Manuscript, on vellum, in a single hand, of a book of hours according to the Use of Sarum. The Latin text is followed by a brief treatise in Middle English on prayer, titled "Here begynneth in what man[ner] preyer sholde be vsed." The volume concludes with prayers in Latin and Middle English
Alternative Title:
Book of hours
In Latin and Middle English., Description of volume, in Latin, signed WA.1804 on recto of front flyleaf., Ownership inscription of Jone Ffyn on verso of front flyleaf., Calendar contains three notes concerning births and a marriage of Cheyne family members., Layout: single columns of 17 lines., Script: gothic bookhand., Decoration: three historiated initials with full-page borders; one smaller historiated initials and seven large foliate initials with borders. many smaller initals in gold with blue penwork or in blue with red penwork., and Binding: modern red velvet; red morocco box.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Catholic Church. and Catholic Church
Subject (Topic):
Books of hours, Devotional literature, English (Middle), English prose literature, Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval, and Manuscripts, Medieval
Manuscript on paper. Includes passages from the Lay Folks' Catechism; The Virtues of the Mass; and Symon Wynter's Amplification of the Life of St. Jerome, drawn from the Legenda aurea and from the apocryphal correspondence between Sts. Cyril and Augustine, and supplemented with revelations of St. Birgitta. Also contains excerpts concerning the Virgin Mary and confession
In English and Latin., Watermarks: unidentified bull's head, small in size, buried in gutter., Script: Written primarily by a single scribe in Secretary script, with additions and corrections added in the 16th century., Edges frayed and upper portion of most leaves stained, with loss of text., and Binding: Nineteenth century. Brown calf, blind-tooled. Title, in gold, on spine: "Life of St. Jerome. M. S.". Remains of early place mark on f. 22.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Jerome, Saint, -419 or 420.
Subject (Topic):
Catechisms, Confession, Devotional literature, English (Middle), Exempla, and Manuscripts, Medieval
Manuscript, on parchment, in a single hand, containing Middle English versions of several works by Rolle, including Emendatio vitae; Ego dormio; The Commandment; and Form of Living. Also contains a Middle English version of Walter Hilton's Mixed Life and The volume also contains Johannes de Rupescissa, Tractatus de Quinta Essentia (ca. 1470). 84 l. Manuscript on paper, in a single gothic bookhand. In Latin. Preceded by a title page dated 1650
In Middle English., Layout: single columns of 25-31 lines., Script: English bookhand., Decoration: some rubrication., and Binding: seventeenth-century limp vellum.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Rolle, Richard, 1290?-1349.
Subject (Topic):
Devotional literature, English (Middle), English literature, English prose literature, Alchemy, and Manuscripts, Medieval
Manuscript, on parchment, containing the complete text of Richard Rolle's De emendatione vitae. This is followed by a complitation of extracts from texts mainly by Rolle, including portions of the Incendium amoris and the Melum and a passage from the Speculum peccatoris of Pseudo-Augustine. Followed by Thomas Fishlake's Latin translation of both books of Walter Hilton's The Scale of Perfection. William Jordaen's Latin translation of Willem Ruusbroec's van den blinckenden Steen appears between Books 1 and 2 of the Hilton
Alternative Title:
De Emendatione vitae and other works
In Latin., With: multiple entries on front and back flyleaves in Latin and English containing notes on the family history of various members of the Heneage family, 1528-1820 and undated. Also 6 pages of similar notes, laid in., With: two horoscopes on back flyleaves for Michael Heneage, 1532 March 28., Layout: single columns of 34 lines., Script: anglicana., Decoration: two full-page borders accompanied by three-line foliate initials on a gold ground (ff.1, 40); three three-sided borders (ff.32, 35, 92v), four- and five-line initials in gold on a ground of blue and red with white ornament and leafy sprays extending into the margin (ff.20v, 90v, 92v), one three-line foliate initial on a gold ground with extensions forming a two-sided border (f.81), two-line and three-line initials alternately in gold with blue penwork, or blue with red penwork, usually forming reserved leafy designs within the body of the initial and extending up and down the left margin, one- to six-line paraphs in the text and margins alternately gold with blue penwork or blue with red penwork,, and Binding: contemporary white doeskin over cushioned boards, sewn on six double bands; remains of two clasps including nails. Lower edge of leaves inscribed "hylton" in a contemporary hand. Center of upper board inscribed with a capital E and W-B in a nineteenth century hand.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Heneage family. and Rolle, Richard, 1290?-1349.
Subject (Topic):
Devotional literature, English (Middle), Translations into Latin, Devotional literature, Latin (Medieval and modern), Translations from English (Middle)., Manuscripts, Medieval, Mysticism, Catholic Church, and Spiritual life
Manuscript, on parchment, in a single hand, of Richard de Caistre's popular hymn
In Middle English., Bound with Fifteen Joys of Our Lady., Layout: single columns of 20 lines., Script: gothic liturgical script., Decoration: red and blue penwork., and Binding: modern full red morocco.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Richard, of Caistre.
Subject (Topic):
Devotional literature, English (Middle), English literature, English poetry, Hymns, English, and Manuscripts, Medieval
Manuscript on parchment roll, unevenly trimmed at top and bottom, composed of three membranes segments glued together, the third an addition of the late 15th century. Includes Prayers to be said for a pardon of 32,055 years; and Prayer based on the measurement of the length of the body of Christ. The texts are written on one side of a roll (dorse is blank).
In Latin and English., Script: Written in gothic liturgical script in brown and red ink., Membrane I: Two miniatures of the Emblems of the Passion, the one above the written space in a gothic architectural setting, with a Saint on either side and instruments of the Passion included around the full-figure of Christ standing with the cross. The miniature below with three exceptionally large nails and a heart enclosed by a crown of thorns and supported by two angels; surrounded by instruments of the Passion. The patron in clerical costume of white gown and blue robe [Austin friar?] in prayer with a scroll. A curling acanthus and floral border, containing birds holding snakes in their beaks; red, blue, pink and orange, framed in blue, with a gentle ogee arch at the top., Membrane II: A large empty cross (17 mm.) drawn in black ink and colored brown, in the center of the written space. One 6-line initial, pink and blue acanthus on a gold ground infilled with an aroid. Three 2-line initials, one blue filled with a pink flower on gold, one pink with white filigree on gold, one gold, filled with blue with white filigree on a pink ground. Floral border, including columbines, roses, in red, blue, pink and green, with insects, against a tan ground with brown dots, framed in red and blue., Membrane III: A miniature of the Christ Child as Salvator Mundi: seated on a red cushion beside the cross, holding the orb and blessing. This iconography, rare and perhaps unknown in English manuscript illustration, is probably of foreign origin. One 3-line initial, pink and blue with white highlights, filled with a blue and pink flower on a gold ground. Border with large blue, pink, green and orange flowers joined by an undulating green stem, with brown hair-spray and gold dots. Framed in blue and pink., and Holes and tears in the margins of the upper two segments; considerably rubbed, with some loss of text.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Catholic Church
Subject (Topic):
Devotional literature, English (Middle), Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval, Indulgences, and Manuscripts, Medieval
Manuscript on parchment of 1) John Lydgate (ca. 1370-ca. 1451), Life of Our Lady. The beginning is missing (Book I, verses 1-70 ). 2) The Privity of the Passion, an anonymous English translation, here attributed to Walter Hilton (d. 1396), of part of Ps.-Bonaventura, Meditationes vitae Christi
In Middle English with some Latin., Script: Probably copied by one scribe, writing Gothica Cursiva Libraria (Secretary). The headings in art. 2 are in a larger form of the same script, more close to Anglicana., In art. 2 the scribe left space for 2-line initials (a 3-line initial at the opening) and generally wrote guide-letters, but initials were never added and all other forms of decoration are missing., Low quality parchment, with holes and irregular edges. The upper outer corner of f. 79 is torn away with loss of text., and Binding: Twentieth century. Glossy brown leather over pasteboard, both covers framed with blind-tooled fillets; spine with four raised bands; in the second compartment the gold-tooled inscription "LYDGATE - LIFE OF OUR LADY"; at the bottom: "C. 1450". Sprinkled edges.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Lydgate, John, 1370?-1451?
Subject (Topic):
Devotional literature, English (Middle), English poetry, Literature, Medieval, and Manuscripts, Medieval
In Middle English., Script: Written by a single scribe in a formal style of bastard Anglicana; delicately decorated ascenders and descenders along upper and lower edges of written space., On f. 5v a large coat of arms, Carent quartered with Toomer, in a green, orange, and gold frame, against a dark green ground, perhaps a slightly later addition; f. 6r, a small coat of arms, Carent, in the lower margin, against a gold ground, surrounded by a phylactery wrapped around the bar border. Arms supported by two seated dogs, in black pen, set in an oblong landscape, edged heavily in black., One 8-line (f. 6r), four 6-line (ff. 1r, 21r, 52r, 85v) and one 4-line (f. 106r) initials, blue and red with white highlights, filled with large four-lobed flowers and acanthus leaves, orange, green, pink, blue, and light blue, against irregular gold grounds, edged in black, with full (ff. 1r, 6r), 3/4 (ff. 52r, 85v) or single marginal (ff. 21r, 106r) borders. The full and 3/4 have gold, blue and red bands attached to initial, with curling and braided sections sprouting curling acanthus at corners; often against gold cusps, with spiraling black ink hair-spray vines with small green teardrop leaves, pink, brown, green, and blue flowers, and gold dots with small pink and blue leaves. 2-line gold initials on irregular blue and red grounds with white highlights, each with two sprigs of black hair-spray with green leaves and gold dots, as above. 1-line blue and gold initials, with red or pink penwork. Rubrics throughout., and Binding: Nineteenth century. Brown goatskin blind-tooled, with a gold-tooled title. Bound by Francis Bedford (London, 1800-84), who worked with C. Lewis and set up his own shop in 1841.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Lydgate, John, 1370?-1451? and Mary, Blessed Virgin, Saint.
Subject (Topic):
Devotional literature, English (Middle), Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval, and Manuscripts, Medieval
In Middle English., Layout: single columns of 17 lines., Script: gothic bookhand., Decoration: some initials, line fillers, underlining, in red ink., and Binding: nineteenth-century full brown morocco, gilt.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Topic):
Christian life, Devotional literature, English (Middle), English literature, English poetry, Manuscripts, Medieval, Salvation, and Typology (Theology)
Manuscript, on parchment, in a single hand, of the text of Love's translation of the Meditationes vitae Christi. Interpolated is an anonymous Middle English translation of the Meditationes de passione Christi
In Middle English., Ownership inscription of Sir John Gage on f. 126., Layout: single columns of 24 lines., Script: English bookhand., Decoration: initials in blue with red penwork; six initials in red., and Binding: nineteenth-century vellum.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Love, Nicholas, active 1410.
Subject (Topic):
Devotional literature, English (Middle), English literature, English prose literature, and Manuscripts, Medieval
Manuscript, on parchment, in a single hand, of Love's translation of the Meditationes vitae Christi
In Middle English., All corners repaired, not affecting main text block. Approximately 34 missing leaves; replaced by manuscript copies of the missing text in a modern cursive., Layout: single columns of 32 lines., Script: English bookhand., Decoration: rubricated. Some marginal note initials in blue with red penwork., and Binding: nineteenth-century blind-tooled brown morocco.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Love, Nicholas, active 1410.
Subject (Topic):
Devotional literature, English (Middle), English literature, English prose literature, and Manuscripts, Medieval
Manuscript on parchment of The Mirrour of the Blessed Lyf of Jesu Crist, translated into English by Nicholas Love. With Memorandum stating that the original copy of the translation was given to Thomas Arundell, Abp. of Canterbury, for his approval, in 1410
In Middle English., Script: Written by one hand in bastard Anglicana., Initials at beginning of each day, 4-line, on ff. 22r, 34r, 53r, 106r, gold against pink and blue grounds, with white filigree, partial borders of acanthus leaves and daisy buds in purple, pink, orange and blue, black hair-spray with green leaves and gold dots. (Similar initials or more important decoration probably occurred on the folios missing at the beginning of Prohemium, Monday, Friday and Chapter 64.) 3- and 2-lines initials gold against pink and blue, with white filigree, short border of hair-spray with green leaves and gold dots. 1-line initials and paragraph marks gold with blue penwork or blue with red used in text and in running titles and notations in outer margin. Line-fillers in blue and gold; rubrics throughout., Outer margin of f. 37 cut off., and Binding: 19th-20th centuries. Olive green goatskin, blind-tooled, with gold-tooled label. Two clasp-and-catch fastenings. Bound by Zaehnsdorf (London, ca. 1842-1930). Original flyleaf (f. iv) is a bifolium, inserted sideways, from a manuscript written in England, 14th century, in Anglicana formata. On the recto and verso at top, portions of a prose text by Richard Rolle; on the recto and verso at bottom, Rolle's Commandment of Love.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Love, Nicholas, fl. 1410. and Rolle, Richard, of Hampole, 1290?-1349.
Subject (Topic):
Devotional literature, English (Middle), English literature, Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval, and Manuscripts, Medieval
Manuscript, on vellum, in a single hand, of the complete text of Love's translation of the Meditationes vitae Christi, a text often attributed to Pseudo-Bonaventure or Johannes de Caulibus. This version concludes with the "additional" chapter on the sacrament
In Middle English., Presentation inscription at end of text, in red ink: This booke is gyffyne to Allyse Belacyse. Be the gyfte of Johane Countesse of kente., Presentation inscription following the previous, in black ink: I Allyse Belacyse, gyfe this booke to Elysabeth my serua[n]t wt. my handys., Layout: single columns of 34 lines., Script: English bookhand., Decoration: illuminated initial and a full illuminated bar border on the first page of text; other illuminated initials., and Binding: eighteenth-century full paneled calf, gilt. Six-compartmented spine, decorated, gilt. Spine tag in red leather: Lyffe of Jesu Criste.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut, New Haven., and England.
Subject (Name):
Love, Nicholas, active 1410.
Subject (Topic):
Devotional literature, English (Middle), English literature, Manuscripts, Medieval, Women, and Books and reading
Manuscript, on vellum, in a single hand, of the complete text of Love's translation of the Meditationes vitae Christi, a text often attributed to Pseudo-Bonaventure or Johannes de Caulibus. The manuscript also contains John Lydgate's Fifteen joys of Our Lady and the anonymous poems, The fifteen ooes of Christ and The charter of Our Lord Jesus Christ
In Middle English., Layout: single columns of 45 lines., Script: English bookhand., Decoration: illuminated initial and three-quarter border on first page of text; three other illuminated initials with gold., Verse ownership inscriptions of Erkynwald Gyttyns on three back flyleaves, accompanied by pen trials and sketches., Ownership inscription of Francis Layton on verso of third front flyleaf., and Binding: eighteenth-century half calf over marbled boards.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Love, Nicholas, active 1410. and Lydgate, John, 1370?-1451?
Subject (Topic):
Devotional literature, English (Middle), English literature, English poetry, and Manuscripts, Medieval
Manuscript roll, on vellum, in a single hand, containing Latin prayers from the Sarum breviary, followed by Middle English devotional lyrics
In Latin and Middle English., The Middle English lyrics appear in several other manuscripts, including the Vernon MS (Bodleian Library)., Layout: single column., Script: gothic bookhand., Decoration: initial large miniature of the Virgin Mary and child. Numerous burnished gold initials on red or blue grounds with foliate sprays; numerous internal initials in either burnished gold or red or blue penwork., and Binding: modern red morocco case.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut, New Haven., and Prayers, Medieval.
Subject (Topic):
Devotional literature, English (Middle), English literature, English poetry, and Manuscripts, Medieval
Manuscript roll, on parchment, in a single hand, of a collection of Middle English and Latin prayers. Reverse of roll contains horizontal inscription suggesting that the item may have been intended as a birth girdle
In Middle English and Latin., Possibly from Tewkesbury (contains a copy of a prayer said to have been carried away by the Devil from Our Lady of Tewkesbury)., Layout: single column., Script: English rounded bookhand., Decoration: four illustrations: the Three Nails, a Heart and Crown of Thorns; a Cross with the Instruments of the Passion; the Holy Wounds of Christ; and the Instruments of the Passion., and Binding: modern case.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Topic):
Devotional literature, English (Middle), English literature, English poetry, Manuscripts, Medieval, and Prayers, Medieval
Manuscript on parchment of 1) Psalter in English, in the 8-part liturgical division, beginning defectively. Text is the later version of the Wycliffite translation of the Psalms. 2-7) Book of Hours, use of Sarum. 8) St. Jerome's Psalter, with introductory prayer and text followed by a suffrage to the Virgin. With Notes on Historia, Alegoria, Anagogia, Tropologia
In Middle English and Latin., Script: Written in small, well formed gothic bookhand., Five 6- to 5-line initials at the liturgical divisions of the Psalter (Psalms 26, 52, 68, 80, 97; initials for Psalms 1, 38, and 109 missing, offset initials on ff. 35v, 109r, and 156r), pink and blue with white highlights against cusped gold grounds, filled with brown, blue, and pink foliage with curling foliate serifs; pink, blue and gold bar border in outer margin with foliate shoots, terminals and horizontal extensions full across in upper and lower margins. Eleven 5- to 4-line initials (ff. 139v, 158v, 161r, 162r, 163r, 163v, 164r, 165v, 168r, 169v, 176v), gold, edged in black against a cusped ground, quartered in blue and pink, with white highlights and floral hair-spray. 3-line initials, blue with red penwork throughout. Capitals alternating red and blue. Rubrics throughout. Red and blue line-fillers in litany., and Binding: 19th-20th centuries. Brown leather case, blind-tooled. Red edges. Smells like a Middleton binding.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Catholic Church
Subject (Topic):
Books of hours, Devotional literature, English (Middle), Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval, Manuscripts, Medieval, and Psalters
Manuscript, on parchment, in a single hand, of the complete text of Hilton's Scale of Perfection. Volume also contains the complete text of Hilton's brief tract, Of angels' song
In Middle English., Ownership inscription of John Price on recto of front flyleaf., Ownership inscription of Samuel Courthope Bosanquet on recto of second front flyleaf., Layout: single columns of approximately 30 lines., Script: English bookhand., Decoration: blue initials with red penwork., and Binding: contemporary white tawed leather over wooden boards; remains of hardware. Modern case.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Hilton, Walter, -1396.
Subject (Topic):
Devotional literature, English (Middle), English literature, English prose literature, Manuscripts, Medieval, and Mysticism
Manuscript, on parchment, in a single hand, containing the text of William of Nassington's poem. The Speculum vitae is followed by several other devotional texts in prose and verse, including Walter Hilton's prose commentary on Qui habitat and Bonum est; and poems on Purgatory, the evils of covetousness, a prayer to Jesus, and two dialogues, one between Christ and Man, and the second between Christ and a sinner
In Middle English, with rubrics in Latin., Ownership inscription for the Francisan convent at Lichfield?, dated 1486., Layout: double columns of 50-58 lines., Script: English bookhand., Decoration: initials in red and blue penwork., and Binding: original wooden boards, rebacked.
Subject (Geographic):
England., Connecticut, and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
William, of Nassington, -1354. and Franciscans
Subject (Topic):
Devotional literature, English (Middle), English literature, English poetry, English prose literature, Manuscripts, Medieval, and Purgatory
Manuscript on parchment (thick, furry) of Stimulus amoris, translated into English by Walter Hilton from a Latin devotional text often attributed to Bonaventure. Followed by an anonymous devotional treatise
In Middle English., Script: Written by a single scribe in bold, upright gothic textura; commentary added in an inelegant cursive (16th century)., One 4-line initial (f. 2v) gold, edged in black, against a blue and red cusped ground with white filigree, attached to a bar border in outer margin, gold, blue, and pink, with white highlights and leafy sprouts at divisions and terminals, orange, blue, red, and gold; the leaves with black hair-spray vines, both straight and in spirals, with small gold leaves and touches of green, filling upper, outer, and lower margins. Six initial I's (ff. 7v, 31v, 36v, 38v, 61v, 83v), 11- to 7-line, gold against blue and red grounds with white filigree and straight hair-spray vines, as above. 2-line gold initials, against blue and/or pink grounds, with white filigree and hair-spray, as above. Gold or blue paragraph marks with blue or red penwork and flourishes. Gold and blue line-fillers, straight, zig-zag, and wavy, some up to 3/4 of a line long. Headings, occasional underlining, and crossing out, in red., Trimming has affected some marginal commentary; f. 108 badly mutilated with loss of text. Leaves at beginning and end of codex stained and repaired., and Binding: Nineteenth century. Red edges. Brown goatskin, blind- and gold-tooled.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Jacobus, Mediolanensis, active 13th century.
Subject (Topic):
Devotional literature, English (Middle), Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval, and Manuscripts, Medieval
Manuscript, on vellum, in several hands, containing several Middle English devotional texts. The Abbey of the Holy Ghost is followed by The Meditation of St. Anselm; The Five Sorrows of the Virgin; and an explanation of how to say the Psalter of the Virgin. These are followed by a poem to the VIrgin ("Mari moder well [th]e bee"); a six-line political poem referring to Edward IV ("The lyon sens thre days"); and a recipe for a medicine for pestilence, in a later hand
In Middle English., Script: several hands., Decoration: Abbey of the Holy Ghost has initials in blue with red penwork., and Binding: modern full red morocco.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Edward IV, King of England, 1442-1483 and Mary, Blessed Virgin, Saint
Subject (Topic):
Allegory, Devotional literature, English (Middle), English literature, English poetry, English prose literature, Manuscripts, Medieval, Women, and Conduct of life
Manuscript on paper composed of two parts. Part I: The Mirrour of the Blessed Lyf of Jesu Christ (Meditationes vitae Christi), tr. Nicholas Love. Includes Adam of Dryburgh (Adam Scotus) O. Praem, later O. Carth. (d. 1212), De instructione animae; ends incomplete in I.4. Part II: The Thirty-Nine Articles (doctrinal formulas accepted by the Church of England), articles 1-19 only, in diagram form, all pages being organized in three sections titled "the truth", "the creed", and "errors".
Alternative Title:
Meditationes vitae Christi. English
In English and Latin., Script: Part I: Written by two scribes in Gothica Cursiva Libraria (Secretary very close to Anglicana). Part II: Written in careful Gothica Cursiva (Secretary)., Majuscules are heightened in red (?) up to f. 8v. Red paragraph marks (?). Plain red 2- to 4-line initials. A 4-line red (?) flourished initial with rather coarse penwork in (?), including a human head and a fish, on f. 1r., and Two parchment fly-leaves of the original binding are inserted after f. 100: they have been taken from a 13th-century manuscript and contain fragments of Codex Iustiniani, VI.3.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Church of England.
Subject (Topic):
Devotional literature, English (Middle), Manuscripts, Medieval, and Theology, Doctrinal
Manuscript on parchment (thick, furry) of 1) Richard Rolle, The Fire of Love. 2) Poem added, 16th century, by Richard Hutton. 3) Richard Rolle, The Mending of Life. 4) Verse life of John of Bridlington (d. 1379). Written in a Northern dialect; numerous marginal and interlinear notes in hands of 16th-17th centuries illustrate that the text was being read for comprehension in this period. Annotations include corrections (often by one individual on comments made by another), glosses on particular words, and whole passages transcribed in the margins
In English (Northern dialect)., Script: Written by a single scribe in bastard Secretary script. Marginal and interlinear glosses by several hands, 16th-17th centuries., Blue initials, 2-line, with elaborate pen-work flourishes, in red: zigzags along the margin and foliage designs in and around the body of letter. Underlining, initial strokes, and simple helical line-fillers, in red., and Binding: Fifteenth century. Original, wound sewing on seven small, double, tawed-skin supports laced into grooves on the inside of oak boards and pegged. Covered in pink, tawed skin with two strap-and-pin fastenings, flower-shaped pin bases on the lower board. Fastenings wanting and supports breaking. Original pastedowns from an antiphonal (England, 13th century) with parts of the office for Stephen at Matins and at Lauds; musical notation on 4-line red staves.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Rolle, Richard, of Hampole, 1290?-1349.
Subject (Topic):
Antiphonaries, Devotional literature, English (Middle), English poetry, and Manuscripts, Medieval
Manuscript, on vellum and paper, in several hands, containing a collection of texts in Latin and Middle English. Almost two-thirds of the volume consists of an untitled collection of Latin sermons, followed by a Latin verse text, Stimulus compassionis. Middle English texts include The three kings of Cologne, a devotional work in prose; Prester John, a travel narrative; John Lydgate's Middle English poem Stans puer ad mensam; and the Middle English verses The myrour of mankind and The treatise of a gallant
In Latin and Middle English., Title devised by cataloger., Most of the volume is parchment; 15 leaves toward the end of the volume are paper., Bookseller's description tipped in at front of volume., Spine title in gilt: M. S. Vellum., Layout: single columns of 26-31 lines., Script: several English cursive bookhands (Anglicana and secretary)., Decoration: numerous initials in blue with red penwork., and Binding: early eighteenth-century sheep over pasteboards. Nineteenth-century green morocco case with spine title: Ancient English Poetry M. S.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Lydgate, John, 1370?-1451? and Prester John (Legendary character)
Subject (Topic):
Conduct of life, Devotional literature, English (Middle), English literature, English poetry, English prose literature, Latin literature, Medieval and modern, Manuscripts, Medieval, and Sermons, Latin