Copy of William Hogarth's satire on the "bad taste of the town", with different verses engraved below. The image is of a composite street scene with a theatre on either side and an "Academy of Arts" (Lord Burlington's recently remodelled house in Piccadilly) beyond; on the left, a fool and a devil are leading a crowd of masqueraders into the Opera House in the Haymarket from which hang a banner advertising an opera (based on British Museum satire no. 1768 with the singers Cuzzoni, Senesino and Berenstadt) and a sign for "Dr. Faux's [Isaac Fawkes] Dexterity of Hand", the impressario John James Heidegger leans from an upper window; on the right, a crowd is flocking to see the pantomime "Dr Faustus"; in the centre, a woman pushes a wheelbarrow of waste paper including volumes of Congreve, Dryden, Ottway, Shakespeare, Addison, and Ben John[son]; the gate of the Academy beyond is topped with statues of Michelangelo, Raphael and William Kent, admired by three gentlemen."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Bad taste of the town
Titles, state, publisher, and date from Paulson., Text and image on one plate., Two columns of four lines of verse engraved below image: Long has the stage productive been, Of offsprings it could brag on, But never 'till this age was seen, A wind-mill and a dragon. O Congreve, lay they pen aside, Shakespear, thy works disown, Since monsters grim, * nought beside. Can please this senseless town., Sheet trimmed to plate mark., Cf. No. 1742 in Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 2., Copy of Hogarth print. See Paulson, R. Hogarth's graphic works (3rd ed.), no. 44., On page 26 in volume 1., Ms. note in Steevens's hand above print: Copy., and Lengthy ms. note in Steevens's hand to the right of print describing how the print was pirated very soon after its publication.
publisher not identified
Subject (Name):
Heidegger, John James, 1659?-1748, Senesino, -1759?, Kent, William, 1685-1748, Cuzzoni, Francesco, approximately 1680-1759, Fawkes, Isaac, -1731, Burlington, Richard Boyle, Earl of, 1694-1753, and Hercules (Roman mythological character),
Subject (Topic):
Britannia (Symbolic character), City & town life, Clergy, Costumes, Dogs, and Masquerades
"Satire on the "bad taste of the town" (as described by Hogarth, Daily Courant, 24.ii.1724); a composite street scene with a theatre on either side and an "Academy of Arts" (Lord Burlington's recently remodelled house in Piccadilly) beyond; on the left, a fool and a devil are leading a crowd of masqueraders into the Opera House in the Haymarket from which hang a banner advertising an opera (based on British Museum satire no. 1768 with the singers Cuzzoni, Senesino and Berenstadt) and a sign for "Dr. Faux's [Isaac Fawkes] Dexterity of Hand", the impressario John James Heidegger leans from an upper window; on the right, a crowd is flocking to see the pantomime "Dr Faustus"; in the centre, a woman pushes a wheelbarrow of waste paper including volumes of Congreve, Dryden, Ottway, Shakespeare, Addison, and Ben John[son]; the gate of the Academy beyond is topped with statues of Michelangelo, Raphael and William Kent, admired by three gentlemen."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Bad taste of the town
Titles, state, and date from Paulson., "Price 1 shilling"--Before date, centered on lower edge., Two columns of four lines of verse engraved below image: Could new dumb Faustus, to reform the age, Conjure up Shakespear's or Ben Johnson's ghost, they'd blush for shame, to see the English stage Debauch'd by fool'ries, at so great a cost. What would their Manes say? should they behold Monsters and masquerades, where usefull plays Adorn'd the fruitfull theatre of old, And rival wits contended for the bays., Sheet trimmed to plate mark., and On page 26 in volume 1.
Wm. Hogarth
Subject (Name):
Heidegger, John James, 1659?-1748., Senesino, -1759?,, Kent, William, 1685-1748, Cuzzoni, Francesco, approximately 1680-1759, Fawkes, Isaac, -1731, Burlington, Richard Boyle, Earl of, 1694-1753, and Hercules (Roman mythological character),
Subject (Topic):
Britannia (Symbolic character), City & town life, Clergy, Costumes, Dogs, and Masquerades
"Satire on the "bad taste of the town" (as described by Hogarth, Daily Courant, 24.ii.1724); a composite street scene with a theatre on either side and an "Academy of Arts" (Lord Burlington's recently remodelled house in Piccadilly) beyond; on the left, a fool and a devil are leading a crowd of masqueraders into the Opera House in the Haymarket from which hang a banner advertising an opera (based on British Museum satire no. 1768 with the singers Cuzzoni, Senesino and Berenstadt) and a sign for "Dr. Faux's [Isaac Fawkes] Dexterity of Hand", the impressario John James Heidegger leans from an upper window; on the right, a crowd is flocking to see the pantomime "Dr Faustus"; in the centre, a woman pushes a wheelbarrow of waste paper including volumes of Congreve, Dryden, Ottway, Shakespeare, Addison, and Pasquin No. XCV"; the gate of the Academy beyond is topped with statues of Michelangelo, Raphael and William Kent, admired by three gentlemen."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Bad taste of the town
Titles, state, publisher, and date from Paulson., Text and image from two plates., "Price 1 shilling"--Before date, centered on lower edge., Two columns of four lines of verse engraved below image: Could new dumb Faustus, to reform the age, Conjure up Shakespear's or Ben Johnson's ghost, they'd blush for shame, to see the English stage Debauch'd by fool'ries, at so great a cost. What would their Manes say? should they behold Monsters and masquerades, where usefull plays Adorn'd the fruitfull theatre of old, And rival wits contended for the bays., Sheet trimmed to plate mark., and On page 26 in volume 1.
Wm. Hogarth
Subject (Geographic):
England and London.
Subject (Name):
Heidegger, John James, 1659?-1748, Senesino, -1759?, Kent, William, 1685-1748, Cuzzoni, Francesco, approximately 1680-1759, Fawkes, Isaac, -1731, Burlington, Richard Boyle, Earl of, 1694-1753, and Hercules (Roman mythological character),
Subject (Topic):
Britannia (Symbolic character), City & town life, Clergy, Costumes, Dogs, and Masquerades
"Satire on the "bad taste of the town" (as described by Hogarth, Daily Courant, 24.ii.1724); a composite street scene with a theatre on either side and an "Academy of Arts" (Lord Burlington's recently remodelled house in Piccadilly) beyond; on the left, a fool and a devil are leading a crowd of masqueraders into the Opera House in the Haymarket from which hang a banner advertising an opera (based on British Museum satire no. 1768 with the singers Cuzzoni, Senesino and Berenstadt) and a sign for "Dr. Faux's [Isaac Fawkes] Dexterity of Hand", the impressario John James Heidegger leans from an upper window; on the right, a crowd is flocking to see the pantomime "Dr Faustus"; in the centre, a woman pushes a wheelbarrow of waste paper including volumes of Congreve, Dryden, Ottway, Shakespeare, Addison, and Ben John[son]; the gate of the Academy beyond is topped with statues of Michelangelo, Raphael and William Kent, admired by three gentlemen."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Bad taste of the town
Titles, state, and date from Paulson., "Price 1 shilling"--Before date, centered on lower edge., Two columns of four lines of verse engraved below image: Could new dumb Faustus, to reform the age, Conjure up Shakespear's or Ben Johnson's ghost, they'd blush for shame, to see the English stage Debauch'd by fool'ries, at so great a cost. What would their Manes say? should they behold Monsters and masquerades, where usefull plays Adorn'd the fruitfull theatre of old, And rival wits contended for the bays., Sheet trimmed to plate mark., and Plate with text lacking; top plate with image only. Sheet 13.4 x 18.2 cm.
Wm. Hogarth
Subject (Name):
Heidegger, John James, 1659?-1748., Senesino, -1759?,, Kent, William, 1685-1748, Cuzzoni, Francesco, approximately 1680-1759, Fawkes, Isaac, -1731, Burlington, Richard Boyle, Earl of, 1694-1753, and Hercules (Roman mythological character),
Subject (Topic):
Britannia (Symbolic character), City & town life, Clergy, Costumes, Dogs, and Masquerades
"A voluminous petticoat worn over the head as a hood and reaching to the feet of its wearer, whose face, in profile to the left, appears through an aperture. One large gloved hand appears through a slit in the garment. A ducal coronet is on the wearer's head, low-heeled shoes suggest that the wearer is a man."--British Museum online catalogue and "A companion-print to British Museum Satires No. 5314. Perhaps a portrait of Alexander, 4th Duke of Gordon (1745-1827); portraits of the Duke show that this is not unlikely."--Curator's comments, British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Initial letters of publisher's name in imprint form a monogram., and On same sheet: The breeches in the fiera maschereta. [London] : Pub. by MDarly, 39 Strand, 25 Apl. 1775.
Leaf 74. Darly's comic-prints of characters, caricatures, macaronies, &c.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
"Caricature portrait, whole length, of a man in profile walking to the right, grotesquely dressed, probably for a masquerade. In his right hand he holds a rod to each end of which is slung a fox's tail. A large fox's tail hangs from the back of his neck. A bell hangs outwards from the back of his waist. A ribbon flutters from his right arm. He wears a small cap with a tuft of feathers at the top. Rows of feathers (quills) or ribbons hang from his cap, his waist, and from the tops of his stockings which leave his knees bare."--British Museum online catalogue and "At the masquerades (c. 1772) groups of young men from the universities, some dressed as "Tom fools with cap and bells", were conspicuous. ... Evidently intended for C. J. Fox, a leader of fashion and already a favourite subject of caricature."--Curator's comments, British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Initial letters of publisher's name in imprint form a monogram., Text above image: Tom Fool the First., Plate numbered "v. 3" in upper left corner and "8" in upper right corner., Temporary local subject terms: Macaronies -- Male costume., and Second of three plates on leaf 74.
Pub. accor. to act by MDarly, Strand
Subject (Geographic):
Subject (Name):
Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806
Subject (Topic):
Clothing & dress, Dandies, British, Costumes, Masquerades, and Feathers
Title from caption below image., Date of publication from British Museum catalogue., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., and Imprint statement altered. Ms. '6' added over last digit of year 1825.
Wilson, James, approximately 1735-approximately 1786, printmaker
Published / Created:
publish'd as the act directs, A.D. 1769.
Call Number:
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
In an oval frame, a half-length portrait of woman with a black veil over her head looks left. In her right hand she holds a mask; around her neck is cross. She wears pearl earrings, pearls in her hair, and a strand hangs from the jeweled rose at her breast
Alternative Title:
Fair nun unmasked
Title engraved below image., Printmaker identified in Chaloner Smith who based his description on the 1780 copy published by Sayer., Sheet trimmed to plate mark., Plate numbered '8' in lower left corner., Two lines of verse below title: On her white breast a sparkling cross she wore ... Pope., Reversed copy of this print was published in 1780., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., Temporary local subject terms: Female costume: masquerade dress -- Allusion to 'The Fair Nun' -- Literature: quotation from The rape of the lock, canto ii.7, by Alexander Pope, 1688-1744., and Watermark.
Printed for Carington Bowles, Map & Printseller, No. 69 in St. Pauls Church Yard, London
Subject (Topic):
Accessories (Clothing & dress), Dancers, Jewelry, Masks, and Masquerades
"An enormous pair of breeches reaching from the head to the feet of the wearer, and forming his (or her) sole visible garment. A face in profile to the right. appears through an unbuttoned aperture; on the wearer's head is a ducal coronet surmounted by large ostrich-feathers. The tiny high-heeled shoes suggest that the wearer is a woman."--British Museum online catalogue and "A companion-print to British Museum Satires No. 5315, where the wearer of a petticoat appears to be a man. They are perhaps caricatures of a ducal pair where the husband was dominated by an overbearing wife, in which case she would appear to be Jane Maxwell (1749?-1812), wife of the 4th Duke of Gordon. The profile makes this not unlikely."--Curator's comments, British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Initial letters of publisher's name in imprint form a monogram., and On same sheet: The petticoat at the fieri maschareta. [London] : Pub. Apr. 25, 1775, by MDarly, 39 Strand, [25 April 1775].
A grotesque bearded head attached to the body of a woman faces right under an enormous coiffure. Within the hair a scene in the top panel depicts a masquerade in a garden setting. A lower scene shows boats and barges, a reference to the first English regatta held 23 June 1775
Title from item., Place of publication from publisher's entry in I. Maxted's The London book trades., and Probably a companion print to: Bunters Hill. See British Museum catalogue no. 5378.
Pubd. accorg. to act of Parlt. July 9, 1776 by J. Lockington, Shug Lane, Golden Sque
Title from item., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., "Price. 6d.", Dickinson Imprint from earlier state in lower left corner, blacked out on plate but partially legible., Three columns of verse below image: Here, may the wand'ring eye with pleasure see both knaves and fools in borrow'd shapes agree ..., Copy, with English verse only, of No. 1635 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 2., Temporary local subject terms: Court manners: bowing -- Spring Gardens., and Mounted to 29 x 45 cm.
Printed for & sold by Geo. Foster at the White Horse opposite the north gate in St. Paul's Church Yard, London
"Interior of the Pantheon on Oxford Street, during a masquerade; the hall crowded with figures in costume dancing and making merry; a band plays on the stage; other figures on balconies to left and right."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Plate numbered in upper right, above image: Plate 60., and Plate from: Microcosm of London. London : R. Ackermann's Repository of Arts, No. 101 Strand, [1808-1810?], v. 2, opposite page 215.
Pub. 1st March 1809 at R. Ackermann's Repository of Arts, 101 Strand
Title from caption below image., Sheet trimmed within plate mark on right and left edges., and Temporary local subject terms: Quadrille -- Costume, 1826 -- Reference to Paul Pry -- Skeletons: The Living Skeleton.
Pubd. for the proprietor by Geo. Hunt, 18 Tavistock Stt., Covt. Garden
Satire in the form of a mock admission ticket; a masquerade consisting of debauched looking characters in costume; at left, 'A', 'a sacrifice to Priapus', an altar to Priapus decorated with ram's heads and antlers, in front of which the figure of Time is stabbed by a bishop and a butcher, his blood pouring into a bowl held up by a monkey in a surplice; opposite at right, burning hearts on an altar to Venus and Cupid decorated with doves and wigs; at the back of the room, a painting of a Bacchic subject, to either side shelves with jellies and cakes, labelled provactives, and two signs with the obscene pun 'Supper below'; to either side, 'B', two 'Lecherometers' in the form of barometers, at left labelled 'Expectation Hope Hot desire Extreem Hot Moist Sudden Cold', at right 'Cool Warm Dry Changable Hot moist Fixt'; above the design at centre, a clock with Heidegger's face at top, the hour hand 'Wit', the minute hand 'Impertinence', the second hand 'Nonsense', to either side a lolling unicorn and lion, stroking their tails between their legs. Cf. British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., State, date, and printmaker from Paulson., State with "Prouocatiues" changed to "Provocatives"., Caption below title: A. a sacrifice to Priapus. B. a pair of Lecherometers shewing [the] companys inclinations as they approach em. Invented for the use of ladys & gentlemen by [the] ingenious Mr. H[eidegge]r., "Price one shiling."--Lower left corner., Sheet trimmed to plate mark., Ms. note in Steevens's hand above print: See Nichols's book, 3d edit. p. 150 / Great masquerade., and On page 46 in volume 1.
publisher not identified
Subject (Name):
Heidegger, John James, 1659?-1748,
Subject (Topic):
Allegories, Animals, Goddesses, Gods, Erotica, Masquerades, and Sacrifices
Reduced copy of Hogarth's satire in the form of a mock admission ticket; a masquerade consisting of debauched looking characters in costume; at left, 'A', 'a sacrifice to Priapus', an altar to Priapus decorated with ram's heads and antlers, in front of which the figure of Time is stabbed by a bishop and a butcher, his blood pouring into a bowl held up by a monkey in a surplice; opposite at right, burning hearts on an altar to Venus and Cupid decorated with doves and wigs; at the back of the room, a painting of a Bacchic subject, to either side shelves with jellies and cakes, labelled provactives, and two signs with the obscene pun 'Supper below'; to either side, 'B', two 'Lecherometers' in the form of barometers, at left labelled 'Expectation Hope Hot desire Extreem Hot Moist Sudden Cold', at right 'Cool Warm Dry Changable Hot moist Fixt'; above the design at centre, a clock with Heidegger's face at top, the hour hand 'Wit', the minute hand 'Impertinence', the second hand 'Nonsense', to either side a lolling unicorn and lion, stroking their tails between their legs. Cf. British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., "Page 325". Upper right corner. From Ireland's Supplement to Hogarth illustrated., Sheet trimmed to plate mark., Cf. Paulson, R. Hogarth's graphic works (3rd ed.), no. 108., Ms. note in Steevens's hand at bottom of print: From J. Ireland's Hogarth illustrated., and On page 46 in volume 1.
J. Ireland
Subject (Name):
Heidegger, John James, 1659?-1748
Subject (Topic):
Allegories, Animals, Goddesses, Gods, Erotica, Masquerades, and Sacrifices
In a bedroom of The Bagnio, the mortally-wounded Earl leans on a table, the countess kneeling before him with clasped hands. Behind her on the right Silvertongue escapes through the window. On the left the watchmen stand in the doorway with startled expressions. The floor is strewn with clothing including a hooped petticoat, masks, the countess's shoes and her stays. The painting above the door, the mural on the back wall, and the portrait near the window illustrate the theme
Title engraved below image., In lower left corner: Size of picture 3 ft. by 2 ft. 4 in., After the painting "The Bagnio" in the National Gallery, London., Sheet trimmed to plate mark., No. 5 in a series of 6 images. Series title engraved below image., Copy of: Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 3, no. 2748., Copy of: Paulson, R. Hogarth's graphic works (3rd ed.), no. 162., and Copy of: Paulson, R. Hogarth's graphic works (1st ed.), no. 232.
Pub. Aug. 1, 1800, by J. & J. Boydell, No. 90, Cheapside & at the Shakspeare Gallery, Pall Mall, London
In a bedroom of The Bagnio, the mortally-wounded Earl leans on a table, the countess kneeling before him with clasped hands. Behind her on the right Silvertongue escapes through the window. On the left the watchmen stand in the doorway with startled expressions. The floor is strewn with clothing including a hooped petticoat, masks, the countess's shoes and her stays. The painting above the door, the mural on the back wall, and the portrait near the window illustrate the theme
Title engraved below image., The engraver's initials 'R.F. Ravenet' are a mistake for 'S.F.' or Simon François., and Sheet trimmed within plate mark.
In a bedroom of The Bagnio, the mortally-wounded Earl leans on a table, the countess kneeling before him with clasped hands. Behind her on the right Silvertongue escapes through the window. On the left the watchmen stand in the doorway with startled expressions. The floor is strewn with clothing including a hooped petticoat, masks, the countess's shoes and her stays
Alternative Title:
Marriage a-la-mode. Plate 4
Title engraved below image., State from Paulson., After the painting "The Bagnio" in the National Gallery, London., 1 print : etching and engraving on laid paper ; plate mark 38.5 x 46.3 cm, on sheet 45 x 56 cm., and Leaf 20 in: Album of William Hogarth prints.
Plate 20. Queen Charlotte's collection of Hogarth works.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
In a bedroom of The Bagnio, the mortally-wounded Earl leans on a table, the countess kneeling before him with clasped hands. Behind her on the right Silvertongue escapes through the window. On the left the watchmen stand in the doorway with startled expressions. The floor is strewn with clothing including a hooped petticoat, masks, the countess's shoes and her stays
Alternative Title:
Marriage a-la-mode. Plate 5
Title engraved below image., State from Paulson., After the painting "The Bagnio" in the National Gallery, London., 1 print : etching and engraving on laid paper ; plate mark 38.4 x 46.6 cm, on sheet 46 x 59 cm., and Plate 20 in the album: Queen Charlotte's collection of Hogarth works.
Plate 20. Queen Charlotte's collection of Hogarth works.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
In a bedroom of The Bagnio, the mortally-wounded Earl leans on a table, the countess kneeling before him with clasped hands. Behind her on the right Silvertongue escapes through the window. On the left the watchmen stand in the doorway with startled expressions. The floor is strewn with clothing including a hooped petticoat, masks, the countess's shoes and her stays
Alternative Title:
Marriage a-la-mode. Plate 5
Title engraved below image., State from Paulson., After the painting "The Bagnio" in the National Gallery, London., 1 print : etching and engraving on laid paper ; plate mark 38.4 x 46.6 cm, on sheet 46 x 59 cm., and Plate 20 in the album: Queen Charlotte's collection of Hogarth works.
Plate 20. Queen Charlotte's collection of Hogarth works.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
In a bedroom of The Bagnio, the mortally-wounded Earl leans on a table, the countess kneeling before him with clasped hands. Behind her on the right Silvertongue escapes through the window. On the left the watchmen stand in the doorway with startled expressions. The floor is strewn with clothing including a hooped petticoat, masks, the countess's shoes and her stays
Alternative Title:
Marriage a-la-mode. Plate 5
Title engraved below image., State from Paulson., After the painting "The Bagnio" in the National Gallery, London., Ms. note, and On page 119 in volume 2. Sheet trimmed to: 38.1 x 46.1 cm.
In a bedroom of The Bagnio, the mortally-wounded Earl leans on a table, the countess kneeling before him with clasped hands. Behind her on the right Silvertongue escapes through the window. On the left the watchmen stand in the doorway with startled expressions. The floor is strewn with clothing including a hooped petticoat, masks, the countess's shoes and her stays
Alternative Title:
Marriage a-la-mode. Plate 4
Title engraved below image., State from Paulson., After the painting "The Bagnio" in the National Gallery, London., and Formerly on page 118 in volume 2. Removed in 2012 by LWL conservator.
Plate 20. Queen Charlotte's collection of Hogarth works.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
In a bedroom of The Bagnio, the mortally-wounded Earl leans on a table, the countess kneeling before him with clasped hands. Behind her on the right Silvertongue escapes through the window. On the left the watchmen stand in the doorway with startled expressions. The floor is strewn with clothing including a hooped petticoat, masks, the countess's shoes and her stays
Alternative Title:
Marriage a-la-mode. Plate 5
Title engraved below image., State from Paulson., and After the painting "The Bagnio" in the National Gallery, London.
Opposite page 15. Trial of Elizabeth duchess dowager of Kingston for bigamy, before the Right
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
An engraving, showing a scene from the Venetian Ambassadors Masquerade in which Miss Chudleigh appears wearing stockings, shoes, and a tunic, the last covering only a very small portion of her person, and taking off her mask on being seized round the waist by a gentleman. "Punch", "Judy", and another masquerader, George II?, are behind
Title from text below image., Attributed to Charles Moseley in the British Museum online catalogue, registration no.: 1868,0808.3894., Date of publication from the British Museum catalogue., Sheet trimmed within plate mark on three sides., "Price 6 d."--Lower right corner of plate., and Bound in opposite page 15 in an extra-illustrated copy of: The trial of Elizabeth duchess dowager of Kingston for bigamy, before the Right Honourable the House of Peers ... London : Printed for Charles Bathurst, in Fleet-Street, MDCCLXXVI [1776].
publisher not identified
Subject (Geographic):
England and England.
Subject (Name):
Bristol, Elizabeth Chudleigh, Countess of, 1720-1788 and Bristol, Elizabeth Chudleigh, Countess of, 1720-1788.
"Satire on John Heidegger and the taste for the masquerades which he promoted. A London street scene in the foreground of which Heidegger sprawls on the ground, his watch and coins falling from his pocket, as he begs mercy of Hercules. Hercules, clad in a lion skin, raises his club threateningly; with his right hand he holds a chain encircling a large group of masqueraders, some of whom have their hands tied behind their backs, their props or accessories are scattered on the ground; other masqueraders climb out of the windows of the building behind. On the left, Piety, Wisdom and Britannia emerge from a church followed by clergymen; beggars ask for alms, one holds a dog on a lead who rushes towards Heidegger. Mercury flies overhead holding a scroll lettered, "The Masquerade destroyt".
Title etched below image., Artist unidentified., Date 1727 by Paulson, R. Hogarth's graphic works, (3rd ed.), p. 48. Dated "ca. 1724" in the British Museum catalogue., According to John Nicholls in his Biographical anecdotes of William Hogarth (1785, p.134), this print inspired Hogarth's "Masquerades and Operas" (British Museum satires no. 1742), but the reverse may be the case., "Price 1 shilling"--Lower left., Sheet trimmed to plate mark., On page 26 in volume 1., and Ms. note in Steevens's hand above: An anonymous print to which Hogarth was indebted. See the following print.
publisher not identified
Subject (Name):
Heidegger, John James, 1659?-1748. and Hercules (Roman mythological character),
Subject (Topic):
Britannia (Symbolic character), City & town life, Clergy, Costumes, Dogs, and Masquerades
The eighth drawing in a series of twelve that follow a tradition of producing a series on modern morals, a tradition established earlier in the 18th century by artists such as William Hogarth. In this series, twin brothers are bestowed an equal fortune. One brother, Edward, husbands his wealth and on his death, passes on his fortune; whilst the other brother, Charles, squanders his, leaving his family destitute and In this eighth drawing, Charles is dressed in costume at a crowded masquerade with other elaborately dressed party goers in an elegant ballroom
Title from pencil notation below title., Signed "Dodd" in lower left and numbered '8' in ink in the upper right., Date range based on artist's active dates., and For further information, consult library staff.
Subject (Topic):
Allegorical drawings, Ballrooms, Costumes, Masquerades, and Parables
Title from item., Publication place and date from book in which this print was published., Two columns of verse in English on left below image: Here, may the wand[e]ring eye with pleasure see Both knaves and foolls [sic] in borrow[e]d shapes agree ..., Two columns of verse in Dutch on right below image: Hier kan 't Nieuwsgierig oog met Lust en ruymte weyen ..., Plate 14 from: Het groote tafereel der dwaasheid ... , v. 2., Temporary local subject terms: Architecture: assembly room., and Watermark in the right part of sheet.
A view of Ranelagh Gardens during a masquarade, with the revellers wearing masks. After a design by Canaletto. For an engraving of the same scene in reverse, published by Robert Sayer in 1752, see British Museum online catalogue, registration no.: 1880,1113.2450
Alternative Title:
View of the canal, Chinese building, rotunda, &c. in Ranelagh Gardens, with masquerade, Vüe du canal, du batiment chinois, de la rotunda, &c. des Jardins de Ranelagh, un jour de masquarade, and Masquerade angloise
Title etched below image., Additional title "Masquerade angloise" at top of plate, etched as a mirror image., Signed in lower right corner with an illegible printmaker's signature., Date of publication from dealer's description., Sheet trimmed within plate mark on right and left sides., A 'vuë d'optique', designed to be viewed through an optical viewer that gives a sense of depth perspective; the scene is reversed, as is the additional title at top., Manuscript number "9" written in ink at bottom of sheet, centered., Mounted on board., and Windows of the rotunda in image cut out by hand and inset with hand-painted multi-color inserts, which appear illuminated when a light is held from behind.
"A circular building (the Rotunda) in the background and a Chinese structure on a lake reached by a bridge"--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Vüe du canal, du bâtiment, Chinois, de la Rotunda, &c. des Jardins de Ranelagh, un jour de masquarade
Title from caption below image., Terminal date of publication based on printseller's street address. See British Museum online catalogue., Later reissue of a print published in 1752. See British Museum online catalogue., "Publish'd according to act of Parliament"--Below image., and Plate numbered "74" in upper right corner.
Printed for & sold by Robt. Sayer at the Golden Buck, opposite Fetter Lane, Fleet Street
Title etched below image., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., and Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires.
Published 4th April 1795 by Laurie & Whittle, 53 Fleet Street, London
Subject (Topic):
Black people, Punch and Judy, Falstaff, John, Turks, Devil, and Masquerades
Mr. Harley, with a very large belly and a shirt with lace trim, standing full-length in profile to right wearing on his head a cuckold's horns from which hangs a sign "A room to lett unfurnish'd". From his mouth a bubble reading, "I am one of the heads of the city." In his left hand a book open to pages that read, "The city poll dedicated to the Cheese mongers, trunk makers, etc. From his right pocket a letter, "At the court of C.C., it was carried NEM-CON that he was realy & not politically ill."
Alternative Title:
Figure that appeared in a Mazarine gown
Title etched above image., Publication date in British Museum catalogue: October 10, 1768, the date of the masquerade., Plate from: The Oxford magazine or, Universal museum ... London : Printed for the authors, v. 1 (1768), p. 148., and Mounted to 30 x 36 cm.
Oxford Magazine
Subject (Geographic):
England and Great Britain.
Subject (Name):
Harley, Thomas, 1730-1804
Subject (Topic):
Clothing & dress, City council members, Horns (Anatomy), Masquerades, and Obesity