Manuscript, in unidentified hand, on paper, containing a description of several alchemical and medical ingredients and processes. Includes a table of contents, using alchemical symbols, on f. 1: Aurum potabile (ff. 1-4), Lapis animalis (ff. 4-14), Lapis Vegetabilis (ff. 14-19), Lapis mineralis (ff. 19-26), Aurum potabile (ff. 26-30), Tinctura cum mercurio (ff. 30-33), Tinctura magna (ff. 33-36), Das war Auz[] pota[]le (ff. 36-41), Testamentum Raimundi Lulii (ff. 41-58), [mercuriis?] corporibus, Sequitur solutiones, Tinctura animalis, Tinctura albedinis (ff. 77-80), Coagulatio Mercurii (ff. 80-82), De oro argento (ff. 82-83), Verus elixir (ff. 83-86), Secreta Antionii (ff. 86-92), Proiectio (ff. 92-99).
In Latin and German., Title devised by cataloger., Script: gothic cursiva., Decoration: headings in red ink. Spare rubrication., Layout: single column of around 17 lines., Binding: red vellum binding., and Foliation in later hand.
Subject (Topic):
Alchemy, Manuscripts, Materia medica, Medicine, Medicine, Medieval, and Medicine, Magic, mystic, and spagiric
Manuscript on paper containing 1) Propugnaculum alchymiae, the Defence of alchymy. 2) The first (second, third, fourth) booke of universall wisedome. 3) Hercules piochymicus. 4) Myrothecium spagyricum, or A chymicall dispensatory
In English., Script: Written in a clear cursive hand with some secretary elements., Watermarks: Paper with rather faint large watermark of a fleur-de-lys within a cartouche, surmounted by staff with cross and letter "M," not certainly identified., Very moderate abbreviation, headlines and marginalia throughout by the scribe., Anonymously translated into English., Accompanied by: By the King's letters patent. A machine on a new principle. Shelved as Mellon MSS 76a., and Binding: Early eighteenth-century English binding of parchment over pasteboards, somewhat unglued and with defects, the backstrip divided into eight compartments by raised bands, the compartments gold-tooled with floral motifs; binder's endpapers watermarked with a fleur-de-lys mark, countermarked "VI," closely related to Heawood 1544, 1552, and 1554.