"Missions Salésiennes. Indes I. 1. Hindou musulman." This man wears a turban on his head, is smoking a pipe, has a beard, and looks off to the side. The caption indicates that he is a Hindu Muslim.
"Missions d'Afrique - Soeurs Blanches du Cardinal Lavigerie. Type mutwa (pygmée)." A pygmy man poses for the camera in traditional attire. He is sitting on a chair. He has a necklace with hair on it and he is holding a stick and a bow. This postcard was printed in Lille, Belgium.
"22. - Indes. - Un triomphe de la Foi : un Indien de Haute Caste se fait Catéchiste des petits Parias - Missions des PP. Jésuites au Maduré [Madura]." A boy of a high caste speaks with younger boys from a lower caste. Some are sitting on the ground and some are standing. Additional information on the back directs donations to Paris and Lyon, France.
"Indes. - 2. Un santal de la mission de Patna visant dans le haut du palmier un singe qui grignote ou un oiseau qui se repose." A young man aims a bow and arrow at the top of a tree. He is standing on top of a boulder. This postcard was printed in Lyon, France.
"Les Capucins francais aux Indes. La Mission du Sacré-Coeur au Rajputana [Rajasthan]. Un sorcier bhil baptisé sur ses vieux jours." An elderly Bhil socerer who was baptized in his old age. Additional informationon the back directs monetary offerings to Paris, France.
"Les Capucins francais aux Indes (5e Série). La Mission du Sacré Coeur au Rajputana [Rajasthan]. 3. - Un Bhil drapé dans son "langoti."" A man drapes a langoti over his shoulder and smiles for the camera. Additional information on the back directs monetary offerings to Paris, France. There is a handwritten note on the back of this postcard.
"Missions D'Asie. Le poète hindou: Rabindranâth Tagore (1861-1941)." The Hindu poet Rabindranath Tagore poses for the camera by looking down towards the floor. He has a mostly white beard. The top of his head is not shown in the picture. This postcard was printed in France.
"Barbier." A barber shaves another man's beard. They are both sitting on the ground. The barber's tools are on the ground beside the two men. Additional text on the back asks for monetary donations for the missions and indicates that the postcard was printed in Antwerp, Belgium.