 (British Museum catalogue), are two bands of galloping Cossacks, one (right) seems about to swoop down on Napoleon. Heavy clouds frame slanting rays which make a background for Platoff's daughter. At her feet are two money--bags both inscribed '1,000 Rubles', which disgorge coins. Behind them a kneeling Cupid aims his bow towards the 'cloud of Cossacks' on the left."--British Museum catalogue
Alternative Title:
Tit-bit for a Cossack and Platoff prize, for the head of Buonaparte
Title etched below image., Plate of publication etched following date., Plate numbered in upper right corner: 184., and A satire on Napoleon in Russia.
Pubd. by Thos Tegg, 111 Cheapside
Subject (Geographic):
Subject (Name):
Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821 and Platov, Matveĭ Ivanovich, graf, 1751-1818.
Subject (Topic):
Caricatures and cartoons, Campaigns of 1813-1814, Napoleonic Wars, 1800-1815, Campaigns, Cupid, Armies, British, Russian, and Women
Twenty-six members of the old and new ministries sit around a card table; North and Fox (the latter with a fox's head) appearing most prominently, together with Thurlow, Grey Cooper, the Duke of Richmond, John Dunning, Wilkes, Barré, and John Cavendish
Title from item., Printmaker from British Museum catalogue., and Extensively annotated on verso in an unknown hand with descriptions of persons potrayed in the image.
Pubd. April 12th, 1782 by H. Humphrey, No. 118 New Bond Street
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain and England
Subject (Name):
North, Frederick, Lord, 1732-1792, Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806, Thurlow, Edward Thurlow, Baron, 1731-1806, Cooper, Grey, Sir, ca. 1726-1801, Rockingham, Charles Watson-Wentworth, Marquis of, 1730-1782, Richmond, Charles Lennox, 3d Duke of, 1735-1806, Dunning, John, Baron Ashburton, 1731-1783, Barré, Isaac, 1726-1802, Cavendish, John, Lord, 1732-1796, Wilkes, John, 1725-1797, Burke, Edmund, 1729-1797, Surrey, Charles Howard, Earl of, 1746-1815, Lansdowne, William Petty, Marquis of, 1737-1805, and Sandwich, John Montagu, Earl of, 1718-1792
Subject (Topic):
Caricatures and cartoons, Politics and government, Card games, Gambling, and Clothing & dress
Depicts the new ministry attempting to push down an already headless statue of Britannia. Thurlow and Mansfield on right pull on ropes to keep the statue in place, while Fox (depicted as a fox), Wilkes, Dunning, Richmond, Burke and Keppel attack it. Britain's foreign enemies, America (shownas an Indian), France, Spain and Holland run away with the spoils
Alternative Title:
Britannia's assassination, or, The republicans amusement and Republicans amusement
Title from item., Printmaker from British Museum catalogue., Temporary local subject terms: Literature: quotation from The art of poetry on a new plan by Oliver Goldsmith, 1761, v. 2, p. 147., 1 print on wove paper : etching ; sheet 25 x 36 cm., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., and Mounted to 37 x 56 cm.
Pubd. May 10th, 1782, by E. D'Archery, St. James Street
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain
Subject (Name):
Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806, Thurlow, Edward Thurlow, Baron, 1731-1806, Mansfield, William Murray, Earl of, 1705-1793, Wilkes, John, 1725-1797, Dunning, John, Baron Ashburton, 1731-1783, Richmond, Charles Lennox, 3d Duke of, 1735-1806, Burke, Edmund, 1729-1797, and Keppel, Augustus Keppel, Viscount, 1725-1786
Subject (Topic):
Caricatures and cartoons, Britannia (Symbolic character), Politics and government, Vandalism, and Sculpture
"A phrenologist, De Ville, in his consulting room, feels the forehead of a loutish gaping youth who kneels on a cushion at his feet. Behind the boy stands his stupid-looking mother, grinning with delight at her son. De Ville, who wears plain old-fashioned dress, has a grotesquely shaped skull fringed with scanty hair; his left hand rests on an open book on his table on which is a skull, numbered phrenologically and resting on a paper: Thurtell [murderer] shown to be Craniologically an Excellent Character. Behind him stands an assistant with a porcine profile writing in a note-book: Very large Wit N° 32. A large book-case covers much of the wall (right). There are also portrait heads illustrating grotesque misshapen features, and a bust on a pedestal with a satyr-like profile."--British Museum online catalogue, description of an earlier state
Title etched below image., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Four lines of quoted text below title: "Pores o'er the cranial map with learned eyes, Each rising hill and bumpy knoll descries, Here secret fires, and there deep mines of sense, His touch detects beneath each prominence.", and For an earlier state before aquatint added, see no. 15157 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 10.
Pubd. Feby. 24th, 1826, by G. Humphrey, 24 St. James's Strt., London
Subject (Geographic):
Subject (Name):
De Ville, J. and Thurtell, John, 1794-1824.
Subject (Topic):
Phrenology, Costume, Caricatures and cartoons, Bookcases, and Muffs
Title from item., Publication date supplied by curator., Place of publication derived from publisher's known location., From series: Recueil de Grimaces (Collection of Grimaces)., This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing., and Temporary local Medical Library subject terms: Deafness; Physicians caricatured.
I.lith. de Delpech
Subject (Topic):
Physicians, Caricatures and cartoons, Medical consultation, Deaf persons, Older people, Staffs (Sticks)., and Hearing aids
Title from item., Publication date supplied by curator., Place of publication derived from publisher's known location., From series: Recueil de grimaces., This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing., and Temporary local Medical Library subject terms: Physicians caricatured.
I.lith. de Delpech
Subject (Topic):
Physicians, Caricatures and cartoons, Medical consultation, Monocles, and Staffs (Sticks).
V. 3. Caricature magazine, or, Hudibrastic mirror.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
A satire on Napoleon's Russian campaign. "Cossacks, led by Platoff, pursue, across a river, a fox with the head and huge bicorne of Napoleon. The Russians ride their horses through the water. The fox, larger in scale than the other figures, takes a flying leap to the shore (right). He says: "Hark, I hear the Cry of Cossacks. The [sic] have got Scent of me -I must take to my heels once more, the are close to my Brush." His tail is inscribed 'Corsican Fox'. Across the lower edge of the design runs a strip of land on which are frogs; one, inscribed 'French Frog', waddles off, while one on the extreme left is being speared. Of the other frogs a few turn to oppose the Cossacks with bayonets; these have a tricolour flag; the majority are escaping to the right, a row of heads and sloped bayonets, with one eagle. Platoff, whose high fur cap has a long plume inscribed 'Platoff', riding with levelled spear, shouts: "Hark forward my boys get along! he runs in view. Yoics. Yoics. There he goes, Tally-ho!" His daughter, in the middle distance, rides through the water, pointing with the hand that holds the reins, and raising a whip; she shouts: "Hi, ho, Tally, ho! For a husband." Cossacks gallop up from the background (left), leap from a low cliff into the river, and swim through it, one carrying a standard with the Russian eagle, behind the two Platoffs. In the background is a town flying a flag inscribed 'Leapsic'; tiny horsemen, evidently Cossacks, gallop out of the city gate."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Platoff hunt in full cry after French game
Title etched below image., Plate numbered '218' in upper right corner., and "Price one shilling coloured."--Following imprint statement.
Pubd. Novr. 9th 1813 by Thos. Tegg, No. 111 Cheapside
Subject (Geographic):
Russia. and England
Subject (Name):
Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821 and Platov, Matveĭ Ivanovich, graf, 1751-1818.
Subject (Topic):
Caricatures and cartoons, Campaigns of 1813-1814, Napoleonic Wars, 1800-1815, Campaigns, Cossacks, and Satires (Visual works)
V. 3. Caricature magazine, or, Hudibrastic mirror.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
A satire on Napoleon's Russian campaign. "Cossacks, led by Platoff, pursue, across a river, a fox with the head and huge bicorne of Napoleon. The Russians ride their horses through the water. The fox, larger in scale than the other figures, takes a flying leap to the shore (right). He says: "Hark, I hear the Cry of Cossacks. The [sic] have got Scent of me -I must take to my heels once more, the are close to my Brush." His tail is inscribed 'Corsican Fox'. Across the lower edge of the design runs a strip of land on which are frogs; one, inscribed 'French Frog', waddles off, while one on the extreme left is being speared. Of the other frogs a few turn to oppose the Cossacks with bayonets; these have a tricolour flag; the majority are escaping to the right, a row of heads and sloped bayonets, with one eagle. Platoff, whose high fur cap has a long plume inscribed 'Platoff', riding with levelled spear, shouts: "Hark forward my boys get along! he runs in view. Yoics. Yoics. There he goes, Tally-ho!" His daughter, in the middle distance, rides through the water, pointing with the hand that holds the reins, and raising a whip; she shouts: "Hi, ho, Tally, ho! For a husband." Cossacks gallop up from the background (left), leap from a low cliff into the river, and swim through it, one carrying a standard with the Russian eagle, behind the two Platoffs. In the background is a town flying a flag inscribed 'Leapsic'; tiny horsemen, evidently Cossacks, gallop out of the city gate."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Platoff hunt in full cry after French game
Title etched below image., Plate numbered '218' in upper right corner., "Price one shilling coloured."--Following imprint statement., 1 print : etching ; plate mark 24.9 x 34.9 cm, on sheet 25.6 x 41.8 cm., Leaf 77 in volume 3., and On wove paper, hand-colored.
Pubd. Novr. 9th 1813 by Thos. Tegg, No. 111 Cheapside
Subject (Geographic):
Russia. and England
Subject (Name):
Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821 and Platov, Matveĭ Ivanovich, graf, 1751-1818.
Subject (Topic):
Caricatures and cartoons, Campaigns of 1813-1814, Napoleonic Wars, 1800-1815, Campaigns, Cossacks, and Satires (Visual works)