"Three Thibetans. Tibetans or Tribesmen. They used to come down to Chengtu [Chengdu] to trade. Also the missionaries often took trips into the Tribes Country and the C. I. M. had chapels there. Three young Tibetan men pose with their walking sticks.
"Ankwe natives. The youth is a Christian teacher" A youth and a woman of the Ankwe or Goemai people pose for the camera. The youth wears a flowing white robe and cap while the woman wears a wrap and headdress.
"Government clerk at Shendam. Mohammedan" A robed man with a cloth headcovering sits on a chair with a book on his knee. Two children are standing near him.
"A group of Brahmans who get their living by going about begging from the people." Six men and boys pose for the camera. They are all wearing rags. Some sit and some stand. One of them has white stripes painted on his body. This photograph is from an album prepared by W. K. Norton of The Pilgrims Mission, Benares [Vārānasi].