Printed in blue ink. and Stamp: Atelier populaire, ex-Ecole des beaux-arts. From the Philippe Zoummeroff Collection of May 1968 Paris Counterculture.
Subject (Geographic):
France -- Politics and government -- 1958-1969 -- Posters
Subject (Topic):
College students -- France -- Paris -- Political activity -- Posters, General Strike, France, 1968 -- Posters, Political posters, French -- France -- Paris, and Protest movements -- France -- Paris -- Posters
Printed in green ink. and Stamp: Faculte des sciences. From the Philippe Zoummeroff Collection of May 1968 Paris Counterculture.
Subject (Geographic):
France -- Politics and government -- 1958-1969 -- Posters
Subject (Topic):
College students -- France -- Paris -- Political activity -- Posters, General Strike, France, 1968 -- Posters, Political posters, French -- France -- Paris, and Protest movements -- France -- Paris -- Posters
From the Philippe Zoummeroff Collection of May 1968 Paris Counterculture. and Printed in red ink.
Subject (Topic):
College students -- France -- Paris -- Political activity -- Posters, Fascism -- Greece -- Posters, General Strike, France, 1968 -- Posters, Political posters, French -- France -- Paris, and Protest movements -- France -- Paris -- Posters
Universite de Paris: IV Paris-Sorbonne, Groupe de lettres classiques., Etudes francaises
Published / Created:
Call Number:
BrSides Folio 2008 36
Image Count:
Resource Type:
Prints & Photographs
Printed in red ink. and Stamp: E´tudes franc¸aises, Groupe de lettres classiques, Sorbonne. From the Philippe Zoummeroff Collection of May 1968 Paris Counterculture.
Subject (Topic):
College students -- France -- Paris -- Political activity -- Posters, Concorde (Jet transports) -- Posters, General Strike, France, 1968 -- Posters, Political posters, French -- France -- Paris, and Protest movements -- France -- Paris -- Posters
From the Philippe Zoummeroff Collection of May 1968 Paris Counterculture. and Printed in blue ink.
Subject (Geographic):
France -- Politics and government -- 1958-1969 -- Posters
Subject (Topic):
College students -- France -- Paris -- Political activity -- Posters, General Strike, France, 1968 -- Posters, Labor movement -- France -- Paris -- Posters, Political posters, French -- France -- Paris, and Protest movements -- France -- Paris -- Posters
Revolution, le pouvoir est sur les lieux de travail non dans un referendum truque
From the Philippe Zoummeroff Collection of May 1968 Paris Counterculture. and Printed in red ink.
Subject (Geographic):
France -- Politics and government -- 1958-1969 -- Posters
Subject (Topic):
College students -- France -- Paris -- Political activity -- Posters, General Strike, France, 1968 -- Posters, Labor movement -- France -- Paris -- Posters, Political posters, French -- France -- Paris, and Protest movements -- France -- Paris -- Posters
In ms. with pencil: Mai 1969. From the Philippe Zoummeroff Collection of May 1968 Paris Counterculture., Printed in black and orange., and Sine.
Imprimerie coop A.G.E
Subject (Geographic):
France -- Politics and government -- 1958-1969 -- Posters
Subject (Topic):
College students -- France -- Paris -- Political activity -- Posters, General Strike, France, 1968 -- Posters, Political posters, French -- France -- Paris, and Protest movements -- France -- Paris -- Posters
Printed in grey ink. and Stamp: Atelier populaire, ex-Ecole des beaux-arts. From the Philippe Zoummeroff Collection of May 1968 Paris Counterculture.
Subject (Geographic):
France -- Politics and government -- 1958-1969 -- Posters
Subject (Topic):
College students -- France -- Paris -- Political activity -- Posters, General Strike, France, 1968 -- Posters, Labor movement -- France -- Paris -- Posters, Political posters, French -- France -- Paris, and Protest movements -- France -- Paris -- Posters
From the Philippe Zoummeroff Collection of May 1968 Paris Counterculture. and Printed in red and black.
Subject (Topic):
College students -- France -- Paris -- Political activity -- Posters, General Strike, France, 1968 -- Posters, Labor movement -- France -- Paris -- Posters, Political posters, French -- France -- Paris, and Protest movements -- France -- Paris -- Posters
Depicts three figures, 1 worker and 2 students. The speech balloon for the worker has Sans blague; one student says Ah, mon bon! La lutte des classes ...; the other Vous en faites pas, on va arranger tout ca!. and From the Philippe Zoummeroff Collection of May 1968 Paris Counterculture.
Subject (Geographic):
France -- Politics and government -- 1958-1969 -- Posters
Subject (Topic):
College students -- France -- Paris -- Political activity -- Posters, General Strike, France, 1968 -- Posters, Labor movement -- France -- Paris -- Posters, Political posters, French -- France -- Paris, and Protest movements -- France -- Paris -- Posters