"11. Catéchistes Missionnaires de Marie-Immaculée. - Bengalore [Bengaluru]. En expédition: campement indien." Indigenous people and a missionary all work in an indigenous camp. Some food preparation items are visible, as well as piles of goods.
"Mission du Maduré [Madura]. Université St Joseph. 25. - Un étudiant Brahme Telougou, sectateur de Siva. Antoni Issar, Brahme Punjab, baptisé à Trichinopoly." The first man pictured is a Telugu Brahmin student and follower of Siva. The second man is Antoni Issar, a Punjab Brahman, who was baptized at Trichinopoly.
"Les Ursulines de l'Institut de Thildonck dans la Mission du Bengale, Indes. Au marché. On mesure au moyen du coude." Men, women, and children are depicted in what appears to be a marketplace. There is a handwritten note on the back.
“239. ̶ Madagascar. ̶ Type betsimisaraka.” A smiling boy is shown wearing an interesting necklace. The following information is printed on the back of the postcard: “Pour ‘l’Œuvre des Prêtres Malgaches’, 79, Avenue de Breteuil, Paris XVe. Ch. Post. 567-39 Paris”. Handwriting in French closely covers the back of the card.
“Madagascar. ̶ Betsileo.” A muscular Betsileo man is depicted in traditional clothing. The following information is printed on the back of the postcard: “Madagascar. Superficie: 590.000 kilomtres carrès – Population 3.400.000 habitants. Principaux produits: Vanille, Riz, Manioc, Pois du Cap, Café, Viande, Peaux, Cire, Raphia, Or, Pierres précieuses, Mica, Graphite, Mineraux radioactifs et autres. Pour tous renseignements à l’Agence économique de Madagascar, 40, Rue du Général-Foy, à Paris.” There is no handwriting on the back.
"Unidentified. Miner? Cave dweller? Beggar?" A man is shown hunkered down in the dirt in a dimly lit area. A fire appears to be burning in the background.
"Three Thibetans. Tibetans or Tribesmen. They used to come down to Chengtu [Chengdu] to trade. Also the missionaries often took trips into the Tribes Country and the C. I. M. had chapels there. Three young Tibetan men pose with their walking sticks.
"Ankwe natives. The youth is a Christian teacher" A youth and a woman of the Ankwe or Goemai people pose for the camera. The youth wears a flowing white robe and cap while the woman wears a wrap and headdress.
"Government clerk at Shendam. Mohammedan" A robed man with a cloth headcovering sits on a chair with a book on his knee. Two children are standing near him.