Bretherton, James, approximately 1730-1806, printmaker
Published / Created:
[23 May 1799]
Call Number:
Bunbury 799.05.23.04+
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
"Satire on a socially aspirational family: a youth is being examined by a tutor for admission to Cambridge university; the tutor, in academic robes, is seated at a table pointing at a large mathematical volume resting beside a globe; the youth stands counting on his fingers while his eager father, wearing countryman's boots, urges him on; on the left a woman, probably the tutor's housekeeper, holds two volumes, one lettered "Longinus", and on the right an elegant undergraduate stands smiling; on the wall behind are portraits of "Dr Allcock" and "Mrs Allcock", a Roman bust with turned down mouth on the lintel above the door, and a frame with the plan and elevation of a building."--British Museum online catalogue
Title from caption below image., Initial letters of artist's name in signature form a monogram., Reissue, with altered imprint statement, of a print originally published 3 Jan. 1774 by J. Bretherton. Cf. no. 4727 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 4., Sheet trimmed within plate mark on upper edge., and Watermark: I. Taylor.
Printed and publish'd as the act directs, May 23 1799, by S.W. Fores, No. 50 Piccadilly
Bretherton, James, approximately 1730-1806, printmaker, publisher
Published / Created:
[3 January 1774]
Call Number:
Bunbury 774.01.03.01+
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
"Satire on a socially aspirational family: a youth is being examined by a tutor for admission to Cambridge university; the tutor, in academic robes, is seated at a table pointing at a large mathematical volume resting beside a globe; the youth stands counting on his fingers while his eager father, wearing countryman's boots, urges him on; on the left a woman, probably the tutor's housekeeper, holds two volumes, one lettered "Longinus", and on the right an elegant undergraduate stands smiling; on the wall behind are portraits of "Dr Allcock" and "Mrs Allcock", a Roman bust with turned down mouth on the lintel above the door, and a frame with the plan and elevation of a building."--British Museum online catalogue
Title from caption below image. and Initial letters of artist's name in signature form a monogram.
Printed and publish'd as the act directs, 3d Jany. 1774, by J. Bretherton, No. 134 New Bond Street
"The tall Dean of Christ Church [Cyril Jackson] and James Webber (B.D. 1807), both in academic dress, walk, right to left, and slightly towards the spectator, heads in profile. Webber expounds with extended hand, the Dean listens with grave intensity. The Dean wears a clerical wig, a cassock with sash, and high-quartered buckled shoes. The younger and smaller man has short hair, double-breasted coat, fashionable jabot, and knee-breeches, with tied shoes."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Leaf 43 in an album with the spine title: Characatures by Dighton., 1 print : etching with drypoint on laid paper, hand-colored ; plate mark 29.7 x 19.8 cm, on sheet 31.1 x 25.5 cm., and Figures identified as "Mr. Webber" and "Dr. Jackson, Dean, Christ Church" in pencil at bottom of sheet.
Robert Dighton
Subject (Name):
Jackson, Cyril, 1746-1819 and Webber, James, 1772-1847
"The tall Dean of Christ Church [Cyril Jackson] and James Webber (B.D. 1807), both in academic dress, walk, right to left, and slightly towards the spectator, heads in profile. Webber expounds with extended hand, the Dean listens with grave intensity. The Dean wears a clerical wig, a cassock with sash, and high-quartered buckled shoes. The younger and smaller man has short hair, double-breasted coat, fashionable jabot, and knee-breeches, with tied shoes."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image.
Robert Dighton
Subject (Name):
Jackson, Cyril, 1746-1819 and Webber, James, 1772-1847
"Dr. John Smith, portly and very round-shouldered, stands in profile to the right, wearing mortar-board, gown, and cassock, with bands. An eye-glass hangs from a ribbon. Smith (1744-1809), B.D. and D.D. 1796, was Rector of Fairford, Glos., 1768-1809, and Master of Pembroke College 1796-1809."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Leaf 47 in an album with the spine title: Characatures by Dighton., and 1 print : etching on laid paper, hand-colored ; plate mark 27.3 x 20.5 cm, on sheet 31.1 x 25.5 cm.
"Dr. John Smith, portly and very round-shouldered, stands in profile to the right, wearing mortar-board, gown, and cassock, with bands. An eye-glass hangs from a ribbon. Smith (1744-1809), B.D. and D.D. 1796, was Rector of Fairford, Glos., 1768-1809, and Master of Pembroke College 1796-1809."--British Museum online catalogue
"Mansel, Bishop of Bristol and Master of Trinity (from 1798), walks from left to right, and slightly towards the spectator, head in profile, and thrown back, his mortar-board in his left hand. His voluminous, inflated, and much convoluted gown covers a bulky figure. He wears a clerical wig."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Printmaker tentatively identified as Dighton in the British Museum online catalogue., Leaf 52 in an album with the spine title: Characatures by Dighton., Watermark, trimmed: [Ed]meads 1808., and Figure identified as "Bishop of Bristol" in pencil in lower left corner of sheet.
Pubd. Jany. 10th, 1810, by Dighton, 6 Charg. Cross
Subject (Geographic):
Subject (Name):
Mansel, William Lort, 1753-1820
Subject (Topic):
Bishops, Clergy, College administrators, and Obesity
"Dr. Wood walks meditatively in profile to the left, holding his gown to his waist. He has short white hair or wig, a white eyebrow, wears a mortar-board, bands over a shirt-frill, and knee-breeches, showing a neat leg."--British Museum online catalogue and "James Wood (1760-1839), Fellow of St. John's and mathematician, was the son of a Lancashire weaver. He was B.D. 1793, D.D. 1815, Master of his College 1815-39, and Dean of Ely from 1820. He was the most influential man in the University, and according to the 'D.N.B.' the model head of a college ..."--British Museum catalogue
Alternative Title:
View from St John's College Cambridge
Title etched below image., Leaf 51 in an album with the spine title: Characatures by Dighton., and Figure identified as "Mr. Wood" in pencil in lower left corner of sheet.
"Dr. Eveleigh stands in profile to the right, holding to his person his voluminous gown. He wears a clerical wig, mortar-board, and cassock. He is tall and dignified with sharply cut, alert, sensitive features."--British Museum online catalogue and "Eveleigh, Provost of Oriel 1781-1814, was Bampton Lecturer in 1792. He did much to raise the college to its high position in the early nineteenth century, and was a vigorous university reformer."--Curator's comments, British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Printmaker from British Museum catalogue., Leaf 49 in an album with the spine title: Characatures by Dighton., 1 print : etching on laid paper, hand-colored ; plate mark 27.8 x 20.0 cm, on sheet 31.1 x 25.5 cm., and Figure identified as "Dr. Eveligh" in pencil in lower left corner of sheet.
"Dr. Eveleigh stands in profile to the right, holding to his person his voluminous gown. He wears a clerical wig, mortar-board, and cassock. He is tall and dignified with sharply cut, alert, sensitive features."--British Museum online catalogue and "Eveleigh, Provost of Oriel 1781-1814, was Bampton Lecturer in 1792. He did much to raise the college to its high position in the early nineteenth century, and was a vigorous university reformer."--Curator's comments, British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image. and Printmaker from British Museum catalogue.
"Dr. Gretton walks in profile to the left, wearing mortar-board, gown, bands, and cassock. He has a pouched and wrinkled face and short white hair or wig. He holds a handkerchief in his right hand which rests on his breast, the left is in the pocket of his cassock. William Gretton (1736-1813) was Master of Magdalene from 1797, and Vice-Chancellor 1800-1."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
View from Magdalene College, Cambridge
Title etched below image., Leaf 50 in an album with the spine title: Characatures by Dighton., and Figure identifed as "Dr. Gretton" in pencil at bottom of sheet; this note corrects another pencil annotation, now scored through, identifying the figure as "Dr. Grafton".
"A tall imposing man, wearing a clerical wig and bands, mortar-board, gown, and cassock, stands directed slightly to the left, head in profile, one gloved hand on his breast, the right arm hanging by his side."--British Museum online catalogue and "He is William Cleaver (1742-1815), Principal of Brasenose College 1785-1809, who continually lived there, giving it a (temporary) leadership in scholarship and discipline, according to De Quincey. He was Bishop of Chester 1787, Bangor 1800, St. Asaph 1806. ... He was Lord Grenville's tutor, and was active in his election (see British Museum Satires No. 11384)."--Curator's comments, British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Printmaker from British Museum catalogue., Leaf 39 in an album with the spine title: Characatures by Dighton., 1 print : etching on laid paper, hand-colored ; plate mark 27.9 x 20.1 cm, on sheet 31.1 x 25.5 cm., and Figure identified as "Bishop of Bristol" in pencil in lower left corner of sheet.
"A tall imposing man, wearing a clerical wig and bands, mortar-board, gown, and cassock, stands directed slightly to the left, head in profile, one gloved hand on his breast, the right arm hanging by his side."--British Museum online catalogue and "He is William Cleaver (1742-1815), Principal of Brasenose College 1785-1809, who continually lived there, giving it a (temporary) leadership in scholarship and discipline, according to De Quincey. He was Bishop of Chester 1787, Bangor 1800, St. Asaph 1806. ... He was Lord Grenville's tutor, and was active in his election (see British Museum Satires No. 11384)."--Curator's comments, British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image. and Printmaker from British Museum catalogue.
"Twelve figures arranged in two rows, each representing Dundas (not caricatured) in one of his capacities, title and words etched above each. [1] 'A Governor of the Charter House'. He walks (left to right), looking down at a document in his left hand and saying: "How I venerate Charters". [2] 'Joint Keeper of the Signet in Scotland'. He holds out his left hand looking admiringly at a signet ring: "a vera pretty Seal ring worth £2000 a Year". [3] 'Chancellor of the University of St Andrew'. He sits directed to the left in a high-backed arm-chair wearing academic cap and long gown: "There is great weight and Dignity in a gown and Square Cap." [4] 'Patent Printer of the Bible in Scotland'. He sits in dressing-gown, cap, and slippers at a printing-press of the Caxton type, saying: "This printing and composing is vera tedious, but as it brings in about £6000 per Annum I must noe loose sight of it." [5] 'Custos Rotulorum for Middlesex'. He sits pompously in a high-backed chair wearing an old-fashioned cocked hat and laced coat, saying: "A little Consequence is very necessary in a custos Rotulorum". [6] 'A Treasurer of the Navy'. He sits at a table on which are money-bags and piles of coin, which he is counting: "Ah! this is pretty neat employment I love to count over the Siller." [7] 'A Governor of Greenwich Hospital'. He stands, wearing cocked hat and uniform, in profile to the right, right hand on his hip, left hand on the hilt of a sword: "a naval uniform is vera becoming." [8] 'A Commissioner of Chelsea Hospital'. He stands with arms folded, wearing cocked hat with military uniform: "As is also that of the Miliatory in due season." [9] 'A Commissioner for India Affairs'. He stands with his back to a group of barrels and chests, turning to the right: "What are ye aboot ye lazy loons, why are not these goods shipp'd off for India d'ye mean to do nothing at aw' for your money." [10] 'Governor of the Bank of Scotland'. He stands in profile to the left, 'chapeau-bras', one hand thrust under his waistcoat and wearing an old-fashioned wig: "This is what I call snug - vera little trouble." [11] 'A Secretary'. He writes busily in profile to the right at a davenport desk: "By my Sawl I care not how many Trades they make me sae that the Siller comes alang with them catch aw things is the rule in Scotland." [12] 'An Elder Brother of the Trinity House'. He stands in profile to the left, wearing a gown, bowing, cap in hand: "This concludes for the present my small portion of the Candle ends, and cheese parings" [cf. British Museum Satires No. 9038]."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Signed in image with printmaker Isaac Cruikshank's initials in lower right corner., and Publisher's advertisement following imprint: Folio's caracatures lent out for the evening.
Published Feby. 5, 1798, by S.W. Fores, No. 50 Piccadilly corner of Sackville Street
Subject (Name):
Dundas, Henry, 1742-1811
Subject (Topic):
Government officials, College administrators, Documents, Academic costumes, Printing presses, Coins, Barrels, Writing materials, Desks, and Military uniforms