The twelfth drawing in a series of twelve that follow a tradition of producing a series on modern morals, a tradition established earlier in the 18th century by artists such as William Hogarth. In this series, twin brothers are bestowed an equal fortune. One brother, Edward, husbands his wealth and on his death, passes on his fortune; whilst the other brother, Charles, squanders his, leaving his family destitute and In this twelfth drawing, Charles is in a coffin in his parlor. His wife cries into her handkerchief as two men with looks of pity point to the long sheet of paper with his list of debts. Her two children cling to her with fear and sadness. Two other men go about the room putting tags on the urns and other furnishings in preparation for their sale. The pistol on the sofa suggests Charles's suicide
Title from pencil notation below title., Signed "Dodd" in lower left and numbered '12' in ink in the upper right., Date range based on artist's active dates., and For further information, consult library staff.
Title etched below image., Publication place and date inferred from those of the periodical for which this plate was engraved., Two lines of text below image: The road has done me justice, but the gaming table has been my ruin. Beggars Opera., Plate from: The Political register and London museum. London : J. Almon, v. 2 (1768), p.129., Temporary local subject terms: Interiors: Treasury -- Theatrical costumes -- East India Company: directors -- Fire buckets -- Weapons: pistols -- George Dudley, ?1702-1777, Chairman of East India Company -- Robert James, fl. 1768, secretary of East India Company -- Thomas Rouse, d. 1771, Chairman of East India Company -- Literature: quotation from The beggars opera by John Gay., and Mounted to 37 x 28 cm.
publisher not identified
Subject (Name):
Pitt, William, Earl of Chatham, 1708-1778, Bute, John Stuart, Earl of, 1713-1792, Grafton, Augustus Henry Fitzroy, Duke of, 1735-1811, and East India Company.
A scene in a coffee-house. Two men, one in a queue wig and with a pistol, another in club wig and with a sword, are fighting a duel while three frightened customers are trying to leave and another one cowers behind a settee next to a low table with coffee service on it. Behind another settee, a barmaid holds up her hands in horror. The gentleman with the pistol uses it to parry the sword thrusts of his opponent whose forehead is bleeding. A cat with an arched back and a dog barks look at the scene from the left. The room is decorated with a large mirro and shelves with wine glases, china bowls, and pitchers
Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires.
Mansergh, R. St. George, active 1772-1778, printmaker
Published / Created:
[15 January 1772]
Call Number:
Folio 724 776D
Collection Title:
Leaf 20. Darly's comic-prints of characters, caricatures, macaronies, &c.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
On the left, a duelist has walked away from his opponent to take his place. He stops, his pistol pointed away from the scene, and looks behind in surprise as the other duelist, leaning heavily on his tasselled cane, appears to be ready to faint. On the extreme right, his second rushes towards him with a jar of smelling salts. In the foreground, the second of the first duelist, an obese macaroni in a long overcoat, points angrily with his cane to the ground
Title etched below image., Initial letters of publisher's name in imprint form a monogram., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., and On leaf 20.
Pubd. according to act by MDarly, Jany. 15th, 1772, (39) Strand
Subject (Topic):
Dandies, British, Dueling, Handguns, Loss of consciousness, Medicines, Obesity, and Staffs (Sticks)
Leaf 4. Darly's comic-prints of characters, caricatures, macaronies, &c.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
"Two men face each other with pistols, their seconds stand behind them. The duellist on the left kneels on one knee, his right arm outstretched, his pistol in his left hand, the barrel pointing upwards as if to ward off his opponent's shot; his left elbow rests on his knee. His second stands with his arms folded. The other has just fired his pistol which is aimed directly at his antagonist. His second, with a pistol in his left hand, is shouting with his right arm raised. They are in open country; hills are indicated in the distance."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Initial letters of publisher's name in imprint form a monogram., Temporary local subject terms: Macaronies, 1771 -- Male costume: Large buttons., and On leaf 4.
Title derived by curator from caption., Date of publication and subject's full name taken from copy in Metropolitan Museum of Art., Place of publication derived from language of text., and This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing.
publisher not identified
Subject (Name):
Liebschern, Johanna Sophia.
Subject (Topic):
Anomalies, Human curiosities, Handguns, Writing materials, and Hats
"A representation (not caricatured) of the duel between the Duke of York and Lennox on Wimbledon Common on 26 May. Lennox (left) fires at the Duke, who fires in the air. Above the Duke's head is written (in ink) 'Fire again Sir'. The two seconds stand beside their principals: Lord Winchilsea (left) and Lord Rawdon (right). In the distance is a man on horseback. Trees and grass form a background."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image. and Watermark.
Pub. May 27, 1789 by S.W. Fores, No. 3 Piccadilly
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain.
Subject (Name):
Frederick Augustus, Prince, Duke of York and Albany, 1763-1827., Richmond and Lennox, Charles Lennox, Duke of, 1764-1819., Winchilsea, George Finch, Earl of, 1752-1826., Hastings, Francis Rawdon-Hastings, Marquess of, 1754-1826., and Wimbledon Common (Wimbledon, London, England),
"Lady Charlotte Gordon and Col. Lennox leap over a broom which lies on the floor; she holds him by the left wrist and points towards a nuptial bed decorated with a coat of arms (that of the Duke of Gordon, freely sketched) and ducal coronet. The Duchess of Gordon (right) sits in profile to the left playing bagpipes and looking at the couple with a satisfied smile. Behind her chair is a bottle, inscribed 'Scotch Pint', and a wine-glass. Lennox wears regimentals and a hat, his right arm is held up as if dancing a Scots reel; a pair of pistols (an allusion to his duel with the Duke of York, see BMSat 7531, &c.) protrudes from his pocket. Lady Charlotte wears a large feathered hat. It is clear from her attitude and the expression of the Duchess that the bridegroom, though willing, has not taken the initiative."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Attributed to either Henry Wigstead or William Holland in the British Museum catalogue., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Publisher's advertisement below title: "In Holland's exhibition rooms may be seen the largest collection in Europe of humourous prints. Admitance [sic] One Shilling.", and Watermark: armorial shield with fleur-de-lis above and initials CS below.
Pubd. by W. Holland, No. 50 Oxford Street
Subject (Name):
Richmond and Lennox, Charles Lennox, Duke of, 1764-1819, Richmond and Lennox, Charlotte, Duchess of, 1768-1842, and Gordon, Jane Maxwell Gordon, Duchess of, d. 1812
Subject (Topic):
Dueling, Bagpipes, Bed, Bedrooms, Brooms, Glassware, Handguns, Military uniforms, British, and Musical instruments
"A wild affray round a circular gaming-table seen at close range, only the heads and shoulders of those on the nearer side of the table being visible. An angry military officer wearing a cocked hat, with an empty wallet on the table before him, leans forward aiming his pistol at a lean and elderly man whose 'chapeau bras' and long pigtail indicate that he is French. The latter covers a pile of guineas with his hand and aims a pistol at his assailant. Some of the players are falling over in their eagerness to escape. Between the combatants, and on the further side of the table, one man holds a chair above his head, about to smite the officer; a fellow-officer raises a bottle and a candle-stick to strike the Frenchman. All the persons (sixteen) are in violent action, with which their expressions correspond. Some are in flight, others about to intervene. On the table are a triple candle-stick, a dice-box and dice, a sword, a hat containing coins, and a purse."--British Museum online catalogue
Title from caption below image., Printmaker's signature from impression in British Museum., Description based on imperfect impression; sheet trimmed within plate mark and printmaker's signature has been mostly erased., and Watermark: J. Whatman.
Publish'd March 1790 by Wm. Holland, Oxford Street
Subject (Topic):
Candlesticks, Fighting, Gambling, Handguns, Men, French, Military uniforms, and British