Manuscript on paper containing ascetic and devotional treatises, the Life of St. John Calybita, and Italian poetry in praise of the Virgin
In Latin and Italian., Script: copied by two similar hands: A, writing a rapid Southern Gothica Textualis Libraria, copied ff. 2r-56v and 69r-104v; B, writing a more formal version of the same script, under slight Humanistic influence, copied ff. 57r-68v. The Latin of both scribes is very defective., Red headings and paragraph marks. 2-line red and blue plain initials, with guide letters., The manuscript contains: 1) Ps.-Augustinus Hipponensis, Manuale (preface and chapters 1-24). 2) Pseudo-Augustine, Soliloquia animae ad Deum, large final part of chapter 2. 3) Arnulphus de Boeriis (ca. 1200 (?), Ps.-Bernardus Claraevallensis), Speculum monachorum. 4) Ps.-Bernardus Claraevallensis, Sermo de vita et passione Domini. 5) Vita S. Iohannis Calybitae or Vita S. Iohannis monachi. 6) Flores ex operibus S. Bernardi de dignitate et excellentia beatae virginis Mariae. 7) Bernardus Claraevallensis (Bernard of Clairvaux, 1090-1153), Epistola 111, written in the name of the monk Elias to the latter's parents. 8) Ps.-Bernardus Claraevallensis, Contemplationes de passione Domini secundum septem horas canonicas. 9) Ps.-Bernardus Claraevallensis, Formula honestae vitae. 10) Ps.-Bernardus Claraevallensis, Octo puncta perfectionis assequendae. 11) Ps.-Bernardus Claraevallensis, Varia et brevia documenta pie seu religiose vivendi. 12) Bonaventura OFM (1221-1274), Regula novitiorum, 3. 13) Bonaventura, Regula novitiorum, 4.1-3. 14) Matthaeus de Cracovia (c. 1335-1410; Ps.-Thomas de Aquino, Ps.-Bonaventura; here ascribed to Iohannes de Capistrano OFM, 1386-1456), De modo confitendi et de puritate conscientiae (Speculum munditiae). 15) F. Carboni, Incipitario della lirica italiana dei secoli XIII e XIV, v. 1, Studi e Testi, v. 277 (Vatican City, 1977), 863. 16) Carboni 212. 17) Carboni 96. 18) Religious poems in Venetian dialect. 19) Lamentatio Virginis Mariae ad Crucem, attributed to Philippus de Grevia (Philippus Cancellarius, Philippe de Grève, d. 1236). 20) Zeno Veronensis (d. before 380), Tractatus, 21) Moral sentences and quotations by or ascribed to St. Bernard of Clairvaux. 22) Ps.-Bernardus Claraevallensis, Sermo 12., and Binding: the two covers and the spine are covered with a fragment from a large Italian choirbook in Southern Gothica Textualis Formata; parts of two 4-line red staves with notation in Nota Quadrata and two lines of text are preserved.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Mary, Blessed Virgin, Saint
Subject (Topic):
Devotion to., Asceticism, Christian hagiography, Christian poetry, Italian, Devotional literature, Latin (Medieval and modern)., and Manuscripts, Medieval
Manuscript on paper and parchment of a collection of saints' lives
In Latin., Script: copied by one hand in Gothica Hybrida Libraria., Headings and stroking of the majuscules in red. 3-line red plain initials. On f. 1r 6-line blue initial with interior reserved shapes and developed purple penwork in the shape of a rose; purple penwork extensions in the left margin., and Binding: original binding: brown calf over wooden boards, sewn on three double cords; both covers blind-tooled with frames of double fillets and a St Andrew's cross, and a few lozenge-shaped tools. Remnants of one brass clasp, attached to the rear board. On the front board a damaged parchment title label with the inscription in Northern Gothica Textualis Formata beginning with a red majuscule: “Vita sanct** Barlaam *********”. On the rear board four brass bosses and, in the center in black ink, the letter D (part of a shelfmark, s. XVII/XVIII?).
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
John, of Damascus, Saint.
Subject (Topic):
Christian hagiography, Christian legends, and Manuscripts, Medieval
Collection of three hagiographical Syriac texts, as follows: 1. "Tašʻítā d-Māry Matāy wa-d-Māry Andrʼāwus Šlíḥē" (folios 2a-18b; pages 3-36), Story of the Apostles Saint Matthew and Saint Andrew. 2. "Tašʻítā d-Abbā Marqús Tarmaqāyā" (folios 18b-30b; pages 36-60), Story of Abbā Marcus of Tharmaka (Tarmaq). 3. "Tašʻítā d-Māry Qúryāqús Sāhdā u-ʼemeh Yúlíṭā" (folios 30b-52b; pages 60-104), Story of Cyriacus the Martyr and his mother Julitta. The codex was copied in four days, on the fourth of November (Eastern), of the year 1888, by Sargís bar Yawsep of Gogtapah, during his studying at the College of Urūmīyah
In Syriac., Title of the codex supplied by cataloger., Romanization supplied by cataloger., 1. Incipit of "Tašʻítā d-Māry Matāy wa-d-Māry Andrʼāwus Šlíḥē": "W. Men bātar yawmātā d-súlāqeh d-Māran Yešúʻ Mšíḥā la-šmāyā kad etmlíw yawmātā d-Pnṭiqúsṭī u-ʼétā Pārqlíṭā l-ʻElítā d-Ṣehyún u-'etmlíw Šlíḥe Qādíšē men mawhabtā d-Rúḥā d-Qúdšā hwā ṣebyānā l-kul ḥad ḥad minhún d-nepqún u-nekrzún sbarteh da-Mšíḥā ...", 1. Secundo folio of "Tašʻítā d-Māry Matāy wa-d-Māry Andrʼāwus Šlíḥē": u-šātén hwaw ʼelā āklín hwaw besrā da-bnaynāšā., 2. Incipit of "Tašʻítā d-Abbā Marqús Tarmaqāyā": "Túb b-yad Alāhā ḥayā kāteb ʼenā tašʻítā d-hānā gabyā Abbā Marqús Tarmaqāyā. Māran Yešúʻ Mšīḥā tʻadar l-kātúbā wa-l-šāmúʻē ba-ṣlúteh. Amín.", 2. Secundo folio of "Tašʻítā d-Abbā Marqús Tarmaqāyā": kad damík ʼenā ṣéd Abā Yúḥanan., 3. Incipit of "Tašʻítā d-Māry Qúryāqús Sahdā u-ʼemeh Yúlíṭā": "Túb b-yad Alāhā ḥayā kāteb ʼenā tašʻítā d-Māry Qúryāqús Sāhdā u-ʼemeh Yúlíṭā d-hāwē dukranhún b-ʼīraḥ Tammúz YH beh ...", 3. Secundo folio of "Tašʻítā d-Māry Qúryāqús Sāhdā u-ʼemeh Yúlíṭā": la-mdíntā d-Qílíqāyē., 11 x 18 cm; written surface: 7.5 x 14 cm; 17 lines per page., Binding: In light brown leather cover which seems to have belonged to a previous work; inside the back cover is written in a crude hand an Islamic invocation in broken Arabic., In good East Syriac script, in black ink, on cream color paper; headings in red., Laid slip 1: "Hagiography. Described in Arnold Look's Yale dissertation, History of Abba Marcus of Mount Tharmaka, p. xi.", Laid in slip 2: "Wright, apocr. acts of the apost. I QB-QKW. II 93 to 115 (trans.). Tischendorf, acta apost. apocr. 132-166. Lipsiu, 11.", Pages are numbered 1-104; folio 53 is blank., On folio 2a: "Tašʻítā d-Māry Matāy wa-d-Mārī Andrʼāwus Šlíḥē ṭúbānē kad talmed la-mdínat Kalbín d-ʻāmúréh aklín hwaw bisrā da-bnāynāšā.", Translation of the text on folio 2a: "Story of Saint Mathew and Saint Andrew the righteous Apostles as they evangelized the city of Kalbīn whose inhabitants used to eat human flesh.", At the head of folio 52b: "Ba-šrarā hākíl emarw mkatbānē d-nāsí yatír min mā d-ḥāyaʼr qbarníṭí lmína níḥā d-elfeh mṭāraptā.", Translation of the text at the head of folio 52b: "It is true then what the authors/scribes, who suffer much say, like the captain as he looks at the safe harbor of his afflicted ship.", 1. Text of "Tašʻítā d-Māry Matāy wa-d-Māry Andrʼāwus Šlíḥē" ends with: "... u-qāʻín hwaw u-ʼamrín d-ḥad hú Alāhā d-Andrāwus u-ḥad hú Mārān Yešúʻ Mšíḥā d-leh šúbḥā u-íqārā ... hāšā wa-b-kulzban wa-l-ʻālam ʻālmín. ʼĪn. Amín.", 1. Translation of the end of "Tašʻítā d-Māry Matāy wa-d-Māry Andrʼāwus Šlíḥē": "... and they were shouting and saying: One is the God of Andrew, and One is our Lord Jesus Christ to whom belongs glory and honor ... now and every time and for ever and ever.", 2. Colophon of "Tašʻítā d-Abbā Marqús Tarmaqāyā": "Ṣalāw ʻal ḥaṭāyā Sargís d-qārē b-Kalíjā d-ʼÚrūmyā Gúgtapah da-sraṭ d-ṭab netḥanan ba-ṣlawatkún.", 2. Translation of the colophon of "Tašʻítā d-Abbā Marqús Tarmaqāyā": "Pray for the sinner Sargís of ʼÚrūmyā Gúgtapah, the copyist, that he may have mercy through your prayers.", Colophon of the codex: "ʼEtekteb ktābā hānā men Sargís bar Yawsep bar Sargís ... d-mātā briktā d-Gúgtapah kad qārē hwā b-Kalijyā d-Úrúmyā kad bar tšaʻsar šnín. Amín u-Amín. Etkteb Tešrín Trāyānā d-Madnḥāyē d-b-šantā Mšíḥ APPḤ 1888. Amín. Ktāb b-arbaʻ yawmātā kad qārē hwā b-Madrasā. Ṣalāw ʻlāy kulkún qārāyē u-kulhún šamúʻē qdām Māryā Alāhā.", and Translation of the colophon of the codex: "This book was copied by Sargís bar Yawsep bar Sargís ... from the blessed region of Gúgtapah as he was studying at the Úrúmyā College, when he was nineteen years old. Amen and Amen. It was copied on the fourth of Eastern November of the Christian year 1888. Amen. It was written in four days when he was studying at the School. Pray for me all you readers and all you listeners in front of the Lord God."
Subject (Geographic):
Urūmīyah (Iran)
Subject (Name):
Andrew, Apostle, Saint, Cyricus, Saint, -approximately 304, Julitta, Saint, -approximately 304, Mark, Saint, of Tharmaka, and Matthew, the Apostle, Saint
Subject (Topic):
In literature, Christian hagiography, Syriac language, and Manuscripts
Manuscript on parchment, composed of five distinct parts. Part I: 1) Vincent of Beauvais, De laudibus seu de gestis Beatae Virginis Mariae. 2) Petrus Comestor, Carmen in laudem beatae Virginis. 3) Vincent of Beauvais, De laudibus seu gestis Iohannis evangeliste. 4) Pictures of St. Barbara and Thomas Aquinas, and a medieval illuminated initial S (England [?], 15th century) pasted to blank pages. Part II: 5) Stephanus Parisiensis (?), unidentified text supporting the theology of Thomas Aquinas. 6) Augustine, De divinatione daemonum. Part III (paper): 7) Albertus Magnus, De sensu communi. 8) Albertus Magnus, De quinque potentiis anime interioribus. Part IV: 9) Fragment of an account of the Passion of Christ. Part V: Index
In Latin., Script: Part I (ff. 1-44): Written by a single scribe in small gothic bookhand, below top line. Part II (ff. 45-58): Written by two scribes, the one for art. 5, the other for art. 6, in small, tight gothic cursive scripts. Part III (ff. 59-64): Written by a single scribe in a small gothic text hand. Part IV (ff. 65-66): Written in round gothic bookhand. Part V (ff. 67-80): Written in a neat gothic bookhand., Part I: Blue initial, 6-line, with parchment designs and red penwork harping patterns on f. 1r. Plain initials, 4- to 3-line alternate red and blue. Headings, underlining, paragraph marks and chapter numbers, some initial strokes, in red. Guide letters for decorator in margins. Parts II and III: Spaces left for decorative initials remain unfilled. Part IV: One initial, 2-line, on f. 65v and remains of another on conjugate stub: red with crudely drawn penwork designs in black and red. Headings, paragraph marks and initial strokes in orange-tinged red. Part V: On ff. 68r-69r every other entry begins with a 1-line plain blue initial; second letter of each entry washed with yellow; citations of Arabic numerals in red. Guide letters for decorator., Folios 65-66, perhaps removed from a binding, are not conjugate: f. 66 is glued to the conjugate stub of f. 65., and Binding: 19th-20th centuries, England. Semi-limp vellum case with a gold-tooled title. Bound by Pierson. On spine: "Miscellanea Theologica. Stephanus Parisiensis. S. Augustinus. Albertus Magnus etc. Mss XIVe S".
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Jesus Christ, John, the Apostle, Saint., Mary, Blessed Virgin, Saint, Thomas, Aquinas, Saint, 1225?-1274., and Vincent, of Beauvais, -1264.
Subject (Topic):
Passion, Devotion to., Christian hagiography, Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval, Manuscripts, Medieval, and Scholasticism
Manuscript on parchment containing 1) Gesta Silvestri papae (d. 335). 2) Excerpts from Liber Quare (11th century?) containing notes on the liturgy and church year. 3) Ps.-Augustinus Hipponensis (Pseudo-Augustine), Sermo. 4) Augustinus Hipponensis (St. Augustine, 354-430), Epistula 54. With Anonymous sermons
In Latin., Script: Copied by one hand in early Gothica Textualis Libraria., Space for headings not used. A red line-filler on f. 21v. Plain initials of 1-3 lines in red, located partially in the text, partially in the margin, at the beginning of all artt. (except artt. 4, 6 and 12); in art. 1 also at the beginning of the text itself. The words after an initial generally in majuscules; other words often in majuscules are “Maria”, “rex Salomon”, “Amen”., and Binding: ca. 1900. Pasteboard covered with large sections of two parchment leaves from a 15th-century antiphonary (?) from Germany, with Hufnagel notation on 4-line staves traced in black, brown and red. The handwriting is Gothica Textualis Formata. The leaf on the rear cover has the folio number “208”.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Sylvester I, Pope, d. 335. and Catholic Church
Subject (Topic):
Liturgy, Christian hagiography, Manuscripts, Medieval, and Sermons, Latin
Manuscript on paper of 1) Servius Honoratus (390-400), De finalibus. 2) Life of Boethius (c. 485-524). 3) Aelius Donatus (350), Ars grammatica, 1.5.
In Latin., Script: copied by two hands, both writing a rapid Humanistica Cursiva. Hand A copied art. 1, Hand B artt. 2-3., Leaves are in succession and constitute the central part of a quire, f. 1 being now a singleton and ff. 2-5 a binio., and Lower section of the leaves is damaged by mold, badly impairing the legibility, and parts of the leaves are lost.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Servius, active 4th century.
Subject (Topic):
Manuscripts, Medieval, Latin language, Grammar, and Christian hagiography
Manuscript on paper of Life of the patriarch Joseph son of Jacob, attributed to Ephraem Syrus (ca. 300-373). The text differs significantly from the known Sermo sancti Efrem in Ioseph. Manuscript also includes Conversion of St. Paul, Passion of St. Paul the Apostle, and Praise of St. Paul
Script: Copied by a single hand in Humanistica Cursiva Currens., Decoration: Orange-red headings in Humanistica Textualis; 3- to 4-line plain initials in the same colour on ff. 2r, 24r and 26r., Binding: Original limp parchment binding, sewn on two leather thongs. Inscriptions on the spine and the front cover, both in ink., and In Italian.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Ephraem, Syrus, Saint, 303-373., Joseph, Saint., and Paul, the Apostle, Saint.
Manuscript on parchment of Jacobus de Voragine (c. 1228-1298), Legenda aurea, in French translation according to Jean de Vignay (c. 1285-1350).
In Middle French., Script: Copied by various similar hands, all writing Gothica Cursiva Libraria/Formata (Bastarda)., Decoration: Red headings and underlinings; alternately red and blue paragraph marks; yellow heightening of majuscules; 2-line dentelle initials in gold, blue, and red, with white penwork; 3-line initials of the same type and with the same decoration; and on f. 1r, 6-line foliate initial and two-column-wide oblong miniature showing the translator presenting his work to queen Jeanne, ascribed to the Master of the Cité des dames., and Binding: Eighteenth century brown calfskin over cardboard, with undecorated covers but five raised bands and an inscription on the spine.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Jacobus, de Voragine, approximately 1229-1298.
Subject (Topic):
Christian hagiography, Literature, Medieval, and Manuscripts, Medieval